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tipos de mole

Ingredients and

Orginalidad y sazón
Existen cerca de 300 tipos de mole,
cada uno con su sabor y sazón
propios, en múltiples variedades,
como el mole poblano, el negro, el
rojo, el amarillo y el verde.
Los pueblos prehispánicos
utilizaban los moles en platillos
cuyos principales ingredientes
eran el pavo mexicano, también
llamado guajolote (huaxolotl),
pescado, frijol y nopales, entre
otros. Durante la Colonia se
convirtió en un platillo mestizo
con la adición de ingredientes Camarillo Carrera Fernanda
traídos por los españoles, como
la canela, el clavo, la pimenta y 3ª D
la almendra, dando lugar a
algunas de las salsas que hoy
Turno matutino
conocemos con ese nombre. English work
Actualmente se cocina
también con pollo o carne de
Tel.: (555) 555 55 55
cerdo, dependiendo de la
variedad de que se trate.
pasilla chilies
Mole poblano contains about
mulato chilies
Mole poblano is the best twenty ingredients, including chili
ancho chilies
known of all mole varieties peppers and chocolate, which almonds
and has been ranked as works to tame the heat of the chili onions
number one of "typical" peppers. But it is not a chocolate tomatoesi
Mexican dishes. It has also sauce per se as it is just one of seedless raisins
been called the "national dish" the many ingredients and does sesame seeds
of Mexico. The state of Puebla not dominate. It helps give the tortilla, broken in small pieces
is identified with mole poblano sauce its dark color, but this is garlic
and the dish is named after also done by the mulato chili ground cinnamon
peppers as well. This sauce is ground cloves
most often served over turkey at ground coriander seeds
weddings and at Christmas in the anise seeds
states. Another time when the salt
sauce is prominent is Cinco de black pepper
Mayo. While this holiday is not lard
celebrated much in the rest of chicken
Mexico, it is a major celebration in chocolate
Puebla. sesame seeds

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