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Abducted by Aliens

Or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and

My Mother (a True Story)
by Chuck Weiss

Available as a FREE e-Book at

368 Pages, Color Photos & Fully Indexed
Contact Chuck at

156: Abduction 101: The Grays and Their Amazing

The “Grays” are the ETs with who most Abductee/Experiencers are in contact. They have large heads
and generally are depicted as having very large black eyes. There seems to be two main varieties, the
small Gray, about 3 to 3 ½ feet tall and the tall Gray, who appear to supervise the smaller ones, and are
between 4 and 5 feet in height.
Unlike the other 70 different species of Extraterrestrials said to be visiting Earth, the Grays have abilities
that seem like magick to us. Here is a list of some of the incredible things that the Grays are known to
be able to do.
1. They can materialize out of thin air. I know because I actually saw two of them do just that in
my bedroom on June 11, 1994. {See blog post #39} There have been reports that suggested that
they have that ability, such as seeing a chorus line of Grays come out of a closet, as Whitley Strieber
reported. (My father also saw Grays walk out of his closet, blog post #99.) The point being, how
did they get in the closet in the first place, if they didn’t “beam” in there?
I saw them form over a period of about a minute or so. I kept my eye on one the whole time, except
for the brief period when I closed them and counted to five before opening them again (in the
customary fashion), just to make sure I was seeing something real. The second Gray was just in my
peripheral vision. It was the best confirmation I could have hoped for. It proved that my abduction
experiences were real, and not just the product of an over excited imagination.
2. The Grays can paralyze people, freezing them where they stand. This widely reported
paralyzing affect can be broken, however, by extreme expressions of emotion. In a book that Budd
Hopkins wrote with his wife Carol Rainey, Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic
Beings, he describes an incident where a farmer was trying to protect his wife from some Grays
(who were projecting screen images of themselves as being “very short . . . very agile” humans) by
swinging a chain at them. As long as his anger was raging, they couldn’t control him. In the
incident where I saw two Grays materialize in my bedroom, I was immediately frozen when I tried
to leap from my bed. I started to black out, but before I did I screamed in my mind, “No God damn
it!” and that broke their hold on me.
3. The Grays can levitate people. Again pioneering researcher, Budd Hopkins, in his book,
Witnessed: the True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions, wrote about an incident in
Manhattan where a woman was levitated out her apartment window and up into a flying saucer, in
full view the cars on the Brooklyn Bridge. I’ve also read where Abductee/Experiencers were
levitated up out of their beds and through the roof of their homes, which brings me to the next
amazing ability that the Grays have.
4. They can walk through solid objects. A number of Abductee/Experiencers reported being able
to walk through walls when in the company of their Grays. These were physical abductions and not
out-of-body experiences.
5. The Grays can appear to be almost anything, putting up screen images in place of what
human eyes really see. Owls and insects are visual illusions that they often used to disguise
themselves. (I woke up one time on a table with “insects” buzzing around me. See blog post #86)
6. They can relieve a person’s physical pain, as well as instill feelings of love and deference with
their deep hypnotic stare. Their powers of mind control are considerable.
7. The Grays will sometimes heal people in extraordinary ways. I’ve described several healings
I’ve received from my Grays. (blog posts #5, #36, #79, and #80.)
8. The Grays can manipulate time and space. I’ve read of several incidents where this appears
to have happened. Strieber described taking a freeway off ramp once and winding up driving in a
very alien looking neighborhood. Back in the mid 1990’s Budd Hopkins wrote in his newsletter of
an abduction at a poolside party, where the Abductee was led past the other partygoers who were
frozen in place. They appeared to be “switched off,” like someone had paused a DVD. I described
my own incident of missing time in bumper-to-bumper, traffic while going through the longest
tunnel in northern California. (blog post #85)
That the Grays can do such fantastic things is not in dispute. What we don’t know for sure is if they’re
done using advanced technological devices, or if the Grays can achieve such results using just the power
of their mind. Perhaps it’s a little of both.


LINKS (Cut and paste into your browser.)

blog post #39 =
blog post #99 =
blog post #86 =
#5 =
#36 =
#79 =
#80 =
blog post #85 =

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