Está en la página 1de 75

Handbook for the MGA


Piet Olyslager MSIAMSAE

( Not the original Cover)



• •

~ r


Introduction and Description of Models . Identification, Engine and Serial Numbers.

) Modifications.... ...

Prices. . . . . . ;

Instruments and Controls . t

E1ectrical Equipment . . . .

Body Details .. . . .. . .

Colours. .. .. . . .. .


Exterior Dimensions ~ Interior Dimensions

Weights. ..



Engine. ~ ~

Performal1cc. .

Gear Ratios.. .

Specific Performance Data Theoretical Road Speeds.

Road Test . .





Running-in Speeds General Data .. Tyre Pressures

R out i nc Maintcna nee Lubrication Chart .



Engine 4' • •

Lubrication System .

Ignition System .

Fuel Systel11. .

Cooling System .

Clutel1. . ~

Gearbox + •

Rear Axle/Differential Chassis . . ~ Front Suspension ..

Rear Suspension .

Steering Gear .. 4>

Brakes. . ..

Electrical Equipment


























• II

.... t

• •


.. 4>

• +

• •




. +





, .


~-l2 -13 13

14 14



. >15 15 15

16 16 17 17 18



32 33

35 45 48 49 51 59



~ ..... care:!$ tak~n to ensure a{'~nd completeness in compilini, • 'lily can be nr~pJe7l1or damage, loss or injury caused by any ~·l()n's in the information (riven

I • tf t ~.



THE PIEJ"f OL YS [.lA(iER ~1()·r()R 1\11\1'\ UAI~S have been known to Contine:ntlf motorists and ~arages for ten years !lnd J~ave p,rovcd theirworth many;tiWt!S over. ,We consl~er that .they are umque In. their <?ompact comp~teness·~ conuun all the inforrnat 1()1l needed to service, maintain and repair all makes

of cars, .

The manuals are presented ill two forms in the English language, in these handy small books covering individual models and in. cumulativeloose-leaf form keeping abreast of all alterations and developments.

These two services set out to cover all that a motorist or garageplauneeds to know to get the best out of motoring, and the series will eventually cover all popular makes of cars in the world,


TIle manuals were described, after considerable research by-she InterI national Commission on Automobile Documentation as "The best ·auanobile

documentation so far ill the world" .h'

We arc grateful to the man ufact urcrs for their kind and enthusiastic co-operation in the production of this manual ..


I .. MGA 1500 Roadster, "1955-1959

I;ig4r 2. MGA 1500 Coupe, 1956-1959


1500, 1600 and 1600 Mk II COUPES and

ROADSTERS 1955~1962 .



. -

The M ~G ~ Series i\l(iA sports car was introduced ill September 19·~5~ to replace

the Midget 'lF model. It was inspired by the M.G. record-breaker, EX 135~ which was used by"' Ca ptain Eysron when he capt urcd Internationa 1 Class records at the Utah sa] t 11a ts jJ1 i hc~ t ~ . s. /\_."' a nd l)y the later .rccord-brcaker, EX 182, which wa S driven at Le M ans, J1Y (;cclrgc JJh i nips, in] 95 J + This ca r consisted of a prototype body ()[1 (1- 111()(ii lied contemporary ~ r I) chassi s.

t-\ ltogcthcr there have been Iou r variations ()11 t 11e M (J A theme: the 1.500, tile Twin Cam, the {600~ and the 16()O Mk If. Tf1C- Twin Cam model featured a special engine \\" ith twin overhead camshafts, and is 11()t dca It w j th here, 1 ']1C 160() Mk TI was d isco n ti i1 ucd j n Septum bel" ] S)(-,""', and rCJJtJcc(1 hy the new M (J B model, A 1- though there 11 a vc beer) mod ifica ti o IlS to tile origi 11H 1 111()(ic L the essentials, SUC11 as the suspcnsi on .. chass is frame, and basic body structu re ~ rcmai ned the same, Over

100,000 ~1GA 's were built:

