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Los Mandatos

! To create regular affirmative t commands the l/ella (third person singular) form of the verb is used. ! To create regular negative t commands you must put the verb in the usted command form and add an s at the end of the verb and a no in front of the verb. ! To create usted commands you need to conjugate the verb in the present yo form and then replace the o with a vowel change. AR verbs go to e/n and ER and IR go to a/n. ****Use the chart below to help you form formal (usted and ustedes commands) and informal commands (t commands). Los mandatos formales e informales. Verbo Yo(presente) Usted/Ustedes infinitivo Hablar hablo Hable/n Comer Escribir *Decir *Hacer *Ir *Poner *Salir *Ser *Tener *Venir *Ver como escribo digo hago voy pongo salgo soy tengo vengo veo Coma/n Escriba/n Diga/n Haga/n Vaya/n Ponga/n Salga/n Sea/n Tenga/n Venga/n Vea/n T afirmativo habla come escribe di haz ve pon sal s ten ven ve T negativo No hables No comas No escribas No digas No hagas No vayas No pongas No salgas No seas No tengas No vengas No veas

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