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; EclipseCrossword (1.2.

57) crossword puzzle

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Title: english crossword
Width: 20
Height: 20
CodePage: 0
Author: fanii
Copyright: © 2011
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* Across words
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BREAKFAST: 6, 11: it's the principal meal of the day
LETTUCE: 11, 8: vegetable which it's very often in a salad
DRINK: 11, 15: vodka it's an alcoholic....
DESSERT: 3, 13: you usualiiy serve it before the main dish
OIL: 16, 6: you use it to fry the food
SMELL: 2, 8: you can....... aromas
SNACK: 3, 6: it's severved when you are waiting for someting or somebody to sp
end the time
SOUP: 3, 3: you usually serve it an the first time of a meal
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* Down words
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TASTE: 14, 8: you can........flavors
BEER: 8, 10: it is an alcohol drink very often in parties
SALT: 13, 5: you use it to give flavor to the food
MILK: 11, 6: which is the principal ingredient in a milkshake?
WAITER: 12, 10: it's a person who serve you the meals in a restaurant
MAIN DISH: 3, 8: fried fish it's a...
WINE: 17, 5: it is a drink and it could be red, pink,or white
SUGAR: 6, 13: it's used to make youre drinks sweat
CAKE: 16, 8: milk,egg,flour,surar.... are ingredients for..?
TURKEY: 9, 13: it's the principal ingredient in the mole poblano
ORANGE: 4, 3: fruit with the name of a colour

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