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How to Protect Yourself From the Law
How to Protect Yourself From the Law
How to Protect Yourself From the Law
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How to Protect Yourself From the Law

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Why should you have to fight off something that is supposedly here to help you? Well here's the deal, if you can afford it then the law can indeed be a great asset to you, but for the average citizen the law amounts to an ongoing barrage of harassment, fines, threats, fear, grief and humiliation, and that is on the pleasant end of the scale. On the business end of things you face arrests, raids, beatings and even killings.
This book is an encyclopedia / handbook on how the police and the British legal system really operate versus how you are told they operate. Its purpose is to show you how innocent and hardworking people are the ones most likely to be targeted by the system and why this is. Most importantly it arms you with the tools to fight back.
Most people end up getting snookered during police encounters quite simply because they don't know what is going on and so they get overwhelmed with panic, fear, and confusion. The police state is not for "the terrorists", it never was, it is for you the ordinary citizen.
If you were suddenly approached by police, could you handle yourself? Do you know how to avoid being duped into answering questions that could incriminate you? Do you know how to avoid falling for the charm that many police officers will initially use to get you to drop your guard? Do you know how to deal with police who come at you in an ultra aggressive fashion? Could you escape from handcuffs if you had to? Do you understand how to keep your mind functional in a highly stressful and adrenaline fueled situation? Do you know how to find lawyers who will be a genuine asset versus those who will just railroad you straight into a conviction? Tasers are nasty; and becoming ubiquitous. If one was pulled on you would you know how to defend yourself? Don't wait until it’s too late; with an illegitimate and out of control police state threatening us all it has never been more important to know how to defend yourself from "the law."

PublisherNathan Moore
Release dateMar 4, 2016
How to Protect Yourself From the Law

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    How to Protect Yourself From the Law - Nathan Moore


    A business owner who is jailed for being £200 off on his tax returns, a citizen who is fined £1000 for not paying a TV license, a man jailed for defending himself from muggers while walking home, a registered firearms owner being given a minimum mandatory sentence for carrying his gun across a bridge in order to get home, someone forced to remain in jail because they cannot afford the bail money to get out. All of these people are victims of the law. In present day Britain there are over 75,000 convictable laws on the books and the vast majority of these laws are not there for your benefit, but rather to protect the interests of the state, the crown and some of the largest businesses in the country.

    In its present state the law is a predatory and highly oppressive beast that is being deliberately used as a 500 kilo weight to be tied around your ankles. It is a cancer that initially appears benign but then becomes extremely aggressive and life threatening.

    Think of the law as you would fire, if you learn how it works keep it under control and don’t allow it to become too powerful then it is an obedient and useful servant. If however, you become distracted, apathetic and negligent of your duty to keep it under control it will turn into an unstoppable rebel force and devour you in the most hideous and agonizing way imaginable. Having finished with you the fire will then proceed to burn down your house, destroy your family and consume everything you ever owned in order to feed itself.

    Standing up to the law requires a well balanced cocktail, of knowledge, assertiveness, confidence, composure and balls and the only way such things can be gained is through experience. This book sets out to show you how predatory law enforcement works, how it wrecks lives on a daily basis, why you will never be told the truth by the mainstream media and most importantly how you fight back against this the true menace to society

    We have included sections in the book that give real life examples of how the law ruins lives with impunity, these sections have been titled "what you’re up against" because living under a tyrannical rule of law is a lot like being a lone soldier behind enemy lines, you are outnumbered, out gunned and in grave danger.

    Most people in Great Britain go about their lives blissfully unaware of this creeping danger. If you were suddenly approached by police, could you handle yourself? Do you know how to avoid being duped into answering questions that could incriminate you? Do you know how to avoid falling for the charm and congeniality that many police will initially use to get you to drop your guard? Do you know how to deal with police who come at you in a very aggressive fashion? Could you escape from handcuffs if you had to? Do you understand how to keep your mind functional in a highly stressful and adrenalized situation? Do you know how to find lawyers who will be a genuine asset versus those who will just railroad you straight into a conviction? Do you know what to do when police start demanding details from you? Do you know how to fend off a search? Do you understand the deliberate fear and intimidation tactics, some subtle some overt, that are used once you get to the station?