The ~:., C·;.L\ js n. sport s two-sea fer, ci t her open (Roadster) or closed (~I ard top L ~ 0 U P 6 ) , \ V j t h fu 11- w i tit h b o d y ~ [111 d sl o rill g bo nne t: and ra J i a t o r g ri 11 c ~ T he ell gi ne is a fou r-cylindcr overhead valve 8 Me ~ B' Series unit, with various modifications. A four-speed gearbox with central remote-control gear change is fitted. Front su spen s ion is i 11 d c pc [1 (1 e i1 t \-v i t h co irs p r i n gs a 11 d \V Ish ho n c- t y pc 1 j n k s ~ A t the re ar a rigid axle is used, in co nju net i (1 n with scm i -ell i 11t ic rea r S J-,ri ngs. Steeri 11g is by rack a nd pi n j ()11 ,

Summary of modclx:
lv/odel _. f 1',")(' ~ ,. ~ 1/11 Ill) I I)~} I· J( ). t
- ) l. • I -I;
fvl(-i A (150()) 1{ ( ) ~ t ( i s l c r ( 1\1 (~i /\) September :1 95:-JuJy 1959
MGA (lSi)O) ( ·()UI1C ( rv1 C-; /\ ) September 1956--July 1959~
M G·A 16()O (M k 1) Roadster ( .• II N J u ly- 1 ~)59-- March 1961
lvl G A 16()() (I\.1 k I) (~()111)e G I-I [) Julv 1959-M~lrch 1961
MGA ] 600 (Mk II) Roadster CiHN2 J u ne 196 J -September 1962
1\1 G .;.\ r 6(l() (TVlk l f ) Coupe GHT)7 J lIl1C 19()] -Septem bel' 1962 IDENTIFICATION Model identification:

F or idcntifica t ion of models, sec Figs. ] ttl I O and JoS'lIIIJJJUif)} of models.



" .

............ :: • .1. :.;:: •••••• : .

Fig. 3. M(;;\ 1600 Roadster, model GI.I~, 1959-1961

Fig .. 4 .. MGA 1600 Coupe, model GHD, 19S9 ... 1Y() 1



Identification plate:

The identification plate is fixed to the bulkhead, ill the engine compartment.

Engine number:

The engine JIUl11ber is stamped 011 a meta I plate, mounted 011 the right-hand side of the cylinder block. This number consists of a series of letters and numbers, which represent, ill code, capacity, make, and type of unit, ancillaries fitted, type of compression, and actual serial 11lHl111cr.

Example: 15 GB-U-l-{ 123445, ill which the prefix is explained as follows:

15 ~- 15 00 cc l

B(j M · G. J' Sec also Engine type on page. 20

Variations of engine type (A-Z)

U Centra] gear change

H High. compression

For rcconditi~)ncd engines a sutfi.x is used, con~isting of two Ietters~'·~ich indi-

cate bore oversize and crankshaft journal undersize, .~~

- ...... ,

Car serial number:

This number is stamped on a plate fixed to the bulkhead, iu the engine cornpartmcnt. 'It is prefixed 1):' the 1110deI identification symbol, as indicated LInder Su mma rJ' of rII()( le 1.,- .

Explanation of model idcnrlflcation symbol:

G M.G.

H Engine group (1400-1999 cubic capacity')

N T\~/o-scatcr roadster

D Coupe

2 Series of model, used to record major changes

L Left-hand drive (i r ~~ PI)1 ic~.l blc)

Serial numbers (approximate, and for glli<iancc only}:

R ()(I(I.)'{ e r

1 O I 0 I

I 1 I 7()

20[65 395()O 448S(}

61100 68HSO 6B~51 83085 9]250 9~)95()

IO()J51 100352 105930 1 ()9070

September 1955 (starting):

January 1956:

September 1956:' October 1957:

January 1958:

J anua rv 19 59 ~

J u I y I 959 ( t 5 ()f) ~ i 1 n a 1) :

July 1959 (16()() .. sta rt ing) :

January I 96() :

June 1960:

January 1961 :

March J 96] (1600, final):

J une 196 t (1600 I\·1k J I., start i rig) :

January 1562:

June 7,1962 (final);

2()670 39550 44·8()O

60900 68850 68851 83090 91240 99835

1 ()0319

100352 105650 109070

• •

Body number:

The body number is stamped on a metal plate, fixed ttl the engine bulkhead, between right-hand bonnet hinge and fuse unit.




: .. ~ ... :-~ :.' :. :- ....

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. .

......... . ".,. .

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..................................................... ...

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. .

. ' ..

" ...........

1600 Mk i I Roadster, model (; I-IN1~ t 961 ~ ~ 961.

Fig7 6. l\lGA 1600 Mk II Coupe, r nodeI GHD2, 1961-1962



Gearbox number:

This number is stamped on the top of the gearbox, to the left of the dipstick and filler plug.

