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Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
Ebook1,503 pages14 hours

Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

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About this ebook

Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters provides you with the latest scientific developments in glacier surges and melting, ice shelf collapses, paleo-climate reconstruction, sea level rise, climate change implications, causality, impacts, preparedness, and mitigation. It takes a geo-scientific approach to the topic while also covering current thinking about directly related social scientific issues that can adversely affect ecosystems and global economies.
  • Puts the contributions from expert oceanographers, geologists, geophysicists, environmental scientists, and climatologists selected by a world-renowned editorial board in your hands
  • Presents the latest research on causality, glacial surges, ice-shelf collapses, sea level rise, climate change implications, and more
  • Numerous tables, maps, diagrams, illustrations and photographs of hazardous processes will be included
  • Features new insights into the implications of climate change on increased melting, collapsing, flooding, methane emissions, and sea level rise
Release dateOct 27, 2014
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    Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters - Aehlert

    Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Volume Editors

    Wilfried Haeberli

    University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Colin Whiteman

    University of Brighton, UK

    Series Editor

    John F. Shroder

    University of Nebraska at Omaha, US

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page



    Editorial Foreword

    Foreword by Charles Harris


    Chapter 1. Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters: A General Framework

    1.1. Introduction

    1.2. Costs and Benefits: Living with Snow and Ice

    1.3. Small and Large, Fast and Slow, Local to Global: Dealing with Constraints

    1.4. Beyond Historical Experience: Monitoring and Managing Rapid changes

    Chapter 2. Physical, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of Snow, Ice, and Permafrost

    2.1. Introduction

    2.2. Density and Structure

    2.3. Thermal Properties

    2.4. Mechanical Properties

    2.5. Ductile Behavior

    2.6. Dynamic and Electromagnetic Properties

    2.7. Summary

    Chapter 3. Snow and Ice in the Climate System

    3.1. Introduction

    3.2. Physical Extent of the Cryosphere

    3.3. Climatic Conditions of the Cryosphere

    Chapter 4. Snow and Ice in the Hydrosphere

    4.1. Introduction

    4.2. Snow Accumulation and Melt

    4.3. Glaciers and Glacial Mass Balance

    4.4. Hydrology of Snow- and Ice-Covered Catchments

    4.5. Concluding Remarks

    Chapter 5. Snow, Ice, and the Biosphere

    5.1. Introduction

    5.2. Snow and Ice as Habitats

    5.3. Snow and Ice as Moderators of Habitat

    5.4. Effects of Vegetation on Snow

    5.5. Conclusions and Perspectives

    Chapter 6. Ice and Snow as Land-Forming Agents

    6.1. Glacial Processes and Landscapes

    6.2. Periglacial and Permafrost Processes and Landforms

    6.3. The Role of Snow in Forming Landscapes

    6.4. Conclusions and Outlook

    Chapter 7. Mountains, Lowlands, and Coasts: the Physiography of Cold Landscapes

    7.1. Introduction

    7.2. Physiography of the Terrestrial Cryosphere

    7.3. Glaciers and Ice Sheets: Extent and Distribution

    7.4. Permafrost Types, Extent, and Distribution

    7.5. Glacier–Permafrost Interactions

    Chapter 8. Integrated Approaches to Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Dynamic Socio-cryospheric Systems

    8.1. Introduction

    8.2. Integrated Adaptation in Dynamic Socio-cryospheric Systems

    8.3. Glacier and Glacial Lake Hazards

    8.4. Volcano–Ice Hazards

    8.5. Glacier Runoff, Hydrologic Variability, and Water-Use Hazards

    8.6. Coastal Resources and Hazards

    8.7. Discussion and Conclusions

    Chapter 9. Integrative Risk Management: The Example of Snow Avalanches

    9.1. Introduction

    9.2. Risk Analysis

    9.3. Risk Evaluation

    9.4. Mitigation of Risk

    9.5. Methods and Tools for Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Mitigation Measures

    9.6. Case Study Evaluation of Avalanche Mitigation Measures for Juneau, Alaska

    9.7. Final Remarks

    Chapter 10. Permafrost Degradation

    10.1. Introduction

    10.2. Permafrost and Recent Climate Change

    10.3. Permafrost Observations and Data

    10.4. Drivers of Permafrost and Active Layer Change across Space and Time

    10.5. Observed Permafrost and Active-Layer Changes

    10.6. Permafrost Modeling and Forecast

    10.7. Permafrost and Infrastructure

    10.8. Coastal Erosion and Permafrost

    10.9. Permafrost and the Carbon Cycle in the Context of Climate Change

    10.10. Summary

    Chapter 11. Radioactive Waste Under Conditions of Future Ice Ages

    11.1. Introduction

    11.2. Timing of Future Glacial Inception

    11.3. Deep Glacial Erosion in the Alpine Foreland of Northern Switzerland

    11.4. Tunnel Valleys within the North German Plain and Their Relevance to the Long-term Safety of Nuclear Waste Repositories

    11.5. Paleohydrogeology and Glacial Systems Modeling—Canadian Perspective

    11.6. Impact of Glacial and Periglacial Climate Conditions on Groundwater Flow and Transport—Examples from a Safety Assessment of a Geological Repository for Spent Fuel in Fractured Crystalline Rock, Sweden

    Chapter 12. Snow Avalanches

    12.1. Introduction

    12.2. The Avalanche Phenomenon

    12.3. Avalanche Release

    12.4. Avalanche Flow

    12.5. Avalanche Mitigation

    12.6. Avalanche Forecasting

    12.7. Concluding Remarks

    Chapter 13. Glacier Surges

    13.1. Introduction

    13.2. Properties and Causes of Glacier Surges

    13.3. Medvezhiy and Geographical Society Glaciers, Central Pamirs, Tajikistan

    13.4. Surges of Glaciar Grande Del Nevado Del Plomo, Central Andes, Argentina, and Related Disasters/Hazards

    13.5. A Surge-Like Flow Instability of Belvedere Glacier, Italian Alps, and Associated Hazards 2001–2003

    13.6. Surging Glaciers and the Trans Alaska Pipeline System: Potential Hazards and Monitoring

    Chapter 14. Glacier-Related Outburst Floods

    14.1. Introduction

    14.2. Flood Sources

    14.3. Failure Mechanisms and Flood Magnitude

    14.4. Downstream Flood Behavior

    14.5. Outburst Floods and Climate Change

    14.6. Risk Assessment and Reduction

    14.7. Summary

    Chapter 15. Ice Loss and Slope Stability in High-Mountain Regions

    15.1. Introduction

    15.2. Mechanisms of Cryosphere Control on Slope Stability

    15.3. Case Studies

    15.4. Conclusion and Outlook

    Chapter 16. Catastrophic Mass Flows in the Mountain Glacial Environment

    16.1. Introduction

    16.2. Catastrophic mass flows in the Mountain Glacial Environment—General Characteristics

    16.3. Mass Flows Involving Mainly Glacier Ice (Glacier Avalanches and Large-Scale Glacier Detachments)

    16.4. Mass Flows Involving Mainly Fragmented Rock (Rock Avalanches)

    16.5. Mass Flows Involving a Mixture of Glacier Ice and Rock (Ice–Rock Avalanches and Flows)

    16.6. Glacial debris Flows I; Non-outburst Related

    16.7. Glacial Debris Flows II; Lake Outburst-Related Flows

    16.8. Catastrophic Mass Flows in the Mountain Glacial Environment: Discussion

    16.9. Conclusions

    Chapter 17. Hazards at Ice-Clad Volcanoes: Phenomena, Processes, and Examples From Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile

