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Jack and Peter spend a night in a strange empty house What time is it, Peter? It's late.

It's eleven o'clock at night It's cold And it's frightening I'm tired let's sleep Yes, let's sleep Listen! What is it? It's nothing. It's only the wind. Let's sleep Peter, what time is it? It's three o'clock in the morning. It's late Yes, it's late. let's sleep. listen, Peter! Eh? Listen! What is it? It's nothing. It's only the wind. let's sleep it's eight o'clock The sun is shining in the sky It's a happy, lovely day it's eight o'clock in the morning and it's time to be on my way On my way It's eight o'clock in the morning The sky is so bright and clear it's eight o'clock in the morning And it's time to be leaving here, Leaving here It's eight o'clock in the morning It's another happy day It's eight o'clock in the morning And it's time to be on my way On my way

Jack y Peter pasar una noche en una casa vaca extraa Qu hora es, Peter? Es tarde. Son las once de la noche Hace fro Y es aterrador Estoy cansada vamos a dormir S, vamos a dormir Escucha! Qu es? No es nada. Es slo el viento. Vamos a dormir Peter, qu hora es? Son las tres en punto de la maana. Ya es tarde S, es tarde. vamos a dormir. escucha, Peter! Eh? Escucha! Qu es? No es nada. Es slo el viento. vamos a dormir son las ocho El sol brilla en el cielo Es un da feliz, encantador son las ocho de la maana y es hora de seguir mi camino marcharme Son las ocho en punto de la maana El cielo es tan brillante y claro son las ocho de la maana Y es hora de salir de aqu, Irme de aqu Son las ocho en punto de la maana Es otro da feliz Son las ocho en punto de la maana Y es hora de seguir mi camino marcharme

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