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The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series
The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series
The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series
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The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series

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The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins provides an in-depth look at the involvement and role of amino acids and proteins in molecular nutrition. Editor Dominique Dardevet has assembled a collection of chapters written by leading researchers and top professors that provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of amino acids and proteins.

The book provides an introduction to the fundamentals of amino acids and proteins as well as the composition of food. It then delves into the molecular biology of the cell and genetic machinery and its function. The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins also features reference guides for terms and bullet-point summaries, making it readily accessible to novices while still providing the most up-to-date and detailed information that experienced researchers need.

  • Provides a gentle introduction to the subject by first addressing nutritional information and then building in molecular aspects, clearly establishing fundamental information for the reader
  • Facilitates reader comprehension by including succinct summary points in each chapter
  • Contains a glossary of definitions that allows readers to easily reference terms
  • Provides both a deep and broad understanding of the subject by containing overviews as well as detail-focused chapters
Release dateJun 8, 2016
The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series

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    The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins - Dominique Dardevet



    V.R. Preedy Series Editor.

    In this series on Molecular Nutrition, the editors of each book aim to disseminate important material pertaining to molecular nutrition in its broadest sense. The coverage ranges from molecular aspects to whole organs, and the impact of nutrition or malnutrition on individuals and whole communities. It includes concepts, policy, preclinical studies, and clinical investigations relating to molecular nutrition. The subject areas include molecular mechanisms, polymorphisms, SNPs, genomic-wide analysis, genotypes, gene expression, genetic modifications, and many other aspects. Information given in the Molecular Nutrition series relates to national, international, and global issues.

    A major feature of the series that sets it apart from other texts is the initiative to bridge the transintellectual divide so that it is suitable for novices and experts alike. It embraces traditional and nontraditional formats of nutritional sciences in different ways. Each book in the series has both overviews and detailed and focused chapters.

    Molecular Nutrition is designed for nutritionists, dieticians, educationalists, health experts, epidemiologists, and health-related professionals such as chemists. It is also suitable for students, graduates, postgraduates, researchers, lecturers, teachers, and professors. Contributors are national or international experts, many of whom are from world-renowned institutions or universities. It is intended to be an authoritative text covering nutrition at the molecular level.

    Section I

    General and Introductory Aspects


    Chapter 1 Bioactive Peptides Derived From Food Proteins

    Chapter 2 Protein Intake Throughout Life and Current Dietary Recommendations

    Chapter 3 Cellular Mechanisms of Protein Degradation Among Tissues

    Chapter 4 Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Protein Synthesis Among Tissues

    Chapter 5 Role of Amino Acid Transporters in Protein Metabolism

    Chapter 1

    Bioactive Peptides Derived From Food Proteins

    D. Rémond¹, I. Savary-Auzeloux¹ and R. Boutrou²,    ¹INRA, UMR 1019-Unité de Nutrition Humaine, St Genès-Champanelle, France,    ²INRA, UMR 1253, Science et Technologie du lait et de l’œuf, Rennes, France


    All dietary proteins are potential sources of bioactive peptides, with a large range of beneficial effects on health. However, although technical progress has allowed significant breakthroughs in the identification of peptides issued from in vivo protein digestion, some links in the chain between protein ingestion and the physiological effect of the derived peptides are still lacking. For instance, true quantification of the peptides at each step of the degradation would be useful to explore a potential activity at the gut level. For peptides having peripheral effects, the major uncertainty is on their ability to cross the gut epithelium and to present a sufficiently long half-life in the plasma to be able to trigger a physiologic response. Finally, clear clinical evidence supporting the health effects of food-derived bioactive peptides are still weak. This review article takes stock of current knowledge in this research field.


