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Les contar una experiencia que me pas ya hace 9 aos atrs. Bueno a m siempre me han gustado los bebes.

Cuando yo tena 12 aos, siempre iba donde una Ta porque me gustaba estar chineando al bebe de ella, mi primo que tena 6 meses. A veces lo paseaba en mi bicicleta, yo lo llevaba en mi brazo para que no se cayera. Y una vez no s cmo pero se me solt de las manos y se me cay en medio de la bicicleta. Yo estaba muy asustada, lo agarre rpido y el bebe est llorando y llorando. Yo asustada no saba qu hacer porque si le deca a mi ta me iba a pegar, entonces decid llevarme al bebe para mi casa, estaba todo sucio de tierra, le cont a mi hermana que es un ao menor que yo, lo limpiamos y tena un pequeo raspn en el brazo. Despus se lo lleve a mi ta y no se dio cuenta. Pero en la noche me pregunto que si yo lo deje caer, porque tena un raspn. Yo le dije que no porque si le deca me iba a regaar. Esa fue una situacin muy pero muy frustrante para m.

Let me tell you an experience that happened to me since 9 years ago. Well I always liked babies. When I was 12, where an aunt was always because I liked being chinear drink it, my cousin who was 6 months. Sometimes it riding my bike, I had it in my arm to keep it from falling. And once I do not know how but I let go of my hands and I dropped in the middle of the bike. I was so scared, I hold fast, and the baby is crying and crying. Scared I did not know what to do because if I told my aunt was going to hit me, so I decided to take the baby to my house, everything was dirty ground, I told my sister who is a year younger than me, and had cleaned a small scrape on his arm. Then take him to my aunt and did not realize. But at night I wonder if I drop it, because it had a scratch. I said no because if I said I was going to scold. That was a very, very frustrating situation for me.

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