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READING WORKSHOP Questions About The Writter 1. Answer the questions below a. What was Lewis Carrolls real name? R/= Lewis Carrolls real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodson b. What did Carroll do to entertain his brothers and sisters? R/= Carroll organized games, created puzzles, and wrote stories, to entertain his three brothers and his seven sisters. c. Why was Carroll a perfect Victorian young man? R/= He was a perfect Victorian young men, because he was very religious, worked very hard, and also didnt drink. d. What did Carroll teach at oxford? R/= Carroll taught mathematics at Oxford e. What was his obsession? R/= His obsession was the photography, that first was a hobby and after became a obsession f. Why were Alices adventures in wonderland and through the looking- Glass different from other childrens book of the period? R/= It books was different from others childrens books because it didnt try to teach children to be good and study hard, it books only amuse them. BEFORE YOU READ 1. Vocabulary Look back at the animals on pages 8 and 9. Which animal is talking? a. No, Im not a mouse. I can fly. (Bat) b. Now I cant fly and Im ugly. But one day Ill be beautiful and fly away! (Caterpillar) c. The king of the birds? Thats me, of course? (Eagle)

d. Im black and white, and I steal bright, beautiful things. (Magpie) e. Quack? Quack and quack! (Duck) f, When winter comes I go to sleep. I wake up in the spring. (Dormouse) g. You cant find creatures like me any more. Were extinct! (Dodo) h. I can talk in real life! Other birds cant! (Parrot) i. I live in the cold arctic seas, but Im not a fish (Walrus) GO BACK TO THE TEXT 1. Comprehension For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer. a. Alice did not like her sisters book because R/= c. It did not have any pictures or conversations b. Alice decided to follow the white rabbit because R/= b. It looked at its watch c. Alice did not go into the garden because R/= a. She was too big to enter the tunnel d. Alice decided to drink from the bottle because R/= d. the word poison was not on it e. When Alice said, Which way? she really meant R/= d. Will I become bigger or smaller? 2. Vocabulary Fill in the missing letters to form nouns from chapter one there are clues to help you. Then find these nouns in the word square. a. This is a large area of water, but it is long and moves RIVER

b. These are foods PINEAPPLE C A K E TURKEY

c. This object holds liquid like water and, sometimes, poison BOTTLE d. These are animals RABBIT MICE

e. Part of jackets, trousers, shirts, etc. It holds things POCKET f. You can find these things in most houses PICTURE g. This tells you the time WATCH L O P C T R A B B I T M Y I X S I E T B T T W S A B X S P O C K E T T T U R K E Y T F C T B R C K B O D E W A W O U U O I B T E R R P U A R C R R T V O K T Y R I T C I K T E T E A F V K E C A E V Y A P L C T E P I H T U R E P I N E A P P L E C A K A R U N D G E M I C E S B O J P KEY CURTAIN


1. Comprehension Answer the questions below a. What happened to Alice when she ate the cake? R/= When Alice ate the cake she became taller. b. What did Alice mean when she said, Youre a big girl now? R/= She meant to say that the big girls dont cry, and she was too big. c. What does Lewis Carroll mean when he says, and this was certainly true! R/= Because Alice was literally a big girl. d. How did Alice first understand that she was small again? R/= She understood that she was small again because she saw a mouse that was taller than she e. What was the pool of salt water? R/= the pool of salt water was Alices tears f. Why did Alice say C and D and not Cats and Dogs? R/= because her friend, the mouse, doesnt like the dogs and cats, and she dont want annoy him g. Why did the birds go away? R/= because Alice mention that her cat, Dinah, was very good catching birds, and the birds get scared. 2. Vocabulary Look at the pictures and say what they are 1. A piece of cake 2. Sky 3. Hair 4. Eight 5. Tail 6. Flight Now use the words to complete the sentences below. The first one is done for you.

