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Relato de Lus Carlos Paravicini

A Roberto, mi amigo.

Lus Carlos Paravicini

Pgina 1


DEDICATORIA A los doctores Freddy Reynolds, Armando Villafuerte Claros, Teresa Rivero de Cusicanqui, Guido Chvez Mndez, Rodolfo Mrida Rendn, a los Presidentes y directivos de los Colegios de Abognsters de Bolivia y de los Sindicatos de Jueces, que hicieron posible mi ilegal destitucin del cargo de Consejero de la Judicatura por haber denunciado a la gran corrupcin, a los corruptos y a los eternos impunes e inmunes que asolan la patria desde antes de su fundacin. A los dueos de grandes medios de comunicacin social, a los periodistas obligados a cuidar sus pegas, junto a la gran mayora de valientes que nos alentaron cuando no haba riesgo alguno y luego guardaron un silencio cmplice y cobarde. Todos ustedes son constructores y responsables del pas que hoy tenemos. Bolivia, diciembre de 2011

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My experiences with computers and computer science were not the most pleasant.. As it was the case with most of the teachers of my generation, were issues that arose from time to time, especially as a kind of veiled threat, but also as a conciencial burden me attacking relentlessly after concluded any unemployment or strike with suspension of classes, which are something normal and ordinary in the activity of the Bolivian teachers. While I finished my coffee with marraqueta and get ready to leave the House, I heard my wife, between warn me and remind me, told me: ABI (I'm Abelardo), don't forget to go to the delivery of computers in the Ministry. As if I could forget something that had waited with concern for months, since the Government announced the delivery of computers to all urban and rural teachers, something that initially seemed unlikely, sounded to Government demagogy but that today was going to be a terrible reality for most public teachers. The first contact with the world of computers had found them in family gatherings. One of my brothers-in-law, Alejo, merchant in appliances, initially of appliances and electronics, had his shop in Eloy salmon and little by little we was carrying the DVDs of pirated films, mini components of sound and the microwave until you reach the world that seemed science fiction, of computers, peripherals, memory, the CDs, the software and other terms as the driving with greater naturalness, as if it were common and wild things, but we were little more than Chinese in Aymara version. Technological issues became rich or complicated much when my other brother-in-law, Evaristo Primo, after a short but successful career as leader of the retailers was elected as a member of the governing party, which changed her life, I think that for good, but for his wife, my sister Lucia, rather it was otherwise not already had many pauses between working meetings, unforeseen travel and unannounced parties. As was the time of legislative functions, was notorious financial and political prosperity which in turn allowed us to discover the facet of Deputy successful, with new and good income, that did not stop to surprise us with electronic and computer equipment of last generation which, according to him, were assigned as working material for their Work for its legislative functions and their advisers:. Cell phones, I-pads, I-phones, tabletas, smart phones, laptops, Netbooks and other sophisticated devices have appeared and disappeared in family gatherings of weekend., reached alternating large and luxurious l300, sometimes with a driver and up to some police escort. For when i realized, in the neighborhood had arisen internet cafes as if they were fungi, while my children and their cousins were left to my brothers-in-law as charlatans when it came to do operate computers and electronic accessories, whatever their origin, brand, or characteristics already come from the shop Eloy Salmon or generous and inexhaustible Legislative Assembly.

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Surrounded by these insinuations technology, more than knowing what was on TV, I made several attempts, I even enrolled in a technical school to learn computers, but always without much result, the distance between these theoretical classes instructors rushed and impatient, who assumed that everyone already knew the basics and more and the inability to carry out practical tasks, finished with my initial enthusiasm and my invariable defection caused no major accomplishments credited a yellowish cardboard unnecessarily which could not and should prove. The thought of learning the electronic wizardry involved a kind of aggression invariably depressed me deeply. The ceremony was solemn computers, attended the very President of the State, there were speeches that emphasized the momentous technological revolution that opened with the delivery of next-generation personal computers to each and every one of the country's fiscal professors, among which were my wife and I and therefore each receive a brand new team. After the fiery speeches of time, when all our teams rogatory watched, some even dared to out of the box and fired a few even briefly, read the rules of custody and use of computers, which prohibits any sale, transfer or loan and we undertake the proper use assuming the responsibility for maintenance of equipment. It was as if we were the night in broad daylight. I suspected that not everything could be so cute, had to be catch somewhere and will be announcing drastic sanctions should not care for the equipment, the teachers spoke of expulsion and even imprisonment, even for those teachers who s dared remove the logos with internal or external image of the President on computers, it was like getting a new marriage with high technology embodied in Evo Morales, leaving lice eyed Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, whom I knew from my inveterate habit of reading newspapers and magazines that were in my power, plus a respectable collection of books that I accumulated over 30 years and graced the room we used as living room. It was not easy work of this small library and gather every fifth missing some time to finish the month or pay some bills, Maria Cristina, my wife threatened to cook a few tomes for lunch and another for dinner, to which I invariably replied asking him not to forget previous knowledge of the menu to decide whether or not participating in the literary gourmet feast. Knowing the warning and once the ceremony, a cold sweat ran down my body. Pale, pale and trembling I went to meet my wife and both left the room, terrified and clinging to the boxes containing the equipment whose custody had been entrusted to us, as if it were life to us. We looked everywhere, trying to prevent any unexpected robbery that leaves us no equipment, no job and even without freedom, which happens quite often in the 36 nations of the Bolivian state, so we decided not to take the regular minibuses and spend radio taxi to reach our computers safe and sound at the apartment we live from just over thirteen years, when slavery began our financial system. Once at home, after a series of essays and arguments, we agreed to enable the small waiting room bathroom and baptized the new environment as computer cabinet. We placed a small table on which it stood before an altar with the image of the Virgin of Copacabana, which temporarily moved above the closet next to the portraits of Marx, Trotsky, Che Guevara and Compadre Palenque, and where he was to stop my dear old Olympia typewriter that had accompanied me from youth, when he spent time sheets and writing poems and stories that were beyond my single happy day. Two chairs on each side of the table and the two $ 464 laptops each placed face to face, as inviting us to take the technological challenge that had come unexpectedly into Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 4


our lives. Without loss of time, with a practical sense of things before known, my wife and daughter began to sew a pair of exquisite covers for each of the computers, sacrificing a bedspread printed with flowers and tropical motifs, including a parrot red beard, a monkey and a stop, bananas and apples. Overall, it was the technological revolution in education. With my two older children went to buy two 3-pin sockets and some feet of cable to connect computers, all of which was made into the night. I always had the painful feeling that there is nothing worse than using a machine, a computer or a car loan, always thought that was an invitation to the demons of mishaps or accidents. For that matter, was not one but two brand new computer equipment lent us the Plurinational State, ordering custody, use and conservation, something like the police instruct the district to control the operation of a satellite. Beyond the initial short-lived joy, the same feeling of uneasiness had taken possession of all of us, something seemed to indicate it was the end of a quiet household routine, which is only interrupted by any calls to marches or strikes voluntarily mandatory for meetings family on Saturday or Sunday football or trucho pirated movies on DVD. Among all the manuals carefully read and proceeded accordingly, to follow the instructions correctly, plugged the teams had to charge their batteries for eight hours straight, so we knew exactly corresponding unplug at 6 the next morning, setting the clock at that time and avoid any possibility of overload which can damage them, which was unnecessary because at that time everyone was awake but sleep deprived by the mixture of anxiety and concern that caused the advent of computers into our lives. Verified electric charge to cover the teams returned to their cases and put a hasp and padlock the brand new computer cabinet, dividing a copy of the key with my wife and decided we would expect to family reunion next Saturday to run the computers, with the support of my brothers, though in fact we thought it best to minimize risk and make the process on a computer at a time, which produced the first family discussion on the subject, as everyone wanted the initial experiment was with another team. In fact, since I installed a first concern, remembering that the Minister had spoken that each computer had a floppy drive, which I found in any of the equipment, so I left this first observation for the day of operation. The days that were to take up the following Saturday became endless. For security were ready to always have someone to stay at home, solemnly pledging to defend computers even at the risk of our own life, certainly unimportant next to the technological revolution we had been entrusted. Adults and children were attending several times a day to check, behind glass, that computers remain in place, which fortunately remained on schedule and without major upheavals. I am not mistaken in supposing that, from then on, our lives began to change radically, even our dreams were plague of ghosts technological, electrical accidents, fires, floods and various natural disasters, but also robberies, assaults, robberies and other human excesses. The third day was such a concern, we decided to lower the portrait of the Virgin of Copacabana the closet and place it next to the computer, adding a couple of candles we lit only when we were all guards in the house, so that computers with the image of Evo Morales came to replace the old altar beside the portrait of the Virgin of Copacabana, candles, some scapulars, a bouquet of wilted and illusions about the installation manuals, a mixture almost bizarre. Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 5


Family reunion on Saturday found us tense and haggard, no one had the patience to listen to or watch before the brothers in their work and technological fanfare, they understood themselves, so we went directly and without further ado to light one of computers, this time without discussion as the record of every computer was in the system and the teams were mixed in shipments and installations. The brother of the shop opened and turned on the computer screen, while we remained in a kind of sacramental ritual, in-laws, my wife and I squeezed into the computer cabinet which had been temporarily evacuated the portrait of the Virgin of Copacabana, and our five children outside, all with their necks stretched, as if it were up to a kind of world to discover, some with their mouths open. It is very difficult to remember and less to describe what happened next. Sounds and images that followed, seemed hasty explanations falsely sabihondas, technical terms that ran steeply. Alejo, the brother of the store asked the price of each team, told him it was something like $ 464, look seriously at the other brother and concisely said: - Bureau of the government The brother was sulfuric deputy, said he could not make accusations without foundation and that, if not recant, as Monday will begin a charge of contempt and may even extend to financial terrorism and computer and insult to patriotic symbols, considering that the team was the image of the president's brother, which was followed by a bitter debate that could only assuaged when my wife announced that she had prepared a plate with some beers and a little cocktails to celebrate the advent of computers in our lives. Despite threats, Alejo was not easy until make it clear that for a purchase of hundreds of thousands of computers the price was very high, but his anger grew when he discovered in the manuals that the teams were of Portuguese origin. Ah, damn, he said, if the Portuguese made computers, then the Chinese will port and olive oil. The celebration was consummated with a drunken accelerated by the confusion of computer terms that began to pollute the talks from that day. That probably meant the Minister CD player, no longer used for floppy drives, you must be very careful with the virus, as well as thieves and hackers, to be installed as soon as possible online, you need to check if they are complete the 846 thousand records of Wikipedia, that if Unesco library with hundreds of thousands of digital books, to which version of Office installed, if the hard drive is properly defragmented, you need to enable mail accounts ... Evaristo, taking serious gesture with which surely addressed his colleagues in the Plurinational Assembly, which as you could talk and everything, but always raising their hands should vote according to the instructions of the party, occupied, as he himself said, to say a few words of circumstances: It stirred the broad and thick mustache that made him look aggressive to the copper face of angular features forged in endless debates of trade unions, social movements and assembly members, who learned to handle scenarios with their differences and nuances, with times and pauses and gestures politically correct. - Let's see .. Thanks to the change process of which I am a militant and co-founder, product of the democratic and cultural revolution led by Brother President, we see another example of what Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 6


is possible in our struggle against imperialism, neoliberalism , colonialism, neo-capitalism, oligarchy retrograde right operator, the opposition embodied in the great mercantile media, the left child. The government has already served to nationalize all natural resources, is developing the new Constitution approved by the people, for the first time in history, gender equity is a reality, women are the same charges and duties which men Proof of this is that Abi and Cristina have received similar computers and without discrimination just because teachers and whether they are men or women or their position in the National Teachers', and there is no exclusion or socially excluded, marginalized ignorant and share the enlightened governance responsibilities with national leftist intellectuals and socialist Mamanis and skirts have monopolized the judiciary by the will of the people is no longer necessary to be a lawyer or have to administer justice studies, a hat, or a skirt are llujchu clothing guarantee more than enough, the country's revenues have multiplied by six, the best distribution of poverty is now a tangible reality, while just over six years of MAS government we had the luxury of subsidizing oligarchs, rich men and sharecroppers class more than three billion dollars to have cheap fuel for their vehicles expensive, which has never before been seen in our history, we will maintain this grant for more than seven hundred million dollars a year and only to publicize and socialize these achievements the government has called for a social summit and discuss how to improve this kind of subsidy to live well, what about the bankers who no longer know what to do with so much money they earn and receive ... He paused, waiting for applause that never arrived, while he took a sip of beer and coughed briefly. - But, no way can be thought wrong, there are no political intentions behind these large samples of government solidarity towards the needy, you, like hundreds of thousands of teachers across the country, emerging from the darkness of the age stone, including the age of the old book was printed heritage and instrument of subjugation of a few heartless colonizers, to join the modern world, information, knowledge, technology is the way to eliminate all gaps and inequities of development, to live well the Bolivarian dream of socialism in the twenty-first century, to share the dreams of progress and unity of Tupac Katari, Bartolina Sisa, the ancestors originated. With this leap into modernity, development and progress, books, notebooks, ball tip, will remain as a sad reminder of the times of colonialism and exclusion, privilege of the rich against the poor, today entered the virtual world, the digital space in which everything is possible, in which knowledge and information and have no limits or restrictions. The next day, Sunday, nobody wanted to learn about computers, or virgins or candles, we started to hear the game on the radio. On Monday I woke with a bad headache, also had a knot in the stomach, fever, nausea and diarrhea, so I left at dawn to the Health Fund, it was still dark when I arrived to join the long line waiting attention. At 11 am we were informed that the doctors were in general strike to demand the attention of their list of one hundred eighty and three points, including the morgue is promoted to Manager of Funeral Service and Mortuary, opposition to entrance of a messenger from the government appointed in the Department of Purchases and Acquisitions and all major surgery surgeons are elected by universal suffrage of Bolivian citizens as was done with the highest authorities of the judiciary, reasons that would only be cared for the dying in emergencies, on affidavit and ex post control and provided that such simple matters of nursing. My turn, a couple of nurses weighed me, took my temperature, pressure and listened, almost eager, the explanation about my health symptoms, not to mention that poderles long suffered from diabetes and less the history of computers. Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 7


