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Abducted by Aliens

Or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and

My Mother (a True Story)
by Chuck Weiss

Available as a FREE e-Book at

368 Pages, Color Photos & Fully Indexed
Contact Chuck at

173: The Research of Melinda Leslie - Summary and

In this last series of posts, I reprinted an outline of the ground-breaking research of Melinda Leslie, a
brave woman who investigates the “re-abduction” of ET Abductee/Experiencers by an arm of the
intelligence community. I’ll wrap this up by summarizing her main points and providing my final

Melinda begins her presentation with some statistics about Alien Abduction. UFO researchers believe
that up to 15 percent of the world’s population may be involved in the abduction phenomenon. That’s
over one billion people! She also confirms that ET abductions are generational, and has one case that
goes back at least five generations to the 1800s, when a great, great, grandmother wrote about her

Melinda’s major thesis is that an arm of our secret government, is “re-abducting” ET

Abductee/Experiencers in an ongoing effort to learn what it can about ET technology and how to use it.
Although various military personnel are seen working in these covert operations, she asserts that there is
an elite group within the intelligence community that’s actually in control. (I’ve always called this
group “Majestic,” referring to the original Majestic 12 Committee formed by President Truman to
investigate the crash of an ET craft (or two) near Roswell, New Mexico.)

Just as ET abductions are generational, Melinda has discovered that the military “re-abductions” of
Abductee/Experiencers can also involve their children, and in some cases their parents as well. This
interest in “family connections” seems to correspond with Majestic’s interest in the personal genetics of
abductees. Melinda reminds us that it has long been understood that genetics is a major factor in ET
abductions, as evidenced by the creation of ET-Human hybrids, so it’s quite natural that Majestic would
follow that same line of research. (Again, “Majestic” is my term, not Melinda’s.)

Of course it’s all done in the name of National Security, which Melinda believes justifies their goals, if
not their means to achieve them. Those goals include not only the “reverse-engineering” of ET
technology (we’ve all heard about Area 51), but also of the abductees themselves. It is we
Abductee/Experiencers who hold the key to the puzzle that is the UFO enigma. Majestic wants to know
how to fully use and manipulate the ET technology that they’ve back engineered and they’re trying to
find that out from us.

Many Abductee/Experiencers have been taught by their ETs how to fly the disks (“fast walkers”),
navigate in space, and do many of the things that the ETs do. As Melinda put it, “. . . reverse
engineering the abductee is more about having personnel that are able to do what abductees are able to
do.” Majestic wants to know what we’ve been taught, so that it can be taught to others.

To achieve that end, the military (or more fairly, a covert arm of the military that works closely with
Majestic) will “re-abduct” Abductee/Experiencers to debrief them. Normally, under hypnosis a person
can’t be made to do anything they don’t want to do. This is true, except when certain “truth” drugs are
administered along with the hypnosis. Then the natural defenses of the subconscious mind are breeched
and the subject can be made to cooperate.

Melinda believes there is even evidence that some Abductee/Experiencers have had their personalities
split in two, creating a “double agent” with one willing to share what he learns from the ETs with his
human masters. Some of these hapless individuals (and I think I might be one of them) have even been
seen teaching what they know to Majestic’s UFO pilots.

Melinda lists 19 other counties in which covert-ops involvement has been documented, including such
far flung places as the Marshal Islands in Micronesia, Saudi Arabia, and both Russia and China. Often
US personnel are seen working with the military or intelligence agents from the country where the
experience occurred.

She also itemized some of the things that are done to Abductee/Experiencers when Majestic visits, many
of which I have also experienced. These include hypnosis with drugs administrated (I have on several
occasions woken up feeling drugged, so much so that I couldn’t go to work.), being roughed up or
physically abused (I have to wear knee braces when I sleep or else I risk them being wrenched by
Majestic’s thugs when they roust me out of bed), medical procedures including surgery (I’ve written
about my unexplained scars, including one on the back of my neck that suggest brain surgery), and
implants being removed or inserted (Majestic removed my nasal implant on November 27, 1994 and
later inserted an implant of their own over my left temple).

But what specifically is Majestic looking for? According to Melinda, Majestic has been searching for a
way to interface with the ET technology that they’ve back engineered. It was realized early on that
some sort of paranormal mental activity was involved, and some Abductee/Experiencers report being
tested for psi ability when describing their experiences with Majestic’s operatives.

This “mental interface”, the psychic control of technical systems, evidently includes a genetic
component. It seems that a certain mix of DNA is also required to operate ET technology. This of
course would be another reason for Majestic’s interest in the genetic makeup of Abductee/Experiencers,
many of whom have been taught to fly UFOs.

