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Participant Information Sheet Study title: The effects of colour on a time-delayed recall of visual images.

Why have I been approached? You are invited to take part in a research study which I am conducting as part of my Master of Science in psychology at the University of Derby. The study looks at memory recall of images and whether colour images have a bigger impact on recall rates. As part of the research study you will be required to study a sheet containing 25 images and then you will have to try recall the images. In order to conduct this study, I need to recruit adult participants (18 years and over). This is the only set criteria that I have for recruiting people to the study. Do I have to take part? No, you do not have to take part. Participation is completely voluntary. If you have already participated in the first part of the research (studying the sheet with the 25 images) and then wish to withdraw you can contact me via email, quoting your unique participant code. You can withdraw up to 2 weeks after participating. No issues will arise should you withdraw from the study. What will happen to me if I take part? You will be asked to look at a sheet of 25 images and later try to recall these images. When recalling the images, you will be presented with 50 images to choose from. This is an individual task, which will be conducted over 2 sessions. The first session will last 20 minutes, and the second session will take a maximum of 30 minutes. Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential? Yes. I will be the only person to have access to raw data and, if necessary, University of Derby assessment tutors. If you wish to withdraw from the study, you will only be identified by the unique participant code. This participant code will not be entered into a computer during the computation of the scores. The data will be destroyed after the research study has been graded. What will happen to the results of the research study? The results will be written up and presented as part of the assessment for the Cognition, Behaviour and Performance module of the Masters of Science in Psychology at the University of Derby, England. The results will not be published, and confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Who has reviewed the study? The study has been approved by a member of the staff from the University of Derby Psychology Department. Who can I contact for further information? Should you wish to contact me for further information on this particular research study, feel free to email me, Jacqlyn Cronin, at the following address: Thank you for taking the time to read this sheet. I hope that you feel able to take part in the study. If youre happy to take part in the study please complete the consent form below.

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