I left mid-morning, with the recommendation to be stunned at the news to see if it exceeded the doctors' strike, if nurses also were added to it or even suspending emergency care, grabbing some drugs and a bottle of Dextrotn . I took a minibus, which were trapped like sardines more than two hours, while large groups of people, many carrying banners and placards, marched around us. Children, youth and adults loud popping miners dynamite sticks, I hit an eardrum and broke several windows of the shops located on the side of the street narrow and congested with vehicles and marchers. The drivers had left their mobility and kiosk encontranban a few beers and eating cascndole Rangas and jolkes. While sweating to control stomach cramps and overriding desire to heed the conminatorias of diarrhea, I was recognized by some colleagues of the teachers who were on the march, and practically forced me to get off the minibus and dragged me with them disregarding my excuses or reasons, which I was part of a human wave that was to crash against the shields of a barrier of police guarded the entrances to the main square. Caught in the middle of a crowd, in front of the police cordon, with firecrackers and dynamite exploding over our heads, including scratching, pushing, slogans, jingles, gases, of all kinds, even as I do not understand the human body could disintegrate. I woke up, half within a cell in the Police District with a lot of protesters could not make out anything from the murmur of groans and the bulk of the standing or crouching bodies, we apretbamos each other. I was surprised that some good Samaritan had drugs and Dextrotn bottle in the pocket of my jacket. I did not know how long it took, I guess more than a day, for as I had not had money to give my watch as a tribute to jilacata to allow me to remain lying in the crowded cell, which was gradually emptying, until my brother came Evaristo guarantee to get me to lead me to the same presentation and Hospital Health Fund I visited before I got involved in the demonstration. I was hospitalized several days and long nights, I spend more in the bathroom than in bed, I consumed liters of serum and rehydration salts, I received a visit from my wife and my children, but with the impression that everyone was very rushed or outstanding issues, most visits were doctors, certainly visit soon as the strike continued for a few days and patients end up atendindonos each other, sharing experiences and homemade recipes, as also the nurses and staff of service bowed to the strike. We get cards and promotional brochures, and private clinics offering discounts and special treatment by the same doctors who were on strike indefinitely. I left the hospital after ten days, I came home full of painkillers and sedatives and a new mission-critical: I had to get five hundred dollars for an emergency gastric operation, while continuing the treatment for the eardrum damaged by dynamite sticks and an eye infection by pepper spray that police kicked me out so get over the bumps, bruises and bruises that involves a social protest to the end, the Bolivian. At home, despite the short time, things and the environment were not as they had left them or remembered them. The rhythms, the times were fast, my wife and my children seem compelled to fulfill obligations successive and peremptory, his head was elsewhere, perhaps more specifically in the fascinating world of computing. I knew that instead of make install internet, my children took turns to bring computers, sometimes at a place that had wi fi, but generally the coffee shop where accounts configured and immersed to the bone in the labyrinth of social networks, with a lot of messages back and forth with a substantial and growing network of virtual friends. Meanwhile, my wife had added new and emerging occupations to attend a Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 8


computer course, the scope and details did not have time to explain, although it felt more and more excited about this activity. In any case, everyone had taken confidence with computers, the Virgin of Copacabana had been confined to the closet and the typewriter was changed by two flash memory, DVD's and CD's virgins. Drawing I still had a few days of medical leave, I decided to prepare bi-monthly tests, my children told me the basics of Word and Excel for spreadsheets and attendance and grades. With an enthusiasm waned as the days passed and learned that technology issues can not be cut roads or bypass methods and procedures, as I believe that computers are machines idiots and arrogant by nature, eagerly and got nervous verge of collapse obtain the first basic results were not even remotely sensed the wonders could be achieved, but they were some tests and some forms much better designed and presented it usually did with the typewriter. So far, the huge sacrifice, intense pains and anxieties were some practical results, but, unexpectedly, there was an unusual difficulty, I could not physically print worksheets and tests that had painstakingly managed to design. Just at the family reunion on Saturday and when he had considered even the possibility of suicide, I did muster the courage to overcome the shame and raise my big problem with my wife, my children and my in-laws, which in turn were also with their families, and said, almost hesitantly: - I'm happy with what I managed to do on the computer but ... the truth is that I can not print on paper documents, can not find how or where to place the paper for printing, although I put the paper type and size, the guidance and ... It was more than enough. Several jumped as springs, someone appeared to put the flash memory on the computer, I asked for the names of the files, got the device, two of my sons ran the Internet Cafe on the corner and, after a while, returned with the documents laser printed. I felt the most useless man and the universe backward and could not help arising in me a feeling of deep hatred and resentment towards the superb computers. Spot, the one o'clock stopped the wagon Evaristo came alone, I expected with the two computers packed in their boxes, with original manuals and instructions. We went through the Ceja de El Alto and then continue about an hour by pavement and then turn off on a dirt road and pavement, by which we continue to stretch for twenty minutes to stop at a rustic bar guarded by several MPs, Evaristo showed them some ID and we had the back of the property, we enter a room well lighted roofing sheets, connecting with a shed that was barely noticeable from the entrance. In the room, three men were playing horn at a table with singani, ice, sodas and a couple of ashtrays that smoked, exchanged warm greetings with Evaristo, who introduced me as his brother Abelard. Glued to the walls battered armchairs and a broad shelf on which lay three rows of boxes similar to those that got off the trolley. Signature here, brother, told me in one confianzudo tone. I read the paper, "2 Works by Product Consulting agree to the Terms of Reference, $ us. 400. -. Get compliant ". I signed. I got three hundreds and twenty five. With books that might sell something I did over two hundred dollars, sigh of relief, I had gotten my five hundred dollars for emergency operation, and still enough to remedies and other expenses, living the technological revolution. As we walked on the carriage way to deliver by Product Consulting, Evaristo casually Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 9


commented: - You do not have to worry about Abi, it's all very well planned, not as General Sanabria ... They have everything under control, have all your information, your data is recorded on the same computer that you were given, also placed a software to track your contacts, emails sent and received you, Christina and the boys are up the answers to your exams, laughed briefly, or unique that you're going to report anything at all and if you do the only scrubbing would be you. - Sure, I could say. - Rather, we must see the future, my brother. In the first phase will be delivered one hundred and fifty thousand computers, but not all at the same time, it must recycle. The teachers receive computers are cunts a month, two months, then farrean, get sick, they want to travel or want to buy an LCD TV or a new phone, who they want to buy computers and take risks, rather than be redistributed by the same suppliers and all other teachers earn more, all happy and content, as well as computers become obsolete very fast, best to do your work in an internet cafe or a friend of the government. In your case, I'm going to slip some equipment they provide me every six months ... - And do not fear anyone reporting or audits do ...? - How could you think, who is going to audit thousands of profs and if they did how you can try, and I know the real bosses. Furthermore, the same profs are not going to want to get in trouble, losing their fault or get arrested without corpus delicti there is no crime ... has been carefully both the details we have to the factory cardboard packaging and with the teams only you have to reformat and load new programs. For other equipment you get, we give you two hundred and fifty U.S. dollars, you'll see how you distribute, you take care to collect and deliver, will be your contribution to the technological revolution.

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II Mariano Alejo Del Monte was born in Sucre, the capital of the Republic, also known as "Charcas (name of original people until 1538)," La Plata "(1538 to 1776, colonial period during the Viceroyalty of Peru)," Chuquisaca (1776 - 1825, colonial period during the viceroyalty of La Plata), "The Illustrious and Heroic Sucre" (from 1825, from the Republic) and some nicknames like "white", "old" or "cultured" - is the constitutional and historical capital of Bolivia, as well as the capital of the department of Chuquisaca. Geographically, Sucre lies at 2750 m asl in a valley head warm and dry climate. It is the middle ground between the Andean plateau and the plains of the Gran Chaco, the boundary between the Amazon tributaries (rivers Chico and Grande) and the Rio de la Plata (Cachimayu and Pilcomayu) border between the peoples of the highlands (Aymara and Quechua) and the peoples of the lowlands (Guarani). Historically it was the birthplace of the "first cry for freedom" of America, May 25, 1809. Son of a prestigious local lawyer and Ligia De Urioste, hardworking woman who brought the family budget with the income from the bakery business inherited from his mother, who in turn received it from his, especially when your husband is exceeded expenses in any of their political inclinations, which was very fond of since before marriage and worse after every commercial enterprise that assumed with boundless enthusiasm and optimism and almost always ended in resounding failures attributed to the Upper Peruvian political centralism and concentrated in La Paz, a city that took over the legislative and executive branches as a result of war, called the Federal War of the late 19th century. They have the bad language, which are abundant in Sucre, a city that is given to aristocratic airs, that Dr. Maclovio Del Monte, one of his business ventures met a prosperous merchant, typical Andean cholo lined with gold teeth, and clocks and chains that always adorned, signs of prosperity and status Creole, who hid his obesity pronounced dark suits your blue and brown tones fine cashmere made in England, who supplied his fellow fraternity Farmers Market vendors, where they was built, with infinite patience and accuracy, several buildings with galleries and shops, when the market began as a center of food supply, as is customary in the commercial centers of Bolivia. Along with the buildings and good business, managed to raise five of the seven children who remained in Sucre, after one of them, the eldest, married a German seminarian turned out to be a parasite, which lay half-Social Club and had to flee, along with what he said was his sister Gertrude and Filomena, whom everyone said Fily, daughter of Don Maximo Plata. However, some people thought that the sister of the German was not really his sister, was something else, without the physical resemblance and age attenuate slander. 'What always be one more blond sister, or sleep in separate pension' was heard to say with emphasis, 'sure it also has sucked the Khanka-gringo, but you want blue, then that it costs', concluded talks on the benches of the Plaza 25 de Mayo. In one corner of the Plaza was the home of Dona Ligia pastries In Urioste and her sisters Lucrezia and Lulu, the same bakery that saved bail to Dr. Del Monte with its disparate businesses. True to the customs of his native village community, Don Maximo had had 10 children, of those who survived 7. In rural areas of Bolivia is traditional for families to have a high number of children, rather than family vocation, with the practical approach to help with household chores and working the land, as cheap labor and submission almost unconditional. Five of the children Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 11


had completed his law studies. Besides his daughter Fily, the other son, who was called Forchi, always had an effeminate air, which caused a rumor to Sucre lapidary: "Fortunate is the quewua ', murmured the neighbors. The suspect had more grip when it was a Herculean Ecuadorian black, imposing size and muscle to play the Stormers Club, which at that time was in first division. The player was active for several months, his physique almost forced him to be clumsy, and was a favorite target of insults own slang futbolero receiving from the stands, besides having a sad and lonely pass in the city., Fortunato fell in love man since I first saw and became its main supporter, although he had never before gone to the stadium. Despite his eagerness could not get any relationship, especially if in Sucre are very few black people. In reality, neither player was easy to engage with any woman of any other race, because, despite its lush natural size, was extremely shy and reserved off the court. Agapito's situation, which was the name the player, came to a head in a match that his team played in the Hernando Siles stadium in La Paz, at the time was to take a ball near the grandstand side of general, when a conscript, fan club Bolivar threw a bayonet, so badly for Agapito that it went to embed in your right buttock, an impact that made the giant collapsed heavily to the field edge, resulting in a closed boos of the fans, who threw bottles and oranges assuming that the dark time was doing. What is clear is that the delegation returned to Sucre club without Agapito, who had to be hospitalized and abandoned in a hospital in the Health Fund that was a general strike of doctors, nurses, and had even reached the emergency stop, so that, given the imminence of the return journey, and his fellow leaders knew only that Agapito fainted and was taken when the kinesiologist stuck his bayonet into the stadium itself and without any anesthesia. The news came to Sucre about the incident were unclear and within days became diluted, being consigned Agapito injured one of the campus. The quiet was not was Forchi, who had followed the radio broadcast and released the next day to talk with leaders and peers of his idol, but failed to get a more or less complete, even worse if things were dropped because of the hefty defeat in La Paz, which put at serious risk the continuity of the coach, who until the previous game was an idol in Sucre by the run-up, so he went to the cabin of Entel for telephoning the city of La Paz, but could not communicate because there was none to attend the hospital switchboard. He returned home disappointed after staying up late and looking to find a way to assist Agapito, took courage and asked his father to give him money to travel to the city of La Paz, with the best excuse that came to hand, to see permits entry to study law at the Universidad Mayor de San Andres, as they had done the other five brothers in Sucre for pride and satisfaction of Don Maximo. The response was not what I expected Forchi in slow pitch his father said they could travel together next week, as he had to go to organizing a folk festival and could use the help of Uncle Marco was just a professor in the Faculty of Right of La Paz or even if it wanted to travel, you could ask for information directly to the man. Without arguments, he retired to his room where he was turning the matter until it was convinced that it was a sign of destiny to give meaning to their life, so he prepared a small suitcase, placed the thick gold bracelet that his parents gave him when he left high school, waited for Don to finish up the regular nap and go to his shop, was introduced quietly into the bedroom to avoid waking his mother was asleep, carefully removed the false bottom located in the bottom of the closet behind the shoes of their parents, opened the small safe and withdrew, groping in the dark, two wads of cash - after he knew he had managed to get two thousand Bolivians and seven thousand dollars and jewelry with a value exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, although he was sure that the value was Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 12


inflated by his parents, who never lost anything, always saw a chance to win something, even in the worst health disasters and it was obvious that they did so for insurance purposes. Rushed out of the house, took a taxi to get to the Plaza May 25, he entered the bakery of Mrs. Ligia De Urioste, who greeted politely and went straight to the table where he usually was, at that time, Kurt, the former seminarian who fell in love and marry soon after his sister Fily, welcomed everyone, asked to speak a moment alone with the German, left the room and went to sit on a bench in the plaza. Kurt glanced searchingly at Forchi I was sweaty and somewhat agitated, he, who used to look in front of their partners could not help it this time driven by the anxiety that gave him away .. Fortunato hastily threw the words that seemed to fight in his throat by holding out a certain order, he said both knew who each and that among firefighters were not going to step on the hose or tell fortunes from gypsies, who had decided to leave his family , leaving Sucre and its fucking sexist and build their destiny on their own. 'To the point, Kurt, - he said - I have a lot of original jewelry, I want them to let you take the time to negotiate the best possible price, we're seventy to thirty for me and you, what Kurt forty sixty responded quickly deduct fees and expenses equally. Agreed the terms, Fortunato addressed another taxi that took him to the bus station, bought a ticket in La Paz fleet, which were in two hours, entered the room with his suitcase, closed the door, sat on the toilet and opened closing the compartment where she kept her private papers did not want them to be discovered by his relatives, took out a wad of dollar bills and one in Bolivia, extracted seven twenty-dollar bills and three hundred bucks Bolivians, two twenty- one of ten, put them in the wallet, closed the suitcase, along the chain and went out for coffee, actually took several, and eat a sandwich, was asked about smoking and cigarettes and remained pensive, somewhat worried when I saw some police but then calmed sure that it was unlikely they would have noticed the disappearance of money and jewelry, much less of him. The trip was bearable and a couple of stops by landslides on the road, he used to sleep until they reached the height of Patacamaya, the fleet stopped behind a huge line of vehicles, the driver went down with his assistants and some passengers, returned at twenty minutes to report that there was a blockade of mining cooperatives that did explode dynamite. Remained immobilized until almost midnight, several assumptions miners rose to the fleet to request voluntary contributions of money, women and children came dressed in rags rather than ask also demanded money, the dynamite exploded from time to time, some clueless played horn and lit engines, to turn them off almost immediately. Outside, the cold wind blew harsh altiplano while from time to time clouds of dust rose entrants to the fleet by all possible loopholes, while some were distracted by passing the film over and over again by the TV, which was kung fu and martial arts alike, with Chinese who were screaming and jumping. Around midnight, they asked to come down with their hand luggage wishing to change trains and take a fleet across the lock, which was undefined. Only heard the voices of a crowd of people, a few lanterns that lit dimly the road, the cries of children of all ages and the cries of protest from women and some men, until they reached the peasants in bicycles and tricycles that could take across the block, what they asked for two hundred to one hundred Bolivians, if shared a tricycle, so Forchi was one of the first to embark on a bicycle, as a companion on the grid, since many people did not have that amount of money or meet with family, so they preferred to stay overnight in the fleet and see what they did next day. Before lowering the fleet, he noticed that his bag was tightly closed and handed to her transfer to the baggage of those who were to be evacuated. Slowly, as the bike tried to overcome the bumps in the road in Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 13


