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Colegio Nuestra Seora del Prado (Ciudad Real)

Matemticas 2ESO


Try this maths quiz but watch out for trick questions!!!!!!

1. If there are three pizzas and you take away two, how many do you have?

2. One costs 1 euro, 12 is 2 euros and it costs you 3 euros to get 400. What are they?

3. Youre driving a train from Preston to London. You leave at 9:00 AM and travel for 2.5 hours. Theres a half hour stop in Birmingham, then the train continues for another 2 hours. Whats the drivers name?

4. Whats 50 divided by a half?

5. If you have three sweets and you eat one every half an hour, how long will they last?

6. There are 30 crows in a field. The farmer shoots 4. How many are in the field now?

7. A man lives next to a circular park. It takes him 80 minutes to walk around it in a clockwise direction but 1 hour 20 minutes to walk the other direction. Why?

8. How many animals of each sex did Moiss take on the Ark?

9. A man has 14 camels and all but three die. How many are left?

10. How many birthdays does the average man have?

AND NOW A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. READ IT CAREFULLY, ITS MUCH EASIER THAN IT LOOKS LIKE. BE CREATIVE!!!!. A teacher explains to her class how roman numerals work. Then she writes IX on the blackboard and asks how to make it into 6 by adding a single line, without lifting the chalk once. How can you do it?

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