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1.clear input "ingrese valor mts cuadrado" to v input "ingrese el lado " to l b=l/2 h=sqrt((l^2)-(b^2)) a=(b*h)/2 pt=a*v ?

"el precio es:",pt Return 2.clear input "el radio del balon" to r v=(4/3)*pi()*(r^3) ?"el volumen es :",v Return 3.clear input "ingrese a" to a input "ingrese b" to b input "ingrese c" to c x1=(-(b)+sqrt((b^2)-4*a*c))/2*a x2=(-(b)-sqrt((b^2)-4*a*c))/2*a ?"x1=",x1,"x2=",x2 Return 4.clear input "grados centigrados" to gc k=gc+273 f=(9/5)*gc+32 r=f+460 ?k,f,r Return 5.clear input "ingrese el numero de lados " to n input "ingrese la apotema " to a input "ingrese el lado" to l s=(n*a*l)/2 ?s 6.clear do while inkey(5)=13 r=int(rand()*9999) ??r enddo return

7.clear input "ingrese el numero minimo" to a input "ingrese el numero maximo " to b do while inkey(5)=13 r=int(rand()*b) if r>=a ?r else ?r endif enddo return 8.clear input "Ingrese el valor en mts" to a deca=a/10 hecto=a/100 kilo=a/1000 decime=a*10 centi=a*100 mili=a*1000 ?mili,centi,decime,a,deca,hecto,kilo 9.clear input "ingrese el lado menor" to l input "ingrese el angulo opuesto" to a a1=90-a h=l/sin(a*pi()/180) lma=sqrt((h^2)-(l^2)) area=(l*lma)/2 peri=l+lma+h ?"el area es:",area ?"el perimetro es:",peri

10.clear input "ingrese la distancia del auto" to d input "ingrese la aceleracion del auto" to a vf=sqrt(2*a*d) ?vf 11.clear h=val(substr(time(),1,2))*3600 mi=val(substr(time(),4,2))*360 se=val(substr(time(),7,2)) hs=h+mi+se ?"hora en segundos",hs Return 12.clear input "ingrese el espacio de disco en gigas" to a r=a*(1024^4) ?"en bit es",r

14.clear input "ingrese el porcentaje" to p input "ingrese el tiempo en meses" to t input "ingrese el capital" to c i=(p*t*c)/1200 ?"el interes es:",i Return 15.clear input "ingrese el 1er valor "to a input "ingrese el 2do valor "to b input "ingrese el 3er valor "to c iva=((a+b+b)*12)/100 ?"el iva por los productos es:", iva 16.clear n=32 input "ingrese el numero para ver si es multiplo" to a if (n/a)=int(n/a) or (a/n)=int(a/n) ?"si es multiplo" else ?"no es multiplo" endif return 17.clear input "ingrese la velocidad del vehculo "to v input "ingrese la aceleracion del vehiculo "to a d=(v^2)/(2*a) ?"la distancia es:",d return 18.clear input "ingrese la velocidad del vehculo "to v input "ingrese la distancia del vehiculo "to d a=(v^2)/(2*d) ?"la aceleracion es:",a Return 19.clear input "ingrese el valor "to v input "ingrese el porcentaje que quiere calcular "to p por=v*p/100 ?"el",p,"% de",v,"es",por Return 21.clear input "ingrese el numero:" to a f=1 for i= 1to a f=f*i next ?f

22.clear input "ingrse en nro de datos"to n m=0 for i=1 to n input "ingrse dato"to a m=m+a next media=m/n ?media 23.clear input "ingrese el numero de datos que va a ingresar" to m dimension v(m) for i= 1 to m input "ingrese el numero" to v(i) next sw=0 for i= 1 to (m-1) if v(i+1)= v(i) aus=v(i) sw=1 endif next if sw=1 ?"la moda es",aus else ?"no existe la moda" endif return

24.clear input "ingrese el enumero de datos"to a b=0 for i=1 to a input "ingrese el dato"to d if d>b m=d endif b=d next ?"el mayor es ",m