darkness was lit only by the pious glimmer of the moon, they managed to pass the guard union miners, who took another fifty Bolivians for right of way, until, almost an hour later, the other side, in which the group of people who went to La Paz was relatively small, almost silent, while on the road in front waiting for another long procession of vehicles of people coming out of the Peace. Shivering with cold, as it was not properly sheltered by the haste with which the need was leaving, Fortunato made an extraordinary effort to hope that someone appeared carrying his suitcase, which did not happen until the last moment the fleet went to La Paz announced it would charge only forty-five bolivianos for the passage, Fortunato, numb and on the verge of collapse in the open, canceled and went to sit in the front seat resigned free he found. It was still early morning when he woke to the sound of police sirens, then know as the fleet stopped and moved up three soldiers who wore ski masks, who proceeded to check all compartments and packages of passengers looking for controlled substances, then joined two others who were seeking contraband, which found three locked boxes that carried them to the cries and screams of protest from some women in skirts. Nevertheless relieved when they left the police, thinking it could be worse than what have been looking for him. Did not advance more than fifteen minutes, again other sirens, two civilians and two soldiers who go up and ask for documents to passengers, the driver turns on the lights inside and begin the review. Forchi took out his wallet and showed his identity card, which was observed first by one and then by the second inspector, who said his paper had expired, so it decomisaba and asked for his luggage, Fortunato said had not, he was asked to lose mobility and to sing the national anthem, to which he never paid attention. 'So you want to infiltrate the Peruvian cholo, you are sure of the Shining Path' interrupted the chief was called - 'as you'll see that in Bolivia we are not playing the little wars, post it to the truck' - ordered. Before you board the police vehicle and placed a rusty handles ensarradas, who immediately pinched the thick dolls Forchi who, contrary to what one might think, was tall and solid texture, prone to obesity. They walked a short distance from earth to stop at an adobe building near a bar on the edge of a dirt road, the door was handing over a ditch with standing water and foul, in which Fortunato could not avoid wetting their delicate suede shoes try not to hit the police that preceded it. Inside was even turned on the light of a kerosene lamp, while the rays of the new day slowly struggled to enter. He was ordered to take off his watch and the slave and surrender his wallet, his cell phone and other items of value and did enter into a small adjoining room in which were deposited a couple of Asians, three Americans and a couple of Swedes , a pair of frightened peasants skirt and three women, one loaded with a chest bus crying almost nonstop, all sitting on planks placed on bricks. After a while, when the light lit the small window the terrified faces of the Americans, sullen and impenetrable to the peasants, Forchi asked in English medium if they knew why they were prisoners, the Americans were unaware that explained that visa processing or pre-entry clearance in the U.S., the Chinese on suspicion of false passports and have shouted to the authority, the Swedes knew nothing and Bolivian peasants accused of smuggling gas cylinders to Peru, which had disappeared in the operation of seizure. The first out was the Americans, then the Swedes and three days after the Chinese came out shouting, behind them the peasants with their bus and entered a seller of music CDs for a whole day was expounding with offers of the last great hits and behind him a cell phone salesman who had seized more than thirty for failing to prove their ownership. While Fortunato left the room, Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 14


featured a black yatiri accused of witchcraft, which was the last I heard. Once submitted to the guard on duty, he returned the phone and your wallet with twenty dollars and two hundred and twenty Bolivians, pointing out that what was missing on account of food and maintenance for the days of his detention, suggesting he go to the Peruvian Consulate in El Alto to file your claim on his suitcase, his slave and his watch, which possibly had fallen in the path of transfer and will process your documents radicatoria as soon as possible, building that had an amnesty for regularization of foreign nationals only seven hundred dollars or without requirements or questions for a thousand dollars. Forchi, still could not believe what was happening, walked to the road, managed to stop a ramshackle collective, paid twenty Bolivians and sat in the hallway in the middle of packages, two sheep, a chicken and a dog barking chapi each time the buses left to mourn, while the driver climbed over the volume of cumbias Villeras mingling in concert within the motor noise. At the bus terminal, Forchi entered the bathroom, which seemed a luxury Asia after the turn to enter the cesspool of the rooms in which he was detained for nearly five days. The mirror returned a pale and emaciated, he thought being thinner than usual and his clothes were spattered with a single crease dirt and mud, addressed to a post in which I take two glasses of api with cakes, to the suspicious gaze his occasional co-bank. A little spare, stopped requesting a taxi to take him to Hospital Health Fund, to which the driver previously told him that would leave three other passengers who were in the same direction, which is accommodated in the front seat next to the driver, the journey lasted much longer than normal, because the main street and surrounding streets were blocked by chutos car owners demanding that the government issue a new amnesty for legalization, which was not surprised to anything, it was all part of everyday life in that city that breathed politics and conflicts during most days of the year and every year. As the vehicle moved from time to time with a maddening slowness, was out of the stupor to which the repeated abuse of his body seemed to have subsided and he began to realize the gravity of their situation, while speculating in his mind by the reactions their families once known its demise taking money and jewelry from her parents' bedroom, which was much worse than the worst lack of respect for them. He imagined the shock and the efforts of his five brothers, all lawyers and expectant placed in positions of the Supreme Court, the District Court, the prosecution, the Constitutional Court and the Judicial Council - no one or nothing could come loose from the will of his father, whose wishes were commands in these courts settled in the capital of the Republic - for what was sure it was one of the most wanted people around the country. After leaving each of the other passengers, the taxi stopped three blocks from the hospital, because the driver was not willing to continue wasting time turning against the path that led him to take lunch daily, canceled with a bill of twenty Bolivians, resulting in angry protests and complaints of the driver, who eventually took him five instead of three Bolivian, having no change - must come up with just sueltito young - said the little teacher by way of consolation and farewell. Forchi quickly covered the distance that separated him from the hospital lobby, in which income found a group of police with riot helmets and material asked by the patient, the football player Agapito, there no one could give a reason and suggested that go to floor 17 where find information, but first must register with their ID card, which had just seized on the trip, so, tired of the obstacle, pleaded for more than half an hour, until I could drop one off your cell phone under warranty. Resigned to all, went to take an elevator but the elevators were in maintenance visit, so you had to climb, pausing, foot to the floor 17. When he had come, sat a moment in the last step to catch her breath, then entered the small hall and asked the manager Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 15


for his friend Agapito, she reviewed the records and consulted with the employee who mopped the floor if he remembered what happened to the dark-haired player who arrived in sports uniform and left only a diver and absolutely nothing, no clothes, no utensil, no nothing, the employee told him he had to wait for Ms. Flores, head nurse of the floor, who would after lunch. After a while, when he was about to fall asleep, felt someone touch his shoulder, was a senior nurse, stern face, who dryly asked if he was looking for the player, Forchi said yes, the nurse asked if a relative or friend, he told her friend, the nurse immediately rebuked him what kind of relatives or friends who could be left entirely to Agapito, poor man left lying in the middle of a medical strike indefinitely with a deep wound stab that touched him to the bone and that was infected, so that once normalized attention had to amputate the leg from above, almost from the hip - he said - just yesterday I picked up some people from the Afro-Bolivian community, I he was taken to Yungas, turned around and ended the conversation, leaving Forchi with eyes that filled with tears and a harsh taste in the throat, was cornered and began to sob like a child. It was late at night when it began the descent down the stairs from the 17th floor, feeling the steps and leaning against the wall in those dark or poorly lit places, up to the reception, where he had to wait forty minutes for the manager again and return your cell phone, used to go to the bathroom and saw that his appearance and was simply disastrous, seemed drugged and drunk at the same time, but even more alarmed him the status of your clothes and assumed that the odor given off by his body was as unpleasant as the faces that made the people talking. On the radio overheard a sweet voice saying 'Evo meets, Bolivia changes. To live well '. I take a minibus that left him near Barns Street, where he entered a shop selling used American clothing, chose several pieces, paid, walked away and entered a shelter, there was again a cell phone as collateral , entered the room, took a shower longer, then turned on the black and white television, tuned to a channel I can see that celebrated gay pride day, then fell fast asleep. He awoke the next day in tears and numb body sideways, tried to believe that awoke from a horrible nightmare, he could barely get up to turn off the TV showing some drinking and dancing dressed in a setting of luxury and splendor, as said an enthusiastic announcer. Still dazed, in pain in the numb body part before, washed his face and saw that his face had the shadow of a beard most populous than I remembered, and even he thought he saw some gray arisen among his rich, dark hair. He went out, a few houses down walked into a restaurant full of men and women talking loudly while being served by two waiters in white shirt, vest and tie color black, which drew swiftly put and abundant food sources and bottles beer that appeared and disappeared as if by sleight of hand. Some tables euphoric contrasted with other people where it was all tears, sighs and moans to sharp, a drunkard howled be convinced singing songs of love and forgotten in a corner playing a horn and another tuned his instrument charango Side an accordion and an Indian girl abandoned asleep supporting his bare head on the table, it was fixed his fine Borsalino hat had fared much better. Forchi, who had a voracious appetite, first ordered a plate of pork fricassee and then, unable to resist the aroma from the kitchen, ate a plate of sausages with salad, potato and bread soaked in the same oil, plus three a couple of beers and snacks, cocktails were on the house. He left the bowling hand concealing a burp, notoriously dizzy and with an unmistakable feeling of stomach heaviness, ENO requested a receipt of property began to rest and fell asleep again. He woke up very thirsty, but relieved with clean clothes, showered and shaved, but could not shake off the bitterness of the tragedy of Agapito. He made several phone calls received, until Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 16


he heard the voice of Irma, the wife of his uncle Marco, Professor of Law, who handed the phone to his father's younger brother, whose voice seemed to come from beyond the grave. 'Hello, Forchi, how are you, you know you were looking all over, what have you done for clubs nephew', said it was a long story and I needed help. 'The help you need me, I sighed-line by Uncle Marco - this paste is medium club, pay well and there is sure to college at full blast, but the partying on Friday are becoming harder and new students no longer chickens are just as before, now they suck even more so than us and there are more beautiful and atitas bluntly, just notes '- the guy laughed across the line -' And now you directly spliced and we will sucks to play the palette, where more beer and then bowls, as they say in Oruro, life is hard - said Marco. After some brief remarks, told his uncle Forchi roughly what had happened in recent days since leaving Sucre, avoided talking about money and jewelry, said he was aware of the fury that his father probably well embargaba and the implacable vengeance try it for the rest of his life, but asked him to be sincere in the help he could give in a desperate situation, the guy said it was not much I could do that or you appear to happen around the house and less by the Faculty, it would be fatal for all, that I could get a couple thousand Bolivians and accommodation there, if you've seen I do not remember, at least until after a good time and the waters have calmed, advised him not to try to communicate with their cousins and other uncles were all angry about what happened. After hearing the gratitude and concern resigned nephew so precarious a palliative, Dr. Marco Plata, assuming a tone of Academy, said he had a group of prisoners in the prison of San Pedro who were his students in a program Advocacy special training for inmates and sometimes helping him with some work, suggested that he visit the next day and talk to prison or Gustavo Alfonso Baccarreza, gave him the cell phone number of each of them, who I would guide and would arrange things with the Warden and other authorities, as the best place to hide in severe cases like Forchi was inside the prison. Following the advice of his uncle Marco, the day of visit was made in the prevention of the Panopticon, in the Plaza de San Pedro and asked one of the brothers Baccarreza, but froze when he demanded his identification card to pass. He left the line and went to sit at a park bench, then took courage, crossed the street, bought a cinnamon ice cream and enjoy it again slowly in the opposite bank, where they settled had left a family of cholitos that got out of a huge truck VOLVO and were eagerly portrayed by an old typical local photographer. Discouraged, smoked several cigarettes one after another and it was in that he found a glimmer of hope, took a cell phone recovered after cancellation of the pension bill, which had taken the precaution of recording the numbers of brothers Baccarreza marked the first one and found the immediate response of a thick, husky voice that told him he was in history, to go Prevention and they would go away, crossed the street, again entered the Prevention, did almost immediately pass, but first ask you to leave the cell phone regulation issues, down several steps, opened the door and saw four people to a group of more or less the same age, who beckoned to come closer, while some inmates asked if I needed a taxi, once he met the group confirmed that it was Fortunato Plata, on the part of Dr. Marco Plata. After exchanging greetings was told she had a very good shot because it had just arrived for a barbecue featuring the bankers held in honor of the day of the prisoner, so that led to the most exclusive of the prison, one in which the prisoners lived more lords and silver in environments with all possible facilities, game rooms, cable TV, internet, small restaurants and other privileges with respect to most of the overcrowded prison population. Accompanied by four young men, not finished out of surprise when they began to get the glasses of beer, while a group of people dressed more elegantly but informally shared with Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 17


several officers gowns and drank whiskey and Cuba libres, while uniformed waiters with white jacket and black bow tie covered the environment and others in and out of what was inside sections which also had the service, but social differences of the case, since only offered beer and cigarettes. On one side, a group of children of different ages playing and running, as if in a normal park. After a while the boys themselves were invited to come to a large grill where several cooks distributed sausages, offal and thick pieces of meat smoking, but not before the parade made orderly by a long table on which were large pots of rice, cassava, potatoes, salads and other side dishes. Already dark and the lit lucres arrived amplification equipment that were installed immediately and began sound check, then make way for a couple of speeches police and a representative of the inmates, who wished congratulations to prisoners in their day, they were human beings and only living people who had the misfortune of losing freedom, they said. The Band of the Cow Reza, as I nicknamed members of the Gang of Baccarreza took advantage to know the details and what had happened, with Forchi, who reported assuming the role of the victim of some unfortunate circumstances and omitting several topics such as subject of the jewels, although they confessed to having taken money from the safe of his father and was very thorough in describing the events that had suffered the past few days. 'I have learned that the worst misfortunes that cause suffering pain' had said by way of reflection. Upon completion of the speeches, which were really short and light, installed an orchestra began to play loud music after 2 hours silenced the musicians to make way for singers with guitars took turns playing national music ballads, sambas and boleros, who shared the stage with some prisoners who had a skill or hobby for singing. After midnight, closed the entrances to the inner sections of the prison and there was a group of 12 dancers who soon entered more than up to the makeshift stage to dance and strip naked in groups of 3. It was dawn when Baccarreza Forchi led, after crossing a few yards and several hallways, inside a room that extended 3 cots and several clowns lined up against the wall, all with blankets, cots, unlike they had bedspreads, some went to the bathroom, others went to bed directly after a moment diminish the voices and the lights went out completely, had indicated that a clown to Forchi leaned back, crossed by two clowns on each side and placed at their feet, they had to go a little greater height Forchi. Not even two hours spent at the time in the dark felt something or someone rubbing his leg, while on the other hand felt a strong breath alcohol and snuff, was abruptly turned and suddenly took a big hit in the testicles, which did shrink from pain, but a second blow immediately it collapsed. He did not know how long he remained unconscious, it is evident that woke slowly, feeling a sharp pain in the genitals and a tremendous itch between her legs, lowered his hand and found that there was a thick, sticky fluid dripping from her anus to the legs they were naked, without the pajamas used American clothing she had worn to bed. He put his hand with the liquid to his nose and thought it had a smell of blood. In complete darkness and amid some snoring, crawled to the door and then got up to go to the bathroom, which he joined with difficulty containing the arcades by vomiting which filled almost the entire floor and toilets, lit the candle next to the mirror and found that indeed was bleeding, no longer doubt, had been raped by several people. He made a gesture of incredulity at the mirror, then a grimace and a smile blurred before whispering 'Baccarreza poor, if they had, now they are caught AIDS'. III Until the last moment Dr. Maclovio Del Monte kept the hope that his son Alexis, who was called Ale, give up the idea of going to study Commercial Engineering Cordoba and stayed to Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 18