a. That dog has a long tail. b. We will be in London for eight days. c. We always spend our summer holidays by the scene d. when is your plane leaving? e. My brother has short Hair. f. Would you like a piece of cake? 3. Homophones There are homophones for all of the words in exercise 2. Can you think of them? Now complete these sentences with the homophone for each word above. The first one is done for you. a. The mouse told the animals a sad tale b. I can seen a magpie and a canary! said Alice. c. Alice was hungry so she ate the cake d. Alices dress was plain and simple e. A hare is similar to a rabbit f. Alice and her sister enjoyed the peace and quiet by the river 4. This joke uses one of the pairs of homophones above. Which is it? Lewis Carroll: Why is six afraid of seven? Alice: I dont know Lewis Carroll: Because seven (./) nine! 5. Comparative and superlative Write a comparative or superlative sentence for each of the following situations. Use one of the adjectives bellow. Tall exciting big friendly interesting Alices Adventures in wonderland has lots of pictures and conversations. This history book has none. Alices Adventures in wonderland is more interesting than this history book. a. The door in wonderland is 15 inches. Alices door is 86 inches - Alices door is 86 inches, taller than Wonderlands door that is 15 inches b. Alice always likes talking to people. The mouse prefers to be alone - Alice always likes talking to people; she is friendlier than the mouse that prefers to be alone. c. A mouse can swim in a in a pool of tears. A hippopotamus cannot

- A hippopotamus cannot swim in a pool of tears as a mouse, because the hippo is bigger than the mouse. d. Yesterday nothing unusual happened. Today Alice is in wonderland! For Alice, today - Today in wonderland everything is more exciting than yesterday that nothing unusual happened. 6. Why isnt curiouser and curiouser good English?? R/=

GO BACK TO THE TEXT 1. Summary Read the summary of chapters one to Three. Write a word in the gap next to each picture (some of the words must be plural). One day Alice fell down a rabbit-hole. At the bottom she saw a long tunnel and many doors. She also saw a glass table with a key on it. She tried to open all the doors, but the key was too big or too small. Finally she found another little door and the key opened it. There was a tunnel and at the end of the tunnel there was a lovely garden. But Alice was too big to enter the tunnel. Then she found a bottle with the words DRINK ME on it. Alice drank it and soon became small. But now she could not reach the key. Then Alice saw a cake and ate it. This time she became too big. Alice began to cry. Then, strangely, she was small again, and she fell into a pool of salt water. The water was her tears! She left the pool and saw the rabbit again. Bring me my glove from my houseit said. When she was inside, Alice drank from a bottle. She became very big. Finally, the rabbit and its servants threw little stones at Alice. They became cakes. Alice ate some of them and became small again. She then ran out of the house and into the forest. Here she saw a mushroom. On top of it there was a caterpillar. 2. Vocabulary Find the odd words out and say why thy do not go with the others in each group. The first one is done for you. a. mouse dog cat canary - Canary is the only bird

b. shoes socks feet gloves - The gloves are the unique that are used in the hands c. water river sea pool - All the other words haves to be with water d. key door window chimney e. sign conversation label book - A sign doesnt contain letters. f. pineapple turkey tart cake - The turkey is a meat, and a salty food g. bats eagles mice canaries - The mice dont fly h. watch minute feet inches - Feet dont contain any number, or measures anything. 3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with one of the odd words out above. a. Alice: why are you outside your house? Rabbit: I lost my key and I cant open the door. b. Are your hands cold? Then put on your gloves c. Alice and her family eat turkey At a Christmas. d. Please can I have a glass of water? e. Alice and the mouse had a strange conversation about nothing. f. Can you tell me the time? My watch does not work. g. Dinah caught two mice today.

GO BACK TO THE TEXT 1. Comprehension For each question, mark the letter next the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. When the caterpillar asked Alice, Who are you? she could not answer because. R/= c. She had became smaller and bigger too many times. 2. Why did Alice say to the caterpillar, Wont you feel strange then? R/= d. She wanted to explain why she felt strange. 3. How did Alice offend the caterpillar? R/= a. She said three inches is a horrible height. 4. Why are little girls and kind of serpent? R/= d. They both eat eggs. 5. Why did Alice eat a piece of mushroom before she went into the house? R/= c. She had to become taller to go in. Lewis Carroll and The Mirror with a Memory 1. Decide if each statement below is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, write A as your answer. If it is incorrect, write B as your answer. 1. When Lewis Carroll began taking pictures, photography was inexpensive and simple R/= B 2. Louis Daguerre invented photography R/= B 3. Lewis Carroll considered photographs mirrors with a memory. R/= A 4. People still admire Lewis Carrolls photographs. R/= A