25.clear input "ingrese el enumero de datos"to a b=0 m=0 input "ingrese el dato"to d x=d for i=1 to a-1 input "ingrese el dato"to d if x>d x=d endif next ?"el menor es ",x Return 26.clear input "ingrese el numero base" to b input "ingrese el exponente " to e a=1 for i= 1 to e a=a*b next ?a Return 27.clear input "el numero de datos a ingresar" to m s=0 for i=1 to m input "ingrese un dato" to a s=s+a next me=s/m ?"la mediana es:",me Return

28.clear input "el numero de datos a ingresar" to m sw=0 b=0 for i=1 to m input "ingrese un dato" to a sw=sw+1 if sw=int(m/2) or sw=(int(m/2)+1) b=b+a endif next b=b/2 ?"la mediana es",b Return

29.clear input "ingrese los 9 digitos de su cedula" to a b=len(alltrim(str(a))) s=0 aus=0 for i= 1 to b step (2) s=2*val(substr(alltrim(str(a)),i,1)) if s>=10 s=s-9 endif aus=aus+s next for i= 2 to b step(2) aus=aus+val(substr(alltrim(str(a)),i,1)) next d=10-val(substr(alltrim(str(aus)),2,1)) if aus/10=int(aus/10) d=0 ?"su digito verificador es:",d else ?"su digito verificador es:",d Endif 30.clear input "ingrese el numero de veces que quiere imprimir" to n for i= 1 to n ?"informatica" next return 31.clear input "ingrese el mumero" to n b=str(n) ?b a=len(alltrim(b)) ?"tiene",a,"digitos" Return 32.clear accept "ingrese la cadena "to c d=len(trim(c)) ?d Return 34.clear for i = 1 to 20 ?"tabla del",i for j=1 to 20 r=i*j ?i,j,"x",r next next

35.clear input "ingrese el numero minimo " to a input "ingrese el numero maximo " to b for i= a to b c=i/3 if c=int(c) if i/2<>int(i/2) ?i endif endif next 36.clear input "ingrese el enumero en decimal" to n a="" if n=1 a="1" endif b="" aus=n do while aus>1 aus=aus/2 if aus=int(aus) b=b+"0" else b=b+"1" endif aus=int(aus) if aus=1 b=b+"1" endif enddo for i=len(b)to 1 step (-1) a=a+substr(b,i,1) next ?a 37.clear input "ingrese el numero binario " to n b=len(alltrim(str(n))) e=0 t=0 for i=b to 1 step(-1) t=t+((val(substr(alltrim(str(n)),i,1)))*2^e) e=e+1 next ?t

38.clear input "ingrese el numero minimo " to a input "ingrese el numero maximo " to b for i= a to b c=i/5 if c=int(c) if i/2=int(i/2) ?i endif endif next 39.clear input "ingrese el numero" to n sw=0 for i=2 to (n-1) if n/i=int(n/i) sw=1 endif next if sw=0 ?"es primo" else ?"no es primo" endif return 40.clear input "ingrese el dato menor"to a input "ingrese el dato maximo " to b for i=a to b sw=0 for j=2 to (i-1) if i/j=int(i/j) sw=1 endif next if sw=0 ?i sw=1 endif next 41.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a),v1(a),r(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector 1" to v(i) next for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector 2" to v1(i) next for i= 1 to a r(i)=v(i)+v1(i) ?v(i),"+",v1(i),+"=",r(i) next return

42.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a),v1(a),r(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector 1" to v(i) next for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector 2" to v1(i) next for i= 1 to a r(i)=v(i)-v1(i) ?v(i),"-",v1(i),+"=",r(i) next return 43.- clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i=1 to a for j=(i+1) to a if v(i)>v(j) aus=v(i) v(i)=v(j) v(j)=aus endif next next for i=1 to a ?v(i) next return 44.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i=1 to a for j=(i+1) to a if v(i)<v(j) aus=v(i) v(i)=v(j) v(j)=aus endif next next for i=1 to a ?v(i) next return

45.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next for i=2 to a step(2) ?v(i) next return 46.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next for i=1 to a step(2) ?v(i) next return 47.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next for i=a to 1 step(-1) ?v(i) next return 48.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to n dimension v(n) v=0 if n>=2 v(2)=1 endif for i=3 to n v(i)=v(i-1)+v(i-2) next for i=1 to n ??v(i),"," next return