    Bioactive peptides; dietary proteins; digestion; absorption

    The value of dietary proteins is classically assessed using amino acid composition and protein digestibility (Leser, 2013). However, other parameters, such as their digestion rate (Dangin et al., 2002) or their potential to release bioactive peptides during digestion (Kitts and Weiler, 2003), would be of interest to fully describe dietary proteins value. The term bioactive peptide was mentioned for the first time by Mellander and Isaksson in 1950 (Mellander, 1950) who observed that casein phosphorylated peptides were favoring calcium binding in bones of children suffering from rachitis. In 1979, Zioudrou et al. (1979) showed an opioid effect of peptides derived from gluten hydrolysis. Since then, a large spectrum of studies has been devoted to bioactive peptides (also called functional peptides) and their potential beneficial effect on human health and metabolism, with effects on digestive, immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Many bioactive peptides have been discovered in foods from both animal or plant origin. Actually the largest part of the investigation has been carried out on milk proteins (Nagpal et al., 2011; Boutrou et al., 2015). Bioactive peptides generally correspond to molecules with fewer than 20 amino acids (down to two), but several bigger molecules, such as caseinomacropeptide, have been equally identified as bioactive peptides. Inactive within their precursor proteins, bioactive peptides have to be released by proteolysis in order to become functional. Any food protein source can provide bioactive peptides. Apart from milk and milk products, bioactive peptides have also been isolated from hydrolysates of proteins from egg, fish, cereals, and legumes. These peptides can be produced directly in the food by the action of endogenous proteases in various food technological processing, such as milk fermentation, or meat ripening and cooking, but also can be already present in the ingested food (eg, glutathione, carnosine, or peptides produced during food processing implying fermentations). They can also be generated in vitro by the use of exogenous proteases. In this last case, the peptides should be resistant as much as possible to intestinal digestion to be able to trigger a biological effect. However, most bioactive peptides are formed during digestion in the body.

    In this chapter, we present the main biological activities attributed to peptides derived from food proteins, the mechanisms by which they are produced in the digestive tract, and potentially absorbed across its wall/barrier.

    1.1 Physiological Effects of Food-Derived Peptides

    1. Impact on the digestive tract

    Once released in the digestive tract, peptides derived from food proteins can act on digestive processes (secretions and transit) or modulate nutrients absorption (Shimizu, 2004).

    a. Regulation of digestion

    The potential involvement of food-derived peptides on the regulation of digestive processes can be explained partially and indirectly via the secretion of a gut hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), known to stimulate biliary and pancreatic secretion, and inhibit gastric secretion of enzymes. Furthermore, this hormone increases intestinal motility, inhibits gastric emptying, and is considered as a strong anorexigenic gut hormone. Casein, ovalbumin, soya, meat, and gluten enzymatic hydrolysates have been shown to stimulate CCK secretion in perfused rat intestine (Cuber et al., 1990), isolated intestinal cells (Nishi et al., 2001), or tumorous intestinal cells (Nemoz-Gaillard et al., 1998), showing a direct action of some compounds issued from these hydrolysates. Some of the corresponding bioactive peptides have been identified. For instance, the caseinomacropeptide (obtained through hydrolysis of κ-casein by gastric proteinases) or the derived peptides were shown to stimulate CCK (Yvon et al., 1994) and pancreatic secretions (Pedersen et al., 2000) and to inhibit gastric acid secretion (Yvon et al., 1994). Furthermore, CCK antagonists have also been shown to inhibit the satietogenic effect of CCK induced by a casein meal (Froetschel et al., 2001). In soy hydrolysate, the 51–63 fragment of β-conglycinin, presenting a high affinity for intestinal brush border cells, has also been shown to induce an increase of CCK secretion and hence indirectly impact on appetite control (Nishi et al., 2003). Again, this latter effect is blunted by administration of a CCK antagonist (Nishi et al., 2003). A similar effect was reported for the tripeptide RIY that is released from the rapeseed napin.

    Food-derived peptides could also modulate the gastric emptying rate and intestinal food transit via an activation of the opioid receptors that are present in the intestine. Indeed it was shown in rats that β-casomorphins (obtained from αS1- and β-casein) slow down gastric emptying, this effect being blunted by treatment with naloxone, an opioid antagonist (Daniel et al., 1990).

    In addition, some food-derived peptides could also interact with intestinal barrier function whose role is to selectively allow the absorption of nutrients and ions while preventing the influx of microorganisms from the intestinal lumen (Martinez-Augustin et al., 2014). For example, the β-casein fragment (94–123) evidenced in yogurts is able to specifically stimulate MUC2 production, a crucial factor of intestinal protection (Plaisancie et al., 2013, 2015).