5. He took photographs a famous people and children. R/= A 6. Children were always nervous when Lewis Carroll photographed them. R/= B GO BACK TO THE TEXT 1. Summary Match the phrases in columns A and B to make true sentences. 1. The fish-servant knocked at the door f. because he wanted to invite the duchess to the croquet game 2. Alice sneezed e. because there was too much pepper in the air 3. The duchess threw the baby at Alice c. because she had to go to the queens croquet game 4. The cat smiled g. because it was a Cheshire cat 5. Alice took the baby away h. because she did not want the cook to kill it 6. Alice put the baby down a. because it became a pig 7. Alice did not want to visit the March hare or the hatter b. because they were mad 8. The Cheshire cat was certain that Alice was mad. i. because she was in wonderland 9. Alice could not go to the croquet game j. Because she did not have an invitation from the queen. 10. Alice ate some more of the mushroom d. because the March hares house was big 2. A story about growing up In about 100-150 words say why Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a book about growing up. What do toy think about Lewis Carrolls descriptions of growing up: does his strange story describe real feelings?

Use the following as model. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is very funny. But it also talks about growing up. Alice is seven and a half years old, and in wonderland she is constantly becoming Big and small. This happens when she drinks from a bottle or eat something. At the beginning of the story she drinks from a bottle and becomes smaller, and after she ate a cake and becomes taller. Alice also discovers that growing up is confusing. The caterpillar asks her a very difficult question: Who are you? The pigeon tries to tell Alice that she was a serpent because she eats eggs. Growing up can also be frightening. The scene with the Duchess and the baby is like a bad dream. At first the baby was a little child that sneezed and then it becomes a pig In my opinion Alices Adventures in Wonderland is the maddest book that I had seen in all my life. 3. Crossword Complete the crossword with words from chapters one to five.

Across 2. The opposite of love. (Hate) 5. You receive this wen you do something bad. (Punishment) 7. The past Simple of run. (Ran) 9. The opposite of sad. (Happy) 11. Appeared, looked. (Seems) 13. Alice says, Mouse, (..) 16. This evening. (Tonight) 17. The singular of mice. (Mouse) 18. A very precious metal. (Gold) Down 1. The day before today (Yesterday) 2. Three inches is a very good (height) 3. The name of our planet. (Wonderland) 4. You write this and send it to somebody. (Letter) 6. The opposite of beautiful. (Ugly) 8. Very attractive. () 10. This bird can talk in the real world. (Parrot) 12. You cry these. (Tears) 14. Alice was () ten inches tall 15. Dont drink this! It will hurt or kill you. (Poison) GO BACK TO THE TEXT 1. Comprehension Fill in the gaps in the questions whit where, what or why, and then answer them. a. Where was the table? R/= the table was under a tree in front of the March hares house b. Why did the March hare say to Alice, you arent polite? R/= because sit down without an invitation like Alice is impolite c. Why didnt the hatters watch work? R/= the hatters watch doesnt work because the march put butter in it. d. According to Alice, What was unusual about the hatters watch?

R/= was unusual that the watch shows the day of the month, but it doesnt shown the hour. e. Why did hatter wake up the dormouse? R/= they woke up the dormouse to listen one of its stories. f. What kind of pictures did the three sisters draw? R/= they made pictures of all different kinds of things, everything that beginning with M. g. Why did Alice become angry with the hatter? R/= She becomes angry because the hatter said to she that dont talk if she doesnt know. h. What was at the end of the short tunnel? R/= at the end of the short tunnel was a beautiful garden with flowers and fountains. 4. Summary Read the summary of chapters Tour to Six and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct word A, B, C or D. Alice came to a mushroom. On the top of the mushroom there was a caterpillar. It did not say anything for a moment. Then it asked Alice a very difficult question: who are you? Alice and the caterpillar did not have a very good conversation, and the caterpillar went away. Alice then ate from one side of the mushroom and became smaller and then she ate from the other side. Unfortunately, her neck grew incredibly long in fact a pigeon thought she was a serpent. Alice then ate another piece of mushroom and became her normal size. Then she saw a house four feet high. So she ate another piece and become nine inches tall. Inside she saw a cook and Duchess. The Duchess held a baby. Next to the Duchess there was a Cheshire cat. Finally the Duchess gave Alice the baby and left to play croquet with the Queen. Alice walked outside with the baby. After a few minutes the baby turned into a pig and ran away. Alice continued to walk and she came to the March hares house. There was a large table outside it. The March hare, the hatter and a dormouse were there. They all talked but the conversation was very strange. Alice became angry and went away.

