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Abducted by Aliens

Or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and

My Mother (a True Story)
by Chuck Weiss

Available as a FREE e-Book at

368 Pages, Color Photos & Fully Indexed
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164: The Research of Melinda Leslie: Part 2

In this series of posts, I present the ground-breaking research of Melinda Leslie, a brave woman who
investigates what she calls the re-abductions of ET abductees by a secret arm of our intelligence
community. She’s written a comprehensive presentation of her work that she gives at UFO conventions
around the country, and she has given me permission to republish it here in its entirety. (It’s also
available at her website for a modest fee.) Because Melinda’s work touches on so much of what I’ve
experienced directly, and on what has been communicated to me by Harold’s chorus of Grays, I’ve also
added my comments that appear below her text in bold-italic type. Ms. Leslie has not reviewed my
comments and they do not necessarily reflect her views.

Reprinted From:
“The Covert-Ops’ Reverse-Engineering
of Extraterrestrial Abductees”
© 2010 Melinda Leslie

The Reverse-Engineering of ET Abductees

• In what may ultimately prove to be some of the greatest evidence for the reality, importance and
meaning of the UFO abduction scenario, extraterrestrial (ET) abductees are apparently being
targeted by human covert-ops intelligence and/or military agencies.
• If there is no such thing as ET abduction, then why is this happening to people who have nothing in
their lives to warrant this kind of interest by human covert-ops agencies, other than that they claim to
have experienced an ET abduction?
• The experiences of harassment, surveillance and re-abductions suggests that there must be
something very important about ET abduction and the abductees, or why all the time, energy,
resources, and money being spent?
This research shows that a covert pursuit of developing extraterrestrial technologies, in combination
with the military, economic and political gains that would be derived from such a pursuit, has
resulted in making ET abductions a matter of National Security. Additionally, it provides immense
insight into why an official disclosure of the UFO reality has not been forthcoming.
It would be a complete “dereliction of duty” if the National Security apparatus were not monitoring
the abduction phenomenon, given the sheer numbers of people with abduction experiences
worldwide, the totality of evidence for ET abductions, the advanced technology to be gained, and the
implications of the very covert nature of abduction experiences.
This targeting, monitoring, and re-abduction of abductees by convert ops military and/or intelligence
agencies may provide the strongest evidence for the reality of UFO abduction experiences.
[Melinda’s research points a spotlight at the dark underbelly of the UFO phenomenon, the
involvement of government covert-ops agents in the re-abductions of ET “initiates.” (ET initiates
are those Abductee/Experiencers who have been, or are being, taught the use of ET technology
and/or given knowledge of ET plans and agendas. More on that, though, as Melinda’s
presentation unfolds.) Her work gives credence to my story and the stories of others like me, who
profess to be under the watchful eye of the government (or rather, a secret arm of the
government) and harassed, even physically attacked, by its agents. – CW]

How Many ET Abductions are There?

The number of ET Abduction experiences is higher than you think and abductions have been
going on longer than you know!

• Many of the leading abduction researchers have upwards of 500 to 1,200 cases each, and
growing. This includes international research.
• Some worldwide abduction research and support organizations have cases in their files
numbering over 10 thousand and more.
• The abduction research community generally agrees that abductions may be happening to as
much as 15% of the world’s population. The world’s population according to the US Census
Bureau website, as of Feb. 2010 is over 6,801,350,000 people.
• 15% of the world’s population is over 1,020,000,000 people. That’s one billion, twenty-million
possible abductees!
[The logistics involved in monitoring over a billion people would is impossible given the present
state of human technology, but for the ETs who can manipulate time (speed it up, slow it down,
even stop and reverse it), such numbers wouldn’t present a problem. – CW]
• Even if you take a more conservative view of 10% of the population you still have well over
680,000,000 people possibly being abducted?
• Also, abductions go back in the genealogy of many abductee families 3 and 4 generations. I
know of a family case going back 5 generations to the 1800’s where a great, grandmother wrote
about it.
[My ET contacts (Harold’s chorus of Grays) have told me that they monitor family bloodlines
back to their inception, the beginning of the human race. That’s why there are so many people
involved in Alien Abduction. The original sampling at the beginning of time was probably small,
but has grown to its present size because of the accumulative multiplying effect of the many
generations that followed. – CW]
• The Roper Poll conducted in 1991:
 Question tacked on by Budd Hopkins, Prof. David Jacobs, and Ron Westrum with input by
Dr. John Mack and Dr. John Carpenter.
 According to the Roper organization the total respondents answering “yes” to the 5 key
indicator questions used for determination was 2% of the sample. 2% of the 185,000,000 adult
Americans represented in the poll’s sample is 3,700,000 people.
[The poll was conducted in 1991, but published in 1992. If you Google it, be sure to include
the year. Roper did another similar, but smaller Internet survey in 1999, but the earlier polling
was done in “face to face” interviews in almost 6,000 homes across the country. – CW]
• Abductions exist around the world! There are cases reported from everywhere; South
America, Brazil, Russia, and all over Europe for example.
• Anything happening to this many people, especially something taking place in such a covert
manner as ET abductions, would have to be a matter of National Security!