Rear axle numbor:

The rear axle serial number JS stamped on the fron t of the axle casi 11g~ adjacent to the left ... hand spri ng seal.


For modifications sp e (~ ifi ca t i () I} s 1

1956 (September):

o f a 1) u rcl y tee h n ical I1a t u re, sec Rc 'pa ir {lilt a a nd Technica I

Detachable hardtop introduced as optional extra, Standard 1100d modi tied, with transparent rear quarter panels. Fixed ... head hardtop Coupe model introd uced, w ith wind ... up glass side wi ndows.

1959 (July):

1 (;()() 111{)(le] 111 troduccd, lea tu ring ] 588 CC engine: Lockheed, _

U isc t Y i1C f [011 t bra kcs ~ rest y left fro 11 t an drear s i d el i ghts,

i ncorpora ling a rnbcr-colourcd direct ion-i ndicator flashers;

s 1 id ing side-screen- a nd ;'16()()~ 111()t i Is on scuttle and luggage comp.ut mcnt i id. i{car deck cut back behind seats on Coupe f110dc1 t~) g)~ \it' more storage room ~

I)lI1110}) disc bra kes all ro U nd, ccn ire-lock disc \\'·11eels, and Road Spee(i tyres (standard OL1 the Twin Cam 1110dcl) introduced (1S optional extras.

160() !VI k II model introduced, tea turi ng 1622 cc engi l1e~ ra ised rca r H xle ra tio (4 JI 1 : l ), 11()f izontal rcarlight ci ustcrs, moved from the \Vi.nL~S tc~ the hoclv, leather-cloth covered facia, re-

- ~ .

ltcsj~:ncd r~.p..l ~~; ~~)r ~~r ~ p~~~ with recessed vertical bars .. built-in

.... ..... -

a n c h (J r ~ I g C r-I t ) ~ ; ~ ~ :~. i ~ .~. ~ - S ;L-\ I t l ~ "" -I t:~:, ~ ~ t n ~j "1 6 (JO 1\1 k .II' 1110 t i fs 0 11

scuttle and lug!.4t.lge compartment lid.

1960 (May) :

] 96] ( J U 11 e) :


U K prices arc rounded-off horne r~'·td it ex-works l1flCCS, as at October of each year, US prices are suggested retail prices at West Coast ports of entry, including LI 5 CUSt0111S dLL tics an d F edc r;.11 Excise tax ~ bu t cxc It i din gin 1 u n d Irei ght, 1 (lea] a nd

state taxes, where a!1t)licabic~ East n 1"1(1 (, utr Coast 1).0. E. prices are generally s 1 i g 11 t 1 ~l ] ow c r {h a 11 1 j 1 0 ~ c. a t \~v~ est Co as t P + o. E .

- ......

- - ,,-........ ---

, .

Fig. 7.. 1\1 (; l\. 1500 I~OH dster

1955: 1956:

L! K Bc/sic £595


{)T }{ 7()j(;/ £844





UK Basic UK Tt)/al V~SA
1957~ £663 £996 $2345
1958: £663 £996 $2498
1959: £663 £94() $2238
1960 (1600): £663 £940 $24gS .: ~rr--"·c.", (~'

- ..... ,..,;; :1 ff.... r J .. ~,.,.. .. l-r

• .._. - -:-..... I .~......,.-!j." .t.::..:.~..... . '!.I .1' ~~.t;... . ----- ___

--=- ,- . - - - . - - .....:- ". .' .... ~- .. : ~J'.. ... . ........

• I ........ L I'" .-- . __ .. :' -.

• I ".., ... -.-. ....

• ~ 1" .~ •• -.~

..... &-~,.


1957.(1500): 1958 (1500): 1959:


L/ K Basic £724 £724 £724 £724

lJ I( T(}t(l! £10:)7 £]087

£ J ()'J 7


$2750 $j4S()



~- -....:...~

j,:. ~.'~ . .: .. ~

,.£.;........ .. : .

,", .... _ '\ ' ..

-:» ~\, •

. 't·WS·1!:

.• I~"I

" .,

.'111.. .~/ ..

... / I

. ' .. ::~. -.~ ~::;·i .. r:

____ .. -. _ _ • . _.:S...o.v~ __ .J. :~.::7 ,~

Fig~ 9. MGA 1600 Mk J I Roadster

1961 : 1962:

u I{ Basic £663


1,/ 1<..· Total ·t' {)/)X

. . \.. L..