GO BACK TO THE NEXT 1. Comprehension Answer the questions below. a. How did the Queen solve a problem? R/= She ordered to cut off the heads. b. Why wasnt Alice afraid of the Queen? R/= Alice though that theyre only a pack of cards and that dont frighten her. c. Why didnt Alice enjoy playing croquet with the Queen? R/= Alice doesnt like the croquet because first they have to play with animals, and then everybody is always fighting. d. Why did Alice say about the Queen, shes very good at croquet and Im sure she will win? R/= She said that because the queen was near of she. e. According to the executioner, why couldnt he cut off the cats head? R/= because the cat doesnt have a body. f. According to the king, why could the executioner cut off the cats head? R/= He can cut off the cats head because the cat has head. g. Where was the Duchess? R/= the Duchess was in the prison. 2. Characters Below are some things that characters say in this chapter. Put the words in the right order. Example: a. all of after only pack a theyre cards Theyre only a pack of cards after all.

b. those you why please painting roses are? R/= Why are you painting those roses? c. peoples cutting off here they certainly heads like R/= they certainly like cutting off peoples heads d. the you do queen like? R/= do you like the queen? e. croquet you play can? R/= Can you play croquet? f. my can it it kiss dont I hand but like R/= But it can kiss my hand. I dont like it. h. rose red one white a but we the tree a queen planted wanted R/= we planted a white rose tree, but the queen wanted a red one.

3. Now say which character says the sentence and why that character says it. Alice = A The king = K A gardener = G The Queen= Q The Cheshire = C

1. G.H She/ He/ It explains the strange thing that he is doing. 2. Q.E She/ He/ It is inviting Alice to play. 3. C.D She/ He/ It is having a conversation with Alice. 4. K.F She/ He/ It expresses an opinion about the Cheshire cat. 5. ----------------------6. A.C She/ He/ It is surprised at the Queens violent orders. 7. A.B She/ He/ It wants to know what the gardeners are doing.

4. Vocabulary Find the pairs of opposites in the box. One of each pair is in chapter Seven. a. real = fake b. softly = Severely c. first = Last d. invisible = Visible e. usual = Unusual f. large = Short g. disappear = Appear h. few = Many / Much i. child = Adult j. politely = Impolitely k. alive = Dead l. everybody = nobody GO BACK TO THE NEXT 1. Comprehension For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer- A, B, C or D. 1 Alice knew the names of many things in the court because R/= d. She read about courts in books. 2 The jurors wrote down stupid things because R/= b. Alice said it 3 Who was the first witness? R/= d. The hatter

4 The hatter got very nervous because R/= c. The queen began looking at him. 5 Alice began to push the dormouse because R/= c. She started to grow up. 6 Who was the third witness? R/= d. Alice 2. Nonsense There are many examples of nonsense (ridiculous ideas or behavior) in the trial scene. Complete the sentences below with examples of nonsense. a. The king asks the jury for its veredict at the start of the trial. During the trial he asks the hatter about when he began to drink his tea, and then he tells the jury to write down the dates in that he possibly began the tea. b. The cook comes to the trial carrying a pepper-pot and everybody around her began to sneeze. c. The jurors write down their names because they dont want to forget them before the end of the trial. 3. Synonyms Find the pairs of synonyms in the box. One of each pair is in chapter eight. a. timidly - shyly b. whole - entire c. Believe - think d. Started - Began e. Kinds - Types f. Large - Big g. Terrible - Horrible h. Nearly - Almost I Absurd - Ridiculous j. Extremely Very 4. Topic food Eating and drinking are very important in this book, and in this chapter. The trial is all about tarts!

a. What other kinds of food are mentioned in this book? b. Do you like them? c. Ask your partner these question about her/his eating and drinking habits. What are your favorite foods and drinks? How often do you have them? How often do you eat at home? How often do you eat out? Now prepare a five minute talk about your and your partners eating habits. Remember to bring a picture, illustration of object with you to help you.

