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R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques
R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques
R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques
Ebook2,038 pages22 hours

R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques

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About this ebook

Aimed for intermediate-to-advanced people (especially data scientist) who are already into the field of data science
Release dateOct 24, 2016
R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques

Brett Lantz

"Brett Lantz has spent the past 10 years using innovative data methods to understand human behavior. A sociologist by training, he was first enchanted by machine learning while studying a large database of teenagers' social networking website profiles. Since then, he has worked on interdisciplinary studies of cellular telephone calls, medical billing data, and philanthropic activity, among others. When he's not spending time with family, following college sports, or being entertained by his dachshunds, he maintains, a website dedicated to sharing knowledge about the search for insight in data."

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    Book preview

    R - Brett Lantz

    Table of Contents

    R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques

    R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques



    What this learning path covers

    What you need for this learning path

    Who this learning path is for

    Reader feedback

    Customer support

    Downloading the example code




    I. Module 1

    1. Getting Started with R and Machine Learning

    Delving into the basics of R

    Using R as a scientific calculator

    Operating on vectors

    Special values

    Data structures in R


    Creating vectors

    Indexing and naming vectors

    Arrays and matrices

    Creating arrays and matrices

    Names and dimensions

    Matrix operations


    Creating and indexing lists

    Combining and converting lists

    Data frames

    Creating data frames

    Operating on data frames

    Working with functions

    Built-in functions

    User-defined functions

    Passing functions as arguments

    Controlling code flow

    Working with if, if-else, and ifelse

    Working with switch


    Advanced constructs

    lapply and sapply




    Next steps with R

    Getting help

    Handling packages

    Machine learning basics

    Machine learning – what does it really mean?

    Machine learning – how is it used in the world?

    Types of machine learning algorithms

    Supervised machine learning algorithms

    Unsupervised machine learning algorithms

    Popular machine learning packages in R


    2. Let's Help Machines Learn

    Understanding machine learning

    Algorithms in machine learning


    Families of algorithms

    Supervised learning algorithms

    Linear regression

    K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)

    Collecting and exploring data

    Normalizing data

    Creating training and test data sets

    Learning from data/training the model

    Evaluating the model

    Unsupervised learning algorithms

    Apriori algorithm



    3. Predicting Customer Shopping Trends with Market Basket Analysis

    Detecting and predicting trends

    Market basket analysis

    What does market basket analysis actually mean?

    Core concepts and definitions

    Techniques used for analysis

    Making data driven decisions

    Evaluating a product contingency matrix

    Getting the data

    Analyzing and visualizing the data

    Global recommendations

    Advanced contingency matrices

    Frequent itemset generation

    Getting started

    Data retrieval and transformation

    Building an itemset association matrix

    Creating a frequent itemsets generation workflow

    Detecting shopping trends

    Association rule mining

    Loading dependencies and data

    Exploratory analysis

    Detecting and predicting shopping trends

    Visualizing association rules


    4. Building a Product Recommendation System

    Understanding recommendation systems

    Issues with recommendation systems

    Collaborative filters

    Core concepts and definitions

    The collaborative filtering algorithm




    Building a recommender engine

    Matrix factorization


    Result interpretation

    Production ready recommender engines

    Extract, transform, and analyze

    Model preparation and prediction

    Model evaluation


    5. Credit Risk Detection and Prediction – Descriptive Analytics

    Types of analytics

    Our next challenge

    What is credit risk?

    Getting the data

    Data preprocessing

    Dealing with missing values

    Datatype conversions

    Data analysis and transformation

    Building analysis utilities

    Analyzing the dataset

    Saving the transformed dataset

    Next steps

    Feature sets

    Machine learning algorithms


    6. Credit Risk Detection and Prediction – Predictive Analytics

    Predictive analytics

    How to predict credit risk

    Important concepts in predictive modeling

    Preparing the data

    Building predictive models

    Evaluating predictive models

    Getting the data

    Data preprocessing

    Feature selection

    Modeling using logistic regression

    Modeling using support vector machines

    Modeling using decision trees

    Modeling using random forests

    Modeling using neural networks

    Model comparison and selection


    7. Social Media Analysis – Analyzing Twitter Data

    Social networks (Twitter)

    Data mining @social networks

    Mining social network data

    Data and visualization

    Word clouds


    Pixel-oriented maps

    Other visualizations

    Getting started with Twitter APIs


    Registering the application


    Extracting sample tweets

    Twitter data mining

    Frequent words and associations

    Popular devices

    Hierarchical clustering

    Topic modeling

    Challenges with social network data mining



    8. Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data

    Understanding Sentiment Analysis

    Key concepts of sentiment analysis


    Sentiment polarity

    Opinion summarization

    Feature extraction




    Sentiment analysis upon Tweets

    Polarity analysis

    Classification-based algorithms

    Labeled dataset

    Support Vector Machines

    Ensemble methods




    II. Module 2

    1. Introducing Machine Learning

    The origins of machine learning

    Uses and abuses of machine learning

    Machine learning successes

    The limits of machine learning

    Machine learning ethics

    How machines learn

    Data storage




    Machine learning in practice

    Types of input data

    Types of machine learning algorithms

    Matching input data to algorithms

    Machine learning with R

    Installing R packages

    Loading and unloading R packages


    2. Managing and Understanding Data

    R data structures




    Data frames

    Matrixes and arrays

    Managing data with R

    Saving, loading, and removing R data structures

    Importing and saving data from CSV files

    Exploring and understanding data

    Exploring the structure of data

    Exploring numeric variables

    Measuring the central tendency – mean and median

    Measuring spread – quartiles and the five-number summary

    Visualizing numeric variables – boxplots

    Visualizing numeric variables – histograms

    Understanding numeric data – uniform and normal distributions

    Measuring spread – variance and standard deviation

    Exploring categorical variables

    Measuring the central tendency – the mode

    Exploring relationships between variables

    Visualizing relationships – scatterplots

    Examining relationships – two-way cross-tabulations


    3. Lazy Learning – Classification Using Nearest Neighbors

    Understanding nearest neighbor classification

    The k-NN algorithm

    Measuring similarity with distance

    Choosing an appropriate k

    Preparing data for use with k-NN

    Why is the k-NN algorithm lazy?

