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Offer Ofrecer Comprometerse a dar, hacer o decir algo.

. What kinds of help services and academic guidance does the school offer?

Practice Practicar
Ejercitar, poner en prctica algo que se ha aprendido y especulado. How are you going to make this work in practice?

Present Presentar
Hacer manifestacin de algo, ponerlo en la presencia de alguien. The present report did not adequately address those issues.

Read Leer Pasar la vista por lo escrito o impreso comprendiendo la significacin de los caracteres empleados. I like to read and think and pray, all over a good cup of coffee.

Shell Concha Caparazn de las tortugas y de los cladceros y otros pequeos crustceos. Bivalve molluscs with a black shell, and red or orange meat.

Share Participacin Dicho de una persona: Tomar parte en algo. Have new children share a favorite book from their home with the group.

Beautiful Hermoso Belleza de las cosas que pueden ser percibidas por el odo o por la vista. What a beautiful sight, a fairytale landscape!

Useful til Que trae o produce provecho, comodidad, fruto o inters. Repeatedly, I have heard from many of you how useful it is.

Well Designed Bien disedo Proyecto, plan. There are many well designed products that go completely unnoticed by anyone but you.

Informative Informativo Enterar, dar noticia de algo. The links shown on this page are for informative purposes only.

Easy to use Fcil de usar Que se puede hacer sin gran esfuerzo. It's easy to use and does not take long learn.

Fun Diversin Accin y efecto de divertir. Toys are meant to be fun and they are meant

to be safe.

Funny Divertido Alegre, festivo y de buen humor. This was funny and started me on my train of thought.

Navigate Navegar Viajar en un buque o en otra embarcacin, generalmente por mar. In my view, it is now clear that we should change the way we navigate.

Exciting Emocionante Alteracin del nimo intensa y pasajera, agradable o penosa, que va acompaada de cierta conmocin somtica. It was a very exciting time, brimming with ideas, new concepts and action.

Clear Limpiar

Quitar la suciedad o inmundicia de algo the teacher is cleaning the blackboard

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