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- En una casa comercial de negocios, la financiacin tiene que ser con el gobierno y manejo del dinero; se incluye tales actividades como recogiendo y recibiendo dinero del cliente, pagando cuentas, pagando a los empleados, haciendo inversiones y prestando dinero. In a commercial business, funding has to be with the government and money management, it includes such activities as collecting and receiving client money, paying bills, paying employees, making investments and paying money. 2.- Cul fue la financiacin? Sabas que algunas personas parecen tener siempre dinero. Ellos pagan sus facturas a tiempo, le dieron a la caridad, mira las vacaciones de verano, y, en general, no parecen tener problemas financieros. What was financing? You knew some people seem always to have money. They paid their bills promptly, gave to charity, look summer vacations, and, in general, never appear to have financial worries 3.- Ken Follet a los 35 aos de edad es uno de los escritores de thriller ms exitosos en el mercado internacional. Naci en Cardiff, capital de Gales gals de la ascendencia de ambos lados de su familia y que estaba casado y el primero de sus dos hijos, naci cuando l tena slo 18 aos de edad. Despus de hablar un grado en filosofa en la Universidad de Londres, comenz a trabajar como periodista antes de dedicarse a escribir libros con historias de movimiento rpido de la aventura, el peligro, el espionaje y la intriga, tales como: Los ojos de la aguja, triples, la clave para Rebecca , el hombre de San Pedro traer y sobre alas de guilas, todos los cuales han sido nmero uno en Sillers, particularmente en los Estados Unidos e Italia, y sus libros se han traducido a unos 22 idiomas diferentes. Se ha separado recientemente de su esposa y ahora vive en Chelsea, uno de los mbitos artsticos ms inteligentes y ms de moda de Londres, pero antes de eso, casi todos los libros que figuran su discurso en un lugar diferente: Francia, Nueva york y Surrey, en el Ingls campo Ken Follet at 35 years old is one of the most successful thriller writers in the international market. He was born in Cardiff, the capital of wales of welsh ancestry on both sides of his family and he was married and the first of his two children was born when he was still only 18 years old. After talking a degree in philosophy at london university he began working as a newspaper reporter before turning to writing books with fast-moving stories of adventure, danger, espionage and intrigue, such as: The eyes of the Needle, triple, the key to Rebecca, the Man from St. Peter bring and on wings of Eagles, all of which have been number one best sillers, particulary in the United States and Italy, and his books have been translated into some 22 different languages. He has recently separated from his wife and now lives in Chelsea, one of the smartest and most fashionable artistic areas of London, but before that, nearly every book listed his address in a different place: France, New york and Surrey, in the English countryside 4.- Ken Follet: Una entrevista

Supongo que ninguno de esos lugares puede haber sido ideal, otra prensa que no se habra movido, me gust que en Francia, yo disfrut de pasar tres aos en Francia. La comida es maravillosa y el clima es preciosa en el sur, y nos lo pasamos muy bien, y tenamos una piscina en el jardn. pero en el fondo yo soy britnico y esto es realmente donde me gustara vivir ... Inglaterra o Gran Bretaa es donde me gusta vivir. En realidad nunca he vivido tiempo completo en Nueva York, tengo un apartamento all, pero yo slo lo visitan. Cuando regres de Francia viva en Surrey, porque all era donde mi familia quera vivir y ahora estoy viviendo en el Chelsea, ya porque estoy separado de mi esposa y estar con alguien ms y ah es donde queremos vivir. Boy D: Usted se cas muy joven, no es as? Follet: 18 Yo estaba casada s. Q: Eso no poner una tensin en sus estudios y su carrera? A: S lo hizo. Pero, por otro lado, se sabe la mayora de los estudiantes universitarios son un tanto indisciplinada, mientras que ya haba tres de nosotros, yo llevaba una vida muy disciplinada no haba contemplacin para que me quede despierto toda la noche, tintineo, en parte porque tena que estar despierto toda la noche, de alimentar al beb ... ese tipo de cosas. Sabes que la gente en la universidad siempre se quejan de que no pueden encontrar el tiempo para escribir ensayos, siempre hay un pnico de ltima hora del da anterior, el ensayo se debe y todo. Nunca pas por todo eso, porque mi vida est marcada con lneas blancas rgidas y as ... por lo que era probable que incluso una ayuda Q: Y no se arrepiente de falta de los llamados aos de licenciatura? A: Probablemente me estoy poniendo al da con ellos ahora P: Cundo decidiste que queras ser escritor? R: Cuando estaba en la universidad, decid ser un reportero de un peridico, y mientras yo estaba trabajando como reportero de un peridico que empec a escribir novelas, y lleg el momento en que me di cuenta que nunca iba a ser un reportero de un peridico maravilloso. Yo quera ser un pez gordo que quera ser conocido como primicia. Follet y les ofrecer la direccin editorial del Sunday Times. Pero me di cuenta que no iba a suceder;

Ken Follet: An interview I suppose none of those places can have been ideal, other vise I wouldn't have moved, I did like it in France; I enjoyed spending three years in France. The food is wonderful and the weather is beutiful in the south, and we had a good time, and we had a swimming pool in the garden. but basically I'm British and this is really where I like to live... England, or Britain is where I like to live. I've never actually lived full time in New York, I have an apartment there , but I just visit it. When came back from France I lived in Surrey because that was where my

family wanted to live and I'm now living in Chelsea because because I'm separated from my wife and living with someone else and that's where we want to live. Boy D: You were married very young, weren't you? Follet: 18 I was married yeah. Q: Didn't that put a strain on your studies and your career? A: It did. But on the other hand you know most University students are somewhat undisciplined, whereas because there were three of us, I led a very disciplined life there was no templation for me to stay up all night chinking, partly because I was having to stay up all night feeding the baby... that sort of thing. You know people at college are always complaining that they can never find time to write essays, there's always a last minute panic the day before, the essay is due and all. I never went through any of that because my life was marked out with rigid white lines and so... so it was probably even a help Q: And you don't regret missing the so called bachelor years? A: I'm probably catching up with them now Q. When did you decide you wanted to become a writer? A: While I was at college I decided to be a newspaper reporter, and them while I was working as a newspaper reporter I started to write novels, and the time came when I realised I was never going to be a wonderful newspaper reporter.

I wanted to be a hot shot I wanted to be known as scoop. Follet and be offered the editorship of the Sunday Times. But I realised it wasn't going to happen;

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