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Al Punto with Jorge Ramos


Interview with Senator Marco Rubio

Air Date:

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Jorge Ramos
Senator Marco Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio, thank you for speaking with us.


Thank you very much, Jorge.

Senator, in your book you talk about how excited you were by Barack
Obamas campaign. Nonetheless, Barack Obama did not run as an African-American
candidate. You have decided not to run as a Hispanic candidate. Why?
Well, obviously Im Hispanic. My heritage, that of my parents, both of
them were from Cuba, and obviously, I was raised in a Hispanic community. I think that
my message and our policies are policies that apply to every American. Theres no doubt
that the Hispanic community is a community of hardworking people, people who are
seeking to improve their lives. I do think that our message has a special impact on that
community because many of them identify with that story. But I obviously think that its
a message that applies to everyone and that a president has to work for everyone.
As you know, it has always been hard for Republicans to get the Hispanic
vote. I wanted to talk with you about very concrete issues that affect Hispanics directly. I
would like to start with the issue of deferred action and DACA. If you made it to the
White House, would you keep the DACA program; that is, Deferred Action for the
Dreamers, and would you keep President Barack Obamas executive action, which would
benefit more than four million undocumented people?
Well, DACA is going to have to end at some point. I wouldnt undo it
immediately. The reason is that there are already people who have that permission, who

are working, who are studying, and I dont think it would be fair to cancel it suddenly.
But I do think it is going to have to end. And, God willing, its going to end because
immigration reform is going to pass. DAPA hasnt yet taken effect, and I think it has
impeded progress on immigration, on immigration reform. And since that program hasnt
taken effect yet, I would cancel it. But DACA, I think it is important; it cant be cancelled
suddenly because there are already people who are benefitting from it. But it is going to
have to end. It cannot be the permanent policy of the United States. And I dont think
thats what theyre asking for, either. I think that everyone prefers immigration reform.
But then, to clarify, you would end DACA once immigration reform is
approved. But what happens, Senator, if there is no immigration reform? Would you
cancel DACA anyway?
At some point its going to have to end. That is, it cannot continue to be
the permanent policy of the United States. I do think that if I wind up being president, it
will be possible to achieve new immigration reform. It wont be possible for it to be
comprehensive; that is, they are not going to be able to do everything in one massive bill.
We already tried that a couple of years ago. We have seen that the political support isnt
there, and I think weve spent a lot of time on this process when we could have started
moving forward through the three steps that I advocated. Unfortunately, a lot of time has
been wasted on that. It has become an even more controversial issue; harder to move
forward on that issue. But I still say that its important to modernize our system, and that
means improving the way we enforce it in the future, to modernize the immigration
system so that its not so costly and bureaucratic. And we have to deal with 12 million
human beings who are already here. And nobody, nobody is advocating a plan to deport
12 million human beings. So that issue has to be dealt with, as well.
When you announced your candidacy, outside of the building where you
announced it, there were a lot of Dreamers, protesting. And then there are some
immigrant organizations that have criticized your candidacy. Americas Voice says that
you have anti-immigrant positions. I would like to ask you, you were in favor of an
immigration reform bill in the Senate, and you voted for it. But today, would you vote in
favor of a path to legalization for 11 million undocumented people?
Well, that cant be done today for the following reason. I dont think we
can. I have been very clear. I, through that two-year experience, its very clear to me.
Were not going to have the votes or the necessary political support in Congress. Today,
in some sectors of the American public, in order to move forward on this issue, unless we
first prove to the American people that in the future theres not going to be another
immigration crisis. If we do that, I think that undoubtedly the political support is going to
exist to do legalization as you have said. It has to be a process similar to what we
advocated in the legislation that I sponsored, and its the law that says that, first, the
things were all familiar with must be present: a background check, pay a fine, begin to
pay taxes, get a work permit, and after 10 years, they can apply for their residency. That
would be the process, but we cant get to that point. Politically, the support and the votes

