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Rubric MineralsProiectGrading Pleqse staplelour bibliography to this paper qnd turn it in beloreyou Present!
5 andbelow sources cited proper Bibliography usrng APAformat sources cited Missing lsources or incorrect t minor with tormal istakes APAformat Bibliography fbrmat is lncolrefi ano missing sources; or bibliography ls mlsslng

Stands up
slraight I relaxedand PresentaLion confident. Skills Establishes

issingaspecls Basic

Presentation (x2l Content

contact;sp loudlyand

presentation entadon skills are presentbut ntact,solid mayneed some posture, voice, improvement or confidence] Shows a good understanding ofparlsofthe topic. [4issjng requlred SOme information
Sample and objectare lnaccurate or don't relate to presena on

presentation skillslacking or needmaJor rmprovement

a good Shows derstanding understanding ofthe topic.All of the topic. one requlred Missing reqDirement informationis

Visu a lAi ds and Sample


8f,mple and objectrelate directly to presenaaon and help classmates

and Sample do object not demonstrate propertiesof mineral bul are accurate

Does not seem to understand !netoplcvery well andis mrsslng requtreo information Missing visual aid[s)


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Dlamond andGraphirelnd) Easlen NewMexicoUnlvers,ry Retriev6d March 31, 2013,frcmhnpi// www.nmu edu/srvices/musums/miles-mtneral/diamond shtml Dramond andGraph te (id) FNMURatrved Apil4 2013 fromwwwenmo edu/serv esces/mlselms/nr jpg mineral/imagstgraphite small Graph'is (n d ) TheMineal an t GensloneK,rgdon Hkisved Apdl4, 2013,rromwwwmrne.als nev jpg [4inera lmages/g faph ite-vein.t coiderogathb (n d ) Intnkauest Fetrieved G.aphile. March 31, 201 3, lromhflp:/Irbrary.thinkque3t org/05aug/00461 / graphite hth (nd ) TheMinercland Graph(e. Genstona KingdanAeltieved Apt 4, 2013ircrnwwwminerals.nt/ jpg lrinerallmage9graphite-spah-lhb Ktnsdor, Ftrived Apil 4, 2013.rromwwwminerals GEphrte(n.d) TheMinercland Gemstone nsv I'l ne.a rnages/graph ra ve,n-ilcondroga-thb ipg GEphlle (n d.) TheMine@l and Ge//r,stone Kingdon Bstrieved April4, 2013,fromwwwmineErs nersmort gil cryslalsreraphit_D2 GraphiE (n d ). TheA,linercl and Gengtona Kingdan BettiavedAptil4 201 3, tromwwwminerals net/Smort/ git crystals/Grcphit8-D1 gslaticcomfmages? Gaphlle (n d ) wikipedia P.ertiered Aptil4, 201 3, fromh(ps //encrypted-tbn0 q=lbn:ANdsccS_ZCtEDdAwPX-1 sZvziBoMTGgVXDyoecBcbc4gz6uTFppSqFl Metarrlc Lusfr F d ) TheMinemlanclAenstoneKngelomFelrievsd March 31,2013,lromftp // wwwmrne.als nvmineralglo$aryllnelallic_luster aspx Olary ng (nd ) Irll?kousslRelr evedMarch 31 201 3, iromhttp//libra org/05aug/00401 / rythinkq!63t

TheM'n6raf G'aphlte ln d) rhe Minanl and GenEtone Kngdon Retdved March 30, 2013,fromhttp:// wwwm nerals net/minsra /graph 16aspx APAtomattlngby BtbMe.ory.

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