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Spanish DIAS FESTIVOS Nochebuena Da de navidad Ao Nuevo Nochevieja El da de ao nuevo las vacaciones de Navidad las Navidades / la Navidad el Da de Reyes

Christmas Eve Christmas Day New Year New Year's Eve New Year's Day


the Christmas holidays Yuletide 6th January (the day when presents are traditionally given in Spanish-speaking countries) Twelfth Night

la Noche de Reyes

el Da de los Santos Inocentes

28th December (similar to April Fool's Day)

regalo de navidad adornos de Navidad un ramo de Navidad el murdago el acebo flor de Navidad la comida de Navidad Christmas present Christmas decorations a Christmas wreath mistletoe holly poinsettia Christmas dinner

una tarjeta de Navidad, un crismas rbol de navidad el espumilln un calendario de Adviento un pesebre la misa del gallo un villancico adorno (rbol de navidad) Baltasar, Gaspar, Melchor los Reyes Magos tomar las uvas

a Chrstmas card Christmas tree tinsel Advent calendar a crib Midnight Mass Christmas carol bauble Balthasar, Gaspar, Melchior the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men to see the New Year in. (in Spain a grape is eaten for each stroke of the clock at 12pm on December 31st. Each grape is supposed to represent one month of the new year) a nativity play Happy Christmas Season's greetings! Merry Christmas and a Prosperous / Happy New Year! What did you get for Christmas? Christmas is just around the corner The buildup to Christmas starts in October

un auto de Navidad Feliz Navidad! / Felices Pascuas! Felices fiestas! Feliz Navidad y Prspero Ao Nuevo!

Qu te regalaron para Navidad? La Navidad est en puertas Los preparativos de la Navidad empiezan en octubre

el espritu navideo oro incienso mirra Jerusaln la cabalgata

the Christmas spirit gold frankincense myrrh Jerusalem On 6th January there is a Christmas parade, the principal characters are the "magic kings" who drive around the city on a float and shower the children and people with sweets and other presents. a nativity scene Joseph Mary (baby) Jesus shepherds angels a donkey Father Christmas

un beln (Beln = Bethlehem) Jos la Virgen Mara el nio Jess los pastores los ngeles un burro Pap Noel

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