    17.1. Introduction

    17.2. Volcano–Ice Interactions

    17.3. Volcano–Ice Interactions as Disaster Generators: Mount St Helens and Nevado del Ruiz

    17.4. Volcano–Ice Interactions in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile: Dealing with Related Hazards

    17.5. Specific Aspects of Hazard/Risk Assessment at Ice-Clad Volcanoes

    Chapter 18. Floating Ice and Ice Pressure Challenge to Ships

    18.1. Introduction

    18.2. Ice Ridges

    18.3. Pressure Build-Up and Dissipation

    18.4. Regional Conditions and Incidents of Besetting

    18.5. Pressured Ice on the Great Lakes

    18.6. Freshwater Ice

    18.7. Causes of Ice under Pressure in the Great Lakes

    18.8. Environmental Concerns

    18.9. Shipping Concerns

    18.10. Dealing with Pressured Ice: a Ship Master's Perspective

    18.11. Conclusion and Perspective for the Future

    Chapter 19. Retreat Instability of Tidewater Glaciers and Marine Ice Sheets

    19.1. Introduction

    19.2. Tidewater Retreat Instability and Calving

    19.3. Triggering and Forcing Mechanisms

    19.4. Marine Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves

    19.5. Wider Implications as Hazards

    Chapter 20. Ice Sheets, Glaciers, and Sea Level

    20.1. Contemporary Sea-Level Rise in a Geologic Perspective

    20.2. Recent Glacier and Ice Sheet Contribution to Sea-Level Rise

    20.3. Future Glacier and Ice Sheet Contribution to Sea-Level Rise

    20.4. Implications of Sea-Level Rise

    20.5. Concluding Remarks




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    Ian Allison,     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Hobart, Australia

    Bernardo Pulgarín Alzate,     Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Popayán, Barrio Loma de Cartagena, Popayán, Colombia

    Oleg Anisimov,     State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Lukas U. Arenson,     BGC Engineering Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Perry Bartelt,     WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland

    Anke Bebiolka,     Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Stilleweg, Hannover, Germany

    Tobias Bolch

    Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Institute for Cartography, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany

    Jenny Brandefelt,     Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Blekholmstorget, Stockholm, Sweden

    Michael Bründl,     WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland

    Bolívar E. Cáceres Correa,     Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (INAMHI), Corea, Quito, Ecuador

    Terry V. Callaghan

    Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen, Stockholm, Sweden

    Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

    Department of Botany, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Siberia, Russia

    Mark Carey,     Robert D. Clark Honors College, University of Oregon, USA

    Hanne H. Christiansen

    Arctic Geology Department, The University Centre in Svalbard, UNIS, Longyearbyen, Norway

    Center for Permafrost, CENPERM; Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    John J. Clague,     Centre for Natural Hazard Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B C, Canada

    William Colgan,     Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark

    Simon Cook,     School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom

    Patty A. Craw Burns,     Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land & Water, Lands Section, Fairbanks, AK, USA

    Reynald Delaloye,     Department of Geosciences, Geography, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland

    Keith B. Delaney,     Natural Disaster Systems, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

    Philip Deline,     EDYTEM Lab, Université de Savoie, CNRS, Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex, France

    Lydia Espizua,     Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA), Mendoza, Argentina

    Stephen G. Evans,     Natural Disaster Systems, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

    Tracy Ewen,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Urs H. Fischer,     Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioactiver Abfälle (Nagra), Wettingen, Switzerland

    Luzia Fischer,     Norwegian Geological Survey, Trondheim, Norway

    Sven Follin,     SF GeoLogic AB, Täby, Sweden

    Captain David Fowler,     Retired Canadian Coast Guard Captain, McDougall, ON, Canada

    Isabelle Gärtner-Roer,     Department of Geography, University of Zürich, Switzerland

    Marten Geertsema,     Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, Prince George, BC, Canada

    Marco Giardino,     GeoSitLab, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Torino, Italy

    Hugo Delgado Granados,     Departamento de Vulcanología, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    Stephan Gruber,     Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

    Wilfried Haeberli,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    William D. Harrison,     Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, USA

    Andreas Hasler,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Tobias Heckmann,     Department of Physical Geography, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany

    Sarah Hirschorn,     Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), Toronto, ON, Canada

    Christian Huggel,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Matthias Huss

    Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW), ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

    Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

    Jerrilynn Jackson,     Department of Geography, University of Oregon, USA

    Michal Jenicek

    Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

    Mark Jensen,     Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), Toronto, ON, Canada

    Margareta Johansson,     Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

    Andreas Kääb,     Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway

    Siegfried Keller,     Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover, Germany

    Laura Kennell,     Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), Toronto, ON, Canada

    Matt King,     School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

    Martin Kirkbride,     Geography, School of the Environment, University of Dundee, United Kingdom

    Oliver Korup,     Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Potsdam, Germany

    Michael Krautblatter,     Technische Universität München, Germany

    Ivana Kubat,     National Research Council of Canada, Coastal and River Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Alexandre W. Lai,     Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Integrity Management Department, Fairbanks, AK, USA

    Florence Magnin,     EDYTEM Lab, Université de Savoie, CNRS, Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex, France

    Stefan Margreth,     WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland

    Hans Peter Marshall,     Department of Geosciences and Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface, Boise State University, ID, USA

    Samuel McColl,     Physical Geography Group, Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, Palmerston North, Australia

    Graham McDowell,     Department of Geography, McGill University, Montral, Canada

    Patricia Julio Miranda,     Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Frac. Talleres, México

    Jeffrey Moore,     Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

    Patricia Mothes,     Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador

    Jens-Ove Näslund,     Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Blekholmstorget, Stockholm, Sweden

    Stefano Normani,     Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada

    Gennady A. Nosenko,     Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

    Gerardo Carrasco Núñez,     Centro de Geociencias, Campus UNAM Juriquilla, Querétaro, Qro

    Jim E. O'Connor,     U.S. Geological Survey, Oregon Water Science Center, Portland, Oregon, USA

    Atsumu Ohmura,     Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (E.T.H), Zurich, Switzerland

    Galina B. Osipova,     Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

    Frank Paul,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    César Portocarrero,     Independent Consultant, Huaraz, Peru

    Jorge Cortés Ramos,     Departamento de Vulcanología, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    Ludovic Ravanel,     EDYTEM Lab, Université de Savoie, CNRS, Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex, France