When Did Covert-Ops Involvement Start?

In the same way that ET abductions are generational (going back in families) so too are covert-ops
• I have adult cases that had covert-ops experiences when they were children and were taken by
military along with their parents.
• I have adult cases who discovered their parents had these types of experiences separately from them.
• I have 4 cases where the abductees’ kids have experienced covert-ops experiences. Some without
their parents present!
• Many of the cases have intelligence community connections going back on their family. Many also
include family members in aerospace, NASA, and covert or secret technology programs. Is there a
[My father served in the OSS, the wartime intelligence agency of WWII – CW]
• The experiences show that one of the prime reasons for the covert-ops involvement is for genetic
study, so it makes sense to include families.
[That explains those ubiquitous “scoop marks” that many Abductee/Experiences find on various
parts of their anatomy. They’re identical to what are called “punch biopsies” in Earthly
medicine, which are a common way to collect DNA from a donor. It has long been thought that
scoop marks are a sign of ET abduction. More likely that it’s done by Majestic’s doctors. Take a
look at this photo of mine. – CW]
• It has long been understood that genetics is a leading reason for ET abductions (i.e. production of
hybrids), hence why a covert-ops interest.
[It’s not only the ETs. Majestic has their own ongoing hybrid program. See posts #141, #142 and
#143, titled “The Original Human-Alien Hybrid Program. – CW]

Covert-ops abduction experiences go far back in abduction history and may exist in relatively
high numbers:
• From covert-ops involvement cases I’ve interviewed, and the cases of other researchers, data has
emerged clearly showing these experiences going back in time to at least the early 1950’s if not
[My “research” would push that back to at least 1946. – CW]
• In a discussion with Kathieen Marden, co-author with Stanton Friedman of Captured: The Betty and
Barney Hill UFO Experience, she explained that this case included the Hills having covert-ops
involvement subsequent to their famous original 1961 abduction. They experienced harassment,
surveillance, a re-abduction of Barney, minder scenarios, and other elements typically found in my
research. Researcher, Joe Montaldo, after listening to the original regression tapes of the Hills, made
a controversial discovery that their initial experience may have happened in 2 parts over 2 day; one
day an ET abduction and the other with military personal. Regardless, according to Kathleen, the
Hills did have subsequent covert-ops involvement that continued long after the initial event!
[I think much of the history of modern human contact with ETs will have to be reexamined, in
the light of Melinda’s research. – CW]
• While reading Witness to Roswell by DonSchmitt and Tom Cary I noticed many profound
similarities between the intimidation experiences described by many Roswell witnesses to abductees
experiences. Covert-ops involvement with abductees is a current manifestation and continuation
of an ongoing witness harassment and monitoring program that has existed throughout
ufology history. It’s business as usual!

Many abductees have experienced covert-ops involvement even if they don’t report it:
At a support meeting I mentioned my research and had assumed the group did not have many of
these experiences or interest, but found out I was wrong. While sharing I noticed more than half of
the 20 people present were nodding their heads hard in the affirmative and making facial expressions
clearly implying they had experienced events similar to what I was describing. I was surprised by so
many reactions. Additionally, the therapist leading this group had been unaware of the possible
covert-ops experiences amongst their cases.
While attending a support group at a conference where various attendees share their experience, I
noticed that some of these individuals were including covert-ops’ activities in their accounts. Struck
by the number of people who were describing such events, I asked the group to raise their hands if
they knew they had military involvement and 8 people did so. There were only 30 people present.
Once again, I was surprised.
It’s important to note that these groups had a completely random sampling of abductees who had
each experienced various forms of ET abduction and who were at different levels of acceptance of
their ET experiences.
I can’t help but realize how surprised many abduction researchers, not to mention ufologists, would
have been to see the number of responses. These random samplings represent a statistically bigger
picture of covert-ops experiences. In the 2nd group, a total of 8 out of 30 abductees may have had
involvement! This many cases would have staggering implications.
[The ratio of ET abductees who also have “covert-ops experiences” to the population of abductees
at large is probably much higher than 8 to 30. There are undoubtedly those who don’t want to go
public about their military harassment, as well as many who just haven’t yet become aware of
their human abductors. In my own case, I’ve come to believe that “covert-ops agents” were
coming into my bedroom in the middle of the night, even BEFORE I became aware of my ET
visits in January of 1994. – CW]
Additionally, covert-ops abductees feel that other ET abductees and abduction researchers won’t
understand the difficulty of living with these unique experiences. For example, covert-ops cases
regularly express that their ET experiences are never as bad as their covert ones.
• As expressed by one of my cases: “But out of all my experiences with varying alien beings, no
experience has made me more angry than those that have involved the military.”
• And as shared by another: “The aliens are never as bad as the military, the military are always much
• Some of my cases have even asked the ETs for help, or feel they’ve received help from the ETs, in
stopping their covert experiences.
[I don’t know if I could withstand Majestic’s continuing harassment, if it were not for the help I
receive from my ETs. – CW]

(To be continued)

LINKS (cut and paste into your browser.)

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#140 =

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