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1 Month: July Week from 10 to 14 year 2011 Role Leader DESCRIPTION: This week in the first class, usually an hour the Tuesdays. The teacher explained us how we must to make up the agendas, and after some students did their presentations with the goal of recover the English area, but some students be overcome by fear and didnt make it. The next day, in the second class of the week, the teacher took the technology Room for use the computers, first he recommended us again the page: OM Personal, and after he showed us things of that page, based on this, he explained some things about the times in the English, (simple pass, present, future), the verbs columns, and finally we went to our classroom and here we listened a dialog for which we should to do questions respect their content. COMMENT: We thought that the classes are very good, in our Group we can find very difficulties, of which the most important is that we have fear of make wrongs, also some of we tend to dont participate in the class issues, we dont know why but it happens. This week some of us let the fear and we did our presentations, It wasnt the better but the important was that we are improving in be more fluency and less shyness. We liked the two classes, especially because the teacher used some interesting Tools that can help us to be more interested and more happy in the classes, also that Tools are very useful to learn new things. The Group is function very regular, because there are only some students that are participating in the classes, and that are interested in learn English more than win good grades. GOALS: We will achieve leave the fear of make wrongs KEY WORDS: Agenda Presentation Virtual Vocabulary

Agenda: 1. A list or program of things to be done or considered: "They share with them an agenda beyond the immediate goal of democratization of the electoral process"(Daniel Sneider). Presentation: 1. a. The act of presenting. b. The state of being presented. 2. A performance, as of a drama. 3. a. Something, such as an award or gift, that is offered or given. b. Something, such as a lecture or speech, that is set forth for an audience: gave a presentation on drug abuse. 4. a. A formal introduction. b. A social debut. 5. Ecclesiastical The act or right of naming a cleric to a benefice. 6. The process of offering for consideration or display. 7. Medicine The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus. Virtual: 1. Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name: the virtual extinction of the buffalo. 2. Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. Used in literary criticism of a text. 3. Computer Science Created, simulated, or carried on by means of a computer or computer network: virtual conversations in a chatroom. Vocabulary: 1. All the words of a language. 2. The sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command of a particular person or group.

3. A list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated; a lexicon or glossary.

SUBJECT AGENDA No. 2 Month: July Week from 25 to 29 year 2011 Names: Mariana Villegas Yeison Piedrahita Camilo Mueton Daniela Rivera Katerine Restrepo DESCRIPTION: This week unfortunately we only had one class, the Tuesday, because the Wednesday, some important people visited the school. In the Tuesday class, first like is usually the teacher called attendance, after he dictated the agenda, and later some students did their presentations about very interesting things, after base on that, the teacher did some observations and gave some tips for the next presentations. Finally he told us that some students didnt send their agendas the last time. COMMENT: We liked the class, because we are learning in the way of try to understand to our mates, also among more presentations we do is better, because if we do a good presentation, we learn vocabulary, pronunciation, and we left the fear to speak English. The group participation is improving, because we are learning that we dont lose anything with express our ideas, and also we saw that everybody can make wrongs. Also we are doing our homework, and our presentations, because we want to win the subject, and we want to learn English because it is important. For all the previous things, and for more things, we can say that the group and individual work this week was very good, because now we are more responsibility and interested in the English. We want say that although that the English class is very good, we need to learn more, because all the time is gone in the presentations and in the class observations, and for that we dont have enough time to others things . GOALS: We will achieve improve in the academic performance.

WORDS: Responsibility Tips Class observations


Month: July Week from 25 to 29 year 2011 Names: Mariana Villegas Yeison Piedrahita Camilo Mueton Daniela Rivera Katerine Restrepo DESCRIPTION: This week, the English classes were excellent, because we did things different as usually we do. In the first class, the Tuesday, the teacher explained us the past tense and the past simple, and finally he did some reviews, comments, and left us a homework: talk in past about our holidays. The second class, the Wednesday, he assigned a different book for each one of us, in the team, to Mariana was the book "Alicia in wonderland", for Daniela was "The Booted Cat", for Yeison was "the Little chicken", and for Katherine was "Beauty and the Beast". Based on those books, we should to answer the questions and to solution the activities that we find across the book. The book was so fun, but unfortunately in the second time of the class, we stopped read, to continue with the listening part, that was a disaster, and finally the teacher told us about Om Personal, and about the abilities that we should develop in English, there are, speak, listening, write and read. COMMENT: In our concept the classes were better than others, because was didactical and in that chance we learned more trying to understand the reading text. Also is a way to make us to interest in the reading and in the English. The activities also were fun, and important to our understanding. The lesson of the week was very good, now we have enough knowledge to speak of a correct way the English, because we can express our ideas in the different verbal times. The second class was good, but we identified that our vocabulary skills are deplorable. WE are striving OURSELVES to be better each day, because the English isn't a simply language, the English is way of life, and also is important and requirement to may well succeed GOALS:

We will achieve be more punctual and responsible WORDS: Book Reading Abilities Practice (John Milton)

He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.