    b. Modulation of nutrients uptake

    This mainly concerns the capacity of some peptides, such as caseinophosphopeptides (CPPs), to favor the uptake of micronutrients, such as minerals. CPPs are obtained from casein by trypsin or chymotrypsin hydrolysis (Sato et al., 1991). They have been detected in the human stomach and duodenum after milk ingestion (Chabance et al., 1998). Although primary sequences of these CPPs greatly differ, they all share a phosphorylated seryl-cluster (SpSpSpEE) (Silva and Malcata, 2005) where 30% of the phosphate ions from milk are bound. These sites, negatively charged, are one of the sites of minerals binding (Meisel, 1998), especially for calcium. This latter property was first demonstrated in the 1950s by Mellander and Isaksson who showed that casein phosphorylated peptides (via their ability to fix milk calcium; Sato et al., 1986) had a beneficial effect on calcium uptake by bones of rachitic children. Phosphorylation and mineral binding prevent CPPs from intestinal peptidases hydrolysis until they reach epithelial cells, where minerals are released by phosphatase activity (Boutrou et al., 2010). However, subsequent calcium absorption was not improved when associated with CPPs (Teucher et al., 2006). Other ions such as iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium can also bind to CPPs (FitzGerald, 1998). The type of bound cation deeply modifies the intestinal enzyme action; for example the coordination of bound copper to CPP inhibits the action of both phosphatase and peptidases (Boutrou et al., 2010).

    Egg yolks represent another source of phosphopeptides (phosvitin) with calcium-binding capacity (Choi et al., 2005). And, aside from phosphopeptides, some calcium-binding peptides have been evidenced in whey and wheat proteins hydrolysates (Zhao et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2013).

    2. Immunomodulation

    The immunomodulatory activities (proliferation, activity, antibody synthesis, and cytokines production/regulation) of peptides issued from milk and soy proteins have mainly been described in vitro, on lymphocytes and macrophages (Singh et al., 2014; Chakrabarti et al., 2014). Peptides derived from milk β-and α-casein as well as α-lactalbumin, have been proven efficient to stimulate lymphocytes proliferation in vitro (Kayser and Meisel, 1996; Coste et al., 1992) and to increase the resistance of mice to Klebsiella pneumonia infection (Fiat et al., 1993). Caseinomacropeptide from κ-casein presents similar properties on proliferation and phagocytic activities in human macrophage-like cells (Li and Mine, 2004). The underlying mechanisms responsible for these immunomodulatory activities are not known. The µ opioid receptors, that are present in lymphocytes, could be involved in the stimulation of the immunoreactivity (Kayser and Meisel, 1996).

    3. Antimicrobial effect

    Antimicrobial peptides have been identified mainly from milk protein hydrolysates (Walther and Sieber, 2011; Clare et al., 2003). More precisely, lactoferricins (derived from lactoferrin) (Wakabayashi et al., 2003) and casein fragments were proven efficient to exhibit bactericidal activity (Lahov and Regelson, 1996). Bactericidal activity of lactoferricidins results from a direct interaction of the peptide (sequences 17–41 and 20–30) with the bacterial membrane, by increasing its permeability. Their action covers a relatively wide spectrum of microbes (gram ± bacteria, some yeasts and mushrooms) (Tomita et al., 1994). Caseinomacropeptide has also been shown to inhibit the binding of actinomyces and streptococci to enterocytes (Neeser et al., 1988). Although less studied, peptides from other food-proteins seem to present antimicrobial properties: pepsin hydrolysates from bovine hemoglobin (Nedjar-Arroume et al., 2006), hydrolysates from sarcoplasmic proteins (Jang et al., 2008), or peptides issued from barley and soybean (McClean et al., 2014).

    4. Impact on the cardiovascular system

    a. Antithrombotic effect

    During blood clotting, fibrinogen binding to its platelet receptor induces platelets aggregation. Analogies between peptide sequences from κ-casein and from the C-terminal peptide of the γ chain of fibrinogen lead to a competition between casein peptides and fibrinogen for platelet receptors, causing the antithrombotic property of peptides issued from κ-casein (Jolles et al., 1986). This is also true for a lactotrasferrin peptide, whose antithrombotic effect has been demonstrated in vivo (Drouet et al., 1990).

    b. Antihypertensive effect

    Antihypertensive peptides act by inhibiting the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), a key step in the cascade of events involved in the regulation of blood pressure. The first inhibitors of ACE have been identified in snake venom (Ondetti et al., 1971). The capacity of peptides to bind to ACE and inhibit its activity lies in their C-terminal tripeptide sequence, often rich in proline, branched chain, aromatic, and basic amino acids (FitzGerald and Meisel, 2000). Various peptides, from 2 to 10 amino acids residues, presenting these characteristics have been identified. Many of them come from hydrolysis of milk proteins, such as casein αS1 (Maruyama et al., 1987) and β (Maruyama et al., 1985), as well as muscle proteins (Vercruysse et al., 2005). The antihypertensive activity of these peptides has been demonstrated in vivo on hypertensive rats with a reduced systolic blood pressure and a lower ACE activity (Masuda et al., 1996; Nakamura et al., 1996) and in humans (Seppo et al., 2003). Peptides presenting similar properties have also been isolated from various food proteins (nonexhaustive list): fish (Yokoyama et al., 1992), egg (ovalbumin) (Fujita et al., 1995), and several vegetable proteins like soya (Yang et al., 2004), rapeseed (Marczak et al., 2003), or pea (Pedroche et al., 2002).

