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Abducted by Aliens

Or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and

My Mother (a True Story)
by Chuck Weiss

Available as a FREE e-Book at

368 Pages, Color Photos & Fully Indexed
Contact Chuck at

170: The Research of Melinda Leslie: Part 8

In this series of posts, I present the ground-breaking research of Melinda Leslie, a brave woman who
investigates what she calls the re-abductions of ET abductees by a secret arm of our intelligence
community. She’s written a comprehensive presentation of her work that she gives at UFO conventions
around the country, and she has given me permission to republish it here in its entirety. (It’s also
available at her website for a modest fee.) Because Melinda’s work touches on so much of what I’ve
experienced directly, and on what has been communicated to me by Harold’s chorus of Grays, I’ve also
added my comments that appear below her text in bold-italic type. Ms. Leslie has not reviewed my
comments and they do not necessarily reflect her views.
Reprinted From:
“The Covert-Ops’ Reverse-Engineering
of Extraterrestrial Abductees”
© 2010 Melinda Leslie

How do they know who’s an Abductee?

• Leah Haley was picked up by the military in a field right after being dropped off there by aliens after
an abduction. So . . .
• Obviously they must be monitoring the abductee and/or the ETs to know when the abductees have
been taken.
• If you are public, lecture, have written a book, been on TV or radio, or speak about it on the phone
then they might know you are an abductee, but what if you’ve never told anybody, how then did they
find out? Is there a way they know tha tit has just happened?
• Some possible ways the covert-ops could know:
– The DSP spy satellite research as presented by Ron Regher where “fast walkers” are tracked.
Some satellites may exist specifically for monitoring the coming and going of ET craft.
– Space shuttle missions film footage (i.e. STS 48, 75, 80, etc.) of possible UFOs also suggests
they are regularly aware of ET craft movements. Is all UFO craft movement monitored?
What Do They Want?
1) My Original 3-Part Theory
• Keeping up with the Jones’s
• Military has interaction with the ETs, but spies on them to keep them honest and learn
what technology they may not be sharing.
• Or, the military does not have interaction so they spy on the ETs to learn everything
they can about them?
2) The Vance Davis theory of what they want to find out?
• What are the limits to the ET’s technology?
• Do the ETs have control?
• Are the ETs capable of caring out their threats?
• [What threats? – CW]
• Can we match and/or overcome their technology?

What Do They Want? Mental Interface

3) The Quest for Mental Interface
Psi + mc2 + R&D = MJ12 (The New Formula for Cover-up)
• Randy Koppang’s and my ongoing research as a result of interviews with individuals once
involved in the government’s psi research program.
• Our research suggests that ufology may be a “closed information loop” (quoting one) due to
a National Security pursuit of psi endeavors, such as remote viewing, interfacing with black
project UFO reverse-engineering.
• The result of this interface produced a possible control group which “answered to the highest
level,” “planed and set policy” for addressing the UFO issue, was associated with the UFO
research community, and may have guided the direction of cutting edge military-aerospace
research & development.
• How does it help explain why a military interest in abductees?

Research scientist Ed May, who was with the SRI Remote Viewing program from the early 1980s and
later went on to do psi research for the Defense Intelligence agency, worked for Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC) from 1992 to 1994. SAIC is a private corporation located in San
Diego where remote viewing and parapsychology research was continued after SRI lost its government
funding. Mr. May issued a memo in 1995 that discussed SAIC programs on possible psychic remote
control of technical systems.

Former Air Force Communications Officer, Dan Sherman’s book Above Black describes a training
program alonog the same lines, with similar stated goals. Dan Sherman also claims to have had a
telepathic relationship with a typical “gray,” which was involved in the project as well.
[Again, I was told by Harold’s Grays that any ETs seen working with the government or military are
clones, created using DNA from bodies recovered from downed UFOs. We are at war with the ETs
and shoot down their flying craft at every opportunity. The real Grays are NOT working for
Majestic. – CW]

Also, it should be noted that Dan Sherman claims tha this being recruited for this position also had
something to do with his having a needed genetic component. This also matches with abdutees’ claims
of ot only the ETs, but also the military having an interest in their genetics. This leads me to wonder if
this is also one of the reasons the military is re-abducting abductees. Are they [also] looking for a
genetic component to this “mental interface” equation?
Bill Uhouse, who claims to have designed the electrical system for flight simulators at Area 51, for the
purpose of training pilots how to fly disks, told me tha he had been approached and questioned by some
of the very same Working Group members from Randy’s and my research.

They left him a paper he couldn’t understand, regarding remote viewing and other paranormal things.
He said they wanted to know bout the pilots training on these simulators and their reaction time, their
abilities while in that environment and their ability to control the flight mechanisms.

Bill told me that some pilots had gone through a certain amount of highly specialized paranormal
training. He, himself, had been in one of these simulators when it was turned on and found it very
disorienting. Bill told me that the pilot’s reaction time far exceeded his own due [to] their having some
kind of advanced mental training.