in Congress arent there until we prove to those members of Congress and the American
people that immigration laws are going to be enforced.
Senator, I want to ask you about Cuba. I know its an issue close to your
heart, since both your parents are Cuban immigrants. Nonetheless, the majority of CubanAmericans agree with ending the embargo, and they also agree, according to the polls,
with this new approach of President Barack Obama to Cuba. If you reached the White
House and were president, would you cut relations with Cuba? And what do you think
about President Barack Obamas calling Ral Castro president?
Well, he isnt a president. He can call himself whatever he likes, but Ral
Castro hasnt been elected to absolutely anything. He is tyrant and a dictator. In terms of
relations with Cuba, right? I would like to have relations with a free, democratic Cuba, or
a country thats making progress toward that. And that doesnt exist. The Cuban people
are the only people in Latin America who havent had free elections in more than 50
years. I think that is unfair, and I think the Cuban people deserve that. In my opinion, I
say that its still a government that supports terrorism. Just today weve seen, this week
weve seen the news that the FARC have again kidnapped and killed 10 people in
Colombia. That is a group that receives help and support and shelter from the Cuban
Would you cut relations with Cuba? If you reach the White House, youll
cut relations?
Unless its a democratic country or it starts taking concrete steps toward
democracy, of course.
Senator, you are the youngest candidate among those who have run or will
run, 43 years old. But

44 next month, Jorge.

44 next month. However, you have certain positions; for example, youre
against same-sex marriage, which is not what most young people believe in, according to
the polls. Are you afraid of being portrayed in the media as an old young man, as some
people in Latin America say?
Well, I dont believe thats true. A significant percentage of Americans
support my position on marriage between a woman and a man. I understand that there are
discrepancies and a change of attitude, and I believe that if people want to change the
laws about marriage in a democracy, in a republic, they can do so through their state
legislatures. The states have always regulated marriage and can continue to do so. I
believe that if the attitude in the country has changed, well, there is a democratic process
through which they can make that change. What I dont support is for the courts to
determine this issue because I dont think its up to the courts. I think its up to the

political branch of each state to decide how it wants to regulate and how to define
marriage laws.
And Ill finish with a more personal question, Senator. We have had first
ladies with very defined personalities: Michelle Obama, for example, or Hillary Clinton.
Your wife Jeanette is Colombian-American. What would Jeanette be like as a first lady?
I think she would be excellent. She has a heart for issues, for example, the
trafficking of human beings, which is a crisis today throughout the world. A person who
is also interested in childrens issues and education. And also a person who, to me, is a
great mother, a great wife, which is also important, right? Because having stability in the
family is critical for being able to do the job well as a team. I would also consider her part
of that team. But I believe that the country is going to love Jeanette when it gets to know
her better.
And that image that came out of you with your four children, to many,
even if they were from the other political party, it reminded them of President John F.
Well, a figure from different times, undoubtedly. Former President
Kennedy had a beautiful family as well. Its more than an honor to know his daughter,
who is now the ambassador to Japan. But, again, I believe it is important, that people
want to know where you came from, what your family is like. And as we say, My
children are Colom-ban, which is a combination of Colombian and Cuban, a very good
Senator, thanks for speaking with us and I hope we can continue this
conversation throughout the campaign. Thank you.

Thank you very much, Jorge.




Al Punto con Jorge Ramos


Entrevista con el Senador Marco Rubio


Domingo, 19 de Abril de 2015


Jorge Ramos
Senador Marco Rubio

Senador Marco Rubio, gracias por hablar con nosotros.


Muchas gracias, Jorge.

Senador, en su libro usted habla de cmo le emocion la campaa de
Barack Obama. Sin embargo, Barack Obama no se lanza como un candidato
afroamericano. Usted ha decidido no lanzarse como un candidato hispano. Por qu?
Bueno, obviamente soy hispano. La herencia ma, de mis padres, los dos
eran de Cuba y obviamente criado en una comunidad hispana tambin. Creo que mi
mensaje y nuestra poltica es una poltica que aplica a todo norteamericano. Sin duda que
la comunidad hispana es una comunidad de personas trabajadoras, personas que estn
buscando mejorar su vida. Y s creo que nuestro mensaje tiene un impacto especial sobre
esa comunidad porque muchos identifican con ese historial. Pero obviamente pienso que
es un mensaje que aplica a todos y que un presidente tiene que trabajar por todos.
Como usted sabe, a los Republicanos siempre les ha costado mucho
trabajo conseguir el voto hispano. Y le quera hablar de temas muy concretos que afectan
directamente a los hispanos. Quisiera empezar primero con el tema de la accin diferida y
DACA. Si usted llegara a la Casa Blanca, usted mantendra el programa de DACA, es
decir, De Accin Diferida para los Dreamers, y mantendra la accin ejecutiva del
Presidente Barack Obama que beneficiara ms de cuatro millones de indocumentados?
Bueno, DACA va a tener que terminar en algn momento determinado.
Yo no lo deshara inmediatamente. La razn es porque ya hay personas que tienen ese