.£9 J J

USA $2499 $!499

---- .-----


r---·- ._ ..

... _._ .. -



Fig. ]0. M(;j\ 1600 Mk 11 Coupe

'1';.- :




[1.K Basic £724 £724

if K· T()fal £1057 £')97

i: ~C; ~1

s')'"j' .... g L. ~ I)


Optional extras, U K (;\~)riJ 196', total prices):

Heater: £ 16~ 16. 1 ()

Adjustable steering column: £2.15.0


Headlamp flasher: £2.15+0

Fog lamp: £541040

Radiator blind : £6.3.9

Wing mirror: £ 1 ~ I ().11

Externa 1 luggage carrier: £ I ~t. t 2.2 (incl ~ 111 i rror)

Windscreen washer: £7.] 5.()

Competition seats: £9.2.2

Twin 11(1r1]s: £ 1 . 17+9

Cold air vent i lution kit: £ 14J~. 9

Wi re wheels: £37.).6

3 · 9 or 4 ~ 55 : 1 Rear axle: £9.5.7

Roadspecd tyrcs : £ 1 J .1 () .. 3

Ton neau cover: £8.8.5

Oil cooler: £H.18.9

f\ nti ... roll bar ~ £24 1 2.3

Close ratio gca rbox : £ 7 ~ i 1 ~3

H.are} to 1], fitted: £8!.1 o.o

Optional extras, USi\ (all I).o.I~: .. ) (1962):

1-] eater: $(-}S .()O

'r onneau cover; SJS .()O

Whitewall tyres: SJS .()()

Road Speed tyrcs: 545 ~()\)

Wire wheels, roadster: $1 oo.oo

COllPC: $9().OO

w indscrccn-washer : $15 .oo

Hardtop (for roadster}: $275 .()O


. .:

. . .

. .

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. .. . ....


•••••• , •• ~.......-<':.~.~, • ...:-: ...... -;-w.,.~

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.. ., .

.: :. . .. :, ; .. .: .: .. :.:~ :·~::~r<f~~~i2~1jj

. '. ': .

... ... . ..

Fig. t t. Instruments and controls, MGA 1500 and l\ICi\ 1600 roadsters


Fig. 12. Instruments and controls, MGA 1600 Mk II and all coupe models



6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16










l j


t 1

t ~ ,

22 23 24 25 26 27 2 a 29

Fig. 13. Instruments and controls, MGA 1600, right-band drive




1 20 19

18 '7 15 15 1 ~ 13




8 7 5 12 4

I r

J !

I ··--f -





. ' ;':.. .

- . ~

. .,.,......--.~ .. -- .. ",

: ..----~-- '·::1:

I -.-. . ...... :

, -F"-=- ~~-. .

i...._~ __ .~ --~ ,:

. - .'; '.:. '. .' ---~.,.

I '. I








26 21 28

I 2S

, 24



Fig. 14. I nstrumcntx and controls, [\.-'1 (; /\ 160f), left .. hand drive

J BOTIl1et release

2 M a p-rea d i ng S\\ I tell 3 Map-read: ng light

4 Windscreen-washer control (optional) 5 Air control (optional)

6 Windscreen-wiper switch 7 Fuel gauge

R T un it ion S v .. : itc h


9 Choke C()11tro1

10 Blower switch and tempera ture con trol 1·1 Horn button

] 2 Demistcr C() 11 t ro I 13 Starter switch

14 Lighting switch

15 Water temperature gauge f 6 Fog lam I' S\V itch

1 7 Rcvo I ut i 0]1 counter i 8 l)a nc 1 light switch

19 Speedometer and mileage recorder '"'0 D i reel ion-i nd icat.or switch

71 J-.·la shcr warning 1 ight

" Gear pattern

~ J (.J ear lever

'"'4 Pa rk ing bra kc lever 25 1-1 cacti amp d i 1) S \v j tell ?6 (~lu tch pcda I

27 Brake pedal

1'8 Accelerator peda l 29 Steering wheel


.12 V system. F lwo 6 V batteries. Capacity 5H A h (20-h()u r rare), positive ( -1-) terminal connected to earth ~

The batteries are mounted one each side under a cover behind the seats. Double dipping headlamps with prefocussed bulbs. Foot-operated dip switch. Hcadlamps



vary, according to t.he regulations existing in the country concerned. Separate sidelamps and flashing direction-indicators. Twin stop/tail-lamps with flashing direction indicators and rear reflectors, horizontally grouped (Mk 11.); 011 earlier models vertically grouped. Rear .nutnbcrplate lamp. Self-parking windscreenwipers .. The direction-indicators <Ire operated by u time-switch on the end of the facia (operat i 11g t j me ad] u s ta 11Ie).