GO BACK TO THE NEXT 1. Comprehension Decide if each statement below is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, write A as your answer. If it is incorrect, write B as your answer. 1 Alice knew many things about the tarts. R/= B 2 The king invented Rule Forty two. R/= A 3 At this moment in the story, Alice was one mile high. R/= B 4 The king was not afraid of Alice. R/= B 5 Alice thought that the verdict must come before the sentence. R/= A 6 Alice was afraid of the Queen. R/= B 7 The cards were really dead leaves. R/= A 8 Alices adventures were all just a dream. R/= A 2. Summary Fill in the gaps with the words in the box, and then put the paragraphs of this summary of Chapters Seven to Nine in the right order. The first one is done for you.

a. (3) During the game Alice saw the Cheshire cat. The king saw the cat too, and he wanted somebody to remove it. The Queen wanted the executioner to cut off its head. b. (8) The Queen, of course, shouted, off with her head! But Alice was not afraid. She knew that they were only cards. Just then the cards flew up in the air. Alice screamed and then woke up. It was all a very curious dream! c. (5) The Duchess arrived and she walked around for some time with Alice. Then they heard a voice in the distance. It said, the trial beginning. d. (2) The Queen invited her to play croquet. The mallets were flamingos and the balls were creatures e. (4) But the executioner said this was impossible: the Cheshire cat did not have a body! f. (6) The king was the judge, and the twelve creatures were the jurors. The first two witnesses were the hatter and the cook. Then the white rabbit called Alices name. g. (1) Alice saw three gardeners. She thought, theyre painting those roses. The gardeners explained the situation to her. Just then the Queen of Hearts and her entire court arrived. h. (7)The king asked her about the tarts, but Alice knew nothing at all. The king and Queen then wanted Alice to leave the court. 3. What kind of a dream? In the end, we see that Alices adventures were just a dream. But some people think that this book is like a bad dream. Answer the questions below. a. Do you think Alices Adventures are like real dreams? R/= Yes, because the dreams usually lacks of sense like Alices dream, also it depends of the imagination for that It dont have limits. b. Some people think that Alices Adventures in Wonderland is not a good book for young children because it is too frightening. Which scenes could be frightening for a small child? R/= Maybe when the queen ordered to their soldiers to cut the heads

4. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1 Alice thought that in New Zealand and Australia people R/= b. Walk with their heads pointing down. 2 Dinah was Alices R/= d. Cat 3 Alice said Curiouser and curiouser because R/= b. She was afraid of the white rabbit, and forgot how to speak good English 4 Alice spoke to the mouse in French because R/= d. it did not answer her when she spoke to it in English. 5 The white rabbit did not think Alices gigantic arm was an arm because R/= a. It could not see the rest of Alice 6 Where was the caterpillar? R/= d. on the top of a mushroom 7 What was the caterpillars advice to Alice? R/= a. dont visit the hatter and the March hare 8 The Duchesss cat always smiled because it was a R/= a. Cheshire cat 9 What was the last part of the Cheshire cat to disappear? R/= b. Its smile 10 In the Dormouses story, three sisters made pictures beginning with R/= b. M 11 Alice was not afraid of the Queen of Hearts when she first met her because R/= d. She realized that the queen was a playing card.

12 What was the accusation at the trial of the knave of Hearts? R/= c. He stole the Queen was a playing card. 13 At the trial the hatter could not take off his hat because R/= a. He was too nervous 14 Rule Forty- two said that R/= d. all persons more than mile high must leave the court 15 Alices sister said, when Alice is a woman R/= c. She will tell her children about Wonderland. 2. Vocabulary Match the words (1- 12) to their definitions below (a-1). 1. poison (c) 2. splash (j) 3. hate (h) 4. tale (a) 5. tears (g) 6. key (k) 7. chrysalis (i) 8. pan (d) 9. hare (l) 10. croquet (b) 11. throne (f) 12. dodo (e) a. A story. b. You play this game with mallets and balls. c. A dangerous liquid. d. You cook food in this. e. This large bird is now extinct. f. A king or queen sits on this. g. These come out of your eyes when you cry. h. The opposite of love. i. A caterpillar is this before it becomes a butterfly j. A noise you make when you fall in water. k. You use this to open a door. l. A large rabbit.

The End...

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