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#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<fstream.

h> //PROGRAM FOR ATM SIMULATION fstream inoutfile; static int var; struct records{ long int accountnumber; int accountpin; unsigned long int lastdepositamount; unsigned long int lastwithdrawlamount; unsigned long int currentbalance; }l[] = {72440,1,100000,1000,300000, 72441,2,1000,200,12000, 72442,3,200,340,13000, 72443,4,3000,4000,30000, 72444,5,340,450,1230, 72445,6,234,3400,45000, 72446,7,12300,34000,230000, 72447,8,4500,560,3400000, 72448,9,1000,2000,5000000, 72449,10,230,670,56778, 72450,11,345,678,29990 }; class first_page {public: void boundary() { int left, top, right, bottom; left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } void display() { cleardevice();setbkcolor(4); boundary(); gotoxy(30,10);textcolor(BLUE);printf("WELCOME TO BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,11);textcolor(BLUE);printf("====================");

gotoxy(30,17);textcolor(BLUE);printf("INSERT YOUR CARD"); gotoxy(30,20);textcolor(BLUE);printf("Press Enter To Continue"); gotoxy(60,23);textcolor(BLUE);printf("Made By:-AKASH MITRA"); getch(); bar(); } void bar() { int midx, midy, i,r; midx = 10; midy = 190; /* loop through the fill patterns */ for(r=0;r<=620;r++) { for (i=SOLID_FILL; i<USER_FILL; i++) { /* draw the bar */ setcolor(1); bar3d(midx, midy, midx+r,midy+4,0,0); } delay(4); } } }; class second_page { public: long int i, accno, temp, password, flag; void boundary() { int left, top, right, bottom; left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } void bar() { int midx, midy, i,r; midx = 10; midy = 190; /* loop through the fill patterns */ for(r=0;r<=620;r++) { for (i=SOLID_FILL; i<USER_FILL; i++) { /* draw the bar */ setcolor(1); bar3d(midx, midy, midx+r,midy+4,0,0); } delay(4);

} } int dusra() { cleardevice();setbkcolor(4); boundary(); flag = temp = password = 0; gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(BLUE);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(BLUE);printf("========"); gotoxy(21,6);printf("ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER: "); scanf("%ld",&accno); gotoxy(21,8);printf("ENTER YOUR PASSWORD: "); while((temp = getch()) != 13) { switch(temp) { case 48: temp = 0; break; case 49: temp = 1; break; case 50: temp = 2; break; case 51: temp = 3; break; case 52: temp = 4; break; case 53: temp = 5; break; case 54: temp = 6; break; case 55: temp = 7; break;

case 56: temp = 8; break; case 57: temp = 9; break; } putchar('*'); password = (password * 10) + temp; } for (i=0; i<11; i++) { if((l[i].accountnumber == accno) && (l[i].accountpin == password)) { flag = 1; var = i; } } gotoxy(21,22); printf("Press enter to continue\n"); bar(); return flag;

} }; class third_page { public: int left, top, right, bottom; void boundary() { left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } void bar() { int midx, midy, i,r; midx = 10; midy = 190;

/* loop through the fill patterns */ for(r=0;r<=620;r++) { for (i=SOLID_FILL; i<USER_FILL; i++) { /* draw the bar */ setcolor(1); bar3d(midx, midy, midx+r,midy+4,0,0); } delay(4); } } int teesra() { int a; cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); boundary(); gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(30,5);textcolor(10);printf("Transaction Page"); gotoxy(30,10);printf("Enter Your Choice"); gotoxy(30,11);printf("1. TO CHECK YOUR CURRENT BALANCE"); gotoxy(30,12);printf("2. FOR WITHDRAWAL"); gotoxy(30,13);printf("3. FOR DEPOSIT"); gotoxy(30,14);printf("4. EXIT "); gotoxy(30,15);printf("Enter Option:- "); cin>>a; return (a); } }; class forth_page {public: void chohta(struct records *l2) { cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); boundary(); gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(20,8);cout<<"Your Current Balance Is= "; printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].currentbalance); gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"Your Last Withdrawal Was= "; printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].lastwithdrawlamount); gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"Your Last Deposite Is= "; printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].lastdepositamount); gotoxy(20,20);cout<<"Plz Press Enter To Go To Transaction Page"; inoutfile.close(); getch(); } void boundary()

