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FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS IN THE BOOK Read the following sentences from the book.

Look for them in the book and try to guess their meaning. Compare in pairs/groups. Finally, write the correct translation.
Read ___Lee____________ Listen_____Escucha__________ Repeat ___________Repite____ Complete __Rellena, completa_______ Match_____Une__________ Ask _Pregunta________ Answer _Responde, contesta______________ Choose ___Elige, escoge____________ Add______Aade_________ Write______Escribe_________ Correct __________Corrige_____ Find _Encuentra Check __Comprueba_____________ Sentence__frase u oracin_____ Word ____palabra Question word___pronombre interrogativo___(QU, CMO, DONDE, C UANDO_________) Verb _____verbo__________ Capital letters ___letras maysculas_____ Example____ejemplo A question_________una pregunta______ An answer ______una respuesta_________ A Dialogue __un dilogo Complete the sentences with numbers __completa las oraciones con nmeros__ Complete the sentences for you. _completa las oraciones sobre t. (poniendo informacin tuya)__________________ Look at the box Mira la tabla o el recuadro________________________ Match the objects with the words. ____Une los objetos con las palabras_______________ Find the words in the text. ___Encuentra las palabras en el texto__________________________ Choose the correct words Elige las palabras correctas_____ Correct the sentence. Corrige la frase/oracin__________ Add s to the words Aade s a las palabras_ Listen again __Escucha otra vez/de nuevo_____________ Use capital letters Usa las letras maysculas Translate the words into your language Traduce las palabras a tu idioma Practise the dialogue _Practica el dilogo_____________________________ Are the sentences true or false? ____Son las frases verdaderas o falsas?__________________________ Correct the false sentences Corrige las oraciones falsas_________________________ Find these words

Encuentra las palabras.____________________________

______________________________ Answer the questions __Responde/Contesta a las preguntas___________________________ _

LOOK FOR-BUSCA__ Check their meaning. Comprueba su significado

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