    John M. Reynolds,     Reynolds International Ltd, Mold, UK

    Hugo Moreno Roa,     Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Observatorio Volcanológico de los Andes del Sur (OVDAS), Rudecindo, Temuco, Chile

    Mohamed Sayed,     National Research Council of Canada, Coastal and River Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Philippe Schoeneich,     Institut de Géographie Alpine, Université de Grenoble, CNRS, Grenoble, France

    Jürg Schweizer,     WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland

    Jan Seibert

    Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala, University, Sweden

    Jan-Olof Selroos,     Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Stockholm, Sweden

    Dmitry Streletskiy,     Department of Geography, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA

    Darrel A. Swift,     Department of Geography, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

    Martin Truffer,     Geophysical Institute and the Department of Physics, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, USA

    Alec van Herwijnen,     WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland

    Alexander Vasiliev,     Earth Cryosphere Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia

    Luis Vicuña,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Patrik Vidstrand,     Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Stockholm, Sweden

    Andreas Vieli,     Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Colin Whiteman,     School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton, UK

    Editorial Foreword

    Hazards are processes that produce danger to human life and infrastructure. Risks are the potential or possibilities that something bad will happen because of the hazards. Disasters are that quite unpleasant result of the hazard occurrence that caused destruction of lives and infrastructure. Hazards, risks, and disasters have been coming under increasing strong scientific scrutiny in recent decades as a result of a combination of numerous unfortunate factors, many of which are quite out of control as a result of human actions. At the top of the list of exacerbating factors to any hazard, of course, is the tragic exponential population growth that is clearly not possible to maintain indefinitely on a finite Earth. As our planet is covered ever more with humans, any natural or human-caused (unnatural?) hazardous process is increasingly likely to adversely impact life and construction systems. The volumes on hazards, risks, and disasters that we present here are thus an attempt to increase understandings about how to best deal with these problems, even while we all recognize the inherent difficulties of even slowing down the rates of such processes as other compounding situations spiral on out of control, such as exploding population growth and rampant environmental degradation.

    Some natural hazardous processes such as volcanos and earthquakes that emanate from deep within the Earth's interior are in no way affected by human actions, but a number of others are closely related to factors affected or controlled by humanity, even if however unwitting. Chief among these, of course, are climate-controlling factors, and no small measure of these can be exacerbated by the now obvious ongoing climate change at hand (Hay, 2013). Pervasive range and forest fires caused by human-enhanced or induced droughts and fuel loadings, mega-flooding into sprawling urban complexes on floodplains and coastal cities, biological threats from locust plagues and other ecological disasters gone awry; all of these and many others are but a small part of the potentials for catastrophic risk that loom at many different scales, from the local to planet girdling.

    In fact, the denial of possible planet-wide catastrophic risk (Rees, 2013) as exaggerated jeremiads in media landscapes saturated with sensational science stories and end-of-the-world Hollywood productions is perhaps quite understandable, even if simplistically short-sighted. The end-of-days tropes promoted by the shaggy-minded prophets of doom have been with us for centuries, mainly because of Biblical verse written in the early Iron Age during remarkably pacific times of only limited environmental change. Nowadays, however, the Armageddon enthusiasts appear to want the worst to validate their death desires to validate their holy books. Unfortunately we are all entering times when just a few individuals could actually trigger societal breakdown by error or terror, if Mother Nature does not do it for us first. Thus we enter contemporaneous times of considerable peril that present needs for close attention.

    These volumes we address here about hazards, risks, and disasters are not exhaustive dissertations about all the dangerous possibilities faced by the ever-burgeoning human populations, but they do address the more common natural perils that people face, even while we leave aside (for now) the thinking about higher-level existential threats from such things as bio- or cybertechnologies, artificial intelligence, ecological collapse, or runaway climate catastrophes. In contemplating existential risk (Rossbacher, 2013) we have lately come to realize that the new existentialist philosophy is no longer the old sense of disorientation or confusion at the apparently meaninglessness or hopelessly absurd worlds of the past, but instead an increasing realization that serious changes by humans appear to be afoot that even threaten all life on the planet (Kolbert, 2014; Newitz, 2013). In the geological times of the Late Cretaceous an asteroid collision with Earth wiped out the dinosaurs and much other life; at the present time by contrast, humanity itself appears to be the asteroid.

    Misanthropic viewpoints aside, however, an increased understanding of all levels and types of the more common natural hazards would seem a useful endeavor to enhance knowledge accessibility, even while we attempt to figure out how to extract ourselves and other life from the perils produced by the strong climate change so obviously underway. Our intent in these volumes is to show the latest good thinking about the more common endogenetic and exogenetic processes and their roles as threats to everyday human existence. In this fashion, the chapter authors and volume editors have undertaken to show you overviews and more focused assessments of many of the chief obvious threats at hand that have been repeatedly shown on screen and print media in recent years. As this century develops, we may come to wish that these examples of hazards, risks, and disasters are not somehow eclipsed by truly existential threats of a more pervasive nature. The future always hangs in the balance of opposing forces; the ever-lurking, but mindless threats from an implacable nature, or heedless bureaucracies countered only sometimes in small ways by the clumsy and often febrile attempts by individual humans to improve our little lots in life. Only through improved education and understanding will any of us have a chance against such strong odds; perhaps these volumes will add some small measure of assistance in this regard.

    Specifically in this volume, the chapters presented herein show us the myriad hazards, risks, and disasters associated with the cryosphere that bedevil those who live in the higher latitudes and altitudes of the Earth where ice abounds. These regions are where the solid and liquid phases of the H2O system are always problematic for humans to deal with anyway, and now undergoing the various regimes of climate change, are being subjected to various changes of state and location of the H2O system that can cause further problems. Wilfried Haeberli and Colin Whiteman have had a many decades of essential personal experience studying, teaching, and writing about the dangerous phenomena associated with the cryosphere, with the result that the two were able to attract a suite of chapter authors who have given us almost all the essentials to better understand and avoid such risks. Thermokarstic degradation of permafrost, Arctic coastal erosion, damaging glacial surges, snow avalanches into populated regions, variable sea-level changes; these are just a few of the cryospheric hazards and risks that are ever more problematic of late as the magnitude of damaging climate change in the high latitudes is even larger than in mid- and tropical latitudes. Similarly in the cryospheric regions of high altitude, the changes are also profound as cliffs collapse through permafrost- and glacier-loss debuttressing, loss of meltwater supplies, ice collapse, and other related phenomena.

    This volume offers a fresh new look at hazards, risks, and disasters associated with the snow and ice of the world, and as such is of considerable interest to those who live in places that are subject to freeze and thaw. As world climates continue to change, in fact, and as sea levels vary as a result of melting glaciers and shifts in gravitational attraction, the problems associated with changes in the cryosphere will reverberate outward around much of the world into countries close to sea level but far from the polar regions. Perhaps the changes of the far-away cryosphere will appear to them to be relatively unimportant, but for some lowland countries, their very survival into the future will be highly doubtful. Thus attention must be paid to the cryospheric phenomena discussed in this book, even by those apparently far from such conditions of the H2O system; this volume does offer considerable insight and new observations.

