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ANOVA & Kruskal- Wallis Analysis

Catur Saptaning Wilujeng

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The one-way analysis of variance is applied when three or more independent group means are compared The descriptor one-way indicates that the design involves one independent variable or factor, with three or more levels

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Use: Compare means of more than two groups Test the equality of variances. Hypothesis :
H0: 1= 2=. =n Ha: 1 2 . n

F-raUo > criUcal value of F, H0 is rejected

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Source Between Within Total df k-1 N-k SS
( Xi) SSb =

( X )

F= MSb MSe

MSb =

( Xi ) SSe = X 2 n
SSt = X

( X )

SSb dfb SSe MSe = dfe

Diketahui : k = jumlah perlakuan N = jumlah kasus SSb = between-groups sum of squares SSe = within-groups sum of squares or sum of squares for the error term SSt = Total sum of squares MSb =between-groups mean of square MSe = within-groups mean of square or error mean square F = Test staUsUc for the analysis of variance

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Kruskal-Wallis Analysis
Non parametric procedure For tesUng of sameness of distribuUon fucUon for 3 groups or more All observaUons are combined, sorted and ranked For observaUon with same value, average ranks are given

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Kruskal-Wallis Analysis
If sample size is small (n<5), use table A.12 If sample size >5, use chi-square table (A.11) with degrees of freedom k-1

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Kruskal-Wallis Analysis
TesUng procedure : k

12 Ri2 H= 3 ( N + 1) N ( N + 1) i=1 ni

Ri = sum of ranks from group i ni = sample size in group i N = total sample size

catur saptaning w_biostat

Example One-Way ANOVA

Anda ingin mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan kadar kolesterol pada kelompok lansia yang status gizinya kurang, normal, dan overweight Pertanyaan peneliUan : Apakah ada perbedaan kadar kolesterol antara
kelompok lansia yang status gizinya kurang, normal, dan overweight
catur saptaning w_biostat

Example One-Way ANOVA

Langkah 1 Menentukan variabel yang dihubungkan jawaban Variabel yang dihubungkan adalah kadar kolesterol (numerik) dengan status gizi (kategorik) KomparaUf Numerik Tidak berpasangan Tiga kelompok

2 3 4 5

Menentukan jenis hipotesis Menentukan masalah skala variabel Menentukan pasangan Udak berpasangan Menentukan jumlah kelompok

Kesimpulan : Uji yang digunakan adalah one way ANOVA (uji parametrik) jika memenuhi syarat. Jika Udak memenuhi syarat, maka digunakan uji alternaUfnya, yaitu Kruskal-Wallis (uji nonparametrik)

catur saptaning w_biostat

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