    5. Impact on the nervous system

    Because some food-derived peptides can present similar opioid activities as the enkephalins and endorphins released by brain and pituitary gland, they have been called exorphins (Zioudrou et al., 1979). They have been detected in hydrolysates from wheat gluten, casein α (Zioudrou et al., 1979), casein β (Brantl et al., 1979), and lactalbumin (Yoshikawa et al., 1986). Usually, food-derived opioid peptides present the following N-terminal sequence: YXF or YX1X2F. The tyrosine residue in the N-terminal position and the presence of another aromatic amino acid in the 3rd or 4th position favor the interaction of the peptide with μ receptors at the brain level. The absence of this sequence leads to no biological effect (Chang et al., 1981). Antiopioid effects also exist among the food-derived peptides; they derive from casein κ and are called casoxins (Chiba et al., 1989).

    Some food-derived peptides could have anxiolytic activity. Indeed, it was shown that by binding to a benzodiazepine receptor, a α-casein fragment decreased anxiousness and improved sleep quality in animals subject to a slight chronic stress (Guesdon et al., 2006; Miclo et al., 2001).

    6. Antiproliferative activity

    Some peptides from animal or vegetable origins have been proven efficient in preventing initiation, promotion, or progression of cancer both in vivo and in vitro (de Mejia and Dia, 2010). It was, for instance, shown that a pentapeptide isolated from rice possesses cancer growth inhibitory properties on colon, breast, lung, and liver cancer cells (Kannan et al., 2010).

    7. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity

    Food-derived peptides having anti-inflammatory activity have been evidenced in different animal- or plant-derived foods. In vitro approaches showed that this effect is mediated by an inhibition of the NF-κB signaling (Majumder et al., 2013), or the c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway (Aihara et al., 2009). For instance, the bioactive peptide lactoferricin, released from bovine lactoferrin through hydrolysis, demonstrated an anti-inflammatory effect on human cartilage and synovial cells (Yan et al., 2013). In vivo, casein hydrolysates were shown to decrease inflammation in animal models of arthritis (Hatori et al., 2008), corn gluten hydrolysates decreased inflammation in animal models of inflammatory bowel disease (Mochizuki et al., 2010), and fish protein hydrolysate reduced inflammatory markers in high fat-fed mice (Bjorndal et al., 2013). In vivo evidence of such an effect in humans are lacking, however a meta-analysis of the literature suggests that dairy products, in particular fermented products, have anti-inflammatory properties in humans, in particular in subjects with metabolic disorders, which would match with the presence of bioactive peptides in these products (Bordoni et al., 2015).

    On the basis of chemical assays, many peptides feature antioxidant properties. However, evidence of in vivo effects is scarce. Nevertheless, long-term consumption of egg white hydrolyzed with pepsin was shown to improve the plasma antioxidant capacity, and decrease the malondialdehyde levels in the aortic tissues of hypertensive rats (Manso et al., 2008).

    8. Glycemia management

    Theoretically a large number of food-derived peptides could help to regulate glycemia through their inhibitory effect on α-glucosidase enzyme, or dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (Patil et al., 2015). However, in vivo evidence of such an effect is currently lacking. A study in humans, showed a better effectiveness of whey protein hydrolysate in postprandial glycemia regulation compared to intact whey consumption (Goudarzi and Madadlou, 2013). Although indirect this observation supports a potential effect of peptides.

    1.2 In Vivo Evidence of Food-Derived Peptide Effects

    The biological activities of food-derived peptides have been highlighted with various approaches (in vitro, in vivo) depending on the targeted activity, and the nature of the tested substance (hydrolysates, specific fragments). It is noticeable that it is often difficult to know which dose of peptide, and even more which amount of food, is necessary in order to observe an in vivo effect.

    The best known activity is probably the antihypertensive one, for which an IC50 (concentration necessary to achieve 50% inhibition) can be measured in vivo, for example, in hypertensive rats. This parameter which largely varies among peptides (from 3 to 2349 µM) allows at least the comparison of the potential activity of different peptides. Lactotripeptides derived from casein digestion have been shown to have very low IC50, and the antihypertensive effect of a daily consumption of 150 g of fermented milk observed in humans was attributed to these peptides (Seppo et al., 2003). This study argued in favor of an action of food-derived peptides on physiological parameters, with food consumption compatible with a balanced diet. However, a recent meta-analysis of all clinical trials, in which lactotripepetides were tested, highlighted an inconsistency of the antihypertensive effect of these peptides in humans (Fekete et al., 2013).