    Most people do not spend their time studying such things, which is why they are generally lambs to the slaughter when they are confronted by a sudden attack on their rights, their liberties, and even their lives. To put it in perspective let’s say a man who we shall call Bob hosted a party at his residence last night, unbeknownst to him one of the attendees stashed a kilo of cocaine in his laundry basket. He gets in his car the following morning and heads to work, let’s say that the car he is driving is a used car that he only bought a couple of days ago and thus he has not had time to give it a thorough clean. Bob forgets to put on his seatbelt and so the police stop him before he can get to work, they ask him if it is his car and how long he has had it. Believing he has nothing to fear he naively, even earnestly answers their questions. They then ask him if they can search the car; again believing he has nothing to hide he agrees. In the centre console they find a used crack pipe and under the seat they find two grams of crack rock.

    Bob emphatically pleads his innocence and insists that he has only had the car for a couple of days and that he knew nothing about this, however no matter how much he cajoles they ain’t hearing it. The cuffs are put on and he is bundled into the back of a van. Upon arriving at the police station Bob is forced to do a humiliating strip search; he is then informed that a section eighteen search has been issued. They explain to him how this means that police are going back to his house to conduct a thorough search for more drugs. Confused and frightened Bob sits in his cell for what seems like an eternity unable to make sense of what has just happened.

    Finally he is brought into a room for an interview, were they inform him that as well as the drugs that were found in his car, they also found a kilo of cocaine in his bathroom. Shocked and outraged Bob pleads his innocence to the nth degree but once again they are not hearing it, they tell him that because the drugs were found in his home they are his responsibility, they tell him that he is now being charged with possession of so called class A drugs and because they found such a large amount they decide to charge him with intent to supply on top of it. They inform him that he will be remanded in custody, in other words Bob can forget about going home, he is staying in police custody until his court date. Bob’s police appointed, legal aid lawyer arrives however it doesn’t take him long to realize that this joke of a solicitor is less use than a chocolate fireguard.

    It quickly becomes clear to bob that he or she couldn’t care less about him, they quite literally have 100 other cases on at once and Bob’s plight is an afterthought. As the judge reads out Bobs sentence telling him that he will do no less than fifteen years in prison and that he is a dangerous menace to society and a terrorist and etcetera, etcetera, he wonders how this could possibly have happened and thinks to himself that he must be the unluckiest person in the world. This is how fast it can all turn to shit for an honest well meaning but naïve citizen. Although bobs story is fictional predicaments like bobs happen every day of the week and most of the time you will hear little to nothing about it.

    Pressure, panic, fear and confusion is the name of the game when most people are confronted by the law and this makes perfect sense because since they were old enough to comprehend fear has been the weapon that is most often used to control them. You are told that criminals are evil dangerous people who must be locked up for the good of society, but lest we forget there are now over 75,000 convictable laws and hundreds more are being added every year and so it doesn’t exactly take much to become a criminal when living in a dictatorship, in fact you could quite easily become a criminal and not even know it. For instance..

    Did you know that it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch on it upside down and is punishable by up to four years in prison?

    Did you know that if you are caught with a section one firearm you can be imprisoned for a minimum mandatory five year prison sentence, whether you knew it was in your possession or not?

    Did you know it is illegal not to tell a tax collector anything you don’t want him to know?

    Did you know that if caught with a water pistol in certain parts of the country you can be imprisoned for unlawful possession of a firearm?

    Did you know that if you are caught with just a few ounces of a class A drug your home can be raided and searched and depending on what is found, they can then proceed to raid and search the homes of your family and friends?

    Did you know that if the government suspects, not has irrefutable evidence of but simply suspects, that you are involved in terrorism you can be locked up indefinitely without being charged?

    Did you know that internet software mainly used by illegitimate spy agencies such as GCHQ and Mi5 can plant things on your computer without you even knowing it?

    Did you know that if you are attacked and you defend yourself, and your attacker is injured you can and most likely will be imprisoned?

