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A continuacin se presentan los datos principales de clasificacin de la Gua didctica Ttulo Descripcin The Family En la presenta gua didctica

el estudiante se familiarizar con los integrantes que conforman la familia a travs de Los Simpson. Jessica Rodrguez, Jireth Garay, Edwin Cardona. Estudiantes de 3 de Primaria De 7 a 10 aos

Autora Destinatarios Edades

Temtica Derechos

La Familia

Im Barts sister

En este sitio web, se desarrollar una gua didctica, cuyas temticas conciernen a la enseanza del ingls como lengua extranjera(EFL).En esta, se abordarn determinados tpicos apuntados a nios del grado segundo de primaria. El planteamiento metodolgico est sujeto a MICEA, una metodologa que germina o desarrolla un aprendizaje integral y sobresaliente, que busca dejar huella a lo largo de la vida. Y por lo tanto, refleja excelencia.

Al final de esta Gua didctica el estudiante estar en capacidad de:

1. Conocer el vocabulario bsico relacionado con la familia. 2. Aplicar el tema aprendido al contexto de la vida diaria. 3. Hacer uso de posesivos (s) para hacer referencia a relaciones familiares.

En esta gua didctica el estudiante pondr en prctica las siguientes competencias:

Competencia Aprender a aprender Aplicacin El estudiante utilizar tcnicas y estrategias de estudio y resumen que le ayuden a recordar y saber activar los conocimientos adquiridos en relacin con el tema presentado. El estudiante ser capaz de comunicar los conocimientos adquiridos, conversando con sus compaeros sobre las Familia. El estudiante ser capaz de responder con seguridad y de forma autnoma a las distintas actividades propuestas por el docente con relacin al tema. El estudiante ser capaz de utilizar este recurso digital para buscar informacin y complementar su aprendizaje.

Conocimiento lingstico Autonoma e iniciativa personal Informacin digital

Warm up:
Do you know vocabulary related to the family? Write some of it in the shout box . Let me help you: Father, mother, son ...

We are going to work with 10 words related to the vocabulary of the family.

1. Daughter 2. Son 3. Husband 4. Father 5. Aunt

6. Mother 7. Sister 8. Brother 9. Wife 10. Uncle

Practice Time
Skim the following paragraph about the Simpsons family. How much do you know about the Simpsons family? The Simpsons family

The Simpsons family is a typical American family and like every family, it has problems and fights. The family consists of five family members. Homer is the father, he is not too bright and he is an inspector of the Springfield plant. A huge blue hair characterizes the mother, Marge. Their oldest child is Bart and he is a sassy 10 year old kid. Lisa, the middle child is a gift and she is perceptive but sensitive saxophone player and Maggie is the youngest and unvoiced girl.

1. Now, that you know what is the paragraph about, scan the text and do the following activity on your notebook by using the expressions below. 1. Daughter 2.Mother 3.Son 4.Husband 5.Aunt 6. Father 7.Sister 8. Brother 9.Wife 10.Uncle

Across 1. The Homer`s brother is Bart`s 2. The Lisa`s father is Marges 5. The Marges husband is Lisas 9. The Marges son is Maggie`s 10. The Lisas brother is Marge`s Down 3. The Barts mother is homer`s 4. The Maggie sister is homer`s 6. The Marges sister is Maggie`s 7. The Homer`s wife is Bart`s 8. The Homer`s daughter is Bart`s _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

2. Read the following paragraph about jireth`s family and do the activity below on your notebook by filling in the gaps with the appropriate name for each person. My name is Jireth. I study in the University of Tolima. My father is Luis, my mother is Rocio and my brother is Fabian. I have two aunts and an uncle who are Consuelo, Diana and Leonardo. Consuelo`s husband is Oscar. They have a son and a daughter who are Felipe and his sister Giorgian. Felipe is 9 years old and he is the smallest child of them. Leonardo`s wife is Juliana and their daughter is Hanna Lucia. Diana`s husband is Javier, their oldest son is Kevin and he has a little brother who is named Alejandro. My grandparents are Lina and Leonardo.

OUTPUT Family comic


-Instrucciones para crear una historieta: -Sitio para crear historietas: -La historieta debe incluir: fotos de su familia, el vocabulario explicado y al menos tres comentarios y descripciones por cada imgenes -Enva tu historieta a :


Feedback point #1 Across: 1. Uncle 2. Husband 5. Father 9. Brother 10. Son Down: 3. Wife 4. Daughter 6. Aunt 7. Mother 8. Sister

Feedback point #2 1. Leonardo 2. Leonardo 3. Juliana 4. Diana 5. Javier 6. Consuelo 7. Oscar 8. Rocio 9. Luis 10. Hanna 11. Alejandro 12. Kevin 13. Giorgian 14. Felipe 15. Jireth 16. Fabian

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