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Extension of the abstracts will be limited to two pages detailing the key-points of the contribution. A copy of the abstracts book will be given to all the registered people attending the EJIP meeting. Deadline to receive the contributions is January 31st of 2012. Abstracts are welcome either in Spanish or English. Abstracts will be examined by a member of the Organizing Committee and an external reviewer. Author/-s can suggest up to three different external reviewers, specifying their priority. If no reviewers are suggested, the Organizing Committee will appoint a specialist on the topic to carry out the revision of the abstract. Comments and suggestions derived from the revision will be subsequently sent to the authors. Anonymity of the reviewers will be guaranteed by the Organizing Committee in all cases. Length of the abstracts will be limited to 2 pages. They might include a figure or a table, and no more than five bibliographic references. Abstracts will be submitted to the e-mail address as DOC or DOCX files. Whenever a figure will be included, it will be sent as a separate file in TIF or JPG format. Figures must be in grayscale, with sufficient quality to discern the relevant details, and with a resolution not lower than 300 ppp.

Originals must be written in pages DIN A4 size (297 x 210 mm), Times New Roman 12, simple space. Margins must be 25 mm in all directions. Title: Lower case letter, 14 pts, bold, centered. It must be as shortest as possible, detailing content, taxonomic group, age, and geographic zone, whenever possible. The title will never be longer than two lines. It will be translated to Spanish if it were not written in this language or to English in the opposite case, with lower case 12 italics. Authors: For 5 or less authors, complete first and family names will be given in lower case 12 centered. For more than 5 authors, only the family name will be given complete, preceded by the initial of the first name. In both cases, authors will refer to their corresponding centers by means of a numeric superscript after their family names. Postal addresses will be given in the following lines, flushed-left in lower case 10. Each center will be referred by its corresponding numeric superscript preceding the postal addresses, ordered following authorship. E-mail addresses of all authors will figure after the postal addresses of their corresponding centers. Keywords: A maximum of 5 keywords are allowed. They must be in both English and Spanish, trying not to repeat words already included in the title. Main text: Main text must include the most relevant points of the presentation or poster, thus reporting precisely the content of the contribution. It can be divided in different paragraphs.

Following ICZN or ICBN is mandatory. It is highly recommended an introductory paragraph, one or two for methods and development, and a final one providing the most relevant conclusions of the study. Bibliographic references: In the text, previous works will be cited as follows: (Crusafont 1952), (Rodrguez & Ramrez 1987) or (Ros et al. 1945), or Crusafont (1952), Rodrguez & Ramrez (1987) or Ros et al. (1945) when necessary. Due to the short space available, only 5 references are allowed at maximum, avoiding all those not strictly necessary to understand the development of the study. All references cited in the text (and only these ones) must be reported at the end of the abstract, following alphabetic and chronologic order of the authors. In the case of works with more than one author, the order will be: singled-author work, author with only one coauthor (following alphabetic order of the second author) and works with one author and more than one coauthor (by chronologic order). Do not abbreviate name of the journals. In case of unpublished works (PhD or Masters Thesis), it will be explicitly stated. Examples: Matthews, S.C. 1973. Notes on open nomenclature and on synonymy lists. Palaeontology, 16 (2), 713-719. Truyols Santonja, J. & Snchez de Posada, L. 1983. El Carbonfero inferior y medio de la Regin de Pliegues y Mantos. In: Carbonfero y Prmico de Espaa (Coord. C. Martnez Daz). Instituto Geolgico y Minero de Espaa, Madrid, 39-59. Williams, A., Cusack, M. & Buckman, O.J. 1998. Chemico-structural phylogeny of the discinoid brachiopod shell. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London, B, 353, 2.005-2.038.

FIGURES Any picture, map, photograph or diagram is considered a figure. Only one figure or table per abstract is permitted. Any figure or table must be relevant for a better understanding of the main text. If exists, figure or table must be referred in the text. Maximum size for figures is 100 mm height x 150 mm wide. Minimum resolution is 300 ppp in grayscale, and with sufficient quality to depict the relevant details to be shown. Maps and landscape or fossil specimen photographs must include a graphic scale. Figures will be sent in a separate file in JPG or TIF format during submission of the abstract. Figure or table captions will be included in the abstract file, just after the references list.

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