49.clear input "ingrese su cedula" to a b=len(alltrim(str(a))) s=0 aus=0 for i= 1 to b step (2) s=2*val(substr(alltrim(str(a)),i,1)) if s>=10 s=s-9 endif aus=aus+s next for i= 2 to b-1 step(2) aus=aus+val(substr(alltrim(str(a)),i,1)) next d=10-val(substr(alltrim(str(aus)),2,1)) if d=10 d=0 endif if d=val(substr(alltrim(str(a)),10,1)) ?"su cedula es correcta" else ?"su cedula esta mal ingresada" endif return 52.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i=1 to a for j=(i+1) to a if v(i)>v(j) aus=v(i) v(i)=v(j) v(j)=aus endif next next ?v(1) Return

53.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i=1 to a for j=(i+1) to a if v(i)>v(j) aus=v(i) v(i)=v(j) v(j)=aus endif next next ?v(a) Return 54.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i=1 to a for j=(i+1) to a if v(i)>v(j) aus=v(i) v(i)=v(j) v(j)=aus endif next next ?"el rango del vector es:",v(1),"-",v(a) 55.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i= 1 to a if v(i)/2=int(v(i)/2) aus=aus+v(i) endif next ?aus Return

56.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i= 1 to a if v(i)/2<>int(v(i)/2) aus=aus+v(i) endif next ?aus Return 57.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i= 1 to a if v(i)/7=int(v(i)/7) aus=aus+1 endif next ?aus Return 58.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector " to v(i) next aus=0 for i= 1 to a if v(i)/4=int(v(i)/4) ?v(i) aus=aus+1 endif next ?aus Return

59.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a r=3*a dimension m1(a),m2(a),m3(a),mr(r) mr=0 for i= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector1" to m1(i) mr(i)=m1(i) next i=a for j= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector2" to m2(j) mr(i+j)=m2(j) next j=2*a for k= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector3" to m3(k) mr(k+j)=m3(k) next for i= 1 to r ?mr(i) next return 60.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a r=3*a dimension m1(a),m2(a),m3(a),mr(r) mr=0 for i= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector1" to m1(i) mr(i)=m1(i) next i=a for j= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector2" to m2(j) mr(i+j)=m2(j) next j=2*a for k= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector3" to m3(k) mr(k+j)=m3(k) next for i= 1 to r ?mr(i) next return

61.clear input "ingrse la dimension de la matriz" to n dimension m(n,n) m=0 for i= 1 to n m(i,i)=1 next for i=1 to n for j=1 to n ??m(i,j) next ? next return 62.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrese el numero de columnas" to c dimension m1(f,c) m1=0 for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese valor a la matriz" to m1(i,j) next next for i=1 to c for j= 1 to f ??m1(j,i) next ? Next 63.clear input "ingrese la dimension de la matriz" to a dimension m(a,a) m=0 for i= 1 to a for j=(i) to a m(i,j)=1 next next for i=1 to a for j=1 to a ??m(i,j) next ? next return 64.clear input "ingrese la dimension de la matriz" to a dimension m(a,a) m=0 f=int(a/2)+1

c=int(a/2)+1 for i= 1 to a m(f,i)=1 next for i= 1 to a m(i,c)=1 next for i=1 to a for j=1 to a ??m(i,j) next ? next

65.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columna en columnas" to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=f to f for j=1 to c m(i,j)=1 next next for i=1 to f for j=1 to 1 m(i,j)=1 next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c ??m(i,j) next ? next return 66.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columna en columnas" to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i= 1 to c m(1,i)=1 next for i= 1 to f m(i,c)=1 next for i= 1 to c m(f,i)=1 next

for i= 1 to f m(i,1)=1 next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c ??m(i,j) next ? next return

67.clear input "ingrese la dimension de la matriz" to a dimension m(a,a) m=0 for i=1 to a for j=i to i m(i,j)=1 next next c=0 for i=a to 1 step(-1) for j=1 to 1 c=c+1 m(i,c)=1 next next for i=1 to a for j=1 to a ??m(i,j) next ? next return

68.clear a=2 do while a/2=int(a/2) input "ingrese la dimension de la matriz" to a enddo dimension m(a,a) for i=1 to a for j=1 to a input "ingrese datos a la matriz" to m(i,j) next next r=m(int(a/2)+1,int(a/2)+1) ?r Return