    John (Jack) Shroder,     Editor-in-Chief


    Hay W.W. Experimenting on a Small Planet: A Scholarly Entertainment. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2013 983 p.

    Kolbert E. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History. NY: Henry Holt & Company; 2014 319 p.

    Newitz A. Scatter, Adapt, and Remember. NY: Doubleday; 2013 305 p.

    Rees M. Denial of catastrophic risks. Science. 2013;339(6124):1123.

    Rossbacher L.A. Contemplating existential risk. Earth, Geologic Column. October, 2013;58(10):64.

    Foreword by Charles Harris

    Snow and ice occur widely at higher latitudes and altitudes as perennial, seasonal, or sporadic elements of the Earth's surface and near surface, depending on climatic conditions. Such snow and ice phenomena include ice sheets, glaciers, permafrost, snow fields—sea, lake, and river ice, and constitute the Earth's cryosphere. The cold regions of the Earth are characteristically inherently hazardous, due to their topography, the dynamics of large ice masses, and the distinctive cryogenic geological processes associated with phase changes from ice to water. Such hazards are diverse and their associated risks to people, infrastructure, and economic activity are undoubtedly becoming greater as population densities increase.

    In addition, however, if we are to accurately forecast the potential scale and distribution of future hazards associated with, or arising from, the Earth's cryosphere, it is critically important that the response of these thermally sensitive environments to changing global climate is understood and accurately modeled. Hence, the challenge that the present volume addresses is to present our current knowledge of snow- and ice-related hazards and their distribution, both spatially and temporally, together with our understanding of the impact that likely future global climate changes may have on the scale and distribution of these hazards. Site-specific, very short-term events such as localized landslides or snow avalanches lie at one extreme of spatial scale, impacts on the hydrological cycle and water resources of drainage basins provide an example of potential intermediate scale hazard and risk, whereas the truly global scale includes the effects of sea level changes on coastal environments and communities. Temporal scales likewise range from the virtually instantaneous, such as the release of a snow avalanche, through decades or centuries over which time the volume of ice sheets and glaciers may change significantly, to tens of millennia, when the Earth may experience further glacial periods with serious potential impacts on, for instance, deep nuclear repositories.

    Scientific and technological advances in measuring snow and ice phenomena and monitoring their changes in space and time have greatly increased our knowledge and understanding of cryospheric phenomena; this knowledge is now increasingly applied to risk assessment and avoidance, and to informing strategies designed to increase our resilience to hazardous events. The present volume brings together contributions from an international group of scientists and covers a very wide spectrum of hazards that arise from the presence of, and changes in, snow, ice, and frozen ground, and shows how the risks these may pose to human activity may be assessed. The authorship is of necessity multidisciplinary, with contributions from physicists, engineers, geologists, geographers, glaciologists, hydrologists, biologists, and climatologists. The work builds upon the coordinating efforts of international organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme and the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and many of the authors in the present volume have made major contributions to these international initiatives.

    It is clear to me that this book should be required reading for professionals, academics, and politicians involved with developing strategies for risk avoidance and reduction, not only within the cold regions of the world, but beyond them too, where the potential impacts of cryospheric change may affect many more people and nations.

    Charles Harris,     Cardiff


    An Earth with moving plates and a turbulent atmosphere has always been a hazardous place for humanity. Some have chosen to take greater risks by living in exposed locations, and have suffered disasters as a result, not least from the presence of snow and ice. It is appropriate, therefore, that a volume on snow and ice should be a component of this Elsevier series on Hazards, Risks, and Disasters which comprises the following volumes:

    Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Volcanic Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Landslide Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Disasters

    Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Wildfire Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    Hazards, Risks, and Disasters in Society

    Although some short-term, locally based ice and snow hazards, such as avalanches, icebergs, and blizzards, from time to time reach the media due to the scale of the disaster, many existing and potential, often long-term cryogenic hazards, such as rising sea-levels from melting ice sheets, have received relatively little exposure outside specialist academic departments. This situation is changing: ice and snow are particularly vulnerable in the context of the current period of rapid global warming. Fundamental changes are taking place throughout the cryogenic system, and are substantially increasing the risk of cryogenic hazards at all spatial and temporal scales worldwide.

    This volume is arranged in three sections. In the introductory chapter the editors define the cryosphere, highlight its various constituent parts with their specific functions in environmental systems, and discuss the temporal and spatial scales involved and their significance for human living conditions. Several chapters are then devoted to explaining key elements of the cryospheric system and its interaction with other global systems, such as the biosphere and hydrosphere, as well as socioeconomic aspects involved. Having established the systems and processes which underpin the cryospheric system, further chapters are devoted to exploring the challenges presented to humanity in the form of hazards, risks, and disasters associated with specific cryogenic environments; ice sheets, cold lowlands, high mountains, ice on lakes, rivers, and seas.

    The editors of this volume are particularly grateful to the large international network of leading experts who have collaborated under tight time constraints to produce a collection of papers, which effectively highlight many of the issues that face humanity in the rapidly changing, cryogenic part of our global environmental system. Their contributions have been appraised by external reviewers, and the volume editors, who take this opportunity to thank all those who gave freely of their time and expertise to enhance the quality of the contributions to this volume. The editors also wish to extend their gratitude to the managing and editorial staff at Elsevier, in particular to Louisa Hutchins and Mohanambal Natarajan for her prompt and efficient response to all questions.

    Finally we hope that this volume of work on ice- and snow-related hazards, risks, and disasters, will be instrumental in raising the profile of this rapidly changing subject and provide its due share of publicity. Not only the academic community, but also hazard managers, administrators, and the public at large should gain much from this timely volume.

    Wilfried Haeberli

    Colin Whiteman

    March 2014

    Reviewers of individual chapters of Snow- and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters:

    Etienne Berthier, France

    Helgi Björnsson, Iceland

    Robin Brown, Canada

    Ross Brown, Canada

    Christopher Burn, Canada

    Alton Byers, USA

    Luke Copland, Canada

    Carolyn Driedger, USA

    Mats Eriksson, Sweden

    Bernd Etzelmüller, Norway

    Dave Evans, UK

    Mark Fahnestock, USA

    Sven Fuchs, Austria

    Hilmar Gudmundsson, UK

    Tristram Hales, UK

    Bernard Hallet, USA

    Charles Harris, UK

    Kenneth Hewitt, Canada

    Regine Hock, USA

    Martin Hoelzle, Switzerland

    Per Holmlund, Sweden

    Jo Jacka, Australia

    Bruce Jamieson, Canada

    Hester Jiskoot, Canada

    Margreth Keiler, Switzerland

    Anders Leverman, Germany

    Norikazu Matsuoka, Japan

    Dave McClung, Canada

    Humphrey Melling, Canada

    Martin Mergili, Austria

    Johannes Oerlemans, Netherlands

    Christian Rixen, Switzerland

    Olav Slaymaker, Canada

    Martin Schneebeli, Switzerland

    Jean Schneider, Switzerland

    Jean-Claude Thouret, France

    One anonymous reviewer

    Chapter 1

    Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters

    A General Framework

    Wilfried Haeberli¹,  and Colin Whiteman²     ¹Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland     ²School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton, UK