Warning lights for: headlarnp high beam, ign ition and di rcct iC)11-i ndica tors.



The streamlined body encloses a luggage compartment which carries the spare wheel and to 01 ki t. T f1C 0 ne- piece bo It 11 C i 11 i J1 gc s n t the rc: l r .

The open roadster has a folding 1100d with flexible rcur window anti detachable side-screens. The wi ndscrecu is of sa fety-glass. A detachable hard top is a vailable ,u··6tra cost.

The fixed ... head C()UPC has a full wrap-around rear \ .... ·il1lt~)\V and (iee[)ly curved windscreen. AU windows are of safety-glass. The doors, with wind-down windows and swivelling quarter-lights, have lockable exterior door handles which must be pulled out to release the door catches.


The two forward-hinged doors of the roadster have open pockets Ior maps and small articles and arc opened by a cable inside the door pock cr : l h,.: coupe has interior handles but no door pockets. Both leather-upholstered seats arc mounted 10\V 011 each side of the propeller shaft, The hand-brake lever is of the ~i]y-()ff' type, with a spring-loaded button to be used to retain the lever and not to release it.

The gear lever is centrally placed OJ1 the transmission cover, with an ashtray behind it.

Optional extras:

Radio, fresh-air heater and (len l istcr. \\ hj~~~~~\\ ~1.q ryrcs. wire wheels, 590-] 5 Road

Speed tyres .. Dunl on d isc brakes [ron t :J!1 d r~:~~ r < ',.';: n 1 ~.~-' > ~ck d isc wheels, external

luggage carrier, t()11 nea II (;()VCf., wi ndscrcen-washcr, llt:tH~·ha t) [c h ~l rd top, adj ustable telescopic steering column. Twin horns, wing mirror. fog l.uup, r{ldi:~t(,~i~ blind. de luxe side-screens j headla 11111 O . ushers, C()111 pel it 1()11 \V i ndscrccn 'I badge t)~lr ~ c !('~scr a ti 0 gear bo x , a l t c rnat j v C a xl era t i 0 san ~J 0 t h c r S f)C cia I eq u i P III CJ 1 i Io r CO m pe Lit i o n


Various co lour C()D111i na l i{)~IS rtH~ body 1 II pho lstcry a 11(1 hood were n va ita 11 lC4

Dimensions and Weights EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS


1 Wheelbase:

2 Track, front: 3 Track, rear: 4 Total length:

94 47} 48~:



13 .

6 I

~.- ....


- .~


~ --._ ..

... _.-l

. ....

' .........

5 II 0 t a I \ V [ {. i III : 6 T otal heigh t :

7 Ground clea ranee: 8 Turn i 11g ci rclc:

17 Width of door window: 18 Height of door window: 23 :1·1 eight of windscreen : 24 Width or windscreen :

ill (,/J cs 58

~ .-)

~. \.-


29ft 11·1.

....... 1'1·

] 1 .}

I ')_L

""- ..,.



A Pedu 1 to frrH1 t () f sc.u :

C Steeril1g wheel to scat back-rest:

D Height over front scat:

E Height of front scat:

F Maximum adjustment of scat:

G Pedal to SC(l t. back -rcst : 1-1 Dcrt h cd~ s(~(d :

1) 11~~jg11 t of "1 uggugc Ct·) [n r)itl"l!11~n t '. Q Deptll of luggage compartment:

W Width or scat:

Z Width of luggage compartment:


] 7 ''1 .. ~

I _ ...... 4-

13 37 7


- ...• ~


_. . ....4


14 ]0




i -; ", . . , _ ••• r.


lYI(; /t 19881l, 1 ~j351b

53 /:~



A1G~.4 1 (jOO· . 1 60() /\-1/(. J!