    Concerning the anxiolytic effect of a αS1-casein hydrolysate, it was demonstrated in rats by intraperitoneal injection (0.4 mg/kg) that the peptide 91–101 (named α-casozepine) has an anxiolytic effect (Miclo et al., 2001). The daily intake of 15 mg/kg of a tryptic hydrolysate of αS1-casein, which provided a maximum of 0.7 mg/kg of α-casozepine (but also other opioid peptides), was shown to improve sleep quality in rats subjected to chronic stress (Guesdon et al., 2006). In humans, ingestion of 1200 mg of a trypsic hydrolysate of αS1-casein mitigated the effects of stress on blood pressure and plasma cortisol (Messaoudi et al., 2005). This dose of hydrolysate corresponded to about 60 mg of α-casozepine (but possibly also to other peptides), ie, to a consumption of about 120 g of milk.

    1.3 Bioactive Peptides Released During Digestion

    Dietary protein degradation starts in the stomach where the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells, stimulated by gastrin, causes their denaturation, which favors the exposure of peptide bonds to gastric proteases. Pepsins secreted by the gastric mucosa as a pepsinogen, are activated by the acidity of the stomach. They fragment the protein into polypeptides of varying sizes. They preferentially hydrolyze peptide bonds located within the polypeptide chain involving aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, or tryptophan) or leucine, in a way that peptides released by gastric digestion often contain an aromatic amino acid in the N-terminal position (Bauchart et al., 2007). Many peptides derived from the degradation of caseins have been identified in the gastric contents of humans after ingestion of milk or yogurt (Chabance et al., 1998). For instance, caseinomacropeptide is released in the stomach from κ-casein, and its presence has been identified in the gastric chyme of humans after ingestion of dairy products. It was shown that the structure of the dairy matrices has little influence on the nature of the released peptides, which relies on the mechanism of proteolysis itself (cleavage sites), but significantly affects their amount in the stomach effluents and the kinetics of their appearance (Barbe et al., 2014). Similarly, after meat or fish consumption a large number of peptides deriving from actin and myosin (the main muscle proteins) have been identified in the stomach effluent (Bauchart et al., 2007). Interestingly, none of the peptides identified in the ready to eat meat were still present in the chyme flowing out the stomach, which well illustrates the intensity of pepsin activity. Approximately 20% of identified peptides were reproducibly observed in stomach effluent, showing, as for dairy products, that the occurrence of peptides at the entry of the small intestine is not only a matter of chance and that we can also expect some reproducibility in the biological effect of these peptides. Moreover, it was particularly interesting to note that six peptide sequences among the 18 reproducibly identified in duodenal contents after trout flesh intake were exactly the same as those derived from beef fragments of actin (96–106, 171–178, 24–33), of myosin heavy chain (835–842), creatine kinase (195–204), and GA3PDH (232–241). It thus seems that some peptides are generated consistently during gastric hydrolysis, regardless of the original muscle and its mode of preparation.

    Protein digestion then proceeds in the intestinal lumen by the action of five proteolytic enzymes synthesized and secreted by the pancreatic acinar cells as inactive zymogens: trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, proelastase, and the procarboxypeptidases A and B. In slightly alkaline medium (pH 7.6–8.2), trypsinogen is activated to trypsin by the enterokinase, an enzyme of the intestinal mucosa. Trypsin, in turn, activates chymotrypsinogen, proelastase, and the procarboxypeptidases in chymotrypsin, elastase, and carboxypeptidases, respectively. Trypsin is the most abundant enzyme, representing 20% of pancreatic proteins. This endopeptidase cleaves the peptide bonds after hydrophilic amino acids, particularly lysine and arginine. Chymotrypsin preferentially acts after aromatic amino acid (phenylalanine, tyrosine), tryptophan, leucine, or methionine. The action of elastase is at the level of neutral amino acids (alanine, glycine, and serine). Carboxypeptidase A cleaves preferably at an aromatic or aliphatic amino acid and carboxypeptidase B at C-terminal basic amino acids. The action of these enzymes is completed by peptidases associated with the brush border membrane of the intestine. Many aminopeptidases are present at this level, including aminopeptidase N and A which release the neutral amino acids and anionic amino acids in the N-terminal position, respectively. Aminopeptidase P and W hydrolyze N-terminal X-Pro and X-Trp bonds, respectively. Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV releases dipeptide from fragments having proline or alanine in the penultimate position of the N-terminal extremity. In addition to these aminopeptidases, the intestinal brush border also contains endopeptidases and carboxypeptidases. The endopeptidases 24.11 and 24.18, which have similar activity to chymotrypsin, cleave peptide bonds at a hydrophobic or aromatic amino acid. Carboxypeptidase P releases the amino acid in the C-terminal position when proline, alanine, or glycine is in the penultimate position. Carboxypeptidase M releases C-terminal lysine and arginine. Finally, dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase hydrolyzes Pro-X, Phe-X, and Leu-X at the C-terminal position.