    Snow and ice constitute the cryosphere on Earth and influence human activities at various scales of time and space. Through their proximity to phase-change thresholds, they are strongly linked to climatic conditions and presently subject to rapid changes induced by ongoing trends of global warming. Hazards, risks, and disasters related to snow and ice not only result from direct impacts on humans and their infrastructure by, for instance, snow avalanches, floods from glacial lakes, or accelerated erosion of permafrost coasts, they are also a consequence of the expansion of human activities into previously avoided dangerous regions, such as new shipping routes in the polar ocean, and tourist installations in cold mountains that are becoming ice free. The loss of goods and benefits from reducing or even vanishing cryosphere components constitutes serious threats to human well-being through, for example, diminishing meltwater supply in high-mountain rivers during dry seasons or rising global sea level. Further protection, mitigation, and adaptation procedures, combined with modern observational technologies will be required to anticipate, monitor, and deal with the challenges created by complex and highly interconnected geo- and ecosystems under conditions of growing disequilibrium.


    Climate change; Cryosphere; Disasters; Hazards; High mountains; Ice; Polar regions; Risks; Snow

    1.1. Introduction

    Snow and ice are common components of natural and human environments on Earth (UNEP, 2007; Singh et al., 2011; Williams and Ferrigno, 2012). They constitute the cryosphere (Figure 1.1). Via climatic conditions and the water cycle, their existence and variability affects humans around the globe, even in places where this may not be directly recognized or obvious. Dramatic changes in ice volumes during most recent Earth history, the Pleistocene ice ages, created an important cryogenic heritage in many landscapes, including lakes and rivers, vegetation and fauna (Swift et al., 2014). As with all hazardous components of the global environment, living with snow and ice involves costs and benefits.

    FIGURE 1.1  The cryosphere.

    From UNEP (2007). Free download.

    Before introducing the range of hazards associated with snow and ice that are covered in this volume, it is important to differentiate clearly between the concepts of hazard, risk and disaster because these terms do not refer to the same idea and yet are sometimes used indiscriminately. Essentially, a hazard is a feature or situation that can be expected to impact negatively on the life, health, property, or environment of humans if an event (e.g., an avalanche) or significant change (e.g., loss of Arctic sea ice) occurs. Risk is a more complex concept involving not only the probability that a hazardous event or significant change will occur, but also the expected loss or cost and the degree to which this can be mitigated. Risk related to cryospheric hazards must therefore be considered from the points of view of both the physical hazard and the human response (Whiteman, 2011). Thus risk increases as human contact with the cryosphere becomes more frequent and more extensive. Population growth, especially in naturally hazardous regions, such as alpine mountains, automatically raises the level of risk, and the development of infrastructure may both enhance the accessibility of more hazardous locations and increase the value of potential losses. In any particular event or situation, the scale of loss of both life and property may be of such great magnitude that the outcome is described as a disaster.

    Physical impacts from snow and ice can be both primary/direct (avalanches, for example), and secondary/indirect (for example, sea-level rise). Corresponding hazards are largely related to the inherent physical characteristics of snow and ice (Arenson et al., 2014). These undergo melting and freezing, they move (creep, slide, fall), float, are heavy en masse, are sometimes hard and sometimes brittle or ductile. Each of these characteristics may contribute, in isolation or in combination, to the type and intensity of ice- and snow-related hazards, and they often interact with other components of the environment. Threats and damage can arise over short as well as long time periods, at local to regional, continental, and even global scale.

    Snow and ice are especially sensitive to climate change. Impacts of ongoing and potentially accelerating human-induced global warming are a serious concern (e.g., IPCC, 2013) and increasingly predominate in discussions about hazard assessment and risk reduction by adaptation, mitigation, and prevention measures. A critical aspect is the relatively high melt/freeze threshold of ice, only about 15  °C below the mean temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Considering the variability of atmospheric temperatures around this mean, the high frequency with which the melt/freeze threshold is crossed is not surprising, and obviously contributes to frequent and extensive hazard events.

    Snow and ice are also often of major importance well beyond their geographical extent, producing meltwater for irrigation, industry, and households during dry seasons (Seibert et al., 2014). In colder regions, river and lake ice may facilitate traffic in remote areas. Thus changes in the temporal or spatial distribution of snow and ice may have a wide range of unwelcome consequences. Although the exact details of future climatic conditions are still difficult to predict, climate change will strongly if not dramatically change snow and ice conditions on Earth, increasing the impacts of many hazards in the short, medium, and long term, even though some hazards and some hazardous locations may cease to exist as ice disappears completely from some locations. The environmental changes caused by the ongoing loss of snow and ice may constitute an equally strong if not even stronger long-term challenge. The different responses to climate change of the various environmental components induce growing disequilibria in complex environmental geo- and ecosystems. The rate of change as influenced by human interference with the climate system will be critical in terms of the scale of hazards and our ability to adapt in time to new conditions. The slower the rate of change, the more degrees of freedom that will remain for difficult decisions to be taken and policies to be implemented to accommodate environments in which the prevalence of snow and ice is greatly reduced.

    1.2. Costs and Benefits: Living with Snow and Ice

    The components of the cryosphere—continental ice sheets, glaciers, river and lake ice, sea ice, seasonal snow, and frozen ground—strongly differ with respect to their volume, spatial extent, and occurrence in time (Table 1.1). These three aspects govern their primary environmental functions, the economic and social benefits they provide and the degree of hazard they may pose to humans, with their associated risks and potential for disasters (UNEP, 2007).

    The largest ice bodies on Earth are the continental ice sheets. With their enormous mass, white/cold surfaces (Figure 1.2), and the direct ice contact of their margins with the sea, ice sheets are drivers of the global environment, actively influencing physical and living conditions worldwide (Bentley et al., 2007). Via atmospheric and ocean circulation, the presence of a large ice sheet covering the continent of Antarctica at the South Pole for the past millions of years, and for millions of years to come, has a strong cooling influence on the global climate (Ohmura, 2014). This cooling effect, together with long-term fluctuations of incoming solar radiation due to variations in the Earth's orbit around the sun, enables the development of ice ages, with their dramatic effects. One of these effects concerns the formation and disappearance of other ice sheets, and associated large changes in sea level (Allison et al., 2014). The growth of the Laurentide Ice Sheet over large parts of North America alone lowered sea level by at least 100  m and profoundly changed hydrography and coastlines at continental and global scales.

