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Cauterizer Labyrinthe There is no resurrection It was all just a bullshit lie Hung and left for dead is how

that fucking faggot died Consumed by vultures Picking his frayed remains Your so called king of kings Haggard corpse was laid to waste There was no hesitation When that coward fell from his post That piece of shit didn't die for you He's just a bitch that couldn't save himself Was this your appointed savior? Was this your appointed savior? Jesus Christ is a sacrificial lamb He is a fucking fake An illusion derived from pedophiles To blind the ones they've raped I do not give a fuck I'll find his tomb Exhume the body Slit open his diseased chest Drink the blood of the chosen son Concurrently ripping out his his intestines And squeeze out his shit with my bare hands Six six six Six six six Six six six Six six six Six six six

cauterizador Labyrinthe No hay resurreccin Todo era una mentira mierda Hung y dado por muerto es la forma en que maricn de mierda muerto

Devorados por los buitres Recogiendo sus restos deshilachados Su rey, llamado de los reyes Haggard cadver fue puesto a la basura No hubo ninguna vacilacin Cuando cay el cobarde de su cargo Ese pedazo de mierda no morir por ti No es ms que una perra que no poda salvarse a s mismo No fue su salvador designado? No fue su salvador designado? Jesucristo es un chivo expiatorio l es un falso de mierda Una ilusin derivada de los pedfilos Para los ciegos que han sido violadas No me importa una mierda

Voy a encontrar su tumba La exhumacin del cadver Rendija abierta en el pecho enfermo Beber la sangre del hijo predilecto Al mismo tiempo arrancar sus tripas Y exprimir su mierda con mis propias manos

Seis seis seis Seis seis seis Seis seis seis Seis seis seis Seis seis seis

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