    The activity of all these enzymes is considerable and it rapidly completes the action of the gastric proteases. Thus, peptide nitrogen that flows into the proximal jejunum, within 2 h after a milk or yogurt intake, was reported to account for about two-thirds of the dietary nitrogen intake (Gaudichon et al., 1995). A wide number of bioactive peptides have been identified in the jejunal content of humans after casein or milk whey proteins ingestion (Boutrou et al., 2013). Most of the casein-derived peptides were from β-casein, and a few derived from whey proteins. The most frequent activities for these peptides were antihypertensive and opioid-like activities. CPPs (mineral absorption enhancers) have been also identified in the jejunum of mini pigs after dairy products ingestion. Their presence in the digestive effluent at the distal ileum suggests a high resistance to gastrointestinal digestion (Meisel et al., 2003). In vivo studies with other sources of dietary proteins are scarce; meat proteins digestion in the small intestine was shown to reproducibly release actin, myosin, and creatine kinase fragments, in which antihypertensive sequences have been identified (Bauchart et al., 2007).

    1.4 Peptide Bioavailability

    Until the 1970s, it was generally accepted that the dietary α-amino nitrogen is exclusively absorbed from the small intestine in the form of free amino acids, after hydrolysis of proteins and peptides in the digestive lumen. It is now known that a considerable amount of amino acids cross the brush border of the enterocytes in the form of di- and tripeptides, via a specific transporter, the H+-coupled PEPT1 transporter, which is located at the apical membrane of mature enterocytes all along the small intestine, but whose occurrence decreases from the duodenum to the ileum. Once they are inside, the enterocyte peptides are extensively hydrolyzed by cytosolic peptidases, before being released into the bloodstream in the form of free amino acids. However, peptides that are resistant to intracellular hydrolysis can be transported intact across the basolateral membrane of enterocytes and reach the bloodstream. Since the discovery of PEPT1 carrier, other peptide carriers have been highlighted in the intestinal epithelium, such as OATP and PHT1. In humans, OATP-B was clearly localized to the apical membrane of the enterocytes (Kobayashi et al., 2003), it could transport peptides with a mass greater than 450 Da (Hagenbuch and Meier, 2004). Similarly, the peptide/histidine transporter hPHT1 has been evidenced in epithelium of the different sections of the small intestine (Bhardwaj et al., 2006). The role of these last two carriers in dietary peptide absorption is however still unclear. The occurrence of a peptide carrier at the basolateral membrane of the enterocyte, allowing passage of the peptide from the enterocyte to blood vessels, has also been suggested. This carrier seems to have lower substrate affinity, but similar substrate specificity, than PEPT1 (Terada et al., 1999; Irie et al., 2004). Cooperation with PEPT1 would thus allow the transfer of di- and tripeptides across the epithelium. Absorption of peptides of more than 4 amino acids seems also possible by transcytosis (Shimizu et al., 1997) or by the paracellular pathway (Pappenheimer et al., 1994). Passive diffusion across the phospholipid bilayer of apical and basolateral membranes of the enterocytes is limited due to the hydrophilicity of most peptides.

    It is generally considered that very few peptides are absorbed intact through the intestinal epithelium, and that the absorption of peptides contributes little to the absorption of amino acids from dietary proteins. However, experimental data to support this claim are lacking. We have seen that several mechanisms may allow the crossing of the epithelium by peptides of varying size, and studies in adult animals (sheep) suggested that intestinal absorption of low molecular weight peptides (<3000 Da) may account for a quarter of the amino acid absorption (Remond et al., 2000, 2003). Furthermore it was shown that up to 5% of the lactotripeptide VPP present in a casein hydrolysate can cross intact the gut epithelium of pigs after intragastric dosing (Ten Have et al., 2015). In humans, the possibility of food-derived peptide absorption through the epithelium has been little studied, but has been demonstrated for some peptides: the proline- and hydroxyproline-rich peptides after ingestion of gelatin (Prockop et al., 1962), carnosine after a meat meal (Park et al., 2005), peptides from the CMP and casein fragments detected in plasma after ingestion of dairy products (Chabance et al., 1998), and the lactotripeptide Ileu-Pro-Pro after ingestion of a yogurt beverage (Foltz et al., 2007). However there is currently little evidence that dietary bioactive peptides longer than tripeptides can cross the gut wall intact and be present in plasma in physiological relevant concentrations (Miner-Williams et al., 2014).