Melinda describes how the prominent UFO researches with whom she has spoken, by and large shy
away from the subject of re-abductions by humans. She feels that their reluctance to embrace this new
area of research is counter productive, in that the mere fact that there is a covert intelligence-gathering
program in place specifically for use against UFO abductees is strong evidence for the reality of the
Alien Abduction phenomenon itself. Why spend all that time and money debriefing abductees if their
UFO experiences aren’t real?

Melinda does acknowledge that her work builds upon what has been done by a small number of other
researchers in this area. For those who want to start their own inquiry into “Re-Abductions” (RE-ABS)
or “Military Abductions” (MILABS), as they are called, here are the names of the researchers she
quotes, along with a link to begin your search for answers.
Helmut and Marion Lammer
Dr. Karla Turner, deceased
Shawn Atlanti
Joe Montaldo
Kay Wilson

And now for my comments . . .

Much of Melinda’s research about Majestic is not new to me, but it was good to see it in writing from a
real researcher who gleaned her information from an active caseload of Abductee/Experiencers. There
were some surprises, though.

Perhaps the most disturbing part of Melinda’s research to me personally was when she described how
some Abductee/Experiencers have had their personalities split in two, so as to create one that is in their
control. My own research shows that the procedure was likely developed by the CIA and then deployed
in the field against some Soviet spies captured during the cold war. After their personalities were split,
those spies were released back into the field to continue their clandestine activities unknowingly as a
double agent. Now Majestic is evidently doing the same thing to Abductee/Experiencers. I say that it
was disturbing to me personally because of an incident (described in posts 132 and 133) where I
discovered, quite by accident, that I am programmed to get out of bed at night and let Majestic’s agents
in through the door. When I remembered the incident, I was filled with a strong feeling of deference for
the people waiting to be let in.

The idea of being made to dance like a puppet on a string for the very people I despise is discouraging to
say the least. It is through my writing, though, that I can best fight back. Harold’s ETs once called me a
“word warrior,” a title that I wear proudly. I’m currently searching for a hypnotherapist who will help
me learn more about my “other” self, but I have no money and it would have to be “pro bono,” for no

And, in what I believe to be an historic “Ah Ha!!!” moment, after reading Melinda’s description of what
certain abductees said about how they used ET technology I was able to determine just what the Mental
Interface is that Majestic is searching for! I described it fully in blog #174, part 8 of this series of posts.
My explanation is too intertwined with Melinda’s presentation for me to describe it here, but it’s a must
read for anyone who wants to know, and my interpretation must be correct because Majestic told me it
was (or so it seems).

Shortly after I posted blog #174, Majestic “visited” me and roughed me up, reinjuring my left thumb.
They also left a message. My copy of Melinda’s presentation in outline form, which I’ve reproduced
here on this blog, had been taken down from where it had hung on a nail high above my desk (where my
cats can’t reach) and was placed carefully on the floor at the foot of my chair. It was put where I
couldn’t help but immediately notice it, and the fact that they had used Melinda’s outline to tell me that
they had been here was meant to convey just why they are upset with me. Although the physical
evidence of Majestic’s abuse is unmistakable, the ETs suppress my memories of Majestic’s harassment
to protect me psychologically. Majestic has to resort to this kind of communication to get their point
across to my resistant personality. (The most striking example of the psychological protection I receive
from my ET friends was described in the chapter of my book1 titled, “Rape the Ultimate Harassment,”
and reprinted here as blog post #96.)

It’s rare that Majestic will visit me more than once a week, but this week they’ve come three times.
After Monday night’s visit they came again the following night, and again just last night. (I must have
struck a nerve with what I’ve written about Melinda’s research.) Each time they come they move
something that I’ll immediately see when I wake up. They want me to know that they’ve been here,
even if the ETs suppress my memory of their harassment and torture. For years I’ve documented the
nasty things that Majestic has done to me. It’s reassuring to know that I’m not alone in this. Thank you,

I invite anyone who thinks that they might have been re-abducted by human operatives to leave a
comment on this blog. Someone hacked this website (guess who I suspect) and redirected the regular
comments link to a non-existent page. Instead, send me an email at, and I’ll post it to the Comments page on the sidebar of this blog.

Abducted by Aliens, or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and
My Mother (a True Story) is available as a free E-book at this website. See the sidebar, under “The
Other Stuff.”


LINKS (Cut and paste into your browser.)

Lammer =
Turner =
Atlanti =
Montaldo =
Wilson = and

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