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Script & Spanish translation of the video "How to Use Sculpture Tools: How to Chisel Sculpture Head Details"

(uploaded onto YouTube on 10/04/2008 by expertvillage). Pedro Domnguez, Jos Jaime Martn & Carmen Ro, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license

How to Use Sculpture Tools How to Chisel Sculpture Head Details 1 Hi, this is Debbie the Roboteer and I'm here with Expert Village to show you how to do a little detailing with your chisels and files. This is a Paleo-Chumash structure that is actually structural foam with plaster on it. So what happens is you smooth it out and then you want to put your details back in. So, to put eyebrows in you just make little cuts with your file. Even though they're kind of going in, there are parts that go out and they end up looking like hairs when you hit them with a little sandpaper. But it makes for an entirely different person to start having the details in. Let's see here if I can get it to cut up under. You can see that you want a little raised surface here and you're taking back just a little bit to make the eyebrows kind of stick out a little bit, because hairs come out of your face. So when I go back in with a little sandpaper, it actually smoothes it out, so this part kind of disappears. And I'm not taking very much off there, and then I can come back in and actually cut little hairs. [This is looking good.] This is one of the few times you'll see me using a tool like a pencil. And just keep detailing it back until it really starts looking like hair.

Cmo usar herramientas para esculpir Cmo cincelar detalles de la cabeza en una escultura 1 Hola, soy Debbie, la creadora de robots, y estoy aqu con Expert Village para mostrarte cmo crear algunos detalles con tus cinceles y limas. Esta es una estructura paleo-chumash [de una tribu de indios americanos] que en realidad es espuma estructural con escayola encima. As que lo que pasa es que la pules y despus pones los detalles. As que para poner las cejas simplemente haces pequeos cortes con la lima. Aunque estn como hacia dentro, hay partes que sobresalen y acaban pareciendo pelos cuando les pasas un poco de papel de lija. Pero hace parecer una persona completamente diferente el comenzar a poner los detalles. Vamos a ver si consigo hacer unos cortes ah. Puedes ver que necesitas una pequea superficie en relieve aqu, y sacas solo un poquito para que las cejas sobresalgan un poco, porque los pelos sobresalen de la cara. As que cuando paso un poco de papel de lija, en realidad se pule esta parte, de modo que ms o menos desaparece. Y no saco mucho de ah, y despus vuelvo y hago cortes para crear pequeos pelos. [Esto tiene buena pinta]. Esta es una de las pocas veces que me vers usar una herramienta como si fuese un lpiz. Y simplemente sigue aadiendo detalles hasta que realmente empiece a tener aspecto de pelo.

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