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Tour Tehuacán

(one day tour)

There is a great variety of tourist zones, both natural and cultural. Between his
architectural attractions the convent and the Church are of Carmen, Tehuacán's
Cathedral, the Church of San Francisco, The Temple of The Calvary and the Cultural
Complex Carmen who shelters several museums.

His more important natural attractions are the springs of Garci-curl, Peñafiel, The
Irrigation and The St Lawrence. An archaeological zone of interest is " The Table " in
San Diego's Auxiliary Meeting Chalma, protected and in progressive discovery for the
INAH, to the east of the city.

For the tourists who please the extreme sports, Tehuacán is an excellent zone to
practise biking of given mountain his orography. The tracks most known to practise
this sport are that of the Calera and the Quarry.

The city has been a headquarters of competitions of Mountain biking statewide and

Another tourist attraction is the food: in autumn the Mole of Hips and the Chiles in
Nogada; besides the muéganos, Tehuacán's traditional sweet, which it is possible to
find in any corner of the center.

In the second fortnight of October there is realized for hundreds of years " The
Slaughter " multitudinous of caprinos whose meat is a raw material for the "Chito",
meat dries of excellent taste and great demand. Very much tourism attracts with the
culinary delights that are prepared by every part of these specially bred and fed
animals in order that they have a very special flavor.

The mountaineering is the discipline

that consists of going of excursion
for the mountains. It is also the set
of technologies, knowledge and
skills that allow us to realize this
aim. The mountaineering is a sport,
but those who realize it estan
convinced that it is great more than
In Tehuacan you can find many
places to practise the
mountaineering, hills exist with
conference wonderful principally
with desert vegetation surrounded
with a great variety of cactus

The photos of the right are of the

coloured hill located in Tehuacan, to
the shores of the city to come you
have to follow the road Tehuacan -
Teotitlan at a height of the curve of
the red mill. 

The interior of Tehuacán's town hall

The municipal palace was a

particular house, which was the
building mas highly of the city.

In 1798, Don Rodrigo Domínguez

of Catches, initiates the
construction of his house in the first
picture of the city, building that was
contemplating ground floor only;
before the negative reaction of the
Franciscan frayles, the builder,
decides to extend his work to the
second floor; in 1804 before the
amazement of the population
tehuacanera and the displeasure of
the Frayles inaugurates: " The
House of the High places ", the first
building of two plants in Tehuacán's
city, nowadays the Municipal
En Catedral existe el único reloj del
tiempo, el cuenta las cuatro
estaciones del año

La Catedral de Tehuacán fué

construida en el siglo XVIII

Las calles de Tehuacán estaban

empedradas por piedra blanca de
cantera en los años de 1942
los portales de Tehuacán, antiguas
casas consistoriales; en el que
observas estuvo el primer cabildo
de indios durante el siglo XVII

Se ubica al pie de la meseta el Riego. A mediados del siglo XVII

poseía un gran caudal, ya que abastecía al extenso terreno de la
hacienda del mismo nombre, la cual colindaba con la Junta Auxiliar
de Santa María Coapan. A la mitad del siglo XIX esta propiedad fue
adquirid por la familia Mont.
Se considera a este manantial como la cuna de la industria
embotelladora en Tehuacán ya que en 1901 el señor Joaquín Pita
instaló la primera fábrica misma que producía dos mil cajas anuales
de agua mineral marca diamante con la ayuda de una máquina de
vapor con motor de 15 caballos de fuerza. Un año después el señor
Pita se asoció con Anacarsis Peralta Requena para producir la
marca Cruz Roja. Esta empresa fue vendida en 1903 al señor
Lucindo Carriles quien a partir de 1924 unió esfuerzos con Joaquín
Córdoba para producir la marca Covadonga. En 1933 este manantial
volvería a industrializar sus aguas bajo la firma de Arturo de la
Llave y Andrés Zaplana, tiempo después la empresa paso a poder de
manantiales de Tehuacán el Riego

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