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Amy Clary ED 331-01 Lesson Plan w/ Formative Assessments Short Story Building I. Benchmark: 4.

1- Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. II. Behavioral Objective: After reading a short Spanish story and discussing the comparisons between the foreign language and their native language, the learner will be able to write sentences within the target language that include the five vocabulary words from the story we just read. III. Anticipatory Set: There will be a table full of props relating to the story. The students will survey what is being presented and respond to the following prompt- What do you think our short story will be about based off of the props you see on the front table? IV. Objective/Purpose: Today, we will be reading a short story in Spanish and then will compare it with the English translation. We will discuss the similarities and differences, cognates and vocabulary that is both familiar and challenging. I will demonstrate how to write a sentence and then you will create your own version. The goal of this lesson is to help build a foundation that allows you to feel confident with developing your writing in Spanish. V. Input A. Task Analysis 1. Direct the students to the front table filled with the props and have them observe for a minute. 2. On the board, the prompt will be written: What do you think our short story will be about based off of the props you see on the front table? 3. Call on individual students to share their answers. 4. State the objective and purpose for the lesson. 5. Begin reading the short story to the students and have them follow along with their own individual copies. 6. Read a second time, but call on different students to read a portion of the text. (volunteers only). 7. Discuss the known cognates present within the text.

Clear up any confusion with vocabulary. 8. Begin reading the English translation of the story that is paired on the other side of the page. (Teacher led reading) 9. Discuss as a whole class the similarities and differences between the foreign language (Spanish) and native language (English). 10. Incorporate Formative Assessment #1Paragraph Skim. The students will each be assigned a paragraph of the short story to skim and then turn to their partner. They will be given 30 seconds each to discuss the key points they came up with from that section. 11. Discuss as a class the key findings from Paragraph Skim. Jot down some overall conclusions on the board. 12. Demonstrate how to write original sentences using five of the vocabulary words within the text. (I choose the vocabulary words) 13. After having viewed my demonstration, students will then have 2 min to work individually to write the definitions of the five Spanish vocabulary words in English. (Spanish-English dictionaries will be used). 14. Incorporate Formative Assessment #2- Backto-Back Boards: Each student will be paired up and have their own piece of blank paper. They will stand back to back and then I will ask them a question relating to the vocabulary. When I say, turn around they will show each other the answers they had and discuss how this word was represented in the story. 15. Students will then go be paired into groups to start forming their own original sentences in Spanish for the remainder of the hour. ( a picture can accompany the vocabulary word if time) 16. With the last 3 minutes, I will incorporate Formative Assessment #3- Fogginess as an exit slip. Students will need to write on a piece of paper about what they felt was the most unclear to them in regards to the lesson. They will hand these in to me before they leave the classroom for the day. 17. Use the exit slips as a way to gather insight on how well I taught my lesson and then prepare how I will go about clearing up the fogginess the following day.

B. Thinking Levels: 1. Knowledge: Recognize the cognates and known vocabulary within the Spanish text. 2. Analysis: Compare the Spanish version/language with that of the English version/language. (similarities and differences) 3. Synthesis: Create original sentences in the target language. C. Learning Styles: 1. Collaborative: Students understand the task through guided learning and reading. 2. Intrapersonal: Students work individually to write their definitions of the vocabulary words. 3. Interpersonal: Students will work with their partners on Formative Assessment 1 and 2 and for developing their sentences. D. Methods and Materials: 1. Ways of presenting: Read Aloud w/ visual on the projector, discussion, teacher demonstration on the projector. 2. Materials needed: projector, short story books, blank pieces of paper, writing utensils, Spanish-English dictionaries. VI. Modeling A. Analyze reading on the projector for students to follow along as we are reading and discussing the story. B. Demonstrate how to write the sentences in the target language. (Incorporating the five vocabulary words) VII. Checking for Understanding: A. Show me that you understand the main concepts of the short story. B. Show me that you know what the five vocabulary words mean in English. C. Show me your thought process for how you want to develop your group sentences. D. Show me the finished group result. VIII. Guided Practice: A. Students will work on their brainstorming and sentence development. B. Teacher will circulate the room to help with any difficulties or confusions.

IX. Independent Practice: A. The students will work on finishing their sentences with pictures for the next class period. w X. Closure: A. Assessment: This will be the exit slip for the day. We will wrap up the lesson with our Formative Assessment #3: Fogginess. The students will write what they found to be confusing about todays lesson on a blank sheet of paper. This will need to be turned in before leaving the classroom for the day.

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