    Example – diagnosing breast cancer with the k-NN algorithm

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Transformation – normalizing numeric data

    Data preparation – creating training and test datasets

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance

    Transformation – z-score standardization

    Testing alternative values of k


    4. Probabilistic Learning – Classification Using Naive Bayes

    Understanding Naive Bayes

    Basic concepts of Bayesian methods

    Understanding probability

    Understanding joint probability

    Computing conditional probability with Bayes' theorem

    The Naive Bayes algorithm

    Classification with Naive Bayes

    The Laplace estimator

    Using numeric features with Naive Bayes

    Example – filtering mobile phone spam with the Naive Bayes algorithm

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Data preparation – cleaning and standardizing text data

    Data preparation – splitting text documents into words

    Data preparation – creating training and test datasets

    Visualizing text data – word clouds

    Data preparation – creating indicator features for frequent words

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance


    5. Divide and Conquer – Classification Using Decision Trees and Rules

    Understanding decision trees

    Divide and conquer

    The C5.0 decision tree algorithm

    Choosing the best split

    Pruning the decision tree

    Example – identifying risky bank loans using C5.0 decision trees

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Data preparation – creating random training and test datasets

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance

    Boosting the accuracy of decision trees

    Making mistakes more costlier than others

    Understanding classification rules

    Separate and conquer

    The 1R algorithm

    The RIPPER algorithm

    Rules from decision trees

    What makes trees and rules greedy?

    Example – identifying poisonous mushrooms with rule learners

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance


    6. Forecasting Numeric Data – Regression Methods

    Understanding regression

    Simple linear regression

    Ordinary least squares estimation


    Multiple linear regression

    Example – predicting medical expenses using linear regression

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Exploring relationships among features – the correlation matrix

    Visualizing relationships among features – the scatterplot matrix

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance

    Model specification – adding non-linear relationships

    Transformation – converting a numeric variable to a binary indicator

    Model specification – adding interaction effects

    Putting it all together – an improved regression model

    Understanding regression trees and model trees

    Adding regression to trees

    Example – estimating the quality of wines with regression trees and model trees

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Visualizing decision trees

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Measuring performance with the mean absolute error

    Step 5 – improving model performance


    7. Black Box Methods – Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines

    Understanding neural networks

    From biological to artificial neurons

    Activation functions

    Network topology

    The number of layers

    The direction of information travel

    The number of nodes in each layer

    Training neural networks with backpropagation

    Example – Modeling the strength of concrete with ANNs

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance

    Understanding Support Vector Machines

    Classification with hyperplanes

    The case of linearly separable data

    The case of nonlinearly separable data

    Using kernels for non-linear spaces

    Example – performing OCR with SVMs

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance


    8. Finding Patterns – Market Basket Analysis Using Association Rules

    Understanding association rules

    The Apriori algorithm for association rule learning

    Measuring rule interest – support and confidence

    Building a set of rules with the Apriori principle

    Example – identifying frequently purchased groceries with association rules

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Data preparation – creating a sparse matrix for transaction data

    Visualizing item support – item frequency plots

    Visualizing the transaction data – plotting the sparse matrix

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance

    Sorting the set of association rules

    Taking subsets of association rules

    Saving association rules to a file or data frame


    9. Finding Groups of Data – Clustering with k-means

    Understanding clustering

    Clustering as a machine learning task

    The k-means clustering algorithm

    Using distance to assign and update clusters

    Choosing the appropriate number of clusters

    Example – finding teen market segments using k-means clustering

    Step 1 – collecting data

    Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

    Data preparation – dummy coding missing values

    Data preparation – imputing the missing values

    Step 3 – training a model on the data

    Step 4 – evaluating model performance

    Step 5 – improving model performance


    10. Evaluating Model Performance

    Measuring performance for classification

    Working with classification prediction data in R

    A closer look at confusion matrices

    Using confusion matrices to measure performance

    Beyond accuracy – other measures of performance

    The kappa statistic

    Sensitivity and specificity

    Precision and recall

    The F-measure

    Visualizing performance trade-offs

    ROC curves

    Estimating future performance

    The holdout method


    Bootstrap sampling


    11. Improving Model Performance

    Tuning stock models for better performance

    Using caret for automated parameter tuning

    Creating a simple tuned model

    Customizing the tuning process

    Improving model performance with meta-learning

    Understanding ensembles



    Random forests

    Training random forests

    Evaluating random forest performance


    12. Specialized Machine Learning Topics

    Working with proprietary files and databases

    Reading from and writing to Microsoft Excel, SAS, SPSS, and Stata files

    Querying data in SQL databases

    Working with online data and services

    Downloading the complete text of web pages

    Scraping data from web pages

    Parsing XML documents

    Parsing JSON from web APIs

    Working with domain-specific data

    Analyzing bioinformatics data

    Analyzing and visualizing network data

    Improving the performance of R

    Managing very large datasets

    Generalizing tabular data structures with dplyr

    Making data frames faster with data.table

    Creating disk-based data frames with ff

    Using massive matrices with bigmemory

    Learning faster with parallel computing

    Measuring execution time

    Working in parallel with multicore and snow

    Taking advantage of parallel with foreach and doParallel

    Parallel cloud computing with MapReduce and Hadoop

    GPU computing

    Deploying optimized learning algorithms

    Building bigger regression models with biglm

    Growing bigger and faster random forests with bigrf

    Training and evaluating models in parallel with caret


    III. Module 3

    1. A Process for Success

    The process

    Business understanding

    Identify the business objective

    Assess the situation

    Determine the analytical goals

    Produce a project plan

    Data understanding

    Data preparation




    Algorithm flowchart


    2. Linear Regression – The Blocking and Tackling of Machine Learning

    Univariate linear regression

    Business understanding

    Multivariate linear regression

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    Other linear model considerations

