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POSTON TTLE: Program Officer - LatIn AmerIca and the CarIbbean (LAC) RegIon
REPORTS TO: RegIonaI AssocIate VIce PresIdent
SUPERVSES: Country RepresentatIvesJSr. Program AssocIates, ThematIc
DATE: September 2011

ProvIde strategIc IeadershIp Ior overaII deveIopment, vIsIbIIIty and scaIIng upJout oI
WorId NeIghbors programs In the LatIna AmerIca and CarIbbean regIon through
processes that strengthen the capacIty oI poor and margInaIIzed ruraI communItIes as
weII as theIr organIzatIons and InstItutIons to meet theIr basIc needs and determIne and
sustaIn an IncIusIve and equItabIe deveIopment process. PartIcIpate In processes that
enabIe WorId NeIghbors achIeve Its mIssIon oI InspIrIng peopIe and strengthenIng
communItIes to IInd IastIng soIutIons to hunger, poverty and dIsease and to promote a
heaIthy envIronment. ThIs posItIon InvoIves traveI wIthIn the LAC regIon.


1. Strategic Leadership Supports strategIc IeadershIp In the regIonaI program through
varIous actIvItIes such as:

a) PartIcIpate In the process oI IormuIatIng WorId NeIghbors gIobaI strategIc pIan.

b) PartIcIpate In IormuIatIng LAC regIonaI strategIc pIans and ensurIng these pIans reIIect
the deveIopment needs, potentIaIs and prIorItIes oI each country by deveIopIng concrete
strategIes Ior program ImpIementatIon.

c) Ensure deveIopment and ImpIementatIon oI strategIes under the methodoIogIcaI
umbreIIa oI IocaI capacIty buIIdIng In aII sectors oI WorId NeIghbors InterventIon,
IncIudIng: sustaInabIe agrIcuIture and ruraI IIveIIhoods (SARL), communIty and
reproductIve heaIth (CRH), communIty based naturaI resources management (C8NRM),
gender, and cIImate change adaptatIon.

d) n coIIaboratIon wIth the Country RepresentatIvesJSr. Program AssocIates and
ThematIc CoordInators, assIst wIth the IdentIIIcatIon oI program prIorItIes and partner
organIzatIons wIth whIch WorId NeIghbors can coIIaborate Ior eIIectIve and eIIIcIent
ImpIementatIon oI deveIopment actIvItIes In IIne wIth WN vIsIon and mIssIon.

2. ProgramJPartnership Management FacIIItate eIIectIve and eIIIcIent management oI
programs and partnershIps through a number oI actIvItIes:

a) n coIIaboratIon wIth Country RepresentatIvesJSr. Program AssocIates and ThematIc
CoordInators ensure the coordInatIon oI program pIannIng, ImpIementatIon, monItorIng,
evaIuatIon and reportIng processes.

b) Keep a dynamIc data base oI the reIevant deveIopment poIIcIes oI the countrIes where
WN currentIy works and where WN may work In the LAC regIon wIth a vIew to IdentIIyIng
areas oI convergence and dIvergence wIth WorId NeIghbors deveIopment phIIosophy.

c) PartIcIpate In the deveIopment and monItorIng oI InnovatIve program InterventIon
strategIes that emphasIze a peopIecentered, hoIIstIc, transparent and accountabIe
approach to communIty deveIopment.

d) Ensure eIIectIve partnershIp management by assIstIng Country RepresentatIvesJSr.
Program AssocIates through InvoIvement In IIeId vIsIts and partnershIp meetIngs. ThIs
management must be based on mutuaIIy agreed upon guIdeIInes and partnershIp
agreement to ensure coherence In WorId NeIghbors partnershIp approach.

e) 8ased on WorId NeIghbors 5stage modeI oI program evoIutIon, assIstJguIde the
Country ManagersJSr. Program AssocIates In monItorIng (based on commonIy deveIoped
IndIcators) the progress oI each programJpartner wIth a vIew to ensurIng graduaI
emergence oI strong, vIabIe, autonomous and seII sustaInIng communItybased

