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The Role of Dental Health in Survival - YouTube Explorar Subir vdeo yotrebora Buscar Canal Vdeos Suscripciones Bandeja

de entrada Configuracin Salir Cargando... Anuncio The Role of Dental Health in Survival ThePatriotNurse 43 vdeos Suscribirse Suscrito Cargando... Cargando... Actualiza a Flash Player 10 para obtener un rendimiento de reproduccin mejorado. Actualiza ahora o consulta ms informacin. cerrar17092 Me gustaAadir aCompartir Cargando... Subido por ThePatriotNurse el 27/05/2011 Another whirlwind adventure with Patriot Nurse in all matters Dental! Categora: Consejos y estilo Etiquetas: dental survival bugout shtf collapse preparedness storage Licencia: Licencia de YouTube estndar Me gusta: 483 No me gusta: 5 Como se ve en: Suburban Survival Blog Mostrar ms Mostrar menos Enlace a este comentario Compartir en: Mejores comentarios I gotta go brush my teeth now lol ImASovereignMan hace 5 meses 11 Thank you PN, the only thing I have found wrong is that your uploading new videos is in direct relation to the "trolls" and "rude comments" toward oneself! I am sorry for your reactions of these verbal assaults on you. There is no reason for them and the fact that a person has to attack you, is a reflection of their halfheartedness and self hardheartedness to-wit has come from plain ol' hate!AttaGirl for continuing to put forth fantastic videos which educate your viewers!!!THANK YOU !!!!!!!! LMarshall32 hace 4 meses 8 Ver todos Todos los comentarios (273)Reacciones (1) Responder a este vdeo... caracteres restantes Cancelar o bienPublicar Cul es tu reaccin?0gracioso 0increble 0clsico 1precioso 0cmo? 0ay! o crea una respuesta en vdeo

Mom uses a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to swish her teeth must work - only lost one toof in 86 yrs.You might want to look into Thief's Oil - thieves would use it to protect against the Black Plague when looting dead folk's houses. Wipe it on your gums - fixes a lot of things. Great video nectarine36 hace 6 das Other things to store for the mouth..... Myrrh oil... neem oil.... peroxide..... baking sodaAs for sugar what about stevia? faithslanding hace 1 semana Patriot Nurse I want to make love to you. dontloseyourfingers hace 3 semanas Nice, I HATE sugar. hubbabubbarubbalubba hace 1 mes Responder Compartir Eliminar Marcar como spam Bloquear usuario Desbloquear usuario sweetner subsitute also helps set in cavities as it won't feed the cavity. Fluoride works as an adhesive for bonding calcium in your saliva to the teeth. If you're calcium deficient it doesn't help you. So stock up on supplements if you're concerned. Also if you hate convential dentistry look up ozone treatment and laser treatments. I've not been to the dentist in over 10 years aside from a chipped tooth and my impacted wisdom teeth. The knowledge is out there. Seek it. Most of all, NO SODAS! WhiteWolfofMeggido hace 2 meses I wish I would've seen this earlier. I just got my wisdom teeth taken out last week. The was my last "medical prep" to get taken care of. Just a couple things. To prevent cavities- brush with baking soda and salt mix. Use a rinsing solution. Aloe vera is great for your gums. Myrrh is great for dissinfecting and soothing gum/tooth pain. Oil of Oregano can kill cavities and clean your mouth. Colloidal silver also great for gums and teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is good also. Using xylitol as a .... WhiteWolfofMeggido hace 2 meses Thanks I've been starting to take better care of my teeth didn't know about the soft bristles great tip! time to switch I guess all my extra medium bristles will have to become trade items:) YJPrepper hace 2 meses I love the accent...."clove owll." : ) snidelywhiplash hace 2 meses Ver todos los comentarios 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Siguiente Cargando... Anuncio 1:06Aadir aPatriotNurse on Survival Podcast Tomorrow!de ThePatriotNurseVisto 10937 veces 15:23Aadir aBeans, Bullets and Band-aidsde ThePatriotNurseVisto 23683 veces 8:31Aadir aBUGOUT and SHTF Feminine Hygienede ThePatriotNurseVisto 18652 veces 8:41Aadir aWho Will Die First when SHTF: A WARNINGde ThePatriotNurseVisto 184972 veces 6:12Aadir aThe Most Effective Tool Used By The Illuminati 1Cynic1Visto 51155 veces 1:40Aadir aErika cant shoot a Glock!! But she looks good cory07inkVisto 15505 veces 9:44Aadir a5 Diseases that will Explode WSHTFde ThePatriotNurseVisto 31096 veces 9:17Aadir aresponse to the patriot nurse's videode dgandy14Visto 2593 veces 3:46Aadir amy AR-15 vs. milk jugsde faliaphotographyVisto 29754 veces 2:50Aadir aSHTF Prep: Dollar store and Thrift Storede GaryMuleVisto 16504 veces 4:34Aadir a(SHTF) Low Profile Hunting Weaponsde survivalists2012Visto 10302 veces 2:39Aadir aFood Storage -

Extending life of oils, peanut MsAnna4040Visto 430 veces 9:58Aadir athe police and military when the SHTFde thearmysredneckVisto 74556 veces 9:27Aadir aSurvivalMedicine #13 -- Med Shelf Lifede SurvivalMedicineVisto 703 veces 8:17Aadir aThe Psychological Impact of Collapse-- ThePatriotNurseVisto 17009 veces 3:19Aadir aSHTF - - It happenedde integrityfsVisto 620 veces 9:21Aadir aFSA, FEMA and First Aidde FrugalPrepperVisto 659 veces 2:53Aadir aUrban Survival Guide - Book reviewde FrugalPrepperVisto 761 veces 9:11Aadir aThe Psych System in SHTFde ThePatriotNurseVisto 18666 veces 7:09Aadir aHow to Give an IM Injection (Butt and Leg Shot)de ThePatriotNurseVisto 54389 veces Cargando ms sugerencias... Cargar ms sugerencias Ayuda Acerca de Prensa y blogs Copyright Creadores y partners Publicidad Desarrolladores Seguridad Privacidad Condiciones Notificar un error Prueba algo nuevo! Idioma: Espaol Ubicacin: Argentina Modo de seguridad: Desactivado Cargando... 0 / 00Lista de reproduccin no guardada Volver a la lista activa Opciones Tu lista est vaca. Aade vdeos a la lista con el botn o carga otra lista. Cargando...Guardando...Guardar como una nueva lista de reproduccin Borrar todos los vdeos de esta lista Cargar otra lista de reproduccin Ms informacin Cargando listas de reproduccin...

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