    1.5 Conclusion

    All dietary proteins are potential sources of bioactive peptides, with a large range of beneficial effects on health. However, although technical progresses, especially in mass spectrometry (Sanchez-Rivera et al., 2014), has allowed significant breakthroughs in the identification of peptides issued from in vivo protein digestion, some links in the chain between protein ingestion and the physiological effect of the derived peptides are still lacking. Peptides released from protein are rapidly cut into smaller fragments in the gut, and the true quantification of the peptides at each step of the degradation would be useful in order to explore a potential activity at the gut level (digestion, nutrient absorption, gut barrier). For peptides having peripheral effects (cardiovascular or nervous system), the major uncertainty is on their ability to cross the gut epithelium and to present a sufficiently long half-life in the plasma to be able to trigger a physiologic response. Clearly, clinical evidence supporting the health effects of food-derived bioactive peptides is currently too weak to translate this promising area of research into a solid criterion of the description of the nutritional quality of a food protein (Nongonierma and FitzGerald, 2015).


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    Chapter 2

    Protein Intake Throughout Life and Current Dietary Recommendations

    F. Mariotti,    UMR Physiologie de la Nutrition et du Comportement Alimentaire, AgroParisTech, INRA, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France


    This chapter reviews the data that have been used to determine current recommendations regarding protein and amino acid intake throughout life, that is, in children, pregnant women, adults, and older people. It contains a general presentation of the methodological and theoretical limitations of the body of data, the relative uncertainties attached to it, and continuing controversies. This will reveal not only the need to refine the metabolic approaches adopted to account for the dynamics and complexities of protein and amino acid metabolism, but also that we should go beyond metabolism and utilize physiological endpoints that are interpretable in terms of health. We will also present and discuss the protein intake of different populations when compared to the recommendations, in order to further clarify the current picture concerning protein nutrition, although a full account would only be possible by analyzing the overall nutritional adequacy of different diets relative to their protein content.


    Dietary protein; protein requirements; nutritional reference values; amino acids; protein intake; metabolism; health; age; life stage

    2.1 Introduction

    Protein nutrition is a much more complex issue than might be thought at first glance, and this complexity has major implications for the evaluation of dietary requirements. The term protein covers both all amino acids taken together, which are used to make protein, and a series of specific amino acids, with specific metabolism and physiological properties. Considered together, all amino acids include an alpha-amino nitrogen moiety; the nitrogen is not synthesized by the body and is thus indispensable. Twenty amino acids are the most abundant in the body and in our diet because they are used for protein synthesis. However, all amino acids have specific metabolism and properties, and it has long been established that some cannot be synthesized de novo in quantities that are commensurable with metabolic demands for protein synthesis. Basically, for nitrogen and indispensable amino acids, the final criteria used to evaluate requirements have always been based on the utilization of amino acids for body protein turnover. There is thus a large body of data concerning estimates of nitrogen and amino acid requirements for the general adult population; these data have been used to draw up current reference values, although there are certain limitations for theoretical and practical reasons. The same criteria have also been used to define the requirements in other situations, such as throughout the life cycle.

    As we will be discussing below, and as dealt with by other contributors to this book, the background metabolism of amino acids in protein synthesis is indeed extremely intricate, and the same applies to factors that impact the utilization of amino acids for body protein turnover in the context of health and disease prevention. Furthermore, amino acid metabolism interplays with other metabolisms and numerous specific tissue functions. In particular, some amino acids (eg, leucine, arginine, cysteine), which are present at varying amounts in dietary proteins, are linked to key cellular signaling processes (eg, mechanistic target of rapamycin cell signaling pathway, nitrergic signaling, redox signaling, etc.). This has provided the foundations for a great deal of current research on the possible relationship between protein intake, amino acids, and health-related parameters, which could ultimately be used as alternative criteria for the determination of protein recommendations. However, our understanding of protein and amino acid requirements is also based on data obtained using simpler criteria, and as we shall discuss, most guidelines are still being built on this old, but solid, body of data. We will also present and discuss the protein intakes of different populations, by comparison with the recommendations, so as to further identify current issues regarding protein nutrition.

