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Mike: Hey John, whats going on? -John: Jo Mike, nothing at all, I'm waiting for my girlfriend!

-Mike: So? I didn't know that you've a girlfriend now... What's her name? -John: Yes... I've met her some months ago, her name is Jessy. -Mike: How nice! Let's wait for her togheter, I want to know her. -John: Well, she should be here in no time. -Rose: Hello suggar, I am late? -John: Hi honey, not at all! -Rose: Who is your companion? -John: Its Mike, a friend. -Rose: Hello Mike! -Mike: Hey Rose, nice to meet you. -Rose: Are you going with us Mike? -Mike: No no, I just saw John here and started some small talk, but I was already going home. -Rose: Oh come on, lets join us for a while, we are going to take some ice cream! -Mike: No thanks, I don't want to disturb... (laugh) -Rose: (laugh) you would not! -John: Join us Mike, it will be funnier. -Mike: Ok, let's take some ice cream togheter! -Rose: Great, lets go for that cold gold! -John: (laugh) Yay! Mike: Hola Juan, que est pasando? -Juan: Jo Mike, nada de nada, estoy esperando a mi novia! -Mike: Y qu? Yo no saba que tienes una novia ahora ... Cmo se llama? -Juan: S ... Yo la he conocido hace unos meses, su nombre es Jessy. -Mike: Qu bien! Vamos a esperar a que ella togheter, quiero conocerla. -John: Bueno, ella debera estar aqu en ningn momento. -Rose: Hola suggar, llego tarde? -Juan: Hola, cario, no en absoluto! -Rose: Quin es tu compaero? -Juan: Su Mike, un amigo. -Rose: Hola Mike! -Mike: Hola Rosa, encantado de conocerte. -Rose: Vas con nosotros Mike? -Mike: No, no, acabo de ver a John aqu y comenz una breve charla, pero yo ya estaba yendo a casa. -Rose: Oh, vamos, vamos a unirse a nosotros por un tiempo, vamos a tomar un helado! -Mike: No, gracias, no quiero molestar a ... (risas) -Rose: (risas) no quisiste! -Juan: nase a nosotros Mike, ser ms divertido. -Mike: Ok, vamos a tomar algn togheter helado! -Rosa: Muy bien, vamos por el oro fro! -Juan: (risas) S!

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