69.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrese el numero de columnas" to c dimension m1(f,c),m2(f,c),m(f,c) for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese valor a la 1ra matriz" to m1(i,j) next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese valor a la 2da matriz"to m2(i,j) next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c m(i,j)=m1(i,j)+m2(i,j) next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c ??m(i,j) next ? next return

70.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrese el numero de columnas" to c dimension m1(f,c),m2(f,c),m(f,c) for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese valor a la 1ra matriz" to m1(i,j) next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese valor a la 2da matriz"to m2(i,j) next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c m(i,j)=m1(i,j)-m2(i,j)

next next for i= 1 to f for j=1 to c ??m(i,j) next ? next return

72.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c fila=f co=c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c @ i+9,36+(j*5) get m(i,j) pict "###" next next read cycle for i=1 to f*c for f=1 to c for c=1 to c-1

if m(f,c)<m(f,c+1) else aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f,c+1) m(f,c+1)=aux endif next if f<c if m(f,c)<m(f+1,1) else aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f+1,1) m(f+1,1)=aux endif endif next next for i=1 to fila for j=1 to co ??m(i,j) next ? next return

73.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c fila=f co=c dimension m(f,c) m=0 * Lectura de datos for i=1 to f for j=1 to c @ i+9,36+(j*5) get m(i,j) pict "###" next next read cycle * Ordenacion de una matriz en forma ascendente for i=1 to f*c

for f=1 to c for c=1 to c-1 if m(f,c)<m(f,c+1) aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f,c+1) m(f,c+1)=aux endif next if f<c if m(f,c)<m(f+1,1) aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f+1,1) m(f+1,1)=aux endif endif next next * Impresion de resultados for i=1 to fila for j=1 to co ??m(i,j) next ? next return

74.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese datos a la matriz" to m(i,j) next next sw=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c aus=(m(i,j)/8) if (m(i,j))=>8 and aus=int(aus) ?m(i,j) endif

next next return 75.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese datos a la matriz" to m(i,j) next next sw=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c aus=(m(i,j)/9) if (m(i,j))=>9 and aus=int(aus) ?m(i,j) endif next next return

76.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese datos a la matriz" to m(i,j) next next sw=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c aus=(m(i,j)/17) if (m(i,j))=>17 and aus=int(aus) sw=sw+1 endif

next next ?"el numero de datos encontrados son:",sw Return 77.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese datos a la matriz" to m(i,j) next next sw=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c aus=(m(i,j)/11) if (m(i,j))=>11 and aus=int(aus) sw=sw+1 endif next next ?"el numero de datos encontrados son:",sw Return

78.clear input "ingrese la dimension del cubo" to n dimension m(n,n) m=0 fi=int(n/2)+1 co=n for i= 1 to n*n m(fi,co)=i if fi<=1 fi=n else fi=fi-1 endif if co>=n co=1 else co=co+1

endif if m(fi,co)<>0 co=co-2 fi=fi+1 if co<1 co=n-1 endif if fi>n fi=1 endif endif next for i=1 to n for j=1 to n ??m(i,j) next ? next return 79.clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c dimension m(f,c) m=0 su=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c input "ingrese datos a la matriz" to m(i,j) su=su+m(i,j) next next ?"la suma es:",su

80.clear clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c fila=f co=c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c @ i+9,36+(j*5) get m(i,j) pict "###" next next read cycle for i=1 to f*c for f=1 to c for c=1 to c-1 if m(f,c)<m(f,c+1) else aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f,c+1) m(f,c+1)=aux endif next if f<c if m(f,c)<m(f+1,1) else aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f+1,1) m(f+1,1)=aux endif endif next next ?"el rango es:",m(1,1),"-",m(fila,co) return

81.clear for j=1 to 150 @15,j say "a.bmp" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.01 clear next 82.clear for j=150 to 1 step (-1) @15,j say "a.bmp" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.01 clear next