    Qualitative feature

    Interaction term


    3. Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis

    Classification methods and linear regression

    Logistic regression

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    The logistic regression model

    Logistic regression with cross-validation

    Discriminant analysis overview

    Discriminant analysis application

    Model selection


    4. Advanced Feature Selection in Linear Models

    Regularization in a nutshell

    Ridge regression


    Elastic net

    Business case

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    Best subsets

    Ridge regression


    Elastic net

    Cross-validation with glmnet

    Model selection


    5. More Classification Techniques – K-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machines

    K-Nearest Neighbors

    Support Vector Machines

    Business case

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    KNN modeling

    SVM modeling

    Model selection

    Feature selection for SVMs


    6. Classification and Regression Trees


    An overview of the techniques

    Regression trees

    Classification trees

    Random forest

    Gradient boosting

    Business case

    Modeling and evaluation

    Regression tree

    Classification tree

    Random forest regression

    Random forest classification

    Gradient boosting regression

    Gradient boosting classification

    Model selection


    7. Neural Networks

    Neural network

    Deep learning, a not-so-deep overview

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    An example of deep learning

    H2O background

    Data preparation and uploading it to H2O

    Create train and test datasets



    8. Cluster Analysis

    Hierarchical clustering

    Distance calculations

    K-means clustering

    Gower and partitioning around medoids



    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    Hierarchical clustering

    K-means clustering

    Clustering with mixed data


    9. Principal Components Analysis

    An overview of the principal components


    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    Component extraction

    Orthogonal rotation and interpretation

    Creating factor scores from the components

    Regression analysis


    10. Market Basket Analysis and Recommendation Engines

    An overview of a market basket analysis

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    An overview of a recommendation engine

    User-based collaborative filtering

    Item-based collaborative filtering

    Singular value decomposition and principal components analysis

    Business understanding and recommendations

    Data understanding, preparation, and recommendations

    Modeling, evaluation, and recommendations


    11. Time Series and Causality

    Univariate time series analysis

    Bivariate regression

    Granger causality

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    Univariate time series forecasting

    Time series regression

    Examining the causality


    12. Text Mining

    Text mining framework and methods

    Topic models

    Other quantitative analyses

    Business understanding

    Data understanding and preparation

    Modeling and evaluation

    Word frequency and topic models

    Additional quantitative analysis


    A. R Fundamentals


    Getting R up and running

    Using R

    Data frames and matrices

    Summary stats

    Installing and loading the R packages


    A. Bibliography


    R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques

    R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques

    Find out how to build smarter machine learning systems with R. Follow this three module course to become a more fluent machine learning practitioner

    A course in three modules


    R: Unleash Machine Learning Techniques

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this course to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this course is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this course.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this course by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Published on: September 2016

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78712-734-0



    Raghav Bali

    Dipanjan Sarkar

    Brett Lantz

    Cory Lesmeister


    Alexey Grigorev

    Vijayakumar Nattamai Jawaharlal

    Kent S. Johnson

    Mzabalazo Z. Ngwenya

    Anuj Saxena

    Vikram Dhillon

    Miro Kopecky

    Pavan Narayanan

    Doug Ortiz

    Shivani Rao, PhD

    Content Development Editor

    Parshva Sheth


    Abhinash Sahu

    Production Coordinator

    Melwyn Dsa


    Machine learning is a very broad topic. The following quote sums it up nicely: The first problem facing you is the bewildering variety of learning algorithms available. Which one to use? There are literally thousands available, and hundreds more are published each year. (Domingo, P., 2012.) It would therefore be irresponsible to try and cover everything in the chapters that follow because, to paraphrase Frederick the Great, we would achieve nothing. With this constraint in mind, we hope to provide a solid foundation of algorithms and business considerations that will allow the reader to walk away and, first of all, take on any machine learning tasks with complete confidence, and secondly, be able to help themselves in figuring out other algorithms and topics. Essentially, if this course significantly helps you to help yourself, then I would consider this a victory. Don't think of this course as a destination but rather, as a path to self-discovery.

    What this learning path covers

    Module 1, R Machine Learning By Example, Data science and machine learning are some of the top buzzwords in the technical world today. From retail stores to Fortune 500 companies, everyone is working hard to make machine learning give them data-driven insights to grow their businesses. With powerful data manipulation features, machine learning packages, and an active developer community, R empowers users to build sophisticated machine learning systems to solve real-world data problems. This module takes you on a data-driven journey that starts with the very basics of R and machine learning and gradually builds upon the concepts to work on projects that tackle real-world problems.

    Module 2, Machine Learning with R, Machine learning, at its core, is concerned with the algorithms that transform information into actionable intelligence. This fact makes machine learning well-suited to the present-day era of big data. Without machine learning, it would be nearly impossible to keep up with the massive stream of information. Given the growing prominence of R—a cross-platform, zero-cost statistical programming environment—there has never been a better time to start using machine learning. R offers a powerful but easy-to-learn set of tools that canassist you with finding data insights. By combining hands-on case studies with the essential theory that you need to understand how things work under the hood, this book provides all the knowledge that you will need to start applying machine learning to your own projects.

