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PROFILE: NAMES: LAST NAME: IDENTITY CARD: PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: MARITAL ESTATUS: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: Porras N11-270 PHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL: OBJECTIVE: Join the Naval Institute aspirations having very large and strong desire to become a naval officer making the effort necessary to achieve the dream that has grown in my very young, now that I can do what I will waste no Single Lorenzo Daz and Pedro 3182505 John Harold Palma Valero 171842958-0 Quito, Vicentina December 08, 1993

EDUCATION LEVEL: Secondary Education: Private High School Andrew Military School N 10 Abdon Calderon (Degree in Accounting Bachelor of Science in Business and Administration) MAIN ACHIVIEMENTS: Having successfully completed my secondary education EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: None OTHER KNOWLEDGE: None SPORTS: Soccer Swim Mix Martial Arts REFERENCES: Edison Criollo Cristian Tacuri Alexandra Calahorrano 084391642 092575820 087011999

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