2t) 1511) 19601b

53 ~.~ 47l'Z:

./ 0

Complete car, ready for use:

Dry weight:

Weight distribution. front


Technical Specifications


Figures in the folIo wing tables lire based on measurements (1I1{1 weights according to file Imperial system, as IISe(! ill Great Britain, i.e, the Imperial Gallon (lilt/ Long T01"!. Figures ill parentheses represent measurements and weights according 10 the American system, i.e. the US Gallon £111(1 Short TO}L


(1) Type:

(2) Number of cylinders: (3) Bore and stroke;

It.f(I?A 1 (.()O

il.JC'/J (600 l\J/{ II

water-cooled, Jour-stroke, ohv, in-line engine 444

~ ~ 875 .: 3· 5 i 11

( 73 . 02 ... -:: N') n1.111.) 90·88 cu in (l489cc)

o .'" . I

() J .

(4) Piston displacement:

(5}-~ompressioJ1 ratio:


(6) Stroke/bore ratio: (7) Total piston area:

(8) Volume of combustion chamber:

I ·2 J

25 ·94 sq ill


(1) Max. bhp (gross): (2) Brake mean effective .~. pressure (bmep):

s«, ~4

7 '2 a t ~ 5 ()() r ~1111

(3) Max. torque:

J JO I b .... sq in

(9 - 1 kg/sq Cl11) at 35()() rpm

77 · 4 1b rt

( I o ~ 7 1 k g n 1 ) at 35()() rprn


- .


( 5) B h p per sq j 11 t) i s t 0 I} a [-::1 : (6) Bhp/Iitre:

(7) M~lX~ 111cal1 piston speed ~ at 5500rpnl

at 5600rpnl

2995 It mi n


2 · 968 »: 3 . 5 i n (75 - 39 ..... H9] urn)

96 ·9 cu j 1"1 (1588 cc)

q -'J • 1

o .~") .

I . 18

27· 66sq ill

3 · () A 3 · 5 i 11 (76, 2 >< 89111n1·) 99· 08 cu in

( 1622cc)

8 -~) : J

(or 8 · 3 : 1) 1 ·16

28 · 26 S:I i rl

':"'·6 cu in

,..'rl G( A 1 600 i\1 k II

79·5 at 56(lOrpr11 90 at 55()Orp111

I 3 51 b /is q J n

(9 ~ 5 kg/sq ern) ~11. 400(.lrpn1 871b ft

( l ., .po ~ '"~ t· . ..,. q.' .)

~ - ~. ~ _J' !\. t."") ~ r .

a t 3 S 00 1 P J ) 1 2+9


305() ft min

J 4H.1 b ..... 'sq i j)

( ] 0 ~ it k g:/ sq en 1 ) at 4000 rpm 971b ft

( ] 3 · 1 kg ]11 ) .u 4000rpnl -' .. ~~

~.::- . _, ~) . 4

·2995 ft min


( j\/f G /1 16()O .:".'1/\ / /")

1449'4 9·077 5·633 4 · lO(}


Overall (l'vfGA-lvIGA 16()O)


First gear:

Second gear:

Third gear:

Top gear:

Reverse gear ~

Rear axle ratios (standard):

3 . 64() 15 · 652

2~?·[4 9·520

1-374 5·908

I · (() (.~ 4 ~ JOt)

4~760 20~46H

4·3: 1 (MGA-MGA 1600) 4 - I : I (1 60{) M k ] I) 5-60-15

Tyrc size:





32-] (28·6) I-K4(1·64) R9· 3 (79 - 5)

j~1·G·A 1600 31 ~ 5 (28) is: (1·61) 9() ~ 9 (RO ~ 9 )

(1) PiSt()!1 area per ton (sq in): (2) Litrcs per t.OT1:

(3) Bhp per t011:

(4) Brake lining area per ton

(sq i 11 ) : I 66 + 7 (148' 4 )

(5) 1tl/bfl{) (SA E): 26 ~ 8 24· 6

(6) I b per cc piston d isplaccrncnt : ] ~ 3 1 - 74

(7) Road speed in top gear (mph):

at 5 5()O rpm 93 ~ 5

at 560() rpm

(8) Road speed at 2S00ft J11iTl

piston speed 111 top gea r (mph) :



THEORETICAL ROAD SPEEDS (Road speeds in mph .. piston speeds i11 It min)

Rear axle ratio 4·3 : 1 (MGl\ ·.M(i,\ 16(){))

rpm 1 sf geur Znd .. ecar 3rti gear

a 1000 4-7 7~9 12·4

b 3800 17~7 29·2 47~O

c 5600 ]6·1 43·0 69~]