    Intercontinental migration of flora and fauna, including humans, especially between Eurasia and the Americas, became possible due to exposure of land (e.g., Bering Strait). Conversely, rapid volume losses of these great ice sheets submerged these temporary land bridges and displaced people. Together with thermal ocean expansion, glacier melting, and other factors, mass losses of the current ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland could cause sea level to rise over timescales of decades to a few centuries by 1–2  m, an amount that would be disastrous for populations and infrastructure in coastal regions (Church et al., 2007). Especially sensitive parts of ice sheets are their floating ice shelves and their outlet glaciers, the latter flowing over beds that lie below sea level and commonly with a pronounced adverse slope (Vieli, 2014).

    FIGURE 1.2  View of part of the eastern Greenland Ice Sheet, where it covers a rugged mountain topography.

    Photograph: W. Haeberli (1998).

    TABLE 1.1

    Cryosphere Components

    Source: From UNEP, 2007.

    The ice layers in these ice sheets contain deep-frozen information about past climatic and environmental conditions on Earth. The results of ice-core analyses from deep drilling are now the best quantitative documentation relating to the evolution of the greenhouse effect under natural conditions during the past hundreds of thousands of years and clearly exhibit increasing human impacts on atmospheric chemistry (Figure 1.3; Lipenkov, 2006; cf. Jouzel et al., 2013).

    The much smaller glaciers in cold high-latitude and high-altitude regions (Figure 1.4) react passively to fluctuations in global climate and have, therefore, been known as unique indicators of global climatic and environmental change (WGMS, 2008). The largest areas covered with glaciers and other small ice masses exist in the North American mountains, on islands of the Canadian Arctic, peripheral to the Greenland ice sheet, and in Central Asia. Smaller glacier volumes in high-altitude mountain chains of densely populated mid- and low-latitude regions, such as the South American Andes, high mountains in central Asia or the European Alps store amounts of water, which can be especially important for human livelihood; they often constitute an essential source of (clean) domestic water, water for hydropower production, or irrigation water for food production in large surrounding lowlands under dry seasonal or interannual conditions. Where they exist, glaciers strongly affect landforms and scenery, attracting tourists and associated infrastructure. Under wet, maritime-type conditions, highly active temperate glaciers like those in Southern Chile, on the west slope of the New Zealand Alps or in southern Alaska, reach down to permafrost-free and often forested land, in places at sea level. Glaciers in regions with dry, continental-type climatic conditions are cold to polythermal, exchange much less mass, flow less actively, and often terminate far above timberline in terrain with widespread permafrost; examples are the glaciers of the Brooks Range in Alaska, the ones on Disko Island in Greenland (Citterio et al., 2009), or those in the mountains of the Tibetan Plateau (Zemp et al., 2007).

    FIGURE 1.3  Information on atmospheric composition during the past 450,000   years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica.

    The δD values (red curve) reflect temperatures, which can be compared with the concentrations of the greenhouse gases CH4 and CO2 (green and blue curves). From Lipenkov (2006) with permission.

    FIGURE 1.4  Glaciers at high latitude on Ellesmere Island ((a) Photograph: J. Noetzli (2008)) and at high altitude/low latitude in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. (Huascarán; (b) Photograph: W. Haeberli (2012)) .

    Significant disasters have primarily been related to floods and debris flows from ice-dammed lakes or the breaching of moraine dams (Clague and O'Connor, 2014). Internationally coordinated monitoring of glaciers as part of climate observation goes back to 1894 (Haeberli, 2007) and documents a striking and continued, if not accelerating, global trend of rapid loss in glacier area and volume (Figure 1.5). Continuation of this trend and even complete deglaciation of entire mountain chains is probable under conditions of anthropogenically enhanced greenhouse effects (e.g., Zemp et al., 2006; Radić et al., 2014). Such developments involve drastic changes in landscape diversity and the scenic attraction of cold mountains and a decreasing to vanishing meltwater supply during dry/warm seasons for many regions at their foot (Haeberli et al., 2013). The formation of numerous new lakes to some degree compensates for the loss of attractive mountain scenery and is of interest for hydropower production. However, it also involves an increasing risk of far-reaching flood waves from large rock/ice avalanches impacting them (Haeberli, 2013).

    Lake and river ice at high latitudes and high altitudes is a key component of cold regions river and lake systems. It mainly occurs in the Northern Hemisphere and affects an extensive portion of the global hydrological system, including 7 out of 15 of the world's largest rivers and 11 of the 15 largest lakes (Prowse et al., 2007). Floating ice forming during the cold season on lakes and rivers can also serve as an indicator of climate change. In contrast to the fluctuations of mountain glaciers, which primarily provide evidence about summer conditions and high altitudes, lake and river ice primarily reflect winter conditions, especially at low altitudes (Kubat et al., 2014). Long-term observations (Figure 1.6) document a clear trend for fall freezeup to occur later, spring breakup to occur earlier and the duration of ice cover to become correspondingly shorter. The processes involved are, however, highly complex and difficult to model or predict. Aquatic ecosystem dynamics closely follow the variability of freshwater ice condition, and human traffic in remote areas is often facilitated by the formation of a solid ice cover at the surface of such water bodies. The interaction of floating ice plates during breakup—sometimes even during winter—may lead to disastrous river-ice jams (Figure 1.7; Beltaos, 1995) and large-scale flooding. Such floods are often significantly more extreme and cause greater damage than open-water floods, and constitute the predominant threat to many subarctic and arctic settlements, which are typically situated at river confluences or on lakeshores. Continued impacts of atmospheric warming on lake and river ice are expected to have strong effects on living conditions, especially at high latitudes.

    FIGURE 1.5  Annual (a) and cumulative (b) mass balance of glaciers with long observational time series. Data from the World Glacier Monitoring Service. Free download.

    FIGURE 1.6  Time series of freezeup and breakup dates from selected Northern Hemisphere lakes and rivers (1846–1995).

    From UNEP (2007). Free download.

    FIGURE 1.7  Ice jam at Galena, Yukon River, Alaska, 27 May 2013.

    Photograph: Keystone.

    Sea ice is frozen ocean water, which grows to characteristic thicknesses of up to a few meters at the surface of cold polar seas (Figure 1.8). It plays a key role in the climate system (Gerland et al., 2007). At the North Pole, atmospheric circulation drives a dense cover of sea ice around the surface of the deep Arctic Ocean, while at the South Pole, sea ice drifts around the margins of the Antarctic continent. With its large area and snow cover of long duration, sea ice influences the Earth's surface albedo and the global radiation balance. Large masses of sea ice leave the Arctic Ocean, carried by the East Greenland current, and mix with warm highly saline water from the Gulf Stream, affecting the formation of deep ocean water in the North Atlantic, which in turn drives the global ocean circulation (conveyor belt). At the margins of the continental ice sheets, icebergs from calving glaciers are often intermixed with frozen ocean water. Their irregular geometry contrasts with that of large tabular icebergs, sometimes of huge dimensions, which break from ice shelves. Unlike wind-driven sea ice, large icebergs mostly respond to ocean currents. The existence of floating ice at the ocean surface also strongly influences high-latitude ecosystems and livelihood. The extent and concentration of sea ice at both poles undergoes large seasonal variations, but superimposed on these are two contrasting long-term trends documented since the beginning of satellite observations. While the extent of sea ice around the Antarctic continent has been stable or slowly increasing, sea ice in the Arctic Ocean shows a strong if not accelerating trend of reduced extent, thickness and volume (Figure 1.9). Extraordinary record lows of spring/summer sea ice extent have been observed especially in 2007 and 2012. The Northern Sea Route north of the Russian Coast and the Northwest Passage through the Canadian Archipelago are becoming increasingly open connections between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, thereby significantly shortening traffic distances for shipping. Continued shrinking or even complete disappearance of an arctic summer sea ice cover would not only have very strong impacts on the global and regional climate systems, especially with respect to albedo, atmospheric humidity and ocean circulation, but also on polar ecosystems, food chains, and livelihood (Kubat et al., 2014). The dependence of the polar bear on the extent and evolution of arctic sea ice has become a widely used icon for climate change impacts on living conditions. The disappearance of winter ice could be a key tipping point in the climate system for long time periods to come.