    There are tens of thousands more laws like this and keeping up with them all would be nearly impossible, they are purposely made confusing and written in a way that is very difficult to decipher even for many legal professionals, read a traditional law book the likes of which populate the shelves of any legal library and you will soon see what I mean. The whole legal process has been tailor made to be complicated, slow expensive and draining, draining of your emotions, draining of your patience and draining of your resolve.

    Most people have no contingency plan for a sudden attack on their liberties, in between work, and shopping and general day to day life it just isn’t something that your average Joe thinks about. Well you had better start thinking about it; you had better get your head around the fact that this is not something that only happens on the news, or in feature films.

    Far too many people make the mistake of thinking that because they play it safe and keep out of trouble and pay their bills on time that they have nothing to fear, they think that stories like bobs cannot possibly happen to them, they believe that this is the stuff of fiction and that such travesties could never occur in real life. What they do not understand however is that the whole purpose of tyrannical legal systems is to throw the book at good honest people, while turning a blind eye to the white collar crimes of the aristocracy. They do not understand that banks and insurance companies are presently stealing tens of Billions of pounds per month from the British public and hundreds of billions per month from the people of Europe with total impunity from prosecution.

    Since your government essentially works for these same banks, it now passes the laws that they want passed and these laws generally have one ultimate purpose, total consolidation of all wealth, power and means of production into the hands of a tiny elite, anything else including you, your family, your hopes, your dreams, your freedom and even your life is a complete and utter irrelevance.

    There is a reason that drug dealers tax avoiders and embezzlers generally get longer prison sentences than murders, and that reason is this; THEY MESSED WITH THE MONEY. To this system money is more important than life, drug dealers cut into the profits of many of the FTSE 100 companies not to mention over a dozen government agencies (more on this later) tax avoiders prevent the government from being able to spend tens of billions of pounds on surveillance cameras and banker bonuses and foreign wars and spy agencies that track everything you do and then tip off local police who then come and kick down your door for an email you sent or a web site that you visited. Many so called embezzlers are just ordinary people who were trying to move their money somewhere where to government couldn’t steal it, however this counts as messing with the money and so they were hung drawn and quartered.

    It is imperative that you understand that much of the laws on the books are merely acts, an act is nothing more than an illegitimate government directive. It is a fraud, it is nothing, is what is known as the colour of law that is an apocryphal government decree that Is not law at all but instead a dictatorial and fake statement that when enough people believe it becomes its own reality. Acts have been around for hundreds of years however, since the late nineteen sixties they have become increasingly toxic and tyrannical to the point where they are now used as nothing more than a vehicle to socially engineer and prey upon the poorest and most vulnerable citizens in the country.

    So how do you fight back? By hiding? No that only compels the criminals in charge to become even more brazen. Maybe it’s by going along with this and hoping that the law simply won’t notice you? Absolutely not, in fact this is the very worst thing you could do, it has the effect of empowering the tyrants in charge no end, it also weakens you because over time you will begin to feel powerless and apathetic and with no resistance offered the government will just pass more and more abusive laws until you have nowhere left to run or hide.

    You do not need to study the law in great detail, this is both impractical and time consuming. I am going to help you build a sound overall knowledge of the legal system and the politics that surround it. Rather than teaching you specific laws I want to show you the politics behind the law as well as where the law comes from and who is benefiting by keeping things as they are.

    Are you the kind of person who rolls over in fear when confronted by authority? Are you fearful of violence or the suggestible threat of violence, does confrontation or fear of embarrassment frighten you, will you do anything to avoid it? Do you panic in unfamiliar situations? Do you take what you are told at face value? In an uncomfortable predicament does your mind shut down? Will you say or do anything to get out of such a situation without thinking?

    Most people tick all of the above boxes. Living in relatively safe bubbles and mired in daily routines they are ill equipped to deal with the stultifying effects of a sudden attack on their liberties, particularly when it is coming from people whom they naively believe are here to help them, because the first time you are confronted by a rampant and hungry legal system that is hell bent on making an example of you purely because it can it will hit you like a cricket bat between the eyes.