Month: August Week from 8 to 12 year 2011 Names: Mariana Villegas Yeison Piedrahita Camilo Mueton Daniela Rivera Katerine Restrepo DESCRIPTION: This week we had the big opportunity of have a third class, it was the Friday. The classes were good, learned a lot, and also we had fun. In the first class, the Tuesday, we arrived to the room after physical education, and the teacher immediately began to speak about the agendas as is usually, after we did an activity about how to elaborate questions in all the times, present, past. The Wednesday, everybody were very nervous, we did the presentations in past time, about our holidays, the teacher called attendance, and each student began to do their presentations, some students didnt their presentations. Later the teacher gave us books, for read and based on that, do some activities, and extract some unknowns words. And finally, in the Fridays class, the teacher used, one more time the listening exercise, we completed the text and he ordered us to try to understand the text for the next class. COMMENT: Our point of view, this week were fantastic and also fun, the participation was very good in the team, we are improving with the English each day we learn more to listen and understand this language. The work in team is improving, but yet isnt perfect, also there are some problems with the work quality of each one. A thing that we want to highlight is that we are taking love for the reading trough the English class. GOALS: We will achieve improve our homework and presentations. WORDS: Understand: Understanding is a relation between the knower and an object of understanding. Understanding implies abilities and dispositions with respect to an object of knowledge sufficient to support intelligent behavior. Past:

Most generally, the past is a term used to indicate the totality of events which occurred before a given point in time Homework: Homework, or homework assignment, refers to tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed mostly outside of class, and derives its name from the fact that most students do the majority of such work at home History: A chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes "The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do."


Month: August Week from 14 to 19 year 2011 Names: Mariana Villegas Yeison Piedrahita Camilo Mueton Daniela Rivera Katerine Restrepo DESCRIPTION: This week we only had one class, the Wednesday, in that, the teacher told us about the agendas, the grades, and generally of the students performance, that unfortunately is very bad. Also we worked with a listening exercise, which consisted in a dialog, we wrote it, and also we shared with our classmates. And later, we read a little, about fantastic and interesting things, from books that the teacher gave us. COMMENT: Really we didnt like a lot the class, because it was boring, is very monotony; especially the dialog that is used in the listening exercise, can be better if we use other story, or a different conversation. Also the reading part continues being our favorite activity, because we can learn vocabulary, and imagine things of the books, that make more interesting the reading and the English. GOALS: We will achieve do all the presentations, and do the pending tasks KEY WORDS: - Dictation - Exercise - Performance - Fantasy Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best. (H. Jackson Brown, Jr)


Month: August Week from 21 to 26 year 2011 Names: Mariana Villegas: Description, phrase Yeison Piedrahita: Words Camilo Mueton: Goal Daniela Rivera: Commets Katerine Restrepo: Comments DESCRIPTION: In the week we usually have 2 classes, on Wednesdays and Fridays, but this week unfortunately, we had just one class, because on Wednesday some students went the Exploras park, as a reward for the good academic performance, that for us seems a good way to encourage students to improve; Because of that we only had class on Friday, in that class the teacher told us about the grades to date. COMMENT: Really the English class was very interesting because we saw that we needed and make the agenda that almost never gives us time because we can not afford. In some places we dont like because in the class we almost always talking about the same things and we're feeling we do not move with the issues or we're not learning. It is very important advance because it learns more and has to make a great effort to learn if they continue and take more subjects. We are concerned enough that the time of the book will not reach us but we also think its good that we left it as a bonus for the next period. GOALS: We will achieve do all the presentations. KEY WORDS: - Notes - Opportunity - Agendas - Clarify - Talk "Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child. (Ron Wild) SUBJECT AGENDA No. 8

Month: August Week from 21 to 26 year 2011 Names: Mariana Villegas: Sending Yeison Piedrahita: Comments Camilo Mueton: Goal Daniela Rivera: Description Katerine Restrepo: Key words DESCRIPTION: The Friday in the class of English were in the audience seeing about acts of each one representing eac h a of the activities as the saddle that was the activity that you play to the group also we a very good act fi rst that all out some all saddles with four students then Yeison and Angie lit some sparks butterfly w hile dancing that tapeworm the silleteros and by last sing and Activity the saddle large that era the shield of the school but large also the of ninth made a dance as sawing of the show but to a of the girls you gave penalty and is term there COMMENT: GOALS: We will achieve to finish very good the term KEY WORDS: Fair: free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fairjudge. Bay: A bay is an area of water mostly surrounded by land. Bays generally have calmer waters than the surrounding sea, due to the surrounding land blocking some waves and often reducing winds. Bays also exist as an inlet in a lake or pond. A large bay may be called a gulf, a sea, a sound, or a bight. A cove is a circular or oval coastal inlet with a narrow entrance; some coves may be referred to as bays. Bays and gulfs were significant in the history of human settlement because they can provide a safe place for fishing. Later they were important in the development of sea trade as the safe anchorage they provide encouraged their selection as ports.[1] Any bay may contain fish and other sea creatures or be adjacent to other bays, for example, James Bay is adjacent to Hudson Bay. Large bays, such as the Bay and the Hudson Bay, have varied marine geology. Saddles: (Individual Sports & Recreations / Horse Training, Riding & Mange) a seat for a rider, usually made of leather, placed on a horse's back and secured with a girth under the belly

Flowers: The reproductive structure of some seed-bearing plants, characteristically having either specialized male or female organs or both male and female organs, such as stamens and a pistil, enclosed in an outer envelope of petals and sepals. Ride: to sit on and control the movements of (a horse or other animal) Walk: (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Physiology) to move along or travel on foot at a moderate rate; advance in such a manner that at least one foot is always on the ground Presentations: a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view; "the presentation of new data"; "he gave the customer a demonstration"

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