    2.2 Current Estimates for Protein and Amino Acid Requirements Throughout Life

    For more than a century, criteria to define protein requirements have been based on the utilization of protein to renew body protein and balance nitrogenous losses (Sherman, 1920). From the series of nitrogen balance studies conducted in adult humans, a large set of data has been developed to estimate the minimum amount of protein nitrogen that can balance such losses (Fig. 2.1), and then derive a total protein requirement according to this basic, simple criterion. In line with earlier estimates (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985), reviews and meta-analysis of these data found that the average requirement was 0.66 g/kg body weight per day (Li et al., 2014; Rand et al., 2003; WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007). The Dietary Reference Intake, to use the US term, also referred to as the Population Reference Intake in Europe (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies, 2010), or in other words the intake that covers virtually all (~97.5%) the requirements of the population, was estimated at 0.83 g/kg per day of a mixture of proteins with adequate value. Although there were some differences related to gender, these were not ultimately considered as being significant or strong enough to be retained in the recommendations. Differences in protein metabolism between men and women are largely attributable to differences in body composition, except at critical periods of hormonal changes (puberty and menopause; Markofski and Volpi, 2011). A population reference intake of ~0.8 g/kg for the general adult population has now been endorsed by virtually all countries and organizations (AFSSA (French Food Safety Agency), 2007; EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies, 2012).

    Figure 2.1 Evaluation of relationship between various nitrogen intakes and the mean nitrogen balances from 28 nitrogen balance studies using a biphase linear regression to identify the mean nitrogen requirement as a breakpoint. From Humayun et al. (2007). Reprint with permission.

    Although the reference value for adults was derived from a large set of experimental data, those regarding other populations or conditions are much less robust. In cases where little or no experimental data are available, such as infants, young children, pregnant and lactating women, a factorial approach has been adopted. This combines estimates for standard maintenance requirements based on classical nitrogen balance data applied to the specific population reference for body weight, with an additional component to account for the specific requirements of a population due to protein deposition during growth (in children or pregnant women) or extra protein demand (during lactation). On this basis, for instance, the population reference intakes for children aged 1, 2, 3, and 8 years are 1.14, 0.97, 0.90, and 0.92 g/kg per day, respectively (WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007). The reference value varies along with the growth component, which rapidly decreases during the first years. When setting these values, the references were taken from normal development and the expected normal energy requirement, that is, for children with an appropriate body composition and a moderate level of activity (WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007). Likewise, the population reference intakes for pregnant women have been derived by adding to the standard (maintenance) value extra components of 0.7, 9.6, and 31.2 g protein for the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively, when the efficiency of protein deposition is taken as 42%, as in the FAO/WHO report (WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007), while they are 1, 9, and 28 g protein for the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively, when considering that the efficiency of protein deposition is 47%, as according to the EFSA report (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies, 2012). Using different background estimates and hypotheses, the French agency published values that were not markedly different (with values of +14.7 and +27.3 during the last two trimesters of pregnancy; AFSSA (French Food Safety Agency), 2007). The extra component increases during pregnancy, as the specific metabolic demand rises to sustain the growth in protein mass. These values were set while considering an average weight gain considered to be normal.

    Whether protein requirement increases with age has long been a subject of debate (Millward and Roberts, 1996; Morais et al., 2006). Based on an analysis of the less numerous good nitrogen balance studies in older people, some authors have considered that their nitrogen utilization is lower, thus justifying a higher reference value. Likewise, some studies have reported negative balances or altered protein status in older people consuming the reference intake for adults, indicating that this value may not be appropriate as the reference in this older population (eg, Pannemans et al., 1997). In the famous meta-analysis by Rand and collaborators, the lower efficiency of utilization in older people was confirmed and estimated at 31% in individuals aged over 55 years, compared to 48% in younger individuals (Rand et al., 2003). Taken together, these data would argue in favor of setting the Population Reference Intake (PRI) for older people at a level of around 0.9–1.0 g/kg per day (AFSSA (French Food Safety Agency), 2007). However, it is accepted that data from nitrogen balance studies are scarce in older people and may have been biased by confounding factors, such as the low energy intake in nitrogen balance studies. Because the evidence remains limited, the FAO/WHO and the EFSA have chosen not to endorse a higher estimate for protein requirements in older people, whereas the French agency has proposed setting the PRI at ~1 g/kg (AFSSA (French Food Safety Agency), 2007; EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies, 2012; WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007).

    2.3 Theoretical and Practical Limitations and

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