permiso, que estn trabajando, que estn estudiando, y no creo que sera justo cancelarlo
de un momento al otro. Pero s creo que va a tener que terminar. Y si Dios quiere va a
terminar porque va a pasar una reforma migratoria. DAPA todava no est en vigor, y
pienso que ha impedido el progreso en lo que es la inmigracin, en la reforma migratoria.
Y como ese programa no est en vigor y ese s lo cancelara. Pero DACA, yo creo que es
importante, no se puede cancelar de un momento al otro porque ya hay personas que
estn beneficiando. Pero s va a tener que terminar. No puede ser la poltica permanente
de Estados Unidos. Y no creo que eso sea lo que estn pidiendo tampoco. Yo creo que
todos prefieren una reforma migratoria.
Pero entonces, para aclarar, usted terminara con DACA una vez que se
aprobara una reforma migratoria. Pero qu pasa, Senador, si no hay reforma migratoria?
Cancelara DACA de todas formas?
En un momento determinado va a tener que terminar. Es decir, no puede
seguir siendo la poltica permanente de Estados Unidos. Yo s creo que si salgo
presidente va a ser posible lograr una reforma migratoria nueva. No va a poder ser
integral, es decir, no va a poder ser todo en un proyecto masivo. Eso ya lo tratamos hace
un par de aos. Hemos visto que no existe el apoyo poltico, y creo que hemos gastado
mucho tiempo en este proceso cuando podramos haber empezado progresando a travs
de los tres pasos que yo he abogado. Desafortunadamente se ha gastado mucho tiempo
con eso. Se ha convertido en un tema an ms controversial, ms difcil de progresar
sobre ese tema. Pero sigo diciendo que es importante modernizar nuestro sistema, y eso
quiere decir mejorar la manera en la cual la enforzamos en el futuro, modernizar el
sistema migratorio para que no sea tan costoso y burocrtico. Y tenemos que lidiar con 12
millones de seres humanos que ya estn aqu. Y nadie, nadie est abogando por un plan
para deportar a 12 millones de seres humanos. As que hay que tratar ese tema tambin.
Cuando usted anunci su candidatura fuera del edificio donde lo anuncia,
haba muchos Dreamers protestando. Y luego hay algunas organizaciones inmigrantes
que han criticado su candidatura. Americas Voice dice que usted tiene posiciones antiinmigrantes. Le quisiera preguntar, usted estuvo a favor de un proyecto de reforma
migratoria en el Senado y vot por l. Pero hoy, usted votara a favor de un camino para
la legalizacin de 11 millones de indocumentados, hoy?
Bueno, hoy no se puede hacer por la siguiente razn. Yo no creo que
podemos. Yo he estado muy claro. Yo ya, a travs de esta experiencia de dos aos, es
muy claro para m. No vamos a tener los votos ni el apoyo poltico necesario en el
Congreso. Hoy en el pblico norteamericano en algunas partes para poder progresar
sobre este tema, sino primero le comprobamos al pueblo norteamericano que en el futuro
no va a haber otra crisis migratoria. Si hacemos eso, sin duda yo creo que va a existir el
apoyo necesario poltico para hacer la legalizacin como usted ha dicho. Tiene que ser un
proceso parecido a lo que abogamos en la ley que patrocin, y es la ley que dice que
primero tiene que presentarse todo lo que ya conocemos: presentarse un chequeo de
antecedentes, pagar una multa, empezar a pagar impuestos, recibe un permiso de trabajo
y despus de 10 aos pueden aplicar a su residencia. Eso sera el proceso, pero no

