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Easy Chili Sauce Recipe

A very easy Chili Sauce Recipe that just involves chopping everything up and throwing it into a skillet and can be made in less than 1 hour. Easy Chili Sauce Recipe Makes 1 quart. Ingredients: 6 fresh tomatoes, diced 2 medium onions, chopped 4 whole jalapeo peppers, chopped 3/4 cup vinegar 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoons red chili flakes Method: Simply throw everything into a stockpot or heavy skillet and bring it to the boil whilst stirring. Boil for around 15-20 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool then process it in a blender. Return to the heat and gently simmer for another 30 minutes or until it reaches the desired consistency. Easy Chili Sauce Tip: if you have the time peel the tomatoes first by soaking them in boiling water for a minute

salsa de chili para nachos Ingredientes

1 kg de carne picada 1 lata de salsa de tomate 1 lata de frijoles negros (con liquido) 1 lata de frijoles pintos (con liquido) 1 taza de cebolla picada fina 1/2 taza de ajies verdes picados 1/4 taza de apio picado 3 tomates medianos, picados 2 cucharaditas de cominor

3 cucharadas de pimentn 1 1/2 cucharaditas de pimienta negra 2 cucharaditas de sal 2 tazas de agua

1. Dore la carne picada en una sartn a fuego medio, escrra la grasa. 2. Desmenuze la carne con un tenedor hasta lograr bolitas del tamao de un poroto. 3. En una olla, combine la carne ms todos los ingredientes restantes, y cocine a fuego lento . 4. Cocine revolviendo cada 15 minutos durante 2 horas.

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