    Module 3 Mastering Machine Learning with R, The world of R can be as bewildering as the world of machine learning! There is seemingly an endless number of R packages with a plethora of blogs, websites, discussions, and papers of various quality and complexity from the community that supports R. This is a great reservoir of information and probably R's greatest strength, but I've always believed that an entity's greatest strength can also be its greatest weakness. R's vast community of knowledge can quickly overwhelm and/or sidetrack you and your efforts. Show me a problem and give me ten different R programmers and I'll show you ten different ways the code is written to solve the problem. As I've written each chapter, I've endeavored to capture the critical elements that can assist you in using R to understand, prepare, and model the data. I am no R programming expert by any stretch of the imagination, but again, I like to think that I can provide a solid foundation herein. Another thing that lit a fire under me to write this book was an incident that happened in the hallways of a former employer a couple of years ago. My team had an IT contractor to support the management of our databases. As we were walking and chatting about big data and the like, he mentioned that he had bought a book about machine learning with R and another about machine learning with Python. He stated that he could do all the programming, but all of the statistics made absolutely no sense to him. I have always kept this conversation at the back of my mind throughout the writing process. It has been a very challenging task to balance the technical and theoretical with the practical. One could, and probably someone has, turned the theory of each chapter to its own book. I used a heuristic of sorts to aid me in deciding whether a formula or technical aspect was in the scope, which was would this help me or the readers in the discussions with team members and business leaders? If I felt it might help, I would strive to provide the necessary details. I also made a conscious effort to keep the datasets used in the practical exercises large enough to be interesting but small enough to allow you to gain insight without becoming overwhelmed.

    This book is not about big data, but make no mistake about it, the methods and concepts that we will discuss can be scaled to big data. In short, this module will appeal to a broad group of individuals, from IT experts seeking to understand and interpret machine learning algorithms to statistical gurus desiring to incorporate the power of R into their analysis. However, even those that are well-versed in both IT and statistics—experts if you will—should be able to pick up quite a few tips and tricks to assist them in their efforts.

    What you need for this learning path

    This software applies to all the chapters of the book:

    Windows / Mac OS X / Linux

    R 3.2.0 (or higher)

    RStudio Desktop 0.99 (or higher)

    For hardware, there are no specific requirements, since R can run on any PC that has Mac, Linux, or Windows, but a physical memory of minimum 4 GB is preferred to run some of the iterative algorithms smoothly.

    Who this learning path is for

    Aimed for intermediate-to-advanced people (especially data scientist) who are already into the field of data science

    Reader feedback

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book—what you liked or disliked. Reader feedback is important for us as it helps us develop titles that you will really get the most out of.

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    Part I. Module 1

    R Machine Learning By Example

    Understand the fundamentals of machine learning with R and build your own dynamic algorithms to tackle complicated real-world problems successfully

    Chapter 1. Getting Started with R and Machine Learning

    This introductory chapter will get you started with the basics of R which include various constructs, useful data structures, loops and vectorization. If you are already an R wizard, you can skim through these sections and dive right into the next part which talks about what machine learning actually represents as a domain and the main areas it encompasses. We will also talk about different machine learning techniques and algorithms used in each area. Finally, we will conclude by looking at some of the most popular machine learning packages in R, some of which we will be using in the subsequent chapters.

    If you are a data or machine learning enthusiast, surely you would have heard by now that being a data scientist is referred to as the sexiest job of the 21st century by Harvard Business Review.



    There is a huge demand in the current market for data scientists, primarily because their main job is to gather crucial insights and information from both unstructured and structured data to help their business and organization grow strategically.

    Some of you might be wondering how machine learning or R relate to all this! Well, to be a successful data scientist, one of the major tools you need in your toolbox is a powerful language capable of performing complex statistical calculations and working with various types of data and building models which help you get previously unknown insights and R is the perfect language for that! Machine learning forms the foundation of the skills you need to build to become a data analyst or data scientist, this includes using various techniques to build models to get insights from data.

    This book will provide you with some of the essential tools you need to be well versed with both R and machine learning by not only looking at concepts but also applying those concepts in real-world examples. Enough talk; now let's get started on our journey into the world of machine learning with R!

    In this chapter, we will cover the following aspects:

    Delving into the basics of R

    Understanding the data structures in R

    Working with functions

    Controlling code flow

    Taking further steps with R

    Understanding machine learning basics

    Familiarizing yourself with popular machine learning packages in R

    Delving into the basics of R

    It is assumed here that you are at least familiar with the basics of R or have worked with R before. Hence, we won't be talking much about downloading and installations. There are plenty of resources on the web which provide a lot of information on this. I recommend that you use RStudio which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which is much better than the base R Graphical User Interface (GUI). You can visit to get more information about it.


    For details about the R project, you can visit to get an overview of the language. Besides this, R has a vast arsenal of wonderful packages at its disposal and you can view everything related to R and its packages at which contains all the archives.

    You must already be familiar with the R interactive interpreter, often called a Read-Evaluate-Print Loop (REPL). This interpreter acts like any command line interface which asks for input and starts with a > character, which indicates that R is waiting for your input. If your input spans multiple lines, like when you are writing a function, you will see a + prompt in each subsequent line, which means that you didn't finish typing the complete expression and R is asking you to provide the rest of the expression.

    It is also possible for R to read and execute complete files containing commands and functions which are saved in files with an .R extension. Usually, any big application consists of several .R files. Each file has its own role in the application and is often called as a module. We will be exploring some of the main features and capabilities of R in the following sections.