podemos llegar a ese punto. Polticamente no existe el apoyo ni los votos en el congreso
hasta que primero le comprobemos a esos congresistas y al pueblo norteamericano que
las leyes de inmigracin se van a enforzar.
Senador, quiero preguntarle sobre Cuba, que yo s que es tema muy
cercano, ya que sus dos padres son inmigrantes cubanos. La mayor parte de los cubanoamericanos, sin embargo, estn de acuerdo con la finalizacin del embargo y estn de
acuerdo tambin, de acuerdo con las encuestas, a este nuevo acercamiento del Presidente
Barack Obama con Cuba. Si usted llegar a la Casa Blanca y fuera presidente, usted
cortara relaciones con Cuba? Y qu le parece que el Presidente Barack Obama le llame
presidente a Ral Castro?
Bueno, l no es un presidente. Se puede nombrar lo que quiera, pero Ral
Castro no ha sido electo en absolutamente nada. Es un tirano y un dictador. En trminos
de las relaciones con Cuba, no? Yo quisiera tener relaciones con una Cuba libre,
democrtica, o un pas que est haciendo progreso hacia eso. Eso no existe. El pueblo
cubano es el nico pueblo de Amrica Latina que no ha tenido elecciones libres en ms
de 50 aos. Creo que eso es injusto, yo creo que el pueblo Cubano se merece eso. Por mi
parte yo digo que sigue siendo un gobierno que apoya el terrorismo. Hoy mismo hemos
visto, en esta semana hemos visto noticias de que las FARC de nuevo han secuestrado y
asesinado a diez personas en Colombia. Ese es un grupo que recibe apoyo y ayuda y
albergue de parte del gobierno cubano.
Cortara relaciones entonces con Cuba? Si usted llega a la Casa Blanca
corta relaciones?
Sea un pas democrtico o empieza a hacer pasos concretos hacia la
democracia, sin duda que s.
Senador, usted es el candidato ms joven de todos los que se han lanzado
o se van a lanzar, 43 aos. Pero-SMR:

44 el mes que viene, Jorge.

De acuerdo, okay, 44 el mes que viene. Sin embargo, hay ciertas
posiciones que usted tiene, como por ejemplo, est en contra del matrimonio entre
personas del mismo sexo, que no es lo mismo que cree la mayor parte de los jvenes, de
acuerdo con las encuestas. Tiene miedo que sea presentado ante los medios como un
joven viejo, como le dicen algunos en Amrica Latina?
Bueno, yo no creo que eso sea cierto. Un porcentaje significante de
norteamericanos apoya mi posicin de que el matrimonio es entre una mujer y un
hombre. Yo entiendo que hay discrepancias y un cambio de actitud, y creo que si las
personas quieren cambiar la ley sobre el matrimonio en una democracia, en una
repblica, lo pueden hacer a travs de su legislatura en los estados. Los estados siempre
han regulado el matrimonio y lo pueden seguir haciendo. Yo entiendo que s ha cambiado

la actitud en este pas, pues entonces existe un proceso democrtico a travs la cual
pueden hacer ese cambio. Lo que yo no apoyo es que una corte determine ese asunto
porque no creo que le corresponda a la corte. Yo creo que eso le corresponde al ramo
poltico de cada estado, decidir cmo quiere regular y cmo quiere definir las leyes de
Y termino con una pregunta ms personal, Senador, hemos tenido
primeras damas con personalidades muy definidas, Michelle Obama por ejemplo, o
Hillary Clinton. Su esposa Jeanette es colombiano-americana. Cmo sera Jeanette de
Primera Dama?
Yo creo que sera excelente. Tiene un corazn para temas, por ejemplo,
del trfico en seres humanos, que es una crisis que existe hoy en da a travs de todo el
mundo. Una persona tambin que le interesa mucho los temas de los nios y la
educacin. Y tambin una persona que para m es una gran madre, una gran esposa, que
es importante tambin, no? Porque tener estabilidad en la familia es crtico para poder
hacer el trabajo bien como equipo. La considerara parte de ese equipo tambin. Pero, yo
creo que al pas le va a encantar a Jeanette cuando las conozcan mejor.
Y esa imagen que sali usted con sus cuatro hijos, a muchos, aunque sea
de otro partido poltico, los hizo recordar al Presidente John F. Kennedy.
Bueno, figrate, otra poca sin duda, el ex Presidente Kennedy tena una
familia bella tambin. Es ms que tener un honor de conocer a su hija, que ahora es la
embajadora en Japn. Pero, vuelvo y repito, creo que es importante, el pueblo quiere
saber de dnde viene uno, de cmo es su familia. Y como nosotros decimos, Mis hijos
son colom-banos, que es una combinacin de colombiano y cubano, una combinacin
muy buena.
Senador, gracias por hablar con nosotros y espero que podamos continuar
con esta conversacin a lo largo de la campaa. Gracias.

Muchas gracias, Jorge.


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