    A somewhat combative mindset is required when it comes to the law, you need to possess a healthy respect for real common sense laws such as not murdering your neighbors, but a healthy disrespect for abusive and unfair laws. You also cannot go far wrong by possessing an inherent distrust of police and remaining alert to any possible attack on your freedoms or your property, which could come at any moment

    This being said however it is difficult for the average person who is not used to living close to danger to remain on a permanent state of alert and ready for trouble at a moment’s notice. Between breakfast, going to work and making their way home and watching TV, there isn’t much of a clear and present danger in most people’s daily lives and so they become soft, complacent and passive.

    The current justice system counts on having a population of soft, frightened jellyfish who will do anything to avoid attracting the attention of the state. Well I want to turn you into a fearless combat hardened warrior, who knows his rights and is ready to assert them at a moment’s notice. I want the system to fear you, and not for you to fear the system. I want you to relish police encounters, I want you to relish putting those slimy lawyers in their place, I want you to relish facing the arrogant interrogators, I want you to relish facing the bullying prosecutor. I want you to relish leaving the house with your head held high every day of the week being pleasant to those who wish you well but exacting brutish and merciless justice on state employees whose primary interest is to cause you problems.

    The true power of the police is in their rudimentary knowledge of the law which as sure as night follows day they will use to lie to, trick and ultimately prosecute you with. It is imperative that you get your head around the fact that police have very little respect for law abiding citizens. Yes that’s right; I said police have very little respect for law abiding citizens. In what seems like some crazy twilight zone paradox through a combination of collective narcissism, group dynamics as well as half a dozen other proven psychological phenomena, many police secretly despise the very citizens they are supposed to help, they see themselves as above you, they see you as weak, stupid and capitulating, they see themselves as the hunter and you as their prey.

    Over time as they become used to having people bow down to them in terror, shrivel up in fear and wet themselves in panic, their ego begins to grow, and grow and grow. If this goes on for long enough they become brazen, arrogant and bullying and it is frightened citizens who will find themselves on the receiving end of this, this then only feeds the ego’s of the police thus continuing the cycle. The police are therefore predatory and when dealing with any predator the first thing to do is gain respect, what do predators respect? Strength! It’s that simple, predators do not understand compassion, discretion or kindness.

    There is a reason that serial killers will typically pick off the smallest weakest victim they can find and you see this same thing in the animal kingdom, a lion will generally go for the smallest and weakest animal in the herd. We are essentially dealing with the same thing here police will go for the most ignorant, most naïve and trusting citizen they can find and they will hang him out to dry.

    From the moment you are approached by police or any government authority, no matter how much they smile or how nicely they may initially appear to be, you are under attack. Just like the psychopath who is on the lookout for the easiest and most likely victim to torture and kill, they are sounding you out, you are being assessed on how good a victim you will make.

    So what makes a good victim for the legal system? Well let’s start with an honest, mild mannered citizen, this citizen has never had a police encounter in their lives, in fact they have never even had a parking ticket, they believe that if they ever find themselves in a jam and the police come the best thing to do is to tell them everything. These people will tell them their entire life story plus the life stories of their families, their friends and anyone their friends ever talked to. They will leave no stone unturned and in doing so they unwittingly weave their own rope with which the legal system can potentially hang them with.

    Even in a situation in which you are the victim, you can very quickly become a suspect if you start talking too much. The job of police is to find and assign guilt not defend innocence, in fact their continued employment depends on it. It doesn’t matter how sweet and charitable a person you are, you could be Mahatma Gandhi himself, if there is something that they deem unlawful or potentially unlawful they will begin digging and once they have the scent, they will keep digging and digging in the hopes of finding something or as they often call it getting a result

    If you do not want to be their next result you need to harden your defenses, you need to stop being the happy smiley, trust the police, honesty is the best policy, I have nothing to hide, throw me in jail, chump citizen and instead start being the tough as nails, take no crap you can’t fool me, I know my rights and I dare you to try and violate them, type of citizen.