I) CoordInate the desIgn, deveIopment and utIIIzatIon oI tooIs that IacIIItate program
monItorIng and evaIuatIon as weII as documentatIon oI processes and outcomes.
CoIIectIon oI baseIIne InIormatIon and IormuIatIon oI IndIcators are a 8306:,343 Ior
thIs actIvIty.

g) Ensure the emergence oI, partIcIpatIon In and possIbIe management oI Inter
InstItutIonaI Iorums and pIatIorms Ior mutuaI IearnIng and InIIuencIng oI poIIcIes at
varIous IeveIs oI organIzatIon as weII as Ior advocacy purposes.

h) n coordInatIon wIth the RegIonaI ExternaI ReIatIons OIIIcer and country staII, assIst
wIth the compIIatIon oI annuaI regIonaI pIans, reports and the quarterIy reports IncIudIng
donorJIoundatIon specIIIc reports.

I) Where necessary, represent WorId NeIghbors In meetIngs In a manner that reIIects the
organIzatIon`s core vaIues and mIssIon.

. Staff Management Supported, guIde and manage staII to ensure eIIIcIent and
eIIectIve program deIIvery through:

a) Ensure that Country RepresentatIvesJSr. Program AssocIates and ThematIc
CoordInators have posItIon (job) descrIptIons that are used as a basIs Ior reguIar
perIormance monItorIng and may be revIsed Irom tIme to tIme.

b) CuIde, mentor and coach Country RepresentatIvesJSr. Program AssocIates and
ThematIc CoordInators that there Is coIIectIve contrIbutIon to the reaIIzatIon oI the goaIs
oI the annuaI and strategIc pIans.

c) Conduct tImeIy perIormance appraIsaIs oI dIrect reports and use the appraIsaIs Ior
IormuIatIng staII deveIopment strategIes and career growth.

e) Ensure that dIrect reports IormuIate and submIt annuaI work pIans; monItor
perIormance agaInst these pIans.

I) PartIcIpate In the recruItment and orIentatIon processes InvoIvIng new staII.

4. udgeting and Resource Development

a) n coIIaboratIon wIth other reIevant regIonaI staII partIcIpate In the budget process and
preparatIon oI IInancIaI reports based on pIanned and ImpIemented program actIvItIes.

b) ContrIbute to the IormuIatIon oI regIonaI resource deveIopment (Iund raIsIng)
strategIes and the preparatIon oI the annuaI Iund raIsIng pIan Ior the regIon.

c) Meet wIth representatIves Irom peer organIzatIons, IoundatIons, muItIIateraI
organIzatIons, and government mInIstrIesJagencIes, as requIred, to promote WorId
NeIghbors work In the regIon.

. Other

a) PerIorm other dutIes as assIgned by the RegIonaI AssocIate VIce PresIdent.

O exceIIent oraI and wrItten communIcatIon
O proIIcIency In EngIIsh and SpanIsh; proIIcIency In French Is a pIus
O computer Word, ExceI and PowerPoInt
O SupervIsory
O data anaIysIs and documentatIon
O assessmentJevaIuatIon methodoIogIes
O IogIcaI Iramework appIIcatIons
O budget and IInancIaI management
O group IacIIItatIon

O Master`s degree or equIvaIent wIth 3 years oI reIevant experIence
O 8acheIor`s degree or equIvaIent wIth 6 years oI reIevant experIence

O management IeveI experIence workIng wIth NCOs, communIty-based organIzatIons
(C8Os), networks, government agencIes, etc.
O partIcIpatory deveIopment experIence wIth ruraI communItIes
O experIence In 2 oI the IoIIowIng areas: sustaInabIe agrIcuIture, ruraI IIveIIhoods,
communItybased naturaI resource management, communIty heaIth, IocaI capacIty
buIIdIng, gender, cIImate change adaptatIon
O experIence managIng teams

O normaI oIIIce envIronment
O some IIeId traveI to ruraI areas under chaIIengIng cIrcumstances

Note: The above statements are Intended to descrIbe the generaI nature and IeveI oI work
perIormed by an empIoyee In thIs posItIon. These statements are not to be construed as an
exhaustIve IIst oI aII responsIbIIItIes, dutIes and skIIIs requIred oI thIs posItIon.

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