{ int left, top, right, bottom; left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } }; class fifth_page {public: void boundary() { int left, top, right, bottom; left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } void panchva(struct records *l2) { int a,b,i;char x;unsigned long int w; cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); boundary(); gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT TYPE"; gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"1. FOR SAVINGS ACCOUNT"; gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"2. FOR RECURRING ACCOUNT "; gotoxy(20,16);printf("Enter Option:- "); cin>>a; switch(a) { case 1: cleardevice();setbkcolor(6); boundary();w=0; gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(30,5);printf("SAVINGS ACCOUNT"); gotoxy(20,10);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Your Current Balance Is= "); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].currentbalance); gotoxy(20,12);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Enter The Amount You Want To Withdraw= "); scanf("%lu",&w);

if(w > l2[var].currentbalance) { gotoxy(18,22); textcolor(2); printf("!!! INVALID AMOUNT ENTERED. PLEASE CHECK. !!!"); textcolor(15); } else { inoutfile.close(); l2[var].lastwithdrawlamount = w; l2[var].currentbalance -= w;"Details.txt",ios::out | ios::binary); for(i=0; i<50; i++) inoutfile.write((char *) & l2[i],sizeof(l2[i])); inoutfile.close(); gotoxy(21,18);"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); printf("YOUR NEW BALANCE AFTER WITHDRAWL:"); textcolor(2); gotoxy(54,18); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l[var].currentbalance); inoutfile.close(); } gotoxy(20,20);cout<<"Want To Perform Another Transaction"; gotoxy(20,22);cout<<"If YES Then Press Y Else Press N "; cin>>x; if(x=='y'||x=='Y') break; else cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"THANK YOU FOR USING OUR FACILITIES"; delay(1000); exit(0); break; case 2: cleardevice();setbkcolor(6); boundary();w=0; gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(30,5);printf("SAVINGS ACCOUNT"); gotoxy(20,10);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Your Current Balance Is= "); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].currentbalance); gotoxy(20,12);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Enter The Amount You Want To Withdraw= ");

scanf("%lu",&w); if(w > l2[var].currentbalance) { gotoxy(18,22); textcolor(2); printf("!!! INVALID AMOUNT ENTERED. PLEASE CHECK. !!!"); textcolor(15); } else { inoutfile.close(); l2[var].lastwithdrawlamount = w; l2[var].currentbalance -= w;"Details.txt",ios::out | ios::binary); for(i=0; i<50; i++) inoutfile.write((char *) & l2[i],sizeof(l2[i])); inoutfile.close(); gotoxy(21,18);"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); printf("YOUR NEW BALANCE AFTER WITHDRAWL:"); textcolor(2); gotoxy(54,18); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l[var].currentbalance); inoutfile.close(); } gotoxy(20,20);cout<<"Want To Perform Another Transaction"; gotoxy(20,22);cout<<"If YES Then Press Y Else Press N "; cin>>x; if(x=='y'||x=='Y') break; else cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"THANK YOU FOR USING OUR FACILITIES"; delay(1000); exit(0); break; default: cout<<"wrong entry"; } } }; class sixth_page {public: void boundary()