    Knowledge is power and power is protection from those who are looking to mess with you. The next section deals with how the law works, it behooves you to pay attention and not skip this part. As stated the governments’ legal enforcers will often twist the law to suit themselves, they will tell you horror stories of what they are going to do to you and how serious your situation is, how long you are going to spend in prison etc, more often than not these stories are wild exaggerations and at times outrageous lies. Armed with the correct knowledge you will be able to sniff out the facts from the fiction.

    We are now going to take a crash course in what the Law is, how it works, how it started and what it has unfortunately become. Finding unbiased, easy to understand, jargon free explanations of what the law is and how it works is not easy. Most law books often even those that claim to be for beginners are comprised of page after page, after page of tedious prose and will test the patience of even the most eager law student. As stated this is generally not an accident. The state wants to turn the law into a complex hieroglyphic that only it can interpret, this prevents the majority of citizens from understanding it and with that the law becomes whatever the state wants it to be.

    What you are up against!

    At around six o’clock in the evening in late summer of 2011 twenty nine year old Tottenham resident Mark Duggan was on his way home in the back of a minicab when suddenly an unmarked police vehicle cut in front of the cab, men with guns leapt out of the car and ran towards the minicab. Duggan understandably panicked, he got out and tried to run away he was then shot twice, once in the arm and once in the back and despite the best efforts of paramedics Duggan died 20 minutes later. Duggan had something of a chequered past but was in the process of attempting to turn his life around he had recently applied for work as a firefighter, he had been working in an airport and seemed to be genuinely making an effort to get on the right path but now that was all over.

    The investigation was blighted by blatant cover ups and outright lies by the police and by the IPCC. For instance the police moved the taxi shortly after the shooting and then returned it to the scene, the IPCC knew of this from the outset but lied saying that they were not aware of this They later said that they were the ones who sanctioned the removal of the vehicle. An initial report made by one of the police who was on scene said that there was no gun on the scene. 48 hours later the same police officer submitted a second report that not only claimed that there was a gun but that Duggan had pulled it from his waistband and tried to fire it. The taxi driver also stated that he did not see any weapon drawn or tossed and that Duggan was simply trying to get away. A number of eye witnesses report being chased away by police and one even claimed that his camera phone was taken and never given back. Another eye witness claimed that as plain as day I saw one of those cops throw a gun over the fence"

    With the police facing a potentially huge backlash from what was clearly a cold blooded murder and then a cynical attempt to hide it, the media stepped in. They began a relentless smear campaign claiming that Duggan was a violent dangerous drug dealer; they even made the claim that he was planning an assassination attempt and was running a local gang that had a secret code

    In the local community anger quickly spread, a march was soon organized to the local police station to demand to speak with a high ranking officer, but when their peaceful intentions were met with violent police action it all kicked off. A number of police cars were set on fire, rioting then broke out across London and then across much of the south and even spread as far north as Manchester, the riots lasted for nearly a week and resulted in hundreds of millions of pounds of damage.

    The independent police complaints commission (IPCC) did what they do best; protect their own and subvert the truth for their own ends and despite the fact that the coroners findings, the testimonies of the cab driver, several eye witnesses, numerous inconsistencies in the statements of the executioners and a general lack of transparency on the part of the police and the IPCC were all pointing to a senseless murder, it was decided in early 2014 that the murder of this father of four was entirely justified and to add insult to injury it is believed that all of the police that were involved are still working on the streets of London.

    So what is the law?

    In its broadest definition the law is simply a bunch of rules and regulations that are used to govern a society and the behavior of its citizens, so the law is a basically a formal way of maintaining a degree social order.

    In the olden days, the very, very olden days we are talking 1500 BC and before there was no official rule of law, if a passerby suddenly decided to take umbrage with your face and he felt that the best way to deal with this was to take a sharp implement and cut your head off, then so be it that was the way it was. If you provided a service to a customer and he or she refused to pay, the only way to settle it was to go out into the street and fight to the death.

    However with all of the carnage and murder that was going on it was decided at around 1800 BC many believe by someone called King Hammurabi, who was the king of the Babylonian empire that there had to be a better way of doing things, he had the Babylonian Law inscribed on stone and placed in public places for people to see. The Greeks then took this to the next level by including its citizenry in the making of its laws and the Romans then made a quantum leap, in fact much of what we know the law to be today was initially put in place by the Romans.