10j) gear 17 · ()


MGA 1600 Mk II 32-2 (28-6)

1 ~ 85

1 oz (90 - 8)

76 ..,

pis ton speed 545 :2070 3()50

Rear axle ratio 4· ] • 1 (M(-iA 1600 Mk. II):
rpln 1 sf gear 7..Iull!etl" 3rtl eear (OJ) gear pis ton speed
a 1000 4·9 8 - f) I ,~ - ~~t 17·7 545
h 4000 19~4 32 - () - ~ ,- 7()·8 2178
) ~ ~)
_. I
c 5500 26·7 4·4 ~O 7() ~ 8 97·3 2995 b =-.: max. torq uc: C :~--=-111a.\~ power.


( I) Maximum SI}Ce{l:


I 00 mp 11

j\IG /1 16()() ] O{} mph

75111}Jh 300 rni lcs

751l1pll J ( )() ]11 j J e s

(2) Cruising speed!

(3) Cruising range (approx.) ~ (4) Speed in gears:

I st gear: !(-) mph

2nd gear: 4·2 11111h

3rd gear: 68111~)ll

(5) Acceleration times (through gears):

O·~30111pl1 5·0 sec

0-50nlptl: lO·8sec

0-80111pl1: 32· 1 sec

0-90'mph: SO· ·1 sec

Standing -1 mile: 19 r 8 sec

28111]1h. 461nph 77 mph

4 ~ 5 sec I o ~ 3 sec 16~6sec 36 - 4scc 19·3sec

L~1GA 160(1 MI( 11 1 ()2111ph


300 miles

29111ph 48111ph 781npll

4-4sec 9·7sec 24·6scc 36· 1 sec j 9· 1 sec



(6) Braking efficiency at ,751b pedal load (30 111ph):

() 4 83 gO· ·74 g


~ (7)

Climbing power:

max, gradient iI1 Znd gear: max .. gradient in 3rd gear ~ max. gradient ill top gear :

(8) Fuel consumption:

(a pprox. T1(1fl"113 I range)

I in 4· 5

1 in 7+]

lin I () · 9

1 i.!.l 4-· 5 .I in ~1·J

I j n I (} ·9

1 in 4 ~ 0 1 in 7· 1

"1 j 11 10·3

'1·~ .., A

"""" ._- ......... J·-'ll)H'

~ -' ~. ~ 1 t ~,.

(9) Speedometer correction: at 30111.pJ-l:

at 6(l rnph:

at 90111ph:

at 1 O() 1111Jh :

M j leage recorder:

6 ~.;.~ fast () ~) ~.~ fast

6 ~ 5 ~'~ fast 7 (~/ ,- fast

.. u

:lCCU ru tc uccura tc accura rc

1 u las:

/ (I' (1,11...

~] ~ .. tIl· ·1 t e

"- ~ , .... \..... I J -t .

1 i' {) . 'r .. ··st

r u ,() ilL.

1 e i .' 1~~' l S t

_ • ~ t. _ ... .

Lubrication and Maintenance RUNNING-IN SPEEDS

During the first 500 miles do 110t exceed 45111ph.

Avoid l011g periods of idling 311d do not over-rev the engine.

Never overload the engine ~ change (IO\Vll tt) a lower t!c~.r when necessary and avoid fierce acceleration.


Engine: SUl11P capacity (incl: tdi ng ()Il ulter r: X I rup pints (9·,~ l) S pints), Oil viscosity: down to 32'··r:' ({}:C): Sl\I~ 3() l

32··' l~· (O :·C·.,) to 10") r- (-12°C) : SA E JOW ~. or ~1 ul t ~ g r~i{":(': I ()\\" - 3t)

below IOL'l~' (~12·~C"): SAE row _J

Oil d i 1)8 tick: o n t he r i gh t - 11(111 d sid c o r ! he c y I i 11 (1 c r b lock ~ Oil filler ~ 011 v ,(1 lve roc k e r C()Vc r ~

Oil drain plug: 011 the right-hand ~ld{: \)f ti·~(· ;-l·_L~-l~·~

Oil filter: Full-flow type. J; .. (-I1(-\\ j:~tcr clement ~\.(.~.~., c~;(J~~i .nilcs lIcrucnt: /\C:

AC3 'JA L~ r -1.18141).1 I) , (. "<E-' 1-' t'" A 'l I . I -( , ·"4-J

.. ~ ,I· r a .111 v., .• '- .. -' .' t: r I.J ; ~l t l-q . .. I () j \ , C C n c nl J t f- .• .. I j +

Fuel tank: Capacity ]() 1111[J gallons (12 U S galh)ns)4

The fuel tank is located under the luggage compart men t +

Fuel pump: Every 6000 111 i 1 esc 1 ea ! 1 r) un '!1 [-J i t c r in c i ea n pe i r o ] \V J t h a s ti IT 11 r us h . no not use rag.