{ int left, top, right, bottom; left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } void chatva(struct records *l2) { cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); boundary();int a,b,i;char x;unsigned long int d; gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT TYPE"; gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"1. FOR SAVINGS ACCOUNT "; gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"2. FOR RECURRING ACCOUNT \n "; gotoxy(20,16);printf("Enter Option:- "); cin>>a; switch(a) { case 1: cleardevice();setbkcolor(6); boundary();d=0; gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(20,10);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Your Current Balance Is= "); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].currentbalance); gotoxy(20,12);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Enter The Amount You Want To Deposite= "); scanf("%lu",&d); inoutfile.close(); l2[var].lastdepositamount = d; l2[var].currentbalance += d;"Details.txt",ios::out | ios::binary); for(i=0; i<50; i++) inoutfile.write((char *) & l2[i],sizeof(l2[i])); inoutfile.close(); gotoxy(21,18);"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); printf("YOUR NEW BALANCE AFTER DEPOSIT: Rs. "); gotoxy(54,18); textcolor(2); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l[var].currentbalance); inoutfile.close();

gotoxy(20,20);cout<<"Want To Perform Another Transaction"; gotoxy(20,22);cout<<"If YES Then Press Y Else Press N "; cin>>x; if(x=='y'||x=='Y') break; else cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"THANK YOU FOR USING OUR FACILITIES"; delay(1000); exit(0); break; case 2: cleardevice();setbkcolor(6); boundary();d=0; gotoxy(30,2);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("BANK ATM"); gotoxy(30,3);textcolor(RED+BLINK);printf("========"); gotoxy(20,10);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Your Current Balance Is= "); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l2[var].currentbalance); gotoxy(20,12);textcolor(WHITE);printf("Enter The Amount You Want To Deposite= "); scanf("%lu",&d); inoutfile.close(); l2[var].lastdepositamount = d; l2[var].currentbalance += d;"Details.dat",ios::out | ios::binary); for(i=0; i<50; i++) inoutfile.write((char *) & l2[i],sizeof(l2[i])); inoutfile.close(); gotoxy(21,18);"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); printf("YOUR NEW BALANCE AFTER DEPOSIT: Rs. "); gotoxy(54,18); textcolor(2); printf("Rs.%lu/-",l[var].currentbalance); inoutfile.close(); gotoxy(20,20);cout<<"Want To Perform Another Transaction"; gotoxy(20,22);cout<<"If YES Then Press Y Else Press N "; cin>>x; if(x=='y'||x=='Y') break; else cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"THANK YOU FOR USING OUR FACILITIES"; delay(1000); exit(0);

break; default: cout<<"wrong entry"; } } }; class seventh_page { public: void boundary() { int left, top, right, bottom; left = 5; top = 1; right = 630; bottom = 197; /* draw a rectangle */ setcolor(8); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); } void satva() { cleardevice();setbkcolor(1); boundary(); gotoxy(25,10); textcolor(3);cout<<"THANK YOU FOR USING OUR FACILITIES"; delay(1000); exit(0); } }; void main() { clrscr(); int h=0,i,j; struct records *l1; int gdriver = EGA, gmode =EGALO, errorcode; /* initialize graphics and local variables */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); /* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); }"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); if(

{"Details.txt",ios::out | ios::binary); for(i=0; i<11; i++) inoutfile.write((char *) & l[i],sizeof(l[i])); } inoutfile.close(); first_page a; second_page b; third_page c; forth_page d; fifth_page e; sixth_page f; seventh_page g; a.display(); h = b.dusra(); if(h == 1) { do { j = c.teesra(); switch(j) { case 1: clrscr();"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); l1 = l; d.chohta(l1); inoutfile.close(); break; case 2: clrscr();"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); l1 = l; e.panchva(l1); break; case 3: clrscr();"Details.txt",ios::in | ios::binary); *) & l,sizeof(l)); l1 = l; f.chatva(l1); break; case 4: g.satva(); default: gotoxy(16,35); textcolor(15); textcolor(2); cputs("!!! INVALID OPTION ENTERED. PLEASE CHECK. !!!"); getch(); clrscr(); textcolor(15); } } while(j != 4); } else { textcolor(15); textcolor(2); gotoxy(8,33); cputs("!!! INCORRECT ACCOUNT NUMBER/PIN ENTERED. PLEASE CHECK. !!!"); textcolor(15); getch(); exit(0); }

getch(); }

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