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Past simple of regular verbs

1. Write the past simple forms of these verbs. Put them in the correct list.

Love → _________ Tidy → _________ Smile → _________

Help → _________ Taste → _________ Talk → _________
Live → _________ Arrive → _________ Visit → _________
Watch → _________ Play → _________ Study → _________
Try → _________ Listen → _________ Walk → _________

-d -ed -ied
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________

2. Write sentences with the following verbs.

(wash) _______________________________________________________

(clean) _______________________________________________________

(paint) _______________________________________________________

(cook) _______________________________________________________

(play) _______________________________________________________

3. Write in the right order.

film / I / yesterday / a / watched → ___________________________________

a / with / to / He / a / listened / friend / CD → ___________________________

London / month / They / last / visited → _________________________________

two / lived / ago / in / she / years / New York → ___________________________

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