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§ tehuacan sent about 25 tons of eggs amounting to
320 thousand dollars with a generation of 300
000 jobs and a production of 480
thousand 957 tons of eggs,poultry production
chain is strengthened in the
state of Puebla, said Secretary for Rural
Development, at the start of the 2010
campaign Eggs Puebla,
organized by the PoultryProduct
System Puebla to encourage consumption in the
state and show the quality of this product poblano.
The head of the agency said Puebla took 2nd
place in egg production nationally
§ PATSA is a 100% Mexican company founded 21
years ago in the city of Tehuacan, Puebla.
is the first and only company
in Mexico thatfeeds its chickens only 100% vegetable
§ Purified Beverage Tehuacan is a
company dedicated to
the production and marketingof natural
water and flavored mineral water for 25 years,
using spring water fromTehuacán meeting the highest
standards of quality.
Through its distributors Beverages Purified Tehuacan is
on the production,distribution, marketing and sale of
soft drinks, water and pasteurized
beverages to meetcustomer needs and create
value for its shareholders, employees and other key
audiences as
one of consolidating refresqueras organizations more
efficient and profitable in the country.
6 eansµ
§ The main natural resource is water Tehuacan. His
reputation as the capital of mineralwater has
transcended the borders. What once was
intended to make soft drinks, is now being used to
wash denim. The vital resource is scarce now from
overuse. Pollutionfrom the maquiladoras jeans
To be in fashion, denim is not just cut and sewn, is also
subjected to various processesfor
aging. "The processes for denim wear and
landslides are very laborious and use somuch water and
not allowed in the U.S.A.
6Baby shoes
§ Local entrepreneurs produce 8.2 million pairs of shoes
a year, exports generatedrevenues of $ 60
million annually
The volume of production of shoes Tehuacán between
20 and 25 thousand pairs perday,
making the city one of the largest footwear producers in
the state mentionedHuitrón Ruben Esquivel, vice
president of the National Chamber
of IndustryTransformation (Canacintra).
Footwear production in Tehuacán is 8.2 million pairs
per year, due to the number of
orders that are from October and November 2007, thes
e applications will be deliveredin une this year, it also
caused a rise in domestic exports, generating revenues
of 60 million pesos annually.
§ However, production has also been affected
by the country's economic
problems andthe recession in the United States, "in
some way affects export jobs because we
havesome duty to the American Union we
send shoes, and before that manufacturers can
nothide, "he said.

The main market

for distribution of footwear made  in Tehuacán is
destined for Central America countries such as
Honduras, Panama, El
Salvador and Nicaragua. The average cost of
shoes made  in the city is about 82 pesos to 40
pesos each child, selectfootwear (school) is priced
at 90 pesos and lady's slipper reaches 100 dollars a

Õarlic is considered one of healing plants more
important. In recent years, he has been
giving much more importance and spreading of
this plant. This helps prevent respiratory
diseases, eliminate parasites
§ Õarlic is a vegetable whose bulb is commonly used in
Mediterranean cuisine. Flavor isstrong, especially
in oil and slightly spicy. The most common
variety is Allium sativum.Comes from
the family of the lilac and the order of Liliifloras.
the crafts include the mud of the Kings Metzontla, onyx
and marble fromTehuacán, textiles and
embroidery of San Õabriel Chilac where designs are bas
on the flora and fauna, palm and straw rig also works in
several populationsdela region.
§ Îolcanic in origin, caused by accumulation of volcanic
gases. It is mainly used in jewelryand decorative items,
for its attractive green tones, and the quality of its polish.

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