    Using R as a scientific calculator

    The most basic constructs in R include variables and arithmetic operators which can be used to perform simple mathematical operations like a calculator or even complex statistical calculations.

    > 5 + 6 [1] 11 > 3 * 2 [1] 6 > 1 / 0 [1] Inf

    Remember that everything in R is a vector. Even the output results indicated in the previous code snippet. They have a leading [1] symbol indicating it is a vector of size 1.

    You can also assign values to variables and operate on them just like any other programming language.

    > num <- 6 > num ^ 2 [1] 36 > num [1] 6    # a variable changes value only on re-assignment > num <- num ^ 2 * 5 + 10 / 3 > num [1] 183.3333

    Operating on vectors

    The most basic data structure in R is a vector. Basically, anything in R is a vector, even if it is a single number just like we saw in the earlier example! A vector is basically a sequence or a set of values. We can create vectors using the : operator or the c function which concatenates the values to create a vector.

    > x <- 1:5 > x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > y <- c(6, 7, 8 ,9, 10) > y [1]  6  7  8  9 10 > z <- x + y > z [1]  7  9 11 13 15

    You can clearly in the previous code snippet, that we just added two vectors together without using any loop, using just the + operator. This is known as vectorization and we will be discussing more about this later on. Some more operations on vectors are shown next:

    > c(1,3,5,7,9) * 2 [1]  2  6 10 14 18 > c(1,3,5,7,9) * c(2, 4) [1]  2 12 10 28 18 # here the second vector gets recycled


    > factorial(1:5) [1]  1  2  6  24 120 > exp(2:10)  # exponential function [1]    7.389056    20.085537    54.598150  148.413159  403.428793  1096.633158 [7]  2980.957987  8103.083928 22026.465795 > cos(c(0, pi/4))  # cosine function [1] 1.0000000 0.7071068 > sqrt(c(1, 4, 9, 16)) [1] 1 2 3 4 > sum(1:10) [1] 55

    You might be confused with the second operation where we tried to multiply a smaller vector with a bigger vector but we still got a result! If you look closely, R threw a warning also. What happened in this case is, since the two vectors were not equal in size, the smaller vector in this case c(2, 4) got recycled or repeated to become c(2, 4, 2, 4, 2) and then it got multiplied with the first vector c(1, 3, 5, 7 ,9) to give the final result vector, c(2, 12, 10, 28, 18). The other functions mentioned here are standard functions available in base R along with several other functions.


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    Special values

    Since you will be dealing with a lot of messy and dirty data in data analysis and machine learning, it is important to remember some of the special values in R so that you don't get too surprised later on if one of them pops up.

    > 1 / 0 [1] Inf > 0 / 0 [1] NaN > Inf / NaN [1] NaN > Inf / Inf [1] NaN > log(Inf) [1] Inf > Inf + NA [1] NA

    The main values which should concern you here are Inf which stands for Infinity, NaN which is Not a Number, and NA which indicates a value that is missing or Not Available. The following code snippet shows some logical tests on these special values and their results. Do remember that TRUE and FALSE are logical data type values, similar to other programming languages.

    > vec <- c(0, Inf, NaN, NA) > is.finite(vec) [1]  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE > is.nan(vec) [1] FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE > [1] FALSE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE > is.infinite(vec) [1] FALSE  TRUE FALSE FALSE

    The functions are pretty self-explanatory from their names. They clearly indicate which values are finite, which are finite and checks for NaN and NA values respectively. Some of these functions are very useful when cleaning dirty data.

    Data structures in R

    Here we will be looking at the most useful data structures which exist in R and use using them on some fictional examples to get a better grasp on their syntax and constructs. The main data structures which we will be covering here include:


    Arrays and matrices


    Data frames

    These data structures are used widely inside R as well as by various R packages and functions, including machine learning functions and algorithms which we will be using in the subsequent chapters. So it is essential to know how to use these data structures to work with data efficiently.


    Just like we mentioned briefly in the previous sections, vectors are the most basic data type inside R. We use vectors to represent anything, be it input or output. We previously saw how we create vectors and apply mathematical operations on them. We will see some more examples here.

    Creating vectors

    Here we will look at ways to initialize vectors, some of which we had also worked on previously, using operators such as : and functions such as c. In the following code snippet, we will use the seq family of functions to initialize vectors in different ways.

    > c(2.5:4.5, 6, 7, c(8, 9, 10), c(12:15)) [1]  2.5  3.5  4.5  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0 10.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 > vector(numeric, 5) [1] 0 0 0 0 0 > vector(logical, 5) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE > logical(5) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE > # seq is a function which creates sequences >,10) [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 >,10,2) [1] 1 3 5 7 9 > seq_len(10) [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

    Indexing and naming vectors

    One of the most important operations we can do on vectors involves subsetting and indexing vectors to access specific elements which are often useful when we want to run some code only on specific data points. The following examples show some ways in which we can index and subset vectors:

    > vec <- c(R, Python, Julia, Haskell, Java, Scala) > vec[1] [1] R > vec[2:4] [1] Python  Julia  Haskell > vec[c(1, 3, 5)] [1] R    Julia Java > nums <- c(5, 8, 10, NA, 3, 11) > nums [1]  5  8 10 NA  3 11 > which.min(nums)  # index of the minimum element [1] 5 > which.max(nums)  # index of the maximum element [1] 6 > nums[which.min(nums)]  # the actual minimum element [1] 3 > nums[which.max(nums)]  # the actual maximum element [1] 11

    Now we look at how we can name vectors. This is basically a nifty feature in R where you can label each element in a vector to make it more readable or easy to interpret. There are two ways this can be done, which are shown in the following examples:

    > c(first=1, second=2, third=3, fourth=4, fifth=5)


    > positions <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) > names(positions) NULL > names(positions) <- c(first, second, third, fourth, fifth) > positions


    > names(positions) [1] first  second third  fourth fifth > positions[c(second, fourth)]


    Thus, you can see, it becomes really useful to annotate and name vectors sometimes, and we can also subset and slice vectors using element names rather than values.

