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Abducted by Aliens

Or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and

My Mother (a True Story)
by Chuck Weiss

Available as a FREE e-Book at

368 Pages, Color Photos & Fully Indexed
Contact Chuck at

165: The Research of Melinda Leslie: Part 3

In this series of posts, I present the ground-breaking research of Melinda Leslie, a brave woman who
investigates what she calls the re-abductions of ET abductees by a secret arm of our intelligence
community. She’s written a comprehensive presentation of her work that she gives at UFO conventions
around the country, and she has given me permission to republish it here in its entirety. (It’s also
available at her website for a modest fee.) Because Melinda’s work touches on so much of what I’ve
experienced directly, and on what has been communicated to me by Harold’s chorus of Grays, I’ve also
added my comments that appear below her text in bold-italic type. Ms. Leslie has not reviewed my
comments and they do not necessarily reflect her views.

Reprinted From:
“The Covert-Ops’ Reverse-Engineering
of Extraterrestrial Abductees”
© 2010 Melinda Leslie

It’s Not the Military!

For starters, this isn’t your usual “military” that’s doing this!
• If abductions are real and happening anywhere near the scale suggested by the abduction
researchers, and therefore more than likely a matter of National Security (or because of perceptions
similar to that of Dave Jacob’s “threat” theory), then of course the intelligence community would
be interested in the abductees.
[The intelligence community became officially “interested” in anything UFO related, including
abductions, when the CIA took control of the gathering all UFO related information in the mid
1950s. Up until then the Air Force had that responsibility. – CW]
• These may be covert intelligence agencies and not the military, or at least a very covert “black
world” aspect of the military.
[Majestic resides at the very center of the CIA, which is the Mother of all intelligence agencies,
worldwide. The U.S. intelligence agencies created afterwards, including the NSA and Home Land
Security, serve to insulate the CIA (especially the inner core) and its black ops projects from any real
scrutiny. It also allows the CIA to use outside resources, including other intelligence agencies and
special units in the military, to carry out their grunt work. I also know from personal experience that
much of the surveillance of Abductee/Experiencers is farmed out to “subcontractors” such as the
Italian Mafia, with which they have a longstanding relationship. – CW]
• I am not slamming the military! Or, in the words of fellow researcher Helmut Lammer; “I do not
mean the whole US military community, I mean only a small covert task force which is in the ‘need
to know’ and operates in an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP), financed by a black
budget. Therefore, I am not against the whole military and related agencies, but I think that the
public has the right to know what is going on in USAPs.”
• Before I move forward, I want to be very clear that my research data does not in any way point to a
military in-lieu-of ET abduction thesis, but quite the contrary there is a military and/or intelligence
community involvement because of ET experiences! Covert-ops involvement because of ET
experiences! Covert-ops involvement exists because ET abductions are absolutely real and that is
the only reason these agencies have any interest whatsoever in abductees!
[Melinda is referring to a faction of the conspiracy community that regards ALL ET abductions
as being screen memories created by the CIA to hide their own mind control experiments. Screen
memories undoubtedly are created by Majestic in some cases, probably to confuse the target as to
who is doing what to whom. Respected conspiracy researcher Jim Keith discovered evidence that,
at least in one case, children in rubber Gray costumes were used by black ops agents to create a
false ET abduction memory. – CW]
• And, their interest in abductees is predominately in what they may know regarding the ETs’ motives
and what they know about ET technology.
[Even if the Abductee/Experiencer turns out to know nothing of such things, Majestic would still
feel the need to control anyone in contact with ETs. – CW]

It’s Not the Military! (except for when it is . . .)

“Military on Military” cases involve ET abductees who’ve joined the military and then have
military reabductions while they are serving:
• Niara Isley – 3 months missing time and used in ET communication
• Bruce Coe – 3 weeks missing time and used in ET communication
• Ray Muntz – 2 years missing time and used in ET communication
• Dan Sherman – used consciously in ET communication role
• Larry Warren – missing time experience as part of his involvement in the Brentwaters story and
subsequent covert-ops involvement as well
• John Vasquez – abduction during ET related event and subsequently
• Vance Davis – missing time and used for ET information
• Andrew – abduction during ET related operation
• James Bartley – abduction during ET related operation
• Female (unnamed) – abduction during ET related operation
• Alison N. & Military family member – abducted from multiple bases
Who All are Doing This?
Covert-ops experiences happen internationally
International cases often involve military and intelligence personnel from the country where the
experience occurred, US military & US agents. Often US personnel are seen in conjunction with foreign
personel. The international cases I am currently aware of:
• UK (England & Scotland) – 19
• France – 4
• Germany – 3
• Italy – 4 also with French military
• Saudi Arabia – 1
• Iran – 3 – US military with subcontractors in all 3 cases
• Marshal Islands, Micronesia – 1
• Indonesia – 2
• Australia – 16
• Peru – 2
• Puerto Rico – 2
• China – 2
• Russia – 3
• Munich, West Germany 1
• India – 6
• Canada 9
• Mexico – 9

What Happens to the Abductees?