study law in Sucre, following the family tradition But Germany could not bear to stay in an environment that seemed increasingly parochial, especially by the delays and restrictions technological advances coming to the city, as was the case of Internet insufferable, with slow service and uneven it drove her crazy. Sponsored in baptism by Don Max, maintained an ambiguous relationship with him and his children, first fascinated his entrepreneurial vision and business sense that almost never failed, but otherwise intimidated him the strong objections of most of his family to friends or spiritual relationships with people of different social status no less than in Sucre, more so when he remembered that his father, Dr. Maclovio admitted, heat a few drinks and as the years passed, he invited Don Maximo to be godfather of his eldest son in a weak moment trade where the business of the moment could not be counted miserably wrecked the backing of someone as influential among local merchants, impatient, selfish and short sight. In the family, the announced departure of Germany to study in Crdoba had greater impact than initially assumed their parents, even well-affected to his sister Isabel, who suddenly assumed an attitude of greater attachment to the brother, as if sensing that could be the beginning a prolonged and almost final physical separation. Something troubled by the objections that raised his family, Alex was no stranger to doubts about the wisdom of his decision could not be removed from the mind the memories of many days of peace and quiet, after dinner, social gatherings, the year-end holidays, friends and the adventures of the neighborhood, the unique flavor of the cookies from his mother who always accompanied breakfast and snacks with or without guests, endless hours playing football in the alley in which stood the simple but sober manor, also family heritage, and well-preserved ancient building, equipped and furnished with everything necessary for comfortable living but austere, where never anything left over as missing was little and got out Unsinkable, joining on one side and another as Doa Ligia said before an emergency, all that, however, was marred by frequent absences of his father due to his incessant business, although on these occasions had the care of calling Dona Ligia, the 8 pm, without missing a single day and no matter where in the world was found. To make matters worse, in recent times he thought he saw that the treatment they gave their parents, usually affectionate, respectful, was rather like the two old resigned to live together, it seemed that this look off of Dona Ligia was not love, but the eyes of Dr. Maclovio elusive and his habit of joking up with more serious matters, it seemed that nothing mattered nor affected the spirit and good humor that sought to impose before spreading, often laughed to mourn, with loud rumble that made the environment, but he consoled himself that Germany was perhaps excessive susceptibility originated in an incorrigible romantic as ever reproached her sister Elizabeth, in the eyes of his sweet and caring mother. It was then that he began to concoct an obsession for perfection, knowing that she is the enemy as possible, and that many years later would lead to an astrologer warned him that he should stop intellectualizing love something so simple and easy by nature, but could become elusive when poked in the unpredictable world of feelings and human weaknesses, which led him to the same firm intention to marry, if it ever did, only when he met a woman who, in least expected it to be of good stature, proportionate body and curves, white skin, pretty face, expressive eyes but cautious at the time of being rogues, who had a nice smile, good humor, common sense rather than high intelligence and show him true love and unconditional, beyond mundane material interests, which have high fidelity and loyalty to the family that is loving, partner and friend. Maybe it was too much to ask and take increasingly more aware of it, especially seeing how as time went by his friends seemed to capitulate and fell to the social convention to mate or marry an air of resignation or pursuant rather than passion and illusion, which undoubtedly motivated many take longer to marry than to separate or divorce, leaving a trail of broken homes and Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 19


children who grew up in conflicts and human tragedies, not for nothing divorces already exceeded the number of marriages . Nor escaped his memory long days of plastic soldiers skirmished with him Billy's relatives sent from the U.S., home of his father, football hall of tapas, with blankets as makeshift courts, all in one color where possible green to simulate grass, wide arcs with nets made of mesh stockings, rhinestones balls selected as regulatory or racing miniature cars. And of course, as we forget the old man Russian human representation Condorito more like you could conceive, a small man who used to wear a waterproof coat and hat, as well as costumes well made and elegant, who, without knowing or wanting , heat mark the lives of nearly all the boys who were given meeting in the neighborhood, especially in the alley. Pedco Varatza appeared out of nowhere, nobody knew what time he moved and could not account for the terms and conditions under which it was to inhabit the apartment that was the end of the alley, no person in the neighborhood could identify the owner but everyone knew Russian was the tenant. There were several versions of its origin and occurrence in the city, but the closest one that seemed to be mentioned that it was a circus performer who escaped and came to Bolivia, who maintained that there even was the human cannonball. Based in Sucre was dedicated to exchange dollars in the cafes of downtown. As meticulously preparing the encounter with events that marked his childhood and part of his youth, Alex remembered the time when I was not more than eleven years, when a girl of thirteen or fourteen him out of the room they were playing, he opened the bathroom , put lock, laid him gently on the tile floor, pulled down her pants and underwear, took off her panties and threw on his stirring her urgently that kind of little hose why did pee, so he's only produced tickling as she rubbed a kind of ray that showed below the waist, between your legs. Initially the child even thought they were playing a new type of combat, as she bent her lower extremities to accommodate thin and long like a horse, it rubbed a while and then just got up, helped him pull up his pants and underwear and left the bathroom, leaving Ale totally confused and wondering what was all that, if it was real or if his imagination had betrayed him. It was so unexpected and surprising that it never managed to remember the face of the girl he had discovered in so secret and strange distress. Shortly thereafter, someone came up to play the tongue kisses, pairs of boys and girls from ten to fourteen years were based on the size of matchsticks that drew previously, and then, according to the Fortunately, passing the seat of an old Willys jeep of World War II, with a canvas roof and painted orange, where each pair was given a tongue kiss, a chape as he was, a term that Germany did not like all. It was just that, but he did mouth water when I remembered the softness and freshness of childhood language explored, introduced between the lips moist and surprised. These innocent love games be moved to the local cinema, which were improvised in pairs of boys and girls, bought tickets and candy and all were located in a row, waiting for lights out and all came to kiss, while from time to while watching the film, as she awakened interest in each of the casual partners, the role ended and everyone left as if nothing had happened, in an attitude shared morbidly accomplice. The owner of the jeep parked in the alley was a Paraguayan lover of mechanics and old vehicles, which patiently getting repaired original parts and then the least expected time, started with the vehicle on duty, mostly jeeps and military trucks to go for several months in the jungles of Beni, where he reappeared in the form as unexpected as was his departure. Every so often, leaving the alley, which was his garage and workshop, with thunder and showy maneuvers to Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 20


take the new journey with the help of neighborhood kids, the best helpers in the world, he said the stack, as he was called in neighborhood, then come back with a new relic and started over again. But remember how they played that night and found hidden hidden hidden with Patricia, a beautiful blonde eleven years, large brown eyes, whose face was freckled little discernible from afar, but that gave an air of tender mischief when one looked closely, they shared a secret attraction rather childish but hinted the birth of a budding love affair, the kind that emerge from sidelong glances, warm and innocent, who find any excuse to touch the arms or the legs, a mutual camotera as was fashionable to say another word that also sounded good Ale. Hidden behind the old pine tree in the dark of night, embraced as following an irresistible impulse, gathered in a lingering kiss with tongue, inadvertently dropped the jeans, which were the inevitable piece of almost all the boys who frequented the neighborhood, though without knowing why and what the devil did his job well and allowed to leave to fetch his sister, which scared the desire of anything, both dressed quickly and then left Patricia, after five minutes Ale went straight home with the heart that was coming out of the chest. Soon, the family of Patricia went to reside in Brazil and Germany did not know most of his life, but the news came as a rumor, much later, stating that she was married to a businessman who was killed narco turners policemen in a confusing incident across the border. The same versions indicated that Patricia was treated like a queen and had three children, who never wanted for anything material while the husband lived, but never was quiet and always remembered with nostalgia or saudade, as they say in Brazil, his childhood in Sucre Alley. It was a case of Pedco entirely separate and special. Two windows of your bedroom and your living room, facing the street and were protected with black bars placed vertically between the two windows and long and high door in the side doorbell button. For events that occurred, over the years, one would think it was a stage mounted explicitly, down to the smallest detail, for those unusual events during the next few months would have the privilege of attending almost every boy in the alley and even some other neighborhoods, as witnesses and actors. Ale remembered well the night we were playing kick penalty kicks in the arc formed between the light pole and a mound of stones, the ball had crossed a few times the wall facing a street adjoining house, so we had to go for an entire round of nearly five blocks to ring the doorbell and ask Mrs. Alejita, which was the name of the patient and resigned maid, who opened the door and returned the ball grumbling, always last time. However, the owners of the house did not seem incomodarles at all, they had placed protective bars on the windows that overlooked that part of his garden and never formalized any protest to the parents of the dead. At least agreed, one of the boys, perched on the Pedco bedroom window, beckoning them to join him, what did the other three without interest, once on top they found an opening in the curtain in the bedroom which allowed them to see directly through the glass as a tall and well formed, large breasts, rode over the Russian, showing a black and abundant pubic hair, or would the larger the group, a matte black assholes, while Russia's repeated over and over again, almost rhythmic sense, 'ug ya' to conclude a shudder and a long yaaaaaa.'' He did not know if it happened also with fellow perched on the window, but Ale remembered something he began to grow hard between the legs, none knew that was what was happening, they bated breath and all showed his face flushed and darkened It was clear that they had discovered human malice intended in the least and after participating in an inexplicable and unspeakable sin. It was learned that the woman was visiting Russia on Wednesday and Friday, so without knowing how or by what route they learned in the following sessions increased the number of onlookers, so they formed shifts guys leaning against the window and adventures were not to fall, especially in the warmer Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 21


sections. Things were repeated regularly, only that it was possible to see everything from the beginning, came the woman, entered, sat in a chair at the edge of a small round table beside the bed, drank a glass of whiskey, talked briefly , she spoke some of her daughter, then the Russian slipped his hand under her skirt, which was the signal for both undress, she was only a blue garter and then went on to repeat the tiresome ride, until she got up, went to the bathroom, he followed her, he put on his pajamas and she was dressed, and then leaving. Interestingly, the opening could not see the face of Russian, but the face with closed eyes of the woman who was moving rhythmically, as if following the instructions he received from his guttural occasional lover and mind God knows where else love lost or trampled by misfortune or fate. But then came the inevitable, some funny restrained came bang on the glass while the couple was panting, which all jumped from the window, and ran to their homes after the bell was also, in the next session disarmed connecting your cables . The Russian chose to change the visiting days and then reduce it to one, but was almost constant vigil after seven at night, until, probably tired of all this trouble, Pedco decided to move, disappearing as mysteriously and silently as he had appeared. A few years later, was published in the newspaper obituary notice that he realized his death, no one knew the circumstances of death. It was for these tempos that Ramiro, son of the doctor who lived on the street outside, invited Ale to his house for breakfast, then made him go to his bedroom, closed the door and circumspect air, told him that the gringo Billy had taught and had to jerk off, ignored material that was about to cause more than one tragedy among the friends who, stimulated by what the Pedco and his voluptuous mistress, had tried unsuccessfully to introduce some small and thin straws nothing less than by the organ player. Ramiro pulled the limb, surrounded him with his hand and rubbed the outside in - well I had practiced before - then carefully introduced into his pants and zipped. With the air of victory, gave a small magazine with pornographic pictures black and white, which were a couple of nuns with a black who had a oversized penis and introduced them to the false nuns from all orifices imaginable, making all kinds of adventures in sexually explicit poses, magazines that would find later in college, so Ale came to know that they were Danish and Swedish. In almost paternal tone, Ramiro concluded recommending to go to practice at home. The Secretary of the Chamber of the Supreme Court appeared in the tea room of the bakery in which the doctor was talking animatedly Maclovio with two friends, came to the table, solemnly apologized for the disruption and said that the Dean presiding wanted to talk with him in his office and waiting for him as soon as their means. He got up immediately and accompanied by the Secretary, a typical judicial officer, in a dark suit with wool vest, tall and thin, wearing glasses Rayban and slightly stooped, addressed the Supreme Court building, up the stairs and entered the anteroom, in which a young and rather graceful secretary announced it immediately and made it happen. Hey Mac, said the Dean, if animal that would certainly be a pig, let me know if you have available to go see a case to Cochabamba, is some money that is owing me some time a Member of the District Court with me is wanting to do the crazy, so I'd like to go to bill stating that I owe fifteen thousand U.S. dollars and has already initiated the implementation, which would be detrimental to our image and the interests we share, so tell him that Cochabamba think not move until I deposited in my account the whole. I will recognize two thousand dollars and will give the plane tickets and return money to your hotel and your expenses, plus you will be contacted by the Mayor Lujan Sanchez is team of the Vocal. There was more, they parted with the commitment of the Dean to send him the tickets and money in the course of the next morning at the bakery of premium Ligia, the wife of Mac Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 22


Said and done, the Saturday morning Dr. Maclovio boarded the plane that landed forty minutes later at the airport Jorge Wilstemann, where he took a taxi to stay in a hotel near the Prado, after registration began to watch television, a way to make time. The phone rang to announce that he was wanted at the reception, came out wearing a short sleeve shirt and arm his blue blazer, which matched her blue jeans and brown moccasins, clothing deemed appropriate for the temperature was quite high. Arriving at the reception is up a relatively young woman, slightly higher than him, but felt he could be at the heels, had a pleasant face and slightly smiling, greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and said it was China, the wife of Major Lujan, who was waiting in mobility. Upon arrival at the vehicle, the greater Jaime Lujan got was a tall man with short brown hair, which took at least one head, who gave him a quizzical look, he extended his hand respectfully, and invited him to board the trolley . Along the way, knew they were parents of a girl of fourteen years and the largest was a police officer and a senior law, and he hoped, God willing, soon come to be colleagues, mentioned that the previous night were late with Dr. Sanchez were reviewing some cases together, as they usually did during the week, laughingly said that everyone got used to tell Dr. Sanchez and Sanchez, as was widely known in the forum, few remembered his name Vocal himself tried to avoid as far as possible, it was clear he was not very happy to have been named Rufino Sanchez was a former professor at the State University and two private universities in a subject, as was the Administrative Law arid and delivered with excessive detail and ambiguities, which made blood mourn the most stoic students painted and many who were forced to repeat it three or four times before it can pass in any case always with minimum grades and suffer until the end the semester. Possibly taking advantage of this situation, together with the influences exerted in the District Courts, getting girls, mainly eastern Brazilian and some different each time, which were cited and collected by the Member and the police, each up to one in his vehicle and were invariably to a motel, where the police gave the girl in turn of two to three hundred Bolivians, according to the affection shown, no further details have been filtered on favors or remuneration of Sanchez. They settled on the sidewalk of one of the restaurants in the Prado when it was more than onethirty in the afternoon, under an umbrella that shielded them from the sun that shone with a radiant blue sky almost completely clear, they called for appetizers, reviewed the menu and asked for a Laping and a wolf bite ice cold beers, that two and two, were marching to the table throughout the evening. After the preamble that characterize the talk of new acquaintances, the conversation was becoming enjoyable and effusive moments, the heat of spicy llajwua and successive glasses of beer that is filled halfway, so it does not warm the drink had cost so much cool. Already entered in confidence, almost naturally started using tu and soon went to the plane of anecdotes and jokes to share some well known that Chinita Maclovio was Yacuma Santa Ana, a city of Beni ranging from the serenity and peacefulness of the overwhelming tropical heat and the violence that sometimes overflowed, after parties or political meetings, times when the locals drew to light his outgoing personality and macho, with revolvers and shotguns in the main square that showed that ornaments were not exactly , where he met the then Lieutenant Jaime Lujan, police, a few months of being designed and had assimilated well with the customs and way of life for nearly seventeen thousand inhabitants of Santa Ana, which santaaneos called but few most preferred to call as Movimas, referring to the main indigenous ethnic group Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 23


originating in the place. Lujan Major assured him that on Monday it would go to visit the Vocal Rufino Sanchez to fulfill the task entrusted to a Mac the Dean of the Supreme Court. As the evening ended, the Mayor Lujan made it more obvious effects of the beers, began to doze and nod, then was given for throwing spit on the floor and finally nailed the peak on the table. China requested and paid the bill and with the help of the waiter, moved to the Mayor to the wagon, which was led by China. They reached the house, opened the electric gate and entered a parked van that he had another, a van and a car, the residence could be considered luxurious or as she said her husband said, 'a decent home of the future Chief of Police 'with great difficulty moved it to the master bedroom, rested him on the bed, she took the spoils and covered with a blanket. Mac invited into the garden, next to a small but attractive pool, were talking on different subjects, he told her something of his life in Sucre, his family and coffee talks where his days were spent. She spoke of memories of his people, the great affection he had for his daughter and passing difficult period in her marriage, her husband who was becoming increasingly distant from her, which cut the air talks with mysterious or enigmatic and often seemed to make excuses to leave, we, as women, we know when we are making them, when we lie, had told Chinita then you men, rarely know how to lie and very naively assume that they believe your stupid lies. Without Maclovio remember how, but appeared in the bedroom of the daughter, they lay in bed and in the midst of teddy bears made love wildly until exhaustion. After spending half an hour's arms, she shook him and asked him to go to the living, because at any moment would come her daughter. On Monday the Mayor Lujan Maclovio picked up from the hotel at ten o'clock, the weather was sunny and hot, went to the Superior Court District where they were greeted immediately by Dr. Rufino Sanchez, who, after the presentations , addressed the Mayor to tell him that the records of last Friday night were tasty. Whenever I had to check new files, Rufino Sanchez phoned his buddy, Major, in a tone ustendolo protocol and gave him the time and place where they would meet to review them, take all the precautions I said, we do not know if we phones tapped or if any harm is spying on us then as usual went to Mac to tell him not to worry about the little matter that seen with the Dean of the Supreme Court, the delay was because the customer was in quarterly balance sheet and in the course of the week would meet the payment of the commission agreed to proceed with the removal of a few hectares of land had been occupied by loteadores professionals, but that the matter be resolved in the course of the week, 'with plays no justice ', cried aloud, and that, if some new records show, was cordially invited to review, through its partner Jaime, body mind and always ready for the conference proceedings. They were the first encounters of many others that followed, reviewing records. and alternating time and ways to shelter all day in the cozy cottage Tiquipaya police with Chinita, his wife, with whom he made love and played wolf, for all that Maclovio reserved three to four days a month. While in Cochabamba, called his family religiously every day at eight o'clock at night, so it meant having to interrupt momentarily the lengthy review of any record that, on occasion had to check in two to ease the large caseload . Pending confirmation that the day of its operation, which had to be matched with the normal attention to the Health Fund, which concluded Abelard waited to issue the bi-monthly, put them in his old leather briefcase, looked at the time his cell phone that had miraculously saved from the trouble of demonstration in which he found unwittingly involved, since it had left behind in the house, got up slowly, as he watched askance as some of his students took out their laptops and modern checked whether their answers were correct. It was the turn for the exclusive Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 24