    Arrays and matrices

    Vectors are one dimensional data structures, which means that they just have one dimension and we can get the number of elements they have using the length property. Do remember that arrays may also have a similar meaning in other programming languages, but in R they have a slightly different meaning. Basically, arrays in R are data structures which hold the data having multiple dimensions. Matrices are just a special case of generic arrays having two dimensions, namely represented by properties rows and columns. Let us look at some examples in the following code snippets in the accompanying subsection.

    Creating arrays and matrices

    First we will create an array that has three dimensions. Now it is easy to represent two dimensions in your screen, but to go one dimension higher, there are special ways in which R transforms the data. The following example shows how R fills the data (column first) in each dimension and shows the final output for a 4x3x3 array:

    > three.dim.array <- array( +    1:32,    # input data +    dim = c(4, 3, 3),  # dimensions +    dimnames = list(    # names of dimensions +        c(row1, row2, row3, row4), +        c(col1, col2, col3), +        c(first.set, second.set, third.set) +    ) + ) > three.dim.array


    Like I mentioned earlier, a matrix is just a special case of an array. We can create a matrix using the matrix function, shown in detail in the following example. Do note that we use the parameter byrow to fill the data row-wise in the matrix instead of R's default column-wise fill in any array or matrix. The ncol and nrow parameters stand for number of columns and rows respectively.

    > mat <- matrix( +    1:24,  # data +    nrow = 6,  # num of rows +    ncol = 4,  # num of columns +    byrow = TRUE,  # fill the elements row-wise + ) > mat


    Names and dimensions

    Just like we named vectors and accessed element names, will perform similar operations in the following code snippets. You have already seen the use of the dimnames parameter in the preceding examples. Let us look at some more examples as follows:

    > dimnames(three.dim.array)


    > rownames(three.dim.array) [1] row1 row2 row3 row4 > colnames(three.dim.array) [1] col1 col2 col3 > dimnames(mat) NULL > rownames(mat) NULL > rownames(mat) <- c(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6) > colnames(mat) <- c(c1, c2, c3, c4) > dimnames(mat)


    > mat


    To access details of dimensions related to arrays and matrices, there are special functions. The following examples show the same:

    > dim(three.dim.array) [1] 4 3 3 > nrow(three.dim.array) [1] 4 > ncol(three.dim.array) [1] 3 > length(three.dim.array)  # product of dimensions [1] 36 > dim(mat) [1] 6 4 > nrow(mat) [1] 6 > ncol(mat) [1] 4 > length(mat) [1] 24

    Matrix operations

    A lot of machine learning and optimization algorithms deal with matrices as their input data. In the following section, we will look at some examples of the most common operations on matrices.

    We start by initializing two matrices and then look at ways of combining the two matrices using functions such as c which returns a vector, rbind which combines the matrices by rows, and cbind which does the same by columns.

    > mat1 <- matrix( +    1:15, +    nrow = 5, +    ncol = 3, +    byrow = TRUE, +    dimnames = list( +        c(M1.r1, M1.r2, M1.r3, M1.r4, M1.r5) +        ,c(M1.c1, M1.c2, M1.c3) +    ) + ) > mat1


    > mat2 <- matrix( +    16:30, +    nrow = 5, +    ncol = 3, +    byrow = TRUE, +    dimnames = list( +        c(M2.r1, M2.r2, M2.r3, M2.r4, M2.r5), +        c(M2.c1, M2.c2, M2.c3) +    ) + ) > mat2


    > rbind(mat1, mat2)


    > cbind(mat1, mat2)


    > c(mat1, mat2)


    Now we look at some of the important arithmetic operations which can be performed on matrices. Most of them are quite self-explanatory from the following syntax:

    > mat1 + mat2  # matrix addition


    > mat1 * mat2  # element-wise multiplication


    > tmat2 <- t(mat2)  # transpose > tmat2


    > mat1 %*% tmat2  # matrix inner product


    > m <- matrix(c(5, -3, 2, 4, 12, -1, 9, 14, 7), nrow = 3, ncol = 3) > m


    > inv.m <- solve(m)  # matrix inverse > inv.m


    > round(m %*% inv.m) # matrix * matrix_inverse = identity matrix


    The preceding arithmetic operations are just some of the most popular ones amongst the vast number of functions and operators which can be applied to matrices. This becomes useful, especially in areas such as linear optimization.


    Lists are a special case of vectors where each element in the vector can be of a different type of data structure or even simple data types. It is similar to the lists in the Python programming language in some aspects, if you have used it before, where the lists indicate elements which can be of different types and each have a specific index in the list. In R, each element of a list can be as simple as a single element or as complex as a whole matrix, a function, or even a vector of strings.

    Creating and indexing lists

    We will get started with looking at some common methods to create and initialize lists in the following examples. Besides that, we will also look at how we can access some of these list elements for further computations. Do remember that each element in a list can be a simple primitive data type or even complex data structures or functions.