    FIGURE 1.8  Ice floes and leads in the Arctic Ocean.

    Photograph: W. Haeberli (July 2008).

    FIGURE 1.9  Evolution of annual and seasonal Arctic sea ice cover.

    From IPCC (2013).

    Seasonal snow could be called a nervous interface between the atmosphere and the Earth surface (cf. Barry et al., 2007). With its temporarily large winter surface area—especially in the northern hemisphere (Figure 1.10)—and high albedo, it is closely linked to the global radiation balance. Higher global temperature reduces the extent of snow in space and time and decreases global average albedo. Such lowering of global albedo strengthens warming trends in the climate system, which further reduces the extent of snow cover and so on. This self-reinforcing effect (positive feedback cycle) is one of the primary reasons for the much more pronounced climate changes observed in snow-affected high latitudes and high altitudes than elsewhere.

    Seasonal snow covers floating ice and protects it from rapid melting, but is itself protected by floating ice from rapid melting in open water. Important interactions also exist between snow, other cryosphere components, the hydrosphere and biosphere in cold environments. The mass balance of continental ice sheets and glaciers depends on snow accumulation. Equally, the energy fluxes at the surface of frozen ground are essentially governed by the high albedo and efficient thermal insulating capacity of the snow cover. Seasonal snow in cold regions is a fundamentally important temporary storage component in river runoff and water supply regimes and is a decisive source of soil water for vegetation in springtime, a primary factor in the food chain of animals (Seibert et al., 2014; Callaghan and Johansson, 2014).

    FIGURE 1.10  Spring snow over western Norway, Svartisen ice cap.

    Photograph: W. Haeberli (March 1996).

    Winter snow is a great attraction for tourism and sports but can be a vexation for traffic and repeatedly causes hazardous avalanches to run down steep slopes into inhabited areas. Snow indeed interacts with almost everything at higher latitudes and altitudes, but has a high variability in space and time since it depends on short-term weather conditions—both precipitation and temperature—and can easily be eroded, transported and redeposited by winds. Such high variability and the difficulty of mapping it from satellites in forested regions or mountain shadows limit the possibilities of defining clear trends in the long-term climate-related evolution of snow cover. Indications nevertheless become more and more clear, that northern hemisphere snow cover extent has started to decrease (Figure 1.11). Continuation of this trend of snow cover reduction in space and time will dramatically impact large and complex cold regions geo- and ecosystems, likely reducing simultaneously both hazards and risks, and important economic and social benefits provided by snow.

    Frozen ground can occur at short to long timescales and penetrate correspondingly to shallow or very great depths. Daily and seasonal freeze/thaw cycles govern not only near-surface frost weathering of natural rocks but also of roads and other human infrastructure in cold regions. Permafrost is subsurface material that remains at temperatures below 0  °C throughout the year and is a widespread key element of cold environments (Romanovsky et al., 2007). Temperature, thickness, and ice content of permafrost vary strongly in space as a function of climate (air temperature, snow cover, incoming radiation), subsurface conditions (rock/sediment type, groundwater), and freezing processes. In high-latitude lowlands, permafrost depth can reach up to several hundreds of meters and many high-mountain summits like the famous Matterhorn in the European Alps are frozen throughout. The volume of ice contained in permafrost can in places far exceed the pore volume of the host rock or soil (Figure 1.12), exerting a fundamental influence on the hydraulic and geotechnical characteristics of the frozen material. Frost heave, thaw settlement, creep, slope failure, and enhanced coastal erosion lead to spectacular geomorphic landforms, such as patterned ground, pingos, rock glaciers, or thermokarst lakes and constitute special challenges for the construction and maintenance of human infrastructure (mines, pipelines; Figure 1.13), houses, roads, bridges, airports, etc (Streletskiy et al., 2014). Under the cold and dry-continental conditions of Alaska, Canada or Russia, the hardness and greatly reduced permeability of ice-rich permafrost affects forest and tundra vegetation, soil humidity, surface hydrography and river flow over very large areas.

    FIGURE 1.11  Evolution of snow cover extent (SCE) (deviation from mean) in the Northern Hemisphere.

    From IPCC (2013).

    FIGURE 1.12  Ice wedge in gravel pit near Fairbanks, Alaska.

    Photograph: W. Haeberli (1978).

    FIGURE 1.13  Trans Alaska Pipeline north of the Brooks Range, Alaska.

    Photograph: W. Haeberli (2008).

    Borehole observations provide clear evidence that permafrost at high latitudes has been rather rapidly warming during the past decades (Figure 1.14; Romanowsky et al., 2010), while the information from high-mountain sites (Haeberli et al., 2011), where climate-related monitoring commenced only recently, is somewhat less clear. Snow, vegetation, and water interact with frozen ground in a sensitive but complex way. This makes accurate prediction of future ecosystem evolution under the influence of global warming difficult. As heat diffusion at greater depth is a very slow process strongly further retarded by latent heat set free by the melting of ground ice, the response of thick permafrost to climate change is likely to be extremely slow. The effects of a continued warming trend will therefore lead farther and farther away from the equilibrium-like conditions of the thermally relatively stable Holocene, and deeply affect conditions in cold environments over many decades, centuries, or even millennia to come. Besides significant negative effects on the biosphere, the hydrosphere, living conditions and human infrastructure, the decomposition of organic matter previously frozen in permafrost may set free important amounts of greenhouse gases (Ohmura, 2014; Streletskiy et al., 2014). This self-reinforcing effect (positive feedback cycle) of global warming, permafrost thawing and enhanced greenhouse gases needs to be included in climate-scenario calculations and global climate policy but so far remains difficult to assess precisely. In rugged topography, permafrost warming and degradation could initiate a long-term destabilization of steep and icy mountain peaks (Deline et al., 2014), a particular challenge with respect to local/regional hazards, risks, and disasters.

    FIGURE 1.14  Evolution of borehole temperatures at high-latitude sites of the Northern Hemisphere.

