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Ayer se fue, tom sus cosas y se puso a navegar, una camisa, un pantaln vaquero, y una cancin. Dnde ir, dnde ir. Se despidi, y decidi batirse en duelo con el mar, y recorrer el mundo en su velero, y navegar, nai na na, navegar. Y se march, y a su barco le llam Libertad, y en el cielo descubri gaviotas, y pint, estelas en el mar. Y se march, y a su barco le llam Libertad, y en el cielo descubri gaviotas, y pint, estelas en el mar. Su corazn, busc una forma diferente de vivir, pero las olas le gritaron: vete, con los dems, nai na na, con los dems. Y se durmi, y la noche le grit: donde vas, y en sus sueos dibuj gaviotas, y pens, hoy debo regresar. Y regres, y una voz le pregunt: como ests, y al mirarla descubri, unos ojos, nai na na, azules como el mar. Y se march, y a su barco le llam Libertad, y en el cielo descubri gaviotas, y pint, estelas en el mar. Y se march, y a su barco le llam Libertad, y en el cielo descubri gaviotas, y pint, estelas en el mar.


Yesterday is gone, Took his things and began to browse,

A shirt, jeans, And a song. Where to go, Where to go. He said goodbye, And decided to fight a duel with the sea, And touring the world on his sailboat, And surf, nai na na, surf. And he was gone, And his boat was called Freedom, And gulls found in heaven, And painted, trails in the sea. And he was gone, And his boat was called Freedom, And gulls found in heaven, And painted, trails in the sea. His heart, Sought a different way of living, But the waves shouted: go, With others, nai na na, with others. And he slept, Night and shouted: where you go, And in his dreams drew gulls, And thought; now I must return. He returned, And a voice asked as you are,

And looking at it discovered Eyes, nai na na, blue as the sea. And he was gone, And his boat was called Freedom, And gulls found in heaven, And painted, trails in the sea. And he was gone, And his boat was called Freedom, And gulls found in heaven, And painted, trails in the sea.

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