private school in the south, so different from the other two public schools where he also taught social science classes in which notions taught General History of Bolivia, History, Introduction to Law, Citizenship Education , Geography, Economics Insights, Philosophy and Psychology, subjects ranging in names or in some content when a new educational reform implanted or when the Ministry of Education amended the curriculum materials that in any case, always had remarkable differences between approved for fiscal education on what it was studying in private school. At the bottom was almost the same in content, but in practice varied widely, research opportunities in either area. The private school students were increasingly self-sufficient and, with their access to the internet, boasted to know many more things than their own studies and his extensive teaching experience had enabled him to accumulate the teacher, Aby at times thought that the overwhelming technological advances not only moved the floor, but any time that teachers would get as it were to become a curiosity prehistoric characters merely function obsolete and totally expendable protocol would include only their photos within the faculty of the website and it was not for that he had studied in the normal school. But that does not fully explained the disappointment that after spending embargaba classes during the nearly seven years he attended, to the extent of its possibilities, as a regular student of the Faculty of law, years in which, after initial enthusiasm, materials was winning almost by inertia. During that time, had met three or four professors who almost dazzled him with the serious, pleasant and smooth with that dictated their classes, several other dictators who were almost constantly instructed to memorize large amounts of texts and forced to recall definitions and concepts with a semicolon, then students would have to recite like parrots in the endless oral exams, in which each student focused on remembering what should respond once his turn came after dozens of exhibits preceded him and that would continue after his conclusion, delaying the uncertainty of the outcome, always uncertain and hazardous, until published in a brief partial list of articles that stood in great suspense and expectation, in the office of the deanship, this was repeated almost without change in core subjects such as Civil Law, Criminal Law, Finance and Tax, torture that started with the chair of Roman law. But most of the faculty consisted of the typical Doctorcitos to which they understood very little of its long and complicated exposures. With a deplorable handling of language, which sought to refine with Latin phrases pronounced wrong, usually irrelevant to the issue but crucial to respond correctly on tests. His textbooks were grubby photocopies stapled, equally rudimentary handouts before, with the peculiarity that were photocopies which were not allowed to photocopy, having to acquire them listed in the copy shop within the same Faculty, where purchase was sine qua non, as warned in the first classes, enabling to take the first midterm exam. Some of the oldest, had evolved into textbooks and manuals, in which the highlights were the names of the author and his dedications: "my parents, whose example I pointed the way of justice and the truth "," My mom and my grandma, lights and shapers of my professional development "," To my parents and brothers with all filial love, "" To my comrades in College and University, my alma mater training "," Dedicated to the disciples of all establishments and universities where the author gives lecture "" This book is dedicated to my wife, my children and my grandchildren, my concerns academic witnesses. " The handouts and manuals had in common the many horrors spelling and syntax without saying and writing, poor and poverty in Somalia. In these cases, these texts were sold also in positions of books and CD's pirates placed strategically around the school and did not involve the extension of fiscal notes or bills, as this would never be allowed by colleagues working in Taxes national, let alone in the office of photocopied installed with all the privileges of the sacred university autonomy. For frequent events such as bazaars and festivals, it was common for students to receive multiple Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 25


tickets and note that necessarily should be placed between relatives and friends, so that almost always these events were well attended and culminated in success, and passed with the assistance compulsory lectures and conferences, especially if they were offered by the Deputy State Ministers or multicultural peers. Taking off his raincoat soaked and once closed the dripping umbrella on the abundant water, Abelard sat at the table where his brothers were already Ale and Evaristo, who also said Eva, with no reference to Evo, used alluded laughingly say, by the Secretary who recently attended a Member, while at a table taking tea with Caucas the driver of the deputy with a police officer. After exchanging effusive greetings, as was common among them, Abi opened his wallet and fitted them two tickets to each of his brothers, were for the next pro kermes library to be held the following Sunday in the courtyard of the Faculty of Law, each was sixty Bolivians, entitled to five beers and two sandwiches, accepting contributions, his brother said he could only pay by card, so they agreed that what was his pay would go to pay their share of the coffee and if there was any surplus, reimbursed him in cash. Evaristo in bills paid by his assistant, who handled the representation costs, for administrative matters were subject to accountability through the Ministry of Government as they were financed by the program 'Evo meets. Bolivia Changes', which a little strange to Abelard, but made most uncomfortable question to get rid of the optional assignment, after all, and books he had always gotten along, at least until he had to get rid of a small part of his private library to have money to pay the costs of its next operation, why, he explained, could not drink alcohol, so I would go with a coffee and mineral water. While increasing the intensity outside the flood and heard the sound of heavy thunder and lightning, consumed several rounds of whiskey and a plate of bite bitten male and a Milanese, the driver and the policeman took soda and yawned from time to time, showing at all times alert and aware of the high responsibility of helping a Plurinational State Assemblyman and Chairman of the Committee on Education and Human Rights, which was no small thing in times of change. After a good time to catch up, called the account, canceled, after discussing a bit with the waiter and the cashier for a few drinks allegedly overcharged,-as usual - add Alejo, left the cafe in single file, in order to go to Flor de Encuentro, a cozy bar that Thursday and Friday came together politicians, bankers, businessmen and bohemians to share some drinks and songs, with guitars and accordion and also reached small groups of friends, especially women secretaries or after a night adventure. When all had reached the sidewalk, turned at the sound of the crash that caused the slip the assistant whose high heels and tripped, falling on his back, could not help lifting his long legs covering with a sexy miniskirt and show more than normally exhibited almost proudly. The policeman was in a state of apronte, looking quickly around the scene while the driver was the first one to raise the unfortunate woman, who only managed to give a little cry and get up almost immediately, while his side spread a pool of water that had soaked much of his jacket, which had a thin skin on top and appeared to be somewhat detached or desacomodada. Evaristo and his battered and bewildered assistant climbed into the van that was parked about twenty meters, with the driver who diligently opened and closed their doors, while Abelard Ale ran after reaching his car, parked about a block below. Alejo started the car, while Abelard settled into the seat, put the umbrella on the floor and turned to take off his raincoat, soaked again, and took a couple of streets before reaching the avenue that would lead to Sopocachi, where bowling was but the brother parked the vehicle on Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 26


the side of the street and said they must wait out the rain as the main avenue became a river every time it rained so hard and the car was too low to overcome the current turned on the heating, put a music cd and were resigned to the inevitable wait. After about twenty minutes, put his head Ale glass, then quickly and without explanation opened the door and walked to the front of the hood, did as if caress rudely and then returned inside to shout - 'These thieves do not respect anything shitty, I have returned to steal the star of Mercedes' With the bodies numb from the intense cold, climbed slowly up the avenue, taking care not to scrape the car with some of the stones that still fell from the nearby hills and dodging some vehicles that were stuck by storm in the middle of a devilish trancadera vehicles, with long stretches without lights and without lights, a thunderous noise of horns,, whistles and shouts and rain from time to time threatened to return with its greatest intensity, as if fate did not want to arrive at the agreed appointment between brothers. But they were men of a word, to which the expected cold and difficult journey had rather more eager to get somewhere indoors and warm up with some drinks, including Abelard, who estimated that at that point, you had sacrificed too ready for operation without definite time and therefore uncertain. Close to local midnight arrived, in him, in the midst of people, located Evaristo, distracted in pleasant conversation with a group of people, Abelard assumed that talked politics or football, themes appropriate for that time of night after already talk about women and business, as in all social gatherings, recognized a political opponent who had held the days before a heated argument with Evaristo public, which was about to come to blows and ended with threats reciprocal of criminal and who now talked warmly. Upon arrival they saw the police and the driver had been sitting in the wagon waiting deputy, who had anticipated that night until the candles would not burn. The guitar playing, always improvised and informal, had already started and, as soon as someone recognized Abelard, he passed the guitar and prepared to hear him sing, he asked them to warm up beforehand, went to the bar where he was Evaristo asked a couple of whiskeys, they sat on stools and answered the greeting of the assistant, who had removed his jacket and wore a blouse of electric blue color, with a generous neckline hinted large breasts, short skirt and black stockings, which happily chatting with a group of friends, was not a beauty of face but had a charm and an air of gaiety which contrasted with the face of boredom that could not hide while in the coffee. While the atmosphere was heated by the drinks and variety of musicians and music on the premises, which was small for the number of patrons entering and leaving, once completed several rounds of drinks and consumed countless cigarettes that were to form a dense smoke that filled every corner of the bar and environments, Abelardo finally took the guitar and sang several songs from his repertoire. When finished and headed to the bathroom. passing near the table where Ibn, Secretary of Evaristo, she rose to greet with a kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear that the wait in the bathroom. The place was in an old department conditioned and had the disadvantage of having only one bathroom. With his body was cut mojazn and drinks had been a terrible principle of acidity that overwhelmed him quite often lately, looked through the open door until he appeared and entered Ibn, she embraced him and kissed him, almost pushed him sit on the toilet and climbed over him to make love in despair, while, from time to time, attempts were heard the door open. After the moment of pleasure and lust, dressed, and then first left Ibn Abelard returned to the bar as if nothing had happened. The following Monday, at lunchtime, it would call home, from the Honorable Primo Evaristo, to tell her sorry, could not Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 27


explain the origin of the outburst of passion, she never did such crazy things, but give by forgotten the incident, request, of course, impossible to fulfill. IV

On Saturday I woke up with a chaqui cursed spree lasted until Friday afternoon when I got home and received the reproaches of my children and I had a discussion with my wife rigor. The computer recycling business had not gone well, I got two colleagues who closed the deal and received more than two hundred dollars, I do not fell too bad, other three were telling me, but they had many buyers who paid one hundred and fifty U.S. dollars directly to by computer, without formality or uncomfortable questions and even made loans as collateral to die for a hundred dollars, with interest developed from 12 percent a month, customers were contacted Friday and single later this month, including several Internet cafes have computers only laptop to not even bother to remove the logos with the image of the president, to the point that became known as Innova Evo computers. Across the country, some real inspectors were overwhelmed by the massive influx of bogus inspectors, so that everything became a mess, nobody knew who was an inspector who was real and sham, which easily led to believe nobody one nor the other, and the program of education technology in fact abandoned any possibility to audit and establish the use and safekeeping of equipment, much less the different types of disposal thereof. On Sunday we went a little to the kermes of the law school where I could not resist the temptation to eat a fricassee, but I refrained from drinking beer or chuflay, drink that also circulated in abundance and, as my wife said, Abi , we did show up, go home, so we did, I remained lying with growing unrest came to a head in the morning, as almost always happens with the pains and diseases, no good morning I woke up my wife who dressed hurriedly and I drove a taxi to the center Prosalud always save us from trouble, after examining me referred me to the hospital of the health fund not know if I was on strike or not. I was in the operating room, where I felt like a lamb about to be sacrificed, when Cristina came with a suitcase with linens that had gone to bring home the intense light became complete darkness when finished count to ten as I had indicated the anesthesiologist, I woke up in intensive care in the midst of a moan and I even thought I heard rattling, after an indefinite time I was transferred to a room shared with three other patients had severe pain in the belly and could only remain lying on his back, the days and nights became endless, having been visited by my people, colleagues, fellow students and other law school, family reunions on Saturday moved to the hospital, was by I learned the news, but also a little known by the small black and white TV antenna which had to be adjusted frequently to capture some of the diffuse signal and that sometimes caused brief discussions between patients on the channel tuned. After four days of being fed by a swarm of serum, they started giving me teaspoon liquid, then panetelas and white diet, it took another twelve days until the moment the doctor I was in charge told me that everything had gone well, hopefully, had taken cheap, I should forget about alcohol, tobacco and fat and would go to see me a nutrition professional to give me proper guidance. Although I told them I do not remember his name or his surname, was a mature woman, thin hair arranged that, after introducing himself, opened his briefcase and pulled as if by magic, a photocopied pamphlet on which he made some notes pen and then tell me that if I had interrupted any questions, he began his explanation. Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 28


It is of achieving quality of life to aspire to have a healthy life, which has nothing to do with whether or not we sick, we want to be leaner, less fat, higher, stronger or more friendly, we are not conditioned by the economic situation, if we have more or fewer resources and possibilities. Of course a system of living involves a high added value will also result in aesthetic and contribute greatly to substantially improve the economy and family life. Four interrelated factors and a secret that will determine the quality of life that we intend to achieve. A balanced diet and balanced eating is based on fifty percent of vegetables, fruits, vegetables and cereals, twenty-five percent of fish meat, beef and chicken, if possible grilled or cooked, the portions should be sized palm of the hand, does not exclude other types of meat but occasionally and always in small quantities, one-quarter of carbohydrates like rice, noodles or vegetables and vegetables such as potatoes, yams, geese. We must banish spirits, snuff, caffeine, fat, fried foods, soft drinks, low sugar and salt, avoiding condiments, especially peppers and spicy. Second, the discipline of when, where and how to eat, you should eat a good breakfast, such as cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, milk, eat an apple or banana mid-morning, lunch and dinner with the recommended foods and take a light snack, if possible with bread or crackers, which will ease anxiety and whet the appetite, which incidentally is very different from gluttony or mere pleasure of eating, you should try to maintain established schedules, eating at home , do it slowly and without incurring snacks, coffee can barley or kill of any kind, fruit juice, lemonade or orangeade, natural or mineral water as the body's needs, that is always the measure of all things, never that force the body with excesses or arbitrariness. A sedentary life is a trigger for stress, exercise must be done periodically, basically walk at least half an hour a day, otherwise the body suffers, it will atrophy and affecting metabolism. Dedicate the necessary time to leisure and inner reflection is also part of a positive lifestyle. However, none of this will be really effective if we can not control the anguish and despair that leads us to life in society, work, family obligations, studies, the concerns of everyday life, disease, elements that often We can take pictures of depression, discouragement and disappointment with consequences that may be unfortunate and, even worse, almost irreversible, leading to progressive deterioration and constant quality of life and therefore affect our health in a thousand ways . So secret that no mention is one that always keep busy trying to make things that we like, from work, leisure or rest, for what the modern world offers us infinite possibilities, not to stay even a minute with his mouth open. An estimated ninety percent of human diseases are caused almost invented by the same man, by the way they live, by the terrible habits and bad habits, which is acquiring in the process of adaptation to social life and the environment in which it operates, to the extent that today it is considered that health is much more than the absence of disease. The man has the air to breathe, not to contaminate it with toxic substances of all types and density, the land is to cultivate and obtain food, utensils and clothing, that does not mean more raze trees and forests, water is vital to calm the thirst and survive, not to waste it without measure or mercy in all sorts of experiments and ventures, the fire used for warmth and energy to cook food, make tools, Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 29