    > list.sample <- list( +    1:5,


    +    c(first, second, third),

    +    c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), +    cos, +    matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) + ) > list.sample


    > list.with.names <- list( +    even.nums =,10,2), +    odd.nums  =,10,2), +    languages = c(R, Python, Julia, Java), +    cosine.func = cos + ) > list.with.names


    > list.with.names$cosine.func function (x)  .Primitive(cos) > list.with.names$cosine.func(pi) [1] -1 > > list.sample[[4]] function (x)  .Primitive(cos) > list.sample[[4]](pi) [1] -1 > > list.with.names$odd.nums [1] 1 3 5 7 9 > list.sample[[1]] [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > list.sample[[3]] [1]  TRUE FALSE  TRUE  TRUE

    You can see from the preceding examples how easy it is to access any element of the list and use it for further computations, such as the cos function.

    Combining and converting lists

    Now we will take a look at how to combine several lists together into one single list in the following examples:

    > l1 <- list( +    nums = 1:5, +    chars = c(a, b, c, d, e), +    cosine = cos + ) > l2 <- list( +    languages = c(R, Python, Java), +    months = c(Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr), +    sine = sin + ) > # combining the lists now > l3 <- c(l1, l2) > l3


    It is very easy to convert lists in to vectors and vice versa. The following examples show some common ways we can achieve this:

    > l1 <- 1:5 > class(l1) [1] integer > list.l1 <- as.list(l1) > class(list.l1) [1] list > list.l1


    > unlist(list.l1) [1] 1 2 3 4 5

    Data frames

    Data frames are special data structures which are typically used for storing data tables or data in the form of spreadsheets, where each column indicates a specific attribute or field and the rows consist of specific values for those columns. This data structure is extremely useful in working with datasets which usually have a lot of fields and attributes.

    Creating data frames

    We can create data frames easily using the data.frame function. We will look at some following examples to illustrate the same with some popular superheroes:

    > df <- data.frame( + = c(Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Slade Wilson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers), + = c(Batman, Superman, Deathstroke, Iron Man, Capt. America), +    franchise = c(DC, DC, DC, Marvel, Marvel), +    team = c(JLA, JLA, Suicide Squad, Avengers, Avengers), +    origin.year = c(1939, 1938, 1980, 1963, 1941) + ) > df


    > class(df) [1] data.frame > str(df)


    > rownames(df) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > colnames(df)


    > dim(df) [1] 5 5

    The str function talks in detail about the structure of the data frame where we see details about the data present in each column of the data frame. There are a lot of datasets readily available in R base which you can directly load and start using. One of them is shown next. The mtcars dataset has information about various automobiles, which was extracted from the Motor Trend U.S. Magazine of 1974.

    > head(mtcars)  # one of the datasets readily available in R


    Operating on data frames

    There are a lot of operations we can do on data frames, such as merging, combining, slicing, and transposing data frames. We will look at some of the important data frame operations in the following examples.

    It is really easy to index and subset specific data inside data frames using simplex indexes and functions such as subset.

    > df[2:4,]


    > df[2:4, 1:2]


    > subset(df, team==JLA, c(,, franchise))


    > subset(df, team %in% c(Avengers,Suicide Squad), c(,, franchise))


    We will now look at some more complex operations, such as combining and merging data frames.

    > df1 <- data.frame( +    id = c('emp001', 'emp003', 'emp007'), +    name = c('Harvey Dent', 'Dick Grayson', 'James Bond'), +    alias = c('TwoFace', 'Nightwing', 'Agent 007') + ) > > df2 <- data.frame( +    id = c('emp001', 'emp003', 'emp007'), +    location = c('Gotham City', 'Gotham City', 'London'), +    speciality = c('Split Persona', 'Expert Acrobat', 'Gadget Master') + ) > df1


    > df2


    > rbind(df1, df2)  # not possible since column names don't match Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) :   names do not match previous names > cbind(df1, df2)


    > merge(df1, df2, by=id)


    From the preceding operations it is evident that rbind and cbind work in the same way as we saw previously with arrays and matrices. However, merge lets you merge the data frames in the same way as you join various tables in relational databases.

    Working with functions

    Next up, we will be looking at functions, which is a technique or methodology to easily structure and modularize your code, specifically lines of code which perform specific tasks, so that you can execute them whenever you need them without writing them again and again. In R, functions are basically treated as just another data type and you can assign functions, manipulate them as and when needed, and also pass them as arguments to other functions. We will be exploring all this in the following section.

    Built-in functions

    R consists of several functions which are available in the R-base package and, as you install more packages, you get more functionality, which is made available in the form of functions. We will look at a few built-in functions in the following examples:

    > sqrt(5) [1] 2.236068 > sqrt(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) [1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051 2.000000 2.236068 2.449490 2.645751    [8] 2.828427 3.000000 3.162278 > # aggregating functions > mean(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) [1] 5.5 > median(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) [1] 5.5

    You can see from the preceding examples that functions such as mean, median, and sqrt are built-in and can be used anytime when you start R, without loading any other packages or defining the functions explicitly.

    User-defined functions

    The real power lies in the ability to define your own functions based on different operations and computations you want to perform on the data and making R execute those functions just in the way you intend them to work. Some illustrations are shown as follows:

    square <- function(data){   return (data^2) } > square(5) [1] 25 > square(c(1,2,3,4,5)) [1]  1  4  9 16 25 point <- function(xval, yval){   return (c(x=xval,y=yval)) } > p1 <- point(5,6) > p2 <- point(2,3) > > p1 x y 5 6 > p2 x y 2 3

    As we saw in the previous code snippet, we can define functions such as square which computes the square of a single number or even a vector of numbers using the same code. Functions such as point are useful to represent specific entities which represent points in the two-dimensional co-ordinate space. Now we will be looking at how to use the preceding functions together.