The thesis of William Birnes and Colonel Philip Corso’s book The Day After Roswell is well known.
The debris scattered in a field on July 3, 1947 was indeed extraterrestrial, and was used to sed
technology at the highest level of private industry over the next few decades. One aspect Corso
emphasized was that the Roswell UFO was controlled by a non-physical interface between the craft and

When questioned by his co-author Bill Birnes, on my behalf, Corso said that early on in the examination
of the debris they had questions about the alien technology; specifically, the headpiece the aliens wore.
They wanted to know if this helped the aliens interface with the ship. Someone suggested that the
researchers at SRI (i.e. the remote viewers) might have some answers. Corso was then sent to SRI and
that’s how he is involvement with the remote viewers came about.

Some members of the Working Group told me their purpose was to plan and set policy on the UFO
issue. Corso said, “We were central to keeping a lid on this stuff,” “to remote view for technology
interface information” and “it was to get all to play ball together.” With Corso’s involvement there
became a link suggesting that these people and groups intertwined for the purpose of back-engineering
the crash debris and understanding this “mental interface” component.

Members of this Working Group ended up with leading positions in military and aerospace research and
development where many still are today. And they just happen to be the same guys who started the psI
program? Is there a connection?
• To better understand the relationship between psi research, reverse engineering, and a desire for
“mental interface” let’s go back to the abductees for a moment.
– In the covert-ops experiences the interrogators always seem interested in the technology and
propulsion of the ET craft. They want to know what the abductee was shown or told by the ETs
about the technology. If they ever had any hands-on experience like navigating the ship or
flying it, and if the aliens described or showed them the craft’s flight mechanisms.
– Also they have an interest in if the abductee has demonstrated any psi ability, like remote
viewing, and if this was used by them when they were shown the technology by the ETs. Some
abductees also report being tested for psi abilities in their covert-ops experiences.
– Many abductees claim that when the ETs show them technology, they seem to have to
remote view, visualize or connect with it mentally in an “energy sense.”
[Hold that thought! I’ll have something very important to say about visualization (or
imaging) and the Mental Interface in just a minute. Read on! – CW]

• For Example:
– As quoted by one of my cases (who had no idea that what she was about to tell me was ever said
by another abductee or had any idea about my research):
• “I drove a ship – I flew it”
• “The ships can be run by emotion”
[“Visualization” and “emotion,” two out of the four . . .
• “The ship runs on belief!”
. . . plus “belief.” That makes three. Keep reading. – CW]
• “All things on the ship are connected to one”
• “The technology of the ship is all mind over matter”
– And from one of Helmut Lammer’s cases:
• The being was telepathically instructing her how to maneuver around objects while
navigating. The Gray told her that the craft could “sense” objects and maneuver around them.
Each of the following quotes are from different abductees:
Abductees are being shown technology by the ETs
“I willed the ship with thought”
[Add “will” and that makes four out of four! I’ll explain in a minute. – CW]
“The ship is alive, you just think it”
“The ship did what I though. I did it with feeling, like it was alive.

[When I first read this section, I nearly fell out of my chair! There it was . . . “visualization,”
“emotion,” “belief” and “will.” I KNOW WHAT THE MENTAL INTERFACE IS!

Let me elucidate.

I wrote in my book, Abducted by Aliens, and on this blog that I chose to express my personal
spirituality not through any organized religion, but by practicing Ritual Magick.1 I’m pretty good at it
and even teach it to select students. One of the basic concepts of magick that I teach is what I call its
“four pillars.” The Four Pillars of Magick are aspects of the mind that can, when brought together
in the Magician, create a state whereby his or her strength of will can exert “mind over matter.”

I refer to the Four Pillars by an acronym I created . . . DEBI

D = “Desire” (Again, the Magician’s strength of will. He or she must really WANT to do it.)
E = “Emotion” (Strong emotion is the fuel that powers the interface.)
B = “Belief” (The Magician must really believe that DEBI works.)
I = “Imaging” (Another word for “Visualization.” The Magician holds an image of the desired effect
in his or her mind.)

The Mental Interface for ET technology is . . . MAGICK!

Whenever my fellow Magicians and I conduct a magick ritual, we will see a Gray standing in
attendance, just outside the circle. When Harold asked his chorus as to why, they told him it’s
because when we perform our rituals we “create a bubble in time.” The implication was that they do
the same.

All indigenous peoples say that they were taught magick by their gods. Now we know why. Magick is
the foundation of all their technology and they gave us the basic tools we would need to eventually
develop our own. Unfortunately we didn’t utilize the gift they gave us. Instead, we chose to ignore
what we couldn’t see, hear, touch, taste, or smell and concretized ourselves in the material world.
Those same “gods” have now returned, and we can’t figure out how they do what they do because we
forgot what they taught us.

I think it was Carl Sagan who said that even if it were but a hundred or so years in advance or ours,
ET technology would seem as magic to us.
He didn’t know how right he was.

(To be continued)

When the word “magic” is spelled with a “k” at the end, it’s meant to denote a reality- bending event,
as opposed to card tricks and the pulling of rabbits out of hats.

LINKS (Cut and paste into your browser.)
website =
Regher =
48 =
75 =
80 =
Davis =
Koppang =
May =
Uhouse =
Birnes =
Corco =
Lammer =

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