sterilize and disinfect it consume, but by no means is it that can be used indiscriminately to burn other men to set fire to people, animals, forests, villages, towns and cities. That is why animals are few and typical diseases that normally correct themselves instinctively with remedies in the same nature, that until veterinarians and biologists are discovering multiple diseases or the animals themselves would have imagined that, if of being able to do. Unlike man, and except for some rare species, animals may be carnivores, but do not practice cannibalism and incestuous relations with her puppies and kittens therefore not be gay or lesbian assume, have different sexual preferences, not prostitute their bodies, if they could not marry between males or between females, do not explore every orifice of your body to satisfy their sexual instincts, they simply be free although some of them tame to men - those who naively think that is the opposite - induce them cared for, fed and, occasionally, to bite, animal have a dignity higher than most humans. For this reason, animals do not laugh or cry, do not get drunk or take drugs, do not seek to accumulate riches, treasures or power or protesting everything and anything to its logical conclusion, do not strike or lock or treaty laws made immense you will ever meet, do not require hours of work or working conditions, no need to vote or engage in endless debates and speeches to recognize and obey their natural leaders, it is more than enough to live and let live in peace and harmony with nature and other animals, except the man's animal Who knows at what point he began to degenerate human civilization, as more progress is also more back, out of a prehistoric cave to join other high-tech, but finally caves. At what point were conceived systems of government, democratic or authoritarian, in the end are almost the same in effect, the same chola with another skirt, with its ridiculous labels full of isms, liberalisms, capitalism, socialism, izquierdismos, communism, under artificial groundwater states, nations and governments, who take refuge in the less fit individuals for the production or creation, the elements most unproductive, the most ignorant, the most reckless and daring, the creators of armies and armed groups, drivers of repression, torture, imprisonment of men, the annihilation of peoples, the lords of war and peace, the owners of freedom and democracy, which are named with deception to send and decide on the life and property of other men, to decide for themselves what is good and what is bad, to distinguish what is forbidden than allowed, what can and can not do, when to sleep, when to work, how and how to produce and consume, how it should be the woman or the man of our dreams, that is, to dare to dream for us .. Of course it's understandable dissatisfaction with the status quo that is today's world, it is logical rebellion, protest and indignation of the majority of modern slaves, but not enough. Hard time understanding the kind of beings who may be able to show off their private jets with impunity, their fairytale mansions, his luxury car collection, his bodyguards olindoles their stinking back when humanity could live well, very well and even better if all rulers and ruled, masters and slaves, rulers and ruled, we agree to homes comfortably entertain us with basic, functional vehicles transported by land, air and sea, clothing, education, health , public safety food needed for a dignified survival and clothing that meets the needs. Needed for the armies, weapons, gold and wealth accumulation. How did we get into the realm of the absurd in which any single object can be worth millions, while millions of human beings have only pennies to alleviate hunger, how is that artists and athletes can make millions, while a teacher of any kind just about lives with the basics? Rogues and poorly entertained us again and again ensure that a different world, in solidarity, fraternal, equitable, egalitarian, participatory is not possible, is a utopia, that defects are defects Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 30


in the world of man, then say so otherwise mean that they, the so-called leaders and political leaders, business and labor, would be dedicated to produce and work, give up some of the immense wealth they accumulate, hoard and treasure, would have to walk the streets like any ordinary human being, not custodians , sirens or paraphernalia that only feed their enormous egos and vanities and stimulate their unfailing encouragement of adrenaline, your strength and innate vocation of physical abuse, greed and excessive greed. It is more than obvious that the man initially collected only necessary, which required for their survival and continued so surely as he developed the manual skills, techniques and technology that led him to refine the concepts of savings, investments, inventions and enterprises of all types, all of which helped to greatly improve the quality of life, but always adding to the gaps and differences between men and peoples, because there is quality and quality, but there is life and life, were built multiple scales of values and behavior patterns, rules of legal and social behavior, leading to gross distortions. The abundance for some and scarcity for others led to wealth and poverty coexist side by side incestuously, melee, back to back, man to man and with them the translocation and displacement of basic human values, leading result is a general tendency to waste and squander everything from food, clothing, health, time, feelings, work, wealth and even poverty. Is imposed at all levels, between groups of people or individuals, the logic of every man for himself,, the immediate, urgent and not important, as I have more, be at any cost, what I care about the rest of world must be saved and then live the moment. What is left is inequality, inequity and injustice. Evaristo Primo Plurinational Assemblyman and Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights Education and turned the microphone placed in front of him, the sober and elegant atmosphere was large enough to comfortably accommodate several hundred participants, plus millions of viewers who would listen and observe transmission of the event live on radio and television, in the upper room was a large group of local and foreign journalists and outside the premises were located several vehicles with mobile giving coverage for ten hours daily sessions lasted. In the headpiece, the President, Vice Presidents of the Senate and the Deputies, their flanks the Chairman of the Electoral body and the President of the Supreme Court, then the President of the Private Entrepreneurs and the Secretary of the Central Workers Bolivian stand and behind them a group of hostesses in uniform regulations. On one side, and above their heads a giant screen that read: Plurinational State of BOLIVIA

SUMMIT INDUSTRIES SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND ACADEMIC Great National Debate New Agenda Process Change 2012 - 2020 - Process of Industrialization - Internal Regulation of Rates and Services - Productive and decent job creation - New Economic Development Strategy - Analysis and Regulation of Social Media - Road Villa Tunari - San Ignacio de Moxos A group of waiters hovering serving teas, coffees and soft drinks to the attendees, several of which pijchaban coca for everyone to notice. After the opening ceremony that included Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 31


speeches extensive authorities located in the headpiece, which took a whole day, days gave way to the interests of workers and community leaders who raised the urgent need for progress in industrialization and full recovery of raw materials, economic recovery, the final repeal of DS 21060 and other legal instruments of neoliberalism, social security reform, job creation and living wages, salary increases based on the basket of life insurance universal health care, disagreeing among themselves about the need and desirability of raising the fuel subsidy which, if adopted, would have to be a general increase in wages and salaries to offset the cost of living. Employers, put as conditions of legal certainty, encourage domestic investment and attract foreign capital, funding and state loans on favorable terms, real incentives to exports, food sovereignty, a productive partnership with the State Workers Farmers and Producers and the government to do what you have to do about the fuel subsidy, taking care that no domestic supply shortages, especially for industrial and agricultural consumption, in any case would have to maintain some sort of subsidy. The President of the Supreme Court recalled that it started the profound and irreversible revolution of Justice with the election of magistrates and tribunes, now the town is the sole judge of the poor and excluded, he said. The Chairman of the Electoral Body tables set out the main results of recent judicial elections, highlighting the transparency with which they were carried out by what he said he received congratulations from several foreign governments including Cuba, Venezuela, Equatorial Guinea and other countries members of ALBA and UNASUR, as well as the conformity of the Observer Mission of the OAS. Leaders of social movements related to MAS, the little that they could understand, they referred to the Cuban and Bolivarian revolutions, the democratic and cultural revolution, the process of change led by the brother Evo, the reconstitution of the Covenant Unit, the development priority of the EU economy and cooperative, the greater strength and consolidation of land for coca sector and cultural and freezing the prices of all fuels peasant indigenous sector. Finally, Assembly Evaristo preceding the use of the word referred to the new dynamic legislative approval of structural economic laws and judicial process to the development of laws and regulations of the new constitution and the important tasks of control , all within the framework of consensus and full exercise of democracy. Evaristo settled the chips, as a memory aid, had finalized while previous speeches passed, greeted the authorities and participants in the great debate and clear tone, deliberate and calm began to develop its exposure. During all these years I had the honor of being active member of the change process and the democratic and cultural revolution, as Assemblyman participated in many sessions that were discussed and decided on laws and rules of great importance and significance for democracy Plurinational State and had the opportunity to investigate and audit matters of crucial importance for the state and society, I was also a participant in many initiatives and bills in my capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Education and Human Rights, attended countless forums, debates, seminars and events to discuss and analyze on various topics, he said, pausing for a sip of water and see the faces sideways mostly bored or tired of the auditorium. Rightly so the world can you ask, Mr. President, officials and fellow participants, why I refer to my official career and the answer can only be simple and straightforward, all you had meticulously prepared a lengthy and detailed speech prepared for this occasion and was exposed in various ways and by different speakers with much greater accuracy and propriety of what I could have done, have already made all possible diagnoses from every conceivable point of view in a major event as we meet in this great national debate, in which, as already stated, are Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 32


represented all social and economic sectors without any exclusion. Therefore, I must be brief and concrete, and ask and ask with the utmost respect and fraternal in tone as possible, if after the oceans of speeches, forums and debates momentous as this, well organized, with exhibits often erudite and always interesting, neat conclusions transcribed in different media with sober presentations, whether it would be too much to ask once and for all begin to govern beyond the discourses of opportunity, are appropriate to meet the great deals and promises election, to run the government plans, the plan to live well, to respect the constitution and laws, that for something we will have approved the industrial quantities, the rule of law applies to all ruling and opposition for the poor and rich, for non-originating for Bolivian and foreign nationals who chose to make this diverse and multicultural country their new home, it says clearly and unambiguously if we are determined not only to manage the economic and social circumstances, but recreate the conditions necessary to achieve and generate decent jobs, effectively fight corruption, fight against impunity, discrimination and racism, regardless of who against whom, to reduce the tremendous inequality gaps, removing privileges, design a useful education for life and go far beyond the academic farce escenificamos today that health is a real and effective right of everyone, and finally He paused to see the Vice President called one of his assistants But please, do not disturb Gentlemen, I end up saying that I think right and proper that we set aside the attitudes of arrogance and false pride, enough to poison the soul hatred and revenge that only creates unnecessary and harmful conflict, no more confrontations vain and absurd, let's stop comparing ourselves with ghosts of a past that can no longer or with other players or different settings to our reality, stop wasting time and squandering our human and natural resources, choose and designate the most suitable All men and women are equal in rights, but different skills and abilities, let this travesty of gender equity to give equality to mankind as a whole, not banish Lets ignore the responsibility of domestic violence and family with tricks artifice as naming in public office men and women in equal numbers. Denote, the most suitable for us to manage, than those who do have to lead thinking people, not abstract concepts of homeland, sovereignty and nationality, recover basic notions of rationality and austerity in the management and administration of the thing public, we must leave all and once and for all, regardless of race, age, color, political or religious belief, whatever our occupation, to insist on lead lives of consumerism and superficial imitation of alien cultural values and patterns. With forced and irrelevant discussions do not fix anything, only lose valuable time and unrecoverable and we can only aspire to negative changes, to change for the worse. If there is a Legislative Assembly that the government will account for more than two thirds unconditional and there is virtually no opposition, what is the reason to keep creating more democratic deliberative and oversight? Most people are busy living and living, is it not perhaps possible that politicians stop tormenting confrontations and skirmishes with imaginary plots, conspiracies nonexistent and impossible? How far we will rankle with Petite accusations, complaints, lamentations and weeping mourners are more typical of custom rulers and statesmen that serious? When will the time for proposals, to recognize achievements and successes, to admit your mistakes and suggest solutions instead of blame spreading walking past, present and future? No one deserves the string of speeches and statements inconsistent and absurd, not the time for politicians to stop reacting to the viscera and appeal to common sense, to the serenity and consistency of people who are determined to prove they are the best the most suitable, most responsible for the management and administration of common interests? Ended with a resounding request our authorities: Make of that money and resources they manage are his and which were achieved with hard work and sacrifice and honest, and certainly Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 33


take care of the penny. Thank you. Despite the objections and questions that had caused his decision to study in Cordoba, his family and himself, Alejo traveled overland with three neighborhood friends, the parting had been tender and moving, a small meeting was organized social in which there was no lack of rigor words and wishes for the new era that opened in his life. His mother, Ligia, had special care to prepare snacks for the guests and his father, Dr. Maclovio, had suspended a trip to be present, mingled laughter, jokes, anecdotes and good wishes along with some tears of women the house, especially his mother, sister, aunts and cousins. After doing some research with colleagues and others who had previously studied in Cordoba, gave the address of a host accepting Bolivian pension, with which he made the deal and in which Alexius settled with the other friends. On one occasion, a strain Cordoba had referred to the bewildering variety of strange creatures that Bolivians were divided in a thousand factions, Camba, Collas and Chapacos, Indians, cholos and whites, northerners and southerners, Santa Cruz, Beni and Cochabamba, Aymara, Quechua and Guarani, every one with his nature, and marked idiosyncrasies, habits and customs so different, they just got together and shared each other every August 6 in the party that organized the consulate and for some stretched up to a week of partying and dancing, rather than decisive reasons to be very difficult to get, despite the proverbial hospitality of Cordoba, someone consented rent a house or room to a Bolivian without knowing references and guarantees and differences without admitting that they too, called provinces, were heavy with the Buenos Aires Buenos Aires. The board was in the neighborhood of Alberdi and the original owner was a tarijeo who settled in Cordoba after being imprisoned and then exiled during the dictatorship of Garcia Mesa, was necessary for a student and the deals made with families from Bolivia, which also happened to students Paraguayans, Peruvians and Chileans. With mild climate and four seasons clearly marked, on Saturday night gathered at the Plaza Colon with other students, mostly Bolivians, and then there was always a guitar for that city that once the nightly serenades were an institution, there sang the memories of distant and diverse country. A Alejo brought him to mind the winter school holidays, when he was sent for a month at the home of her aunt Lucretia who lived with his family in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the tropical city of eastern Bolivia, with a typically warm climate and damp houses embedded in a vast jungle full of lush beaches, palm trees, all kinds of bugs, tree fruits sleeves falling incessantly on the streets and squares, with their flowering Tajibos and jacarandas, bougainvilleas, the fruit aromas like guapur the achachair, the masses for the Coffee nap, the cuaps, pies bread rice, masaco, tamales, fried pies, the dumb, the corn chicha, the Locrians of Creole chicken, the majaditos, but above all, the beauty, passion and sweetness of their wives, the unforgettable night serenade the moonlight or some lonely bluff surrounded by curucusis and mosquitoes, and tamarind soda mocochinchi with pit, with incessant harassment refresqueros bibs, delicious coffee gatherings and nights on the sidewalks of the houses that had virtually no locks or locks, everyone knew and knew who was who, whether he had or would , where was the family and whether they were wealthy, for all the rest were almost equally poor. People had a cheerful and outgoing, forthright types generally, although there were the cambas ladinos and crawling but different from the Collas vuelteros and hypocrites. For the characteristics of its vast geography, survival is impossible without the help of each other, either in flood or if someone gets stuck in the sand or is stung by a scorpion or attacked by a tiger, which causes it to develop a natural sense of solidarity much more pronounced than in other regions. Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 34