83.clear for j=0 to 30 @j,60 say "a.bmp" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.01 clear next 84.clear for j=30 to 0 step(-1) @j,60 say "a.bmp" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.01 clear next 85.clear do while .t. on escape return i=int(rand()*30) j=int(rand()*150) @i,j say "a.bmp" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.3 clear enddo 86.clear for i=1 to 5 on escape return a="I"+ALLTRIM(str(i))+".jpg" @0,0 say a bitmap wait "" timeout 1 clear if i=5 i=1 endif next

87.clear f=30 c=0 do while f>=0 @f,c say "i1.jpg" bitmap stretch size 10,20 f=f-1 c=c+5 wait "" timeout 0.1 clear enddo return 88.clear f=0

c=0 do while f<=30 @f,c say "i1.jpg" bitmap stretch size 10,20 f=f+1 c=c+5 wait "" timeout 0.1 clear enddo return 89.clear c=60 do while .t. on escape return for i=1 to 30 @i,c say "i1.jpg" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.1 clear next for i=30 to 1 step (-1) @i,c say "i1.jpg" bitmap stretch size 10,20 wait "" timeout 0.1 clear next enddo return

33.clear input "ingrese el 1er numero binario" to a1 input "ingrese el 2do numero binario" to a2 b=len(alltrim(str(a1))) e=0 t1=0 *1er numero for i=b to 1 step(-1) t1=t1+((val(substr(alltrim(str(a1)),i,1)))*2^e) e=e+1 next ?t1 *2do numero e=0 t2=0 c=len(alltrim(str(a2))) for i=c to 1 step(-1) t2=t2+((val(substr(alltrim(str(a2)),i,1)))*2^e) e=e+1 next ?t2 sud=t1+t2 ?sud *transormacion a="" if sud=1 a="1" endif b="" aus=sud do while aus>1 aus=aus/2 if aus=int(aus) b=b+"0" else b=b+"1" endif aus=int(aus) if aus=1 b=b+"1" endif enddo for i=len(b)to 1 step (-1) a=a+substr(b,i,1) next ?"la suma es:",a

51.*metodo secuencila clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a dimension v(a) for i=1 to a input "ingrse valores al vector" to v(i) next input "ingrse el dato que quiere buscar" to b sw=0 for i= 1 to a if b=v(i) sw=1 pos=v(i) endif next if sw=1 ?1,"si lo encontro" ?"posicion",pos else ?sw,"no lo encontro" endif

59.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a r=3*a dimension m1(a),m2(a),m3(a),mr(r) mr=0 for i= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector1" to m1(i) mr(i)=m1(i) next i=a for j= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector2" to m2(j) mr(i+j)=m2(j) next j=2*a for k= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector3" to m3(k) mr(k+j)=m3(k) next for i= 1 to r ?mr(i) next return

60.clear input "ingrese la dimension del vector" to a r=3*a dimension m1(a),m2(a),m3(a),mr(r) mr=0 for i= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector1" to m1(i) mr(i)=m1(i) next i=a for j= 1 to a input "ingrese datos al vector2" to m2(j) mr(i+j)=m2(j) next j=2*a for k= 1to a input "ingrese datos al vector3" to m3(k) mr(k+j)=m3(k) next for i= 1 to r ?mr(i) next return

61.clear input "ingrse la dimension de la matriz" to n dimension m(n,n) m=0 for i= 1 to n m(i,i)=1 next for i=1 to n for j=1 to n ??m(i,j) next ? next return
64.clear input "ingrese la dimension de la matriz" to a dimension m(a,a) m=0 f=int(a/2)+1 c=int(a/2)+1 for i= 1 to a m(f,i)=1 next for i= 1 to a m(i,c)=1 next for i=1 to a for j=1 to a ??m(i,j) next ? Next

80.clear clear input "ingrese el numero de filas" to f input "ingrse el numero de columnas " to c fila=f co=c dimension m(f,c) m=0 for i=1 to f for j=1 to c @ i+9,36+(j*5) get m(i,j) pict "###" next next read cycle for i=1 to f*c for f=1 to c for c=1 to c-1 if m(f,c)<m(f,c+1) else aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f,c+1) m(f,c+1)=aux endif next if f<c if m(f,c)<m(f+1,1) else aux=m(f,c) m(f,c)=m(f+1,1) m(f+1,1)=aux endif endif next next ?"el rango es:",m(1,1),"-",m(fila,co) return

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