    Passing functions as arguments

    When you define any function, you can also pass other functions to it as arguments if you intend to use them inside your function to perform some complex computations. This reduces the complexity and redundancy of the code. The following example computes the Euclidean distance between two points using the square function defined earlier, which is passed as an argument:

    > # defining the function euclidean.distance <- function(point1, point2, square.func){   distance <- sqrt(                   as.integer(                     square.func(point1['x'] - point2['x'])                   ) +                   as.integer(                     square.func(point1['y'] - point2['y'])                   )               )   return (c(distance=distance)) } > # executing the function, passing square as argument > euclidean.distance(point1 = p1, point2 = p2, square.func = square) distance 4.242641 > euclidean.distance(point1 = p2, point2 = p1, square.func = square) distance 4.242641 > euclidean.distance(point1 = point(10, 3), point2 = point(-4, 8), square.func = square) distance 14.86607

    Thus, you can see that with functions you can define a specific function once and execute it as many times as you need.

    Controlling code flow

    This section covers areas related to controlling the execution of your code. Using specific constructs such as if-else and switch, you can execute code conditionally. Constructs like for, while, and repeat, and help in executing the same code multiple times which is also known as looping. We will be exploring all these constructs in the following section.

    Working with if, if-else, and ifelse

    There are several constructs which help us in executing code conditionally. This is especially useful when we don't want to execute a bunch of statements one after the other sequentially but execute the code only when it meets or does not meet specific conditions. The following examples illustrate the same:

    > num = 5 > if (num == 5){ +    cat('The number was 5') + } The number was 5 > > num = 7 > > if (num == 5){ +    cat('The number was 5') + } else{ +    cat('The number was not 5') + } The number was not 5 > > if (num == 5){ +    cat('The number was 5') + } else if (num == 7){ +    cat('The number was 7') + } else{ +    cat('No match found') + } The number was 7 > ifelse(num == 5, Number was 5, Number was not 5) [1] Number was not 5

    Working with switch

    The switch function is especially useful when you have to match an expression or argument to several conditions and execute only if there is a specific match. This becomes extremely messy when implemented with the if-else constructs but is much more elegant with the switch function, as we will see next:

    > switch( + first, + first = 1st, + second = 2nd, + third = 3rd, + No position + ) [1] 1st > > switch( + third, + first = 1st, + second = 2nd, + third = 3rd, + No position + ) [1] 3rd > # when no match, default statement executes > switch( + fifth, + first = 1st, + second = 2nd, + third = 3rd, + No position + ) [1] No position


    Loops are an excellent way to execute code segments repeatedly when needed. Vectorization constructs are, however, more optimized than loops for working on larger data sets, but we will see that later in this chapter. For now, you should remember that there are three types of loops in R, namely, for, while, and repeat. We will look at all of them in the following examples:

    > # for loop > for (i in 1:10){ +    cat(paste(i, )) + } 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  > > sum = 0 > for (i in 1:10){ +    sum <- sum + i + } > sum [1] 55 > > # while loop > count <- 1 > while (count <= 10){ +    cat(paste(count, )) +    count <- count + 1 + } 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  > > # repeat infinite loop > count = 1 > repeat{ +    cat(paste(count, )) +    if (count >= 10){ +        break  # break off from the infinite loop +    } +    count <- count + 1 + } 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

    Advanced constructs

    We heard the term vectorized earlier when we talked about operating on vectors without using loops. While looping is a great way to iterate through vectors and perform computations, it is not very efficient when we deal with what is known as Big Data. In this case, R provides some advanced constructs which we will be looking at in this section. We will be covering the following functions:

    lapply: Loops over a list and evaluates a function on each element

    sapply: A simplified version of lapply

    apply: Evaluates a function on the boundaries or margins of an array

    tapply: Evaluates a function over subsets of a vector

    mapply: A multivariate version of lapply

    lapply and sapply

    Like we mentioned earlier, lapply takes a list and a function as input and evaluates that function over each element of the list. If the input list is not a list, it is converted into a list using the as.list function before the output is returned. It is much faster than a normal loop because the actual looping is done internally using C code. We look at its implementation and an example in the following code snippet:

    > # lapply function definition > lapply function (X, FUN, ...) {     FUN <-     if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X))         X <- as.list(X)     .Internal(lapply(X, FUN)) } > # example > nums <- list(l1=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), l2=1000:1020) > lapply(nums, mean)


    Coming to sapply, it is similar to lapply except that it tries to simplify the results wherever possible. For example, if the final result is such that every element is of length 1, it returns a vector, if the length of every element in the result is the same but more than 1, a matrix is returned, and if it is not able to simplify the results, we get the same result as lapply. We illustrate the same with the following example:

    > data <- list(l1=1:10, l2=runif(10), l3=rnorm(10,2)) > data


    > > lapply(data, mean)


    > sapply(data, mean)



    The apply function is used to evaluate a function over the margins or boundaries of an array; for instance, applying aggregate functions on the rows or columns of an array. The rowSums, rowMeans, colSums, and colMeans functions also use apply internally but are much more optimized and useful when operating on large arrays. We will see all the preceding constructs in the following example:

    > mat <- matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=5, ncol=4) > mat


    > # row sums > apply(mat, 1, sum) [1]  0.79786959  0.53900665 -2.36486927 -1.28221227  0.06701519 > rowSums(mat) [1]  0.79786959  0.53900665 -2.36486927 -1.28221227  0.06701519 > # row means > apply(mat, 1, mean) [1]  0.1994674  0.1347517 -0.5912173 -0.3205531  0.0167538 > rowMeans(mat) [1]  0.1994674  0.1347517 -0.5912173 -0.3205531  0.0167538 > > # col sums >

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