In the early sixties, Santa Cruz was almost a village that had no more than sixty thousand inhabitants, far from the nearly two million inhabitants today, the streets were dirt and sand that turned into sand and mud after in tropical rain, had a few tiles or asphalt, most activities were concentrated from the main square on Sept. 24 to the first ring road, just hundreds of people had telephones, they had the electrical service is not encouraged to complain about the frequent power cuts and rationing, fighting heat with air vents, steaming coils were used all night and mosquito nets to reduce the annoyance of mosquito bites and hum, record players and chairs were covered with protective covers when a plane came many people went to the door, the mail was the heart of social life that throbbed every day that it was not raining, each one coming surazo the city was deserted, the few vehicles were logging trucks and jeeps wheel drive, the cars were a curiosity, almost a snob, because many places you could only enter into carts pulled by oxen, the public jail was at the end of Liberty Street, past the first ring and the police were at first independence of the street, at the heart of the old town, which today is known as block zero, there were a couple of cinemas with irregular features and according to the weather, a place to dance at carnival time when the city and people are fully transformed, so was the bar "The Viper's Paw" whose patrons were mostly young men who placed their revolvers tough on the tables to sit and drink liquor or beer served with fried chicken empanadas, meat, cheese or jerky while not missing a guitar and guitar and singing taquiraris carnavalitos mixed with Mexican boleros and sambas Argentine. There was no field division city, almost everyone had something to do in the rooms or townhouses patios, the whole town knew when it came a gringo or a colla, whose plates or red cheeks contrasting with the pale face of the local and who also were quickly denounced by his speech. The vegetables were a curiosity sporadic beef consumed in small pieces fried or cooked lean meat badly cut, however could not miss the rice, cassava, potatoes and fried bananas, desserts were jelly leg or rice pudding, or dulce de leche, or milk tablets or white cheese mash, or tujur with honey, hardly known to the soup or the inputs and the whiskey was invited to and consumed only by leading figures in very rarely and with the hosts julep turn Buris danced in the moonlight and the sound of tamboritas, the social event was to be or go through the main square on Sunday night, dressed in the best pilchas, go to the park Arenal or bathing in the river Pira on hot weekends. Oh, right, and was the Green House, a brothel located half a block outside the first ring, was a two-story house, it Alejo, his cousins and the neighborhood boys marched a few fifths night to debut officially achieved the complex world of clandestine love affairs in the hands of a midwife fat, too much experience and little enthusiasm. Ms. Ligia de Urioste, wife of Dr. Mount Maclovio emergency had been admitted in the Hospital with a box that did show off a stroke, specifically a stroke that paralyzed much of his body. A few hours earlier, while attending their normal activities in the bakery, there was a relatively young woman, well planted and who was accompanied by two boys and a girl, whose features and some air between friendly teasing and solemnly made immediately associate with her husband, Dr. Maclovio, which was fully confirmed when the woman, covering part of your throat and chest with a shawl of fine alpaca wool, appeared as Natalie, the owner of a boarding house in Monteagudo, who lived for years and had three children for Dr. Maclovio, the same, her husband, she had repeated the woman to a Lygia surprised that only managed to open his eyes wide and listen as the newcomer to the city explaining that she was tired of the promises of Dr. Maclovio, the which lately had taken to disappearing for long periods without showing signs of life and less with the little help from time to time give to the child support, why she had sent to Sucre, where he hoped to find a solution once and for all. Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 35


From the time of his sudden fainting, Dona Ligia was unable to regain mobility in their legs or their hands, those who did wonders in the kitchen, she underwent several tests and was uncertain and unstable state of mental concentration and understanding at times it looked like recovering consciousness but then again remain absent. The visiting her husband, daughter and sister who came from Santa Cruz and his son Alexis who came from Cordoba, by the time her other sister, Lulu, had taken over the bakery, while, amid the shock and desires admission, the just released Natalia had gone to stay with their children in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ligia Maclovio, which placed him in a strangely awkward situation. The sisters Lucretia and Lulu took turns to accompany Mrs. Ligia and eventually appeared in the hospital room accompanied by a small man, lean, with sharp inputs hair and neatly trimmed mustache, always dressed in suit and vest and carrying a briefcase leather, he drew some papers and displayed every time the sisters asked, read them and bring them back for him to keep back. Although neither the sisters nor the man who accompanied them realized, Dona Ligia was perfectly conscious and heard on the sisters decided to make her signature on the waiver of inheritance, including the baking and the house, by which She admitted having received various sums of money on various occasions and in several respects from their sisters, including the cost of health care and health of your stay, quietly, they said that there was no other way and was the only solution to save the family heritage from the clutches of Dr. Maclovio debauchery, womanizing fickle in love and in business and entrepreneurship, but have the greatest needs daughter Isabel was established as her husband in Santa Cruz and in the reasonable doubt the other son, Alexis, have some perspective on their fruitless and unproductive studies in Cordoba, allowing to envisage it would be even profession or occupation as the father and mother productive. This was agreed and they did, slowly and carefully, the document then saved and carried the Public Notary. After beating a few of the subjects studied in the Engineering Business, National University of Cordoba, Alejo was almost convinced that college was not his, was bored in class, encouragement and motivation was not to investigate or study for tests, most of the exhibitions seemed redundant and unnecessary to learn something useful and productive, he was embarked on an obstacle course that does not lead to any party to which he was interested in coming. Even approximately, either in Bolivia or in Cordoba had met a woman that minimally comply with the stringent requirements imposed himself, beyond some youth affairs and passengers, discouraged and worried about the health of his mother , was affected by heavy infectious hepatitis that forced him to bed for over a month. Among college students, the brothers met Abelardo Lujn and Lucia were Bolivians studying pedagogy, Abelard was the best singing in the quotations from Saturday night at the Plaza Colon and his sister Lucia was a kind of consul of Bolivian students in Cordoba, first helped them and tried to find solutions to common problems affecting the community members. His cheerful and jovial contagious enthusiasm and optimism, had the attraction of youth, of medium height, wore high heels and was rather filled with meat, though well concealed by their clothing. Alejo She took charge and brought him white diet every day for lunch and left prepared something light for dinner, after which he returned to his studies and chores. One hot afternoon spent Sunday in an animated conversation with a fiery embrace and then made love, which is repeated several times during the following weeks, until they got a couple of news that would change things, that his mother was a very delicate health and the other confirming the pregnancy of Lucia. While Abelard Lucia and his brother decided to return to La Paz, Sucre Alejo again just recovered from his hepatitis, but could not stay in the house of her parents since her aunts were Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 36


in tremendous judgment with Natalia and her children for the possession of the home, including his father, Dr. Maclovio had to change residence temporarily, unpleasant matters, although not physically able to express it, were known and had plunged into deep sadness Dona Ligia. In these painful circumstances Alejo went in search of guidance and assistance to its godfather, Don Maximo, who proved to be very aware of what was happening with his family and decided to help in granting Alejo nominal rent a shop in Eloy Salmon La Paz, along with an initial batch of appliances as well as with information and contacts necessary for the initiation into the business. Somewhat taken aback by the practical gesture of Don Maximo, Alexis knew she had to take on another challenge of fate, in addition to facing the embarrassment of Lucy, sister of his very good friend of Abelard, so that after a few visits to his mother and to settle their outstanding papers decided to move and start a completely different life in the city of La Paz. While there was greater difficulty in operating the business, it would take some time to begin to understand the complex web of how to be and the psychology of the various social classes and castes in society coexisting La Paz, which lies mixing different shades and deep are the result of deeply held values and customs and rigorously instituted in each of them. When I told the story of Abelard and Lucia's mother, Alejo was touched and impacted, so did not hesitate a moment what he had to do to meet Lucy's pregnancy. Lucia's mother, Violet, was Chilean, was stolen by the owner of a circus when she was four and was playing at the gate of his house, was raised in that world faranduleo and just turned seventeen, who was abused by hitherto thought was his father, with whom he had two children before escaping and reaching with their young children to Rurrenabaque, a town located in the Beni jungle, almost on the border with La Paz, where he met the father of Abelard and Lucia Jaime Lujan, a prematurely retired police colonel by a purge within the institution, who left his family and left Cochabamba when he discovered that while busily revising records, his wife held all kinds of romances and love affairs, dragging in that dissipated life of his teenage daughter. After a while, Violeta came to reunite with his original family, which had never stopped looking. Assuming the fundamental shift that gave his life, he was encouraged to find new paths in their dull existence until then, became to the idea that Lucy had a bit of everything I had imagined the kind of woman of his dreams, which was far from entirely accurate, but it was as real as paternity was not able to escape, and that led him to ask for the hand as quickly and easily organize a wedding, almost in the privacy of the family of Abelard and Lucia and some mutual friends. Since then, all women who were known intimately Alejo casual and only spend a moment of pleasure, taking care to take precautions to avoid any complications such as infections or an unwanted pregnancy, which would be worse, the possibility of falling in love or engage in any affair. Distracted to gradually discover the secrets and tricks of the trade of electro domestic business, and was gradually developed a fondness for the art of buying and selling and increasing profit results that allowed him and his family survive in an increasingly loose , which could be made even a few luxuries from time to time, especially after the holidays of the year when profits are always exceeded the most optimistic estimates. He traveled to Sucre when he heard a slight improvement in the health of his mother, but was very short as almost to coincide met large debts that had been contracting with deception and even forgeries, Dr. Maclovio to his wife, what was the closing and the loss of pastry, while ownership of the house remained in the limbo of a trial in the Bolivian know when processes start but never end when, with the aggravating circumstance that Dr. Maclovio had already settled into the house to live with another family as Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 37


if nothing had happened, so that Alejo had no choice but to hospitalize her mother in a nursing home. Over the years, was fully integrated into the world of traders and smugglers who were organized into folk fraternities, associations and unions to protect themselves from political expediency and permanent procession of bureaucrats and government officials eager to collect silver always easy and various benefits payable to combat smuggling or raise taxes. They could change governments or economic crises occur, the business was always profitable, for they only had changes of customers, some faces gave rise to other faces, learned what it really meant that the circulation of elites, but a long time that Alejo had concluded that in their world only care about results, not at all interested in any explanation or justification, speculation or luck, good or bad, the worse the bad news, he had learned that they always had something good in a world without holidays or times, in which the organization and administration respond to customs and habits that between merchants and customers of the day, where everything has a price of buying and selling, nothing is free or disinterested. After many years of assimilating the spirit of inexhaustible patience and Aymara commercial effort in their blood, Alejo had accumulated a significant asset, a trade association tested which failed as planned, tried to open a similar business in Santa Cruz, but found that it was true that the store wants to handle it. In the early days had the backing of his wife Lucia, but then took several assistants who helped in sales, accounting and taxes and a boy who officiated steam (go for drinks, going for coffee, going through documents .) Helped strengthen the cooperative closed form traders and hedge fund and mutual assistance, which would relieve traders who had some setbacks, notably the seizure of goods by a customs or tax operating, cases that are fully replenished with merchandise similar to the confiscated, being in charge of fund managers tracking, claims, and the auction, if applicable, for which every merchant brought to 2 percent of gross revenues, funds that went to the cooperative management and were based on the sacred principles of honor and good faith which governs the entire trade organization, in which the gold makes the rule is that the one with the gold, the only difference that had marked the highest accumulated wealth without amount of origin or source and no other type of discrimination, with an absolutely vertical command organization, following natural rules unwritten, involving, as I warned at the time of Alexis, that if it was very difficult to get into the fabric of trade organization, was much more difficult to withdraw the same and possibly be expected to operate outside of it. Alejo also had investments in shopping malls and bought houses next to the major private universities, where he rented rooms to students, especially the interior. Like most of his peers, could access bank loans to single firm and according to the requirements of specific operations, which only were detailed in handwritten notebooks. The merchants were organized much like a lodge but with adaptations of the bourgeoisie own chola, the principal actors were called retailers, although most of them moving large quantities of goods, were different from wholesale distributors in Actually, they were also working for operators and retailers, real owners and architects throughout the chain. Organizations encompass other labor unions, business associations, folk, neighborhood and civic, so dependent on them thousands of jobs and businesses, and placed directly control key employees and unconditional state agencies in which they have interests at stake, have with operational command of the highest professional confidence in the organization, especially lawyers, auditors, accountants, researchers and journalists. The organization influences but does not interfere or political party or trade union Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 38


except with respect to their interests. In La Paz, only religious and folk festivals there are about eighty-five each year, each lasting not less than one week. One of the main, the Feast of the Great Power, comes to directly involve more than two hundred thousand people between dancers and dancers, live viewing public, interns, embroiderers, makers and various support activities, with an economic movement over 50 million. As an expression of different cultural festivals also have a presence that increasingly harder, be taking over public spaces, streets and avenues and moved to each district according to the founding date or the anniversary of the patron of the parish . They have their folk expression (pay) in which also there is that dichotomy that combine the Aymara rituals and rites of pagan beliefs with Catholicism. In these events the public spaces become private spaces of the protagonists, but just in different neighborhoods proliferate local parties, which generates in those sectors of commercial activities that make the party, which called agglomeration economy . In all these activities and attitudes manifested a tendency of being Andean Community is because, at fairs or celebrations or start planting in the villages, these events are often held at community and the community. Individualities disappear be devoured by the group that is gaining reality: the ayllu become a tangible organizational unit with self-determination. Through this confluence cathartic communion community with itself and the surrounding nature, affirming their will to live (undoubtedly the festival is aimed at ensuring the survival group). On the feast of the Great Power, the Festival of the Andes, 50 folk fraternities offer a vast repertoire of cultural heritage with which the country, particularly in the Andean region or Western. The party of Great Power is a representation of the diversity of dances which are performed under the promise of dancing for three years as an act of recognition of the divinity of Jesus of Great Power is a manifestation of faith and deep appreciation for the power , ie for the money and wealth. The festival has the presence of not less than thirty thousand dancers and four thousand musicians who fill the streets of downtown La Paz from the popular area of Great Power and then get to the Hernando Siles stadium. However, all the splendor and the multiplier effects of the economic movement, has its dark side and undeniably negative for excessive alcohol consumption and its terrible consequences, which result in poisoning, fights and brawls, rape, unwanted pregnancies, family quarrels , abuse and neglect of children or the sudden impoverishment of many devotees, despite their faith, often do not regain health or the minimum resources needed to meet family needs, individual situations that may not affect the height of the holiday collective beyond the control and will of the organizers. Once installed and in full knowledge of all the tricks of the trade, naturally Alejo's integration to the forms of community organization, respecting all its values and principles and provide intern became one of the greatest privileges that may aspire to any member, who attached great social prestige and comes to mean a public symbol of prosperity, because we have to have a very good heritage to pay for all food and beverages to be consumed by thousands of participants. In the beginning, was mainly devoted to selling appliances and home appliances, and was gradually extended to mini components, televisions, stereos, video players, giving him plenty of time to his great passions, movies and reading books, in the first case escaping whenever he could to see movies in theaters in the city, then it would be easier with pirated DVDs, including in its calculations, you can easily find more than 10,000 titles at prices almost laughable and also with various forms of trade and exchange, let alone internet with millions of publications, books, music, videos and movies increasingly free access and free and a real chance to carry entire Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 39


libraries giants in the pocket shirt. Despite the caution and restraint in their spending, basic aspect for the success of the business, could not resist the temptation when the first computers and accessories, began in the mid 80's with the purchase of a Kaypro II personal computer, which had 62 k of memory, as Supercalc programs, WordPerfect, Dbase, a pure command without a mouse, a single green letters on black background type, no graphics and no help, except a thick technical manuals printed in English as single reading could demand hours and even days. Before, his curiosity about these teams took him to discover a giant computer that filled a room cooled to room almost had to enter with an apron and gloves and that stored the information in large tape drives, with multiple developers and operators, some that was inaccessible to the average person. Then also known electrical machines and IBM Composer, which served to lay out and justify text with a variety of font style, later came the Apple Macintosh, the teams 8086, the Pentium and all the madness that would ever greater frenzy. Some of the inventions that were deslumbraran fax, scanner, scanning, video calls via Skype, as well as everything related to internet and email. In the early days looked and it was an expensive hobby and without much sense, it was unstable and risky, the data is erased at any time for what he had to do back ups constantly, teams had to be removed from carpets to avoid magnetism, a drop of coffee was enough to ruin it or computer keyboard, its main utility was directed to make files, telephone directories and some template calculations. Alejo communicated laboriously from home using modems to the store and the first emails were similar to a bingo game. For his activities had the opportunity to accompany a day of progress and technological development with the fever of personal computers laptops, cell phones and electronic devices advendra and change the world from its very roots, possibly to the point that today there are more cell phones inhabitants. The shops on the street and adjacent Eloy Salmon quickly became a mecca for digital technology, came all the artifacts and supports that were in the world, smuggling allowed many people to agree to hardware and software prices and latest generation characteristics that are impossible to compete for trade devoted to ending formal bidding to provide large amounts to the state, but mostly equipment and accessories come from the merchants of the Eloy Salmon, which are resold at a profit and the difference needed to cover taxes in the amounts billed to these greedy buyers who are public bodies and international organizations. For his extensive empirical knowledge, Alexis became a benchmark to analyze, guide and support sales and installations to the extent that he began to generate significant new revenues and enabling configuration of equipment, installation of operating systems and applications programs computer, for which he had to incorporate stable and any assistants, who distributed the orders of customers. Quite often met in the store some programmers, especially those developed packages and accounting systems to measure online marketing and mailing, initiatives, ideas and projects that gradually overcome by the advance of new technologies or unintended reactions of users and customers. There were several initiatives to legislate all matters relating to databases, software protection, electronic commerce and other aspects so dynamic that, when finally adopted a rule, it was found that was unnecessary, as the sector and the activities were regulated by own and with high efficiency, all within the framework of informal plenary of full piracy and widespread access to almost the entire population to the most advanced global information technology. By emails then ratified by an official note, Alejo and Evaristo were summoned by tax Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 40


