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FOL IN ENGLISH 21 de septiembre de 2010

1. Try to make five sentences with the words given in the boxes. You have to use one word of these boxes at least.

Work need look for- likesign-Do for a living-employwantli lide

Law- RightJob- salaryJustice-Citizenworker- wageemployeeemployerEmployment-

How hardwould- canHow muchHow manyHow longMust-whatShould-



make- havebreak-


NOUNS 2. Which of the three following words is the correct one: a. Unemployment b. desemployment c. inemployment Try to give a definition of the correct term in number two


4. Make a sentence with the correct word of the exercise 2. plus these words: Rate/of/ Spain/ is/higher/U.S.A./U.K./or/than/(2)The/(2)in/that 5. Correct the following sentences writing them properly: a- How many money would you like to earn for a living? (two mistakes) b- How much hours does you work a day? c- How do you gets on wiht yours co-workers? (three mistakes)

M Isabel Prez Ortega

FOL IN ENGLISH 21 de septiembre de 2010

d- How hard are your job? It is repetitive? It is monotonous? (one mistake in each sentence) 6. Link each word with its antonym: A. Just B. Justice C. Injustice D. Unjust 7. Make a list about the places where you can work at. Those places ought to be related to the Hospitality sector. 8. Go to the following website and then answer the questions: (youll need to watch it several times): a. When he first goes into the kitchen, what has he got in his hands? b. It seems as though he had already made the bacon and the coffee so put in order the following sentences: ( you are given the first, the last one and the third one already): 9. He puts his hands in the toaster 1. He turns on the toaster He hits his head He checks the toast He puts his hand in the hot pan and burns it 3. He reads the newspaper for a second He knocks over the coffee pot and burns his foot with the spilled coffee He puts the bacon on the plate He slips and falls on the floor Use the following as a guide to look for the words that you dont understand: 9. In the video you can see several risks. Match the following actions with the appropriate risk found in the video? To pu To put your hand in a hot pan Leaving a hot skillet on the stove Poorly placed toaster Putting wet hands in a toaster
2 M Isabel Prez Ortega

Electrocution Hitting your head Burns Burn food

FOL IN ENGLISH 21 de septiembre de 2010

10. Match the items with the possible hazards Toaster Gas Burner Coffee Pot Wet Floor Spill and Burn Electrocution Burns Fall

M Isabel Prez Ortega

FOL IN ENGLISH 21 de septiembre de 2010

Coloca alfabticamente de arriba a abajo los Temas en castellano en la columna de la izquierda (Casillas azules) y debajo su traduccin (Casillas Verdes). A la derecha de cada tema colocar las tres palabras en castellano vinculadas con l por orden alfabtico (azules) y debajo su traduccin en ingls (verde).



Palabras: Carne, Heart Attack, Bombero, Bread, Carnicero, Pain, Pescado, Gripe,
Fireman, Meat, Flu, Camionero, Butcher, Fish, Color, Infarto, Trucker.

M Isabel Prez Ortega

FOL IN ENGLISH 21 de septiembre de 2010

(FUENTE: PBLICO, pg. 28, del 17 de agosto del 2009).

M Isabel Prez Ortega

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