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Summer Coolers ~ Ginger Mint Lemonade Recipe

1. Prepare sugar syrup first by simmering a cup of water to which 2/3 cup sugar or brown sugar is added. Allow sugar to dissolve completely and cool. Keep aside. 2. In another vessel, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Turn off heat and add half tbsp of chopped ginger and 1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves. Place lid and allow to steep. After 10-15 mts, strain the liquid and cool. Discard mint and ginger. 3. Extract juice from 9-10 limes or approx 1 cup of lime juice. Strain and discard the seeds. Keep aside. 4. Take a pitcher and add 8-9 cups of cold water, add the extracted lime juice, cooled sugar syrup and ginger-mint infusion and combine. Add 1/4 cup of fresh mint leaves and salt to taste and combine. Adjust the sweetness by adding more sugar syrup and if it needs to be more tart, add more lime juice. 5. Pour into glasses and serve with ice. For those who want to avoid sugar, replace sugar syrup with a cup of honey or any sweetener of your choice. A pinch of roasted cumin powder or chaat masala powder can be added to each glass of lemonade for added flavor. Prep time: 15 min Cook time: 10 min Yield: 8 Main Ingredients: lime mint ginger a

Refrescante limonada de jengibre

Ingredientes: 6 tazas de agua 1 1/4 tazas de azcar 1/4 taza de jengibre fresco, rallado 1 1/4 tazas de jugo de limn fresco (unos 7 limones grandes) 1/4 taza de jugo de lima Opcional: rodajas de limn o lima, hojas de menta

Combinar 1 taza de agua, el azcar y el jengibre en una cacerola pequea; llevar a hervor y cocinar durante 1 minuto o hasta que el azcar se disuelva, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar. Colar la preparacin en una jarra. Agregar el resto del agua y los jugos, y revolver bien. Llevar a la heladera. Decorar con rodajitas de limn o lima, o con hojas de menta y cubitos de hielo. Esta limonada de jengibre se disfruta estando bien fresca de modo que recuerda mantenerla refrigerada hasta el momento de servir. Prubala y cuntanos qu te ha parecido este maravilloso refresco!

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