authorities and public finances to attend a coordination meeting and information, after consultation with organizations of retailers and considering his experience and representation in the areas of technology and IT, during which, together with a group of public servants, as they are called today, met the criterion government about the need to manage relations between the state and providers of technology and equipment, establish mechanisms control and operational standards, set standards and permanent channels of consultation, provided some statistics that indicated that the annual trade and acquisitions in these areas are constantly growing, especially as the biggest effect on state revenues rising raw material prices, giving as reference in the last years annual business operations in this area already added hundreds of millions of dollars, besides the sensitivity to the quality and performance guarantees and continuity of the acquired technology state apparatus, in this case central government level only, for which specialized working committees established. In addition, communicated the decision to establish a delegation of government officials and entrepreneurs to attend a high-level seminar of the World Bank, IDB, UNDP, cooperation agencies and financial organizations and donor countries, which held in Washington within twenty days. . Alejo and Evaristo arrived at Miami International Airport and took the connecting flight to Washington, a city that came on the eve of the opening of the meeting, scheduled to perform at World Bank offices. They left the hotel in advance and when they reached the doors of the building, close to the White House and Capitol were surprised to see a huge and luxurious limousine stopped at admission and ended up not going down a group of men and women, dressed in casual jackets and coats, some men with hats, others in suits and ties and a pair of elegant women dressed in blankets and skirts typical of western Bolivia, were placed in a row, took the elevators in groups and entered the room set for the seminar, Alejo and Evaristo did the same and already in the auditorium went to accommodate with the Bolivian delegation, equivalent in number to almost all other delegates from the Andean countries and officials of the organization came to compliments and style presentations. After brief opening remarks, organizers recalled that it was an international seminar aimed to find suggestions and ways to optimize the financial and administrative procedures between international cooperation and national actors involved in programs and technology projects, seeking to streamline and appropriate coordination procedures and desburocratizarlos. The Bolivian delegation was not only the largest, but its components seeking the intervention of each and every one of them, in several cases with exhibits and extensive discourse, which referred to the new country's relations with the United States on an equal footing and respect, in terms of genuine cooperation and exchange partners, not bosses, repeated .. Consumed half a day, the organizers found it necessary to request that the Bolivians nominate four or five delegates and suggest that interventions are restricted to a maximum of ten minutes per participant, resulting in an internal mess the Bolivian delegation in that there were discussions and to cries and screams of women, which led to a break of one hour until agree on the appointment of delegates, which was complicated because there were representatives of various government agencies, NGOs and business all with different views and approaches, in the end prevailed over those who shouted, amid insults between MAS, and mesemistas oenegistas, and only then was able to resume the meeting, with the appointment of two men and two women, in fairness gender, which Evaristo joined by the private sector., to the astonishment and dismay of the other delegations, and the organizers. A half-day went to lunch at the canteen in the same building as the World Bank, which are used Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 41


to seeing all kinds of people and clothes, but not a surprise stopped the jewels that adorned the women of the Bolivian delegation. By late afternoon, Bolivians said they had a social gathering with the Bolivian residents in Virginia, why, probably, the next day came as a trickle or not at all came to the seminar. In the conclusions, it became clear that international cooperation had served to make known the new administrative rules that would be subject to the procurement of technological goods and services financed by international cooperation. The lush Bolivian delegation had to leave to fulfill other commitments in Geneva, London, Paris, Rome and Berlin, Alejo and Evaristo traveled to Los Angeles from where they embarked to Seoul, with a stopover in Anchorage, Alaska. In Seoul and then Tokyo, visited the leading producers of computer equipment and prepared to leave for the meeting which, if not wrong, it was really important. On leaving the airport in Hong Kong, boarded a limousine Rolls Royce that led to the ShangriLa, a five star hotel, which had made the reservation in good time, because in Hong Kong is impossible to do things improvised or last moment, where they could discover what it was the lap of luxury, with its high luxury carpets and English style furniture. At night they met their partners who would be for the next three intense days of work and pleasure, coordinated an Armenian Vartan Perushan, and were part of an English team, one Japanese, one American and one Chinese. Officially, the Armenian was the best speak Spanish, but quickly noticed that others understood it quite well, which simplified quite the pace of the meetings, which passed in the middle of lunch and dinner without haste and without pause, each time tasted variety of small servings of Eastern, as tradition dictates, when they had entrusted the Alexius Evaristo and honor with a mallet to break the clay coating that covered the Cantonese duck, also lavish nightclubs visited, as large and sophisticated , which were replicas of antique luxury cars powered by electricity and served to move around the luxurious rooms. When they were taken to a shopping arcade, and Evaristo Alejo agreed that, somehow, had a strong resemblance to the local street Eloy Salmon. I noticed that in both Seoul and Tokyo and Hong Kong, the art electronic equipment costing two or three times the final price in Bolivia, even though they were exempt from taxes for sale to foreigners. The talks were fluid, from the beginning there was chemistry between all participants, the experience and specialized commercial activities facilitated and made it possible to obviate many backgrounds and preambles, they shared an executive to address the issues and make decisions consistent. Evaristo had taken away and the representation of fact distributors and traded information technology and coordination with government agencies in Bolivia, while the panel met the interests of manufacturers and distributors of products internationally, dealers and financial organizations and international cooperation. With the practical spirit was common to them, the experts had made it clear that they were required to establish clear rules, firm and flexible enough to adapt to the high dynamics of technological development. In business, apart from the bigger issue was the control of technology, information and knowledge and he had his own dimension and space for dialogue and negotiation worldwide, was essential to determine and to agree the commercial terms of trade, was being done at the level of countries and international organizations involved in the sector. Transnational manufacturers and distributors often had to over-or under invoice their products Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 42


to reduce or avoid paying taxes or for payment of commissions to brokers or buyers, for what they had established several holdings in Panama, Barbados and the Cayman Islands, whose accounts settle the differences between the prices charged at the factory, which is transferred to banks in the country of origin of manufacture, and the prices are gaining in the marketing chain, which works well and without difficulty. Not so with the officials of international organizations and agencies that are reluctant to be appointed complicated tasks, such as Bolivia, where they earn low wages ranging from eight twenty-two thousand dollars a month, plus housing, car and secure and are being whose only incentive fees and pricing for the allocation of equipment and services, which sometimes had to be shared with government officials, whose distribution has to be done necessarily through the accounts of holding companies and directly accounts of both international and local beneficiaries, so that buyers, for himself or others, could not deduct or pay nothing and for no reason, everything would be subject to a system of payments, credits and debits automatic and simultaneous in each operation, so as to avoid defaulting procedures and requirements of security and counter-guarantees. To close the circuit, Evaristo Alejo and coordinate all matters relating to the mechanisms of payment of commissions to domestic traders, through the openings of individual and joint accounts for fertilizers respective machines, determining the creation of an instance of control and management responsible for resolving any difficulty or dispute. Once back in Bolivia, the three brothers, Alejo, Abelard and Evaristo went together to the airport and took the direct flight to the city of Santa Cruz, where they were collected and transferred to hotel where they would host and which was scheduled to Free Information Session Global (IGL). Weeks earlier, Alexis met with three representatives of the global nonprofit, then know that the teams were composed of three members or multiples of three, depending on the size or complexity of the issues to be developed or, in a tone friendly and straightforward told him he had been selected from hundreds of profiles for their expertise and experience in issues related to information technology, were presented as the directors of the global movement for Global Information Free, open media organization of millions of users freely affiliates around the world, members have equal rights and obligations, without political or discrimination of any kind, in which there are no bosses but leaders in the full sense of the word, all fully voluntary, with many venues as there are populations in the world and where there is internet access. Its basic purpose is to provide all possible means and resources to ensure free access, equal and universal access to information technology and information as inclusive human privilege. Coincides with the free software community and initiatives like Wikileaks believes that product information is inherent in man, his nature, his liberty and his life in society, with no difference of languages, ideologies, races, countries or boundaries of any type, so that access to information and dissemination should be free and unrestricted, even at the traditionally restricted or reserved as the so-called internal security of states or military secrets in a world that demands peace and not wars or internal international only respecting the privacy of personal information that individuals resolve not to disseminate or disclose for the right to privacy or having a commercial value. In his attempt to get that information flows freely, accurate, objective, real and responsible does not preclude that it can be traded for humans based on conventional values that perpetrators, in the strictly personal and private ( researchers, writers, inventors) assigned as a reward for their work or creativity. Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 43


IGL is convinced that modern battles for hegemony of power lies in the alleged control of information and knowledge, so that the defense of freedom of information is the defense of freedom of men, making it necessary to banish any form of censorship. This is the full recognition of the exclusive power of man, freedom of thought, which derive the freedom of information, expression and opinion. The decline, degradation and collapse of the forms of social organization, conflicts over economic interests, ideological or political, lies in a social model that is based on lies, in a pose, in the reign of appearances, all resulting in the control and manipulation of information and means to process it and disclose it. And it is that the social model needs to change, from the strength and fortitude democratic fully participatory resource of information technology in the new era of knowledge, which is an indisputable reality. A different scales and dimensions, in various fields and from different perspectives, goals and objectives, in today's world coexist and compete trends and initiatives to control information as a prerequisite for achieving power accumulate and concentrate wealth and hoarding materials, replacing factors that were previously determinants such as economic or military force, which today are completely subordinate and dependent on the primary goal is control of information by all possible means, lawful or not, in government circles, public and private . To get to get all the moral and social collapse that today scourges of humanity as a whole, men invented a complex and tangled networks of networks of rules for all types and sizes, developed sophisticated doctrines and ideologies and contaminated natural rules to intoxicarlas and distorting them completely, so that the values were accommodating to the wishes and whims, greed and avarice displaced the basic principles of coexistence. It is when we discover that the whole system is built on lies and deceit, and sharing these realities, thanks to the possibilities given the information society to the common man, arise spontaneously reactions of outrage and contempt for the existing order both unjust and absurd, the man exits the dark cavern which had been condemned by those who assumed the ownership and distribution of power through wars and repressions, ie based only on the concentration of brute force. The nature of man requires that you have absolutely nothing to hide, except the bad things you can do to the detriment of their peers, so it lies, deceptions, lies and meaningless appearances, consequently the information and knowledge must be absolutely free, as free schools should be informed, and express opinions, limited only by the rights of others in a context of tolerance, reciprocity and cooperation. In this context, what does the man need to hide or lie about their years of life, marital status, children, debts, income, assets, dreams or desires, if you are married or live with this or which, if you like spicy or sweet, if a friend of his friends or is a fan of a football team?. Except understandable that misappropriate some of which do or do not do their fair share of duty, trade or profession, indifferent to or unconcerned about offending conduct inimical to the common good and the rules of coexistence , or by any cowardly or selfish interest, there is no reason to hide information, let alone, to lie or deceive. At the institutional level, only dictatorships, totalitarian and authoritarian, and boast of being democratic control can conceive of human liberties by repressive methods and dark secrets, with armed forces that are never designed or employed to ensure peace, essence are designed to fight, kill and conquer, never consult the will of the people who kill, hurt, torture and enslave other people is not consulted at all. Only twisted sick minds and spirits might be able to act on outdated and absurd concepts as borders and national sovereignty, national armies and revolutions without beginning or end. Disputes over the hegemony of power today have displaced the concentration of wealth and Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 44


material resources. Both by governments and transnational power groups, there is intense struggle to control technology and the media, focus it and manipulate it, to determine who should govern, the things we produce or consume, how we work trades or take care, when and how to eat or sleep, who to share or what type of entertainment and distractions we must choose the type of vehicle or the house of our dreams, our ideal type of partner, number of children, where, how and why educate, that is, will send us all that we do with our lives, leaving aside the most important things like love and the feelings are always subjective and optional or simply expendable. For its part, the mainstream media, will show us reality as politicians or businessmen want to see it, would argue rudely by us or how we would sentence should say, if they wish can exist or cease to exist beyond the birth or natural death, that is, a feast, a disproportionate orgy of lies and deceptions in the service of human degradation. While some seek to control information niche for specific interests, the more developed countries seek to obtain all the information necessary to also control all or as many as possible of humanity, and this is replicated in different countries of the global village . The technology allows interfere virtually all human communications, get all the public and private personal data, either from satellite or intruding controls on computers in seconds to check all information contained in them and this happens with or without our consent. Modern man has been virtually naked, helpless and defenseless before the technological advances that sweep away all ethical or moral principle. Five days before the meeting, the team of three brothers, led by Alexis, had concluded that the document had been submitted, accompanied by graphs, charts and pictures, to the warehouse virtual IGL, which became publicly available to all those who have an interest in knowing about the contents or part thereof. The meeting was coordinated and led by the three international managers of the organization and had teams of 3 members from each of the countries of the region's Spanish-speaking American. Communication protocols within the community down the principles of simplicity, objectivity, synthesis and function because it is proposals and action plans to achieve the objectives of the organization. After greeting with a 'good night', Alejo passed to read the Executive Summary document IGL Bolivia 1. SUBJECT: Creating a consolidated database all the information inherent to individuals, legal persons and private legal persons established in the public Bolivia, which comprise a minimum, Global Identification Code (IGC), marital status and data , state tax, financial, stocks, real and personal property subject to registration, records and judicial restraint active partners or shareholders, judicial and police records, records of political affiliation, membership or membership in scientific organizations, academic, professional, cultural, social , sports, identity documents and licenses in place, information from national databases and interactive with international databases, satellite support, servers, software and search engines determined by the IGL. i. Design and creation of the identification key Global Information (6 characters alphanumeric alphanumeric xxx # # #) for each individual, with the initial information contained in the Register Biometric. ii. Design and creation of the identification key Global Information (6 characters alphanumeric alphanumeric xxx # # #) for each legal person, with the initial information contained in the Register of FUNDEMPRESA and the like. iii. Design and creation of the identification key Global Information (6 characters alphanumeric alphanumeric xxx # # #) for each public body corporate, with the initial information contained Lus Carlos Paravicini Pgina 45


on websites and official information. iv. Design and validation of the fields in the Single Information Sheet. v. Survey of primary data sources, among others: Register Biometric, Personal Identification, Real Rights and Land Force, Excise and Customs, FUNDEMPRESA and the like, Immigration, police and court records, Comptroller, INE, Bolivia Legal and Official Gazette of Bolivia , ASFI ... In this state of exposure, there was an untimely cutting power, which made the waiters brought candles to illuminate the darkened and hushed rooms of the meeting. Parts of surprise, there were comments regarding the importance of stability and security services and the need to retake the full assessment of the technological advances that, in any case, help to make better use of resources, but can never replace nature and can not compete with it, this a story of a recent survey indicated that many netizens comparing the importance of the internet with oxygen, compared disproportionate but actually no longer apparent for many activities and lifestyles. The electric service restoration delayed by two hours, so that attendees had to dine by candlelight, they used to beg for favors and blessings to a divine being for believers, to ensure and light the way those who leave this world, or from time to time, a light dinner when it is supposed to be romantic or who continue to light many men who have not yet been blessed with the progress of civilization, science and technology, oddly enough

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