• Being watched or being followed and home or work place under surveillance
[Been there, done that. See posts . . .
#54 “A Sinister Turn of Events & Eleven Years of Silence.”
#61 “Surveillance & Monthly Break-Ins.”
#62 “My TV is Watching Me!”
#63 “The Second Camera.”
#92 “Discovered My Tail.”
#93 “Outed the Mole.”
Then click read my report of an incident in 2006, called “Under Scrutiny.” – CW]
• Black helicopter surveillance or harassment
[Ditto, although in my case it was a white drone helicopter (See post #134 “Followed by a
Helicopter.”) – CW]
• Threats made to the abductee, their family or friends
[No, thank God. – CW]
• Phone interruptions and harassing, intimidating or even threatening phone calls
[Early on there were phone problems. – CW]
• Email and/or snail mail tampering and computer hacking
[From my book, Abducted by Aiens . . .
Read from my journal “Red, Itchy Eyes & Evidence of Computer Tampering,”
Then read “Waking Up Drugged with Majestic in My Computer.” – CW]
• In person direct face-to-face confrontations and warnings, and MIB “Men in Black” experiences.
[In my case it was a BIB, a “Blond in Black. See post #95 “The Missing Pillowcase & the
Beautiful Blond.” – CW]
• Illegal break-ins to property, i.e. homes or vehicles
[Routinely. See post #61 “Surveillance & Monthly Break-Ins.” – CW]
• Underground bases visited with advanced technology seen
[Quite probably, given what I’ve learned of my personal situation. (See posts #136 & #137
“An Unsettling Discovery.”) I don’t have any conscious memory of my nocturnal visitors,
though, Majestic agents or ETs. The one exception is that night in 1994 when I saw two Grays
materialize in my apartment (post #39 I Saw Them!!!). Without resorting to hypnosis, which
I’m considering doing, I have no way of really knowing. – CW]
• Abductions by ETs with human military personnel present or being “handed over” by ETs to
military personnel
• Abductions by human military with ETs present
• Abductions by human military only without ETs present
• Mind control procedures with intimidation, fear inducement, hypnosis, and drugs administered
[Oh ya! See posts . . .
#72 “The Physical Evidence - Puncture Marks.”
#94 “Blood & Guts in the Shower.”
#153 “Trying to Blog While Feeling Drugged.” – CW]
• Being “roughed up” or physically abused
[Much of the time. In fact, it’s a way I can tell them apart, visits by my ETs vs. those of
Majestic. I have to wear knee braces to bed because they’re “wrenched” in the middle of the
night if I don’t. Recently my left thumb was damaged in the same fashion. I have to wear a
wrist brace now to immobilize it, until that heals. – CW]
• Medical and genetic procedures, exploratory surgery, removal of possible alien fetuses, and possible
cloning experiments
[Yes . . .
See photos of my second scoop mark. When I received the first one, I was unemployed and
didn’t have the money to buy a camera.
Also read post #144 about my third “A New Scoop Mark with Photos.”
Then refer to posts #4 “Audio Hallucinations, a Troubling Scar & Crystallized Blood” and
post #77 “I Don't Remember Having Brain Surgery” for evidence of my unexplained surgeries.
– CW]
• Implants being removed or inserted by humans
[I described my government implant in post #77 “I Don't Remember Having Brain Surgery.” –
• Testing and demonstration of psychic or paranormal abilities
[Again, without resorting to hypnosis, I wouldn’t know. – CW]
• Involvement by intelligence “insiders” in the personal life of the abductee
[I’ve heard of this happening surreptitiously. As a result, I’m always cautious at first
whenever someone new comes into my life. Let me take this opportunity to say something
about people who confess to having PAST connections with the intelligence community. My
step-father (my parents divorced and mother remarried) served in the Marine Corp. during
WW II and whenever someone would refer to him as an “ex-Marine” he would correct them
saying, “There is no such thing as an ex-Marine. Once you’ve gone through the training,
you’re always a Marine.” I believe the same holds true with the various intelligence services.
Once trained as a spook, it becomes a lifetime career. They can retire, but they can’t quit . . .
much like the mafia. – CW]

(To be continued)


LINKS (Cut and paste into your browser.)

website =
Helmut Lammer =
Jim Keith =
#54 =
#61 =
#62 =
#63 =
#92 =
#93 =
Under Scrutiny =
#134 =
Red, Itchy Eyes & Evidence of Computer Tampering =
Itchy-Eyes-and-Evidence-of-Computer Tampering
Waking Up Drugged with Majestic in My Computer =
#95 =
#61 (again) =
#136 =
#137 =
#39 =
#72 =
#94 =
#153 =
second scoop mark =
#144 =
#4 =
#77 =

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