    By the middle ages the people of England had become sick and tired of a ruling class that did whatever it wanted and was above the law, the law that it created to protect its own interests while keeping the masses living in squalor. People were being beaten up, imprisoned and executed by the state on a regular basis and they had almost no redress of grievances. And so with the country on the verge of violent revolution a man they called King John signed a document called the Magna Carta in 1215, the Magna Carta, meaning the great charter in modern English set out that the king was not above the law and that everyone had the right to a fair trial and to not be stripped of their standing, their possessions or their lives without first having their case reviewed on its own merits.

    Just weeks after signing it however the king went back on his word, which promptly resulted in all out civil war, however a second version of the magna carter was signed by Henry III in 1225. At a time when royals ruled overtly with an iron fist the magna carta was a powerful weapon in keeping them in their place.

    After much of the West was consolidated under Charlemagne (a king who ruled Western Europe in the middle ages), law became centralised so as to once again put power in the royal court system. However, once Charlemagne's kingdom fell apart much of Europe became poverty stricken and law was generally not governed above the local level, in other words you could be prosecuted for something in one part of the country that was not even a crime in another part of the country.

    However, in the 11th century, Crusaders, having pillaged the part of the roman empire, returned with Byzantine legal texts including the Justinian Code, (A collection of roman laws that were created by a man called Justinian the great, who was emperor of the east roman empire) and scholars at the University of Bologna were the first to use them to interpret their own customary laws.

    Mediaeval European legal scholars began researching the Roman law and using its concepts and paved the way for the partial resurrection of Roman law as the modern civil law in a large part of the world..

    After the Norman conquest of England, which introduced Norman legal concepts into mediaeval England, the English King's powerful judges developed a body of precedent that became the common law. In particular, Henry II instituted legal reforms and developed a system of royal courts administered by a small number of judges who lived in Westminster and traveled throughout the kingdom. Henry II also instituted the Assize of Clarendon in 1166, which allowed for jury trials and reduced the number of trials by combat. (A trial by combat is exactly what it sounds like; if an accusation was made and there were no witnesses you would be forced to step into a ring with your accuser and fight, the winner was then presumed to be innocent) Over the coming centuries laws were refined and changed, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst.

    The first and to this day only country that truly placed its citizens above the government was the United States of America. America was essentially started by a rogue group of Brits who had become fed up of living under the British tyrannical rule, they set sail west and found a big chunk of land which would later become known as North America, however the British were keen to punish this defiant terrorist behavior and followed them to the new land, this resulted in the American revolutionary war which lasted from 1775 to 1783.

    In 1787 four years after the war had ended the American constitution was formed. The seven articles of the American constitution were signed in Philadelphia; this formed the world’s first ever republican government. The constitution clearly defined the institutions of government and the powers of each institution, carefully carving out the duties of the Executive, legislative and judicial segments of the government.

    Unfortunately in the UK we were not so lucky in fact the closest thing we have to a living constitution would be the European convention rights which came into effect in 1953. After the atrocities in Nazi Germany it was decided that something like that should never be allowed to happen again and so the European convention on human rights was held in 1950 and attended by most of the countries in Europe whom had banded together to create the council of Europe. Three years later the convention rights became reality.

    Your convention rights include but are not limited to the following…

    The right to life.

    The right to liberty and security.

    The right to a fair trial.

    The right to not be tortured.

    The right to not be forced into labour or servitude.

    The right to privacy.

    The right to freedom of expression.

    The right to freedom of association.

    Your convention rights were given to you for your own protection. Any police officer, court official or government body of any kind who threatens or breaches your convention rights at the very least commits a sackable offence and could very well face punishments of anything from community service to life imprisonment, we will later go into why this will almost certainly never happen.

    Your convention rights are not negotiable the government cannot decide which ones to give and which ones to take away, because this would inevitably lead to the eventual loss all of the rights. The moment the British or any other European government for that matter suggests or even gives the merest hint that it intends to limit or abolish the convention rights is the moment that you have the right to head out into the street and raise

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