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Name: Kelly Dramos

Date: 4/30/2013

Tech 8. Project 3: EVALUATE

I. Product Testing
A. Survey 1. Study the results your survey. Generally, who answered your survey? (Students, teachers, etc.) How many took your survey? 2. How did they test your product against the Design Specification? Describe the way or method that you used to make your audience evaluate your product. 3. Did they think that your product minimally, mostly or completely satisfy your Design Specification? Explain. A. Survey Post the link to the Summary of Results of your survey: ccc?key=0AmApIKQPfI37dE1yeGt6UXlaTE9QWndDMHRBWGVGZ2c&usp=drive _web#gid=0

Discuss your answers to the questions (on the left) in a clear and concise paragraph. (Minimum 80 words) The people that answered my survey were all students from my class and they did it because I asked them to, otherwise they wouldnt have cared. Around seven students or more took my survey. They looked at my clock and then answered the questions, they didnt look at the design specification but most of the questions we in my survey included things from the design specification. I made them answer my survey after looking at my clock. Yes everyone who took the survey said that they enjoyed it and that it followed the design specification very well.

B. Self-testing Discuss your answers to the questions in a clear and concise paragraph. (Minimum 80 words) I think that the product follows all the guideline sand standards set by the design specification. The results also show that the people think that the multi-purposes of the clock were really well thought out and that the only thing that didnt work out was the inspiring part. No one said they got happy after looking at the clock. But other than that I think that our clock suited every aspect of our design and that it should get good grades for following the entire criterion given to us. The strong point of our project is the drawers and the photo frame, the week point was the capulana background.

B. Self-testing 1. Use the same survey form to evaluate the product yourself. 2. Do you think that your product minimally, mostly or completely satisfy your Design Specification? Explain. 3. Compare your own evaluation with the evaluation of your audience. What are the strong and weak points of your product?

C. Final Product vs. Original Design 1. Did you follow your plan and chosen design? How does the final product compare with your original design? 2. What changes did you make from your original design? What materials, tools, techniques and other resources did you use to make these changes? 3. Why did you have to make these changes in your final product? 4. Did your product effectively address or solve the problem it was intended for? Why or why

C. Final Product vs. Original Design Discuss your answers to the questions in a clear and concise paragraph. (Minimum 80 words) Our final was much like we planned when we combined our ideas to make a new clock design when we were told we would be working with partners. We followed our plan, but one thing that did change was that instead of a little place to put a notepad (for notes) we made it into a photo frame because we didnt have the materials we needed also we didnt put in a mirror because we didnt feel like it.

D. Improving your product Discuss your answers to the questions in a clear and concise paragraph. (Minimum 80 words) Next time I guess could actually work harder and try my best and done what I had done in the beginning with the mirrors and the notepad it would have come out better. I would have used mirror and paper to do the notebook so that it looked better. And thats it, dont ask me more questions :P lol.

D. Improving your product 1. What aspects in the design will you change to improve the product? 2. Describe the materials, tools, techniques and skills that you will use next time.

not? 5. Do you think your product is successful? Why or why not? E. Impact of My Product 1. What uses or benefits can your product offer to life, individuals, communities, society and/or the environment? How will it generally improve life? 2. Is it marketable? Can it be sold? Is it profitable? Why or not? 3. What are the possible issues, limitations, constraints, issues or negative effects of using your product to individuals, society and life in general? (Examples: Is it safe to use? Is it environment-friendly? Is it energy efficient? Etc.) 4. How can these issues be resolved? A. My Scoring Guide Create a score guide that you will use to grade your performance in each of the process of the Design Cycle.
Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description None of the criterion were met by said student. Basic levels and understanding of the criterion but no real effort or attempt to reach them. Basic levels and understanding some criterion were met. Average knowledge and understanding okay work. Okay work... not much effort but it was decent. The work was good and met most of the standards set out and the criterion were all met. The work was outstanding, I really enjoyed it and all criterion were met and understanding of the project is evident.

E. Impact of My Product Discuss your answers to the questions in a clear and concise paragraph. (Minimum 80 words) OHHH MY God! More questions. lol.. jks. The uses of my clock are to tell the time drawers to keep your things and also frames to put in pictures. It can be sold, but I dint think anyone would buy it because of the capulana theme its very.. clich. I dont think the issues of my clock can be solved and here they are:the issues with my project is that over time it may fall apart, but in the end everything does. Everyone dies.

III. Evaluation of My Performance in the Stages of the Design Cycle

A. Investigate Stage

B. Design Stage

C. Plan Stage

D. Create Stage

E. Evaluate Stage

Score: 6 Score: 6 Score: 5 Score: 5 Discuss the reasons for the score that you gave for yourself for each stage below. What are the strong and weak points of your performance? How can you improve your performance? (Minimum of 80 words for each stage.) I think my investigation was very good, I I did make the designs that were asked I think my plan stage went okay.. I think The create stage went really well; my did everything the way it should have of me, and I made very nice and everything went okay and that I did what partner and I worked really well been everything was well made and I put explained everything very well. I put a lot was asked of me, but for me to improve I together. We got things done on time a lot of effort. Also I never handed of effort and I think that things that I do could have been more energetic and into and everything worked out good, anything in late, everything was on time come out really well done and crafted. :P it, because as I was so bored when I was although we had problems with and ready. Although I did talk in class a What I could do to improve is be more doing the planning stage.., ugh Im sorry materials. What would up us in the lot.. I ALWAYS GET MY WORK DONE! focused so I could get all my work done but its true. future was if we were more organized

Score: 6

I think that for evaluation I did everything very well, also I finished on time although you said I wouldnt! but its cool. I think that in the future I could be more enthusiastic about evaluations because Im sorry... But this is really boring Mr. Damaso. It is.

What I could do to improve is try to be more focused in class


with our materials.

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