    From IPCC (2013).

    1.3. Small and Large, Fast and Slow, Local to Global: Dealing with Constraints

    The cryosphere is present at all latitudes, altitudes, and gradients, on land and sea and in the air (Bolch and Christiansen, 2014). Consequently, the wide variety and global extent of hazards associated with ice and snow should not be a surprise. All continents are at some risk from cryospheric hazards, although the scale of impact varies. Least affected are the continents of Africa and Australia, which are broadly located at lower latitudes, lack extensive areas of high altitude, and possess relatively low population densities. In contrast, Asia has a large latitudinal range, one of the largest areas of high altitude on Earth that includes the world's highest mountain, and is relatively densely populated. Short-term variability, medium-term fluctuations and long-term changes challenge humans to adapt and to develop flexible concepts of hazard prevention and risk reduction. Risks must be assessed and managed in an integrative way (Bründl and Margreth, 2014), as well as in the context of other risks and constraints of society (Carey et al., 2014). Concerning future conditions in a warmer world, the question of tipping points in the climate system has become an increasingly important aspect of policy-related discussions (Levermann et al., 2011).

    Small and rapid events of limited dimensions are usually important at local to regional scales. They can be extreme events caused by short-term, quasi-stochastic variability in environmental conditions or occur as a consequence of a medium to long-term cumulative evolution. This difference in the governing process has a profound influence on concepts of hazard assessment and risk reduction. Snow avalanches (Figure 1.15; Schweizer et al., 2014) typically involve time intervals of seconds to minutes and horizontal reaches of hundreds of meters. Potential for their formation is built up through heavy snowfall as part of short-term variability in meteorological conditions. Even under future warmer conditions, extrapolation of statistical information on frequency of occurrence together with experience and the results from model simulations can be used with reasonable safety, at least as long as climate models remain uncertain in predicting extremes. Glacier surges (Harrison et al., 2014), with ice margins advancing over kilometers during months to a few years, follow quiescent time intervals during which ice builds up over decades. Even though not related to short-term variability in environmental conditions, extrapolation of documented information on past surge events and their return periods can still provide useful indications of potential hazards.

    FIGURE 1.15  Artificially released powder snow avalanche at Walenstadt (Schattenbach) Switzerland.

    Photograph: A. Aschwanden (March 2003).

    Ice/rock avalanches (Evans and Delaney, 2014) can travel within minutes over trajectories of kilometers. They usually occur on steep slopes and are the result of slope stability systematically decreasing over time periods of centuries and millennia through processes of weathering, erosion, increasing englacial temperatures, loss of surface ice, and permafrost degradation. Anticipation of possible future events in this case cannot simply extrapolate information on past events alone but must be based on scenario modeling with respect to long-term changes in complex conditions of surface/subsurface ice and topography. The same is true for outbursts of glacial and periglacial lakes, which have comparable time and space scales and result from systematic changes in glacier geometry. Early recognition of these hazardous events requires well organized and focused monitoring. Glacier surges, lake outbursts and ice/rock avalanches can affect infrastructure at the regional scale where process chains are induced (cf. below). Preventive measures include temporary to permanent evacuation of people and artificial defense structures. The latter are especially economical and widespread in the case of repetitive processes like snow avalanches.

    Small and slow processes are primary concerns of long-term planning, disaster prevention, and adaption to hazards and risks at local to regional scales. Cumulative changes in hazard conditions and in possible risks related to the destabilization of icy mountain peaks, to the formation of new lakes or to continued erosion of permafrost coasts (Figure 1.16), for instance, occur over large areas but must be judged at local to regional levels in connection with existing human infrastructure and expansion into remote areas. In contrast to the triggering of sudden events, such as those discussed in the previous section, long- and short-term changes in the occurrence of hazard events must also be considered. In the short term, the occurrence of hazardous events can be strongly influenced by the impact of continued climate change on long-term ice-related factors. Primary local, long-term factors affecting the stability of steep icy rock walls are: (1) the geological setting (mainly lithology and structure); (2) topography (mainly slope inclination and vertical extent); and (3) ice conditions (glaciers, permafrost). As changes in ice conditions are now most rapid and significant, they have a predominant effect on the short-term occurrence of present-day rock/ice avalanches (Deline et al., 2014). Changes in ice conditions produce different response characteristics, because glaciers are likely to vanish within decades, whereas thick permafrost in deeply frozen mountain peaks will degrade over future centuries. Understanding and interpreting the corresponding disequilibrium conditions with respect to hazardous events constitutes a major scientific challenge and requires integrated modeling of surface and subsurface ice.

    FIGURE 1.16  Coastal erosion in permafrost at Prudhoe Bay.

    Photograph: W. Haeberli (June 2008).

    The formation of attractive, potentially useful but also dangerous lakes with continued deglaciation in cold mountains is another process, which takes place over years to decades, can easily be monitored using remote sensing techniques and—on the basis of high-resolution digital terrain information—can even be predicted for large regions still covered by glaciers today (Linsbauer et al., 2012). The shrinking and vanishing of their glacier cover also affects the hazard potential of erupting ice-clad volcanoes, for instance in South America (Delgado Granados et al., 2014). Complex interactions affect the development of coastal erosion in arctic permafrost. With the climate-induced retreat and loss of arctic summer sea ice, the length of time of coastal exposure to wave action in open water increases. Growing areas of ice-free water also induce higher waves, which can reach up to higher ground with rising seas. Moreover, increasingly ice-free water may produce more precipitation and thicker snow cover, which can accelerate permafrost warming and degradation. This last case clearly illustrates the fact that changes in complex and highly interconnected systems come into play.

    Large and rapid processes in high mountains are often linked to chains of causality (Clague and O'Connors, 2014; Deline et al., 2014; Evans and Delaney, 2014) leading to hazards, risks, and disasters at regional scales. Large rock/ice avalanches from icy mountain peaks such as Huascarán (Cordillera Blanca, 1970 event), Dzhimarai-Khokh (Caucasus, 2002 event) or Hualcán/Laguna 513 (Cordillera Blanca, 2010 event) can impact a lake, produce a significant impact wave, which may transform into a debris flow damming a river further down and producing another lake, which, in turn, may overflow and erode its landslide dam, flooding valleys below containing settlements and important infrastructure over tens to even a few hundreds of kilometers (Evans and Delaney, 2014). The development of corresponding hazard potentials is especially important in connection with climate change and its profound impacts on high-mountain geosystems and processes. The formation of new lakes at the foot of slowly destabilizing icy mountain peaks and their flanks is thereby especially important as such lakes constitute multipliers with respect to the frequency, reach, and damage potential of hazardous processes. They, hence, systematically increase the risks in extended down-valley sections of river courses. Anticipating such hazard potentials and growing risks requires holistic consideration of entire systems and their potential interactions, from the highest icy mountain peaks down to distant populated areas. Careful anticipation is especially important, because the changes are progressing rapidly and resulting effects are likely to persist for many generations. Newly available high-resolution digital

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