The fuel pump is fitted [)C11l:d t h t he luggage compartment n oor and is reached in the following way: raise t11\: hood and remove spare wheel, RCi110VC floor l)y re1easing the t\VO quick-release SL\rrC\VS.

Air-cleaner: Every 30()O mi les clean elements. W ash f 1 tcr elements ill petrol and allow to dry.. Re-oi I the clements with S;\ E 2() \V C11gi ~1C: oi I and allow to drain before reassembling,

Cooling system: Capacity (including heater): 1 O [111}) pints (12 U S pints) ..

The engine drain-cock is fitted on the right-hand side of tile engine. The radiator drain-cock is fitted 011 the left-hand side of the radiator bottom tank,

--_ ...





Under winter driving C011ditio11S, tile cooling SYStCJ11 must be protected by an anti-freeze solution.

Gearbox: Capacity: 4 1111P pints (5 U S pints). ou viscosity, all COI1ditl()IlS: SAE 30 engine oil. Drain plug: at L10ttOl11 of gearbox ..

Oil filler plug: the combined filler 111ug and dipstick arc located beneath the rubber plug in the gearbox cover r

Rear axle/differential:

C it "'1 G A ').... I ~ ('l 1 1 l S ·

,apacl Y: P.... J l·",- ; ... ~- nIp JJl0tS .~) -+ \)., pmts)

J\·1 GA. 1 ()()O l,., I . ~ . (! + 4 US' . .:

iv1GA J 600 M k Jl J - 111P prnts - S pmts)

Oil grade: t'-l} gear 01 L C!O\Vl1 to 1 ()'; 1·: ( I , ... C-.): Sl\ F 90 E P

below ·1 or (-12~'C~): SA E 80 l~·.r)

Tile C0111L1i ned filler an(t levc I pl ug is ] oca ted (111 t he rear side of the d i fferential housi ng .

Shock-absorbers ; The front sh oc k-u bsorhcrs (.; 11l1U 1{1 hi: top pcd- U II every 600tl 111 ilcs .. The filler plug is lCH ... ~~{ 1 t:~.·l ~):! 1 c· P t If each Sl1(JL k ... ~~ l;sl '!T her. The rear shock-absorbers

. should be t oppcd-up t~Vt) r. i ~ ... . {)f~! ~ rn ilcs and [or this pu rpoxc must be removed from the cha :~~:; is.

Use Armstrong Super Shock Absorber Huid No. 6.244 (If not available, use a good-quality 111i ncral ()11 to s pee; ification SAE· 20/2()\\f _ .. +owcvcr. th is is not SU1tab Ie for J ow - tern pera t u re o pera l i 011 .. )

Lockheed brake and clutch system: Every 1 ()Oa miles check fluid level ill the COJ11- blued hydraulic bra ~ c a Ilt,! !:l utch master cyl i ndcr. The master cylinder is D10u11ted on the dash panel bel ()\V the h~. ~ i·d~,_\t t l ~ l the t1 r ~ vc r ~s s i de. The fill to level should be ·4 in. below the b{)tt0I11 () i t L~ ~ j n~~: n-. .. ~. :,~ ~

Dunlop disc brakes ~ Sc ~ .. ~~~ ru r c t'r~ I kc .uastcr-cy ~ i 1 ~~~cr rcscrvo ira J1({ C 1 utch cylinder


rcser\/() j r ~

Recommended for usc: Du n 1{)~1 [) isc Bra ke J ~I u id ill t he I j ru kc master cyli nder and Girting Huid in the clutch cylinder,

If 110t a vailable, usc a flu itt con lorm i nt~ to specifics l it} ~1 SA F:. 7() R 3 ~


Normal: ~~u 11 load:

Susta ined high-speed driv j ng :

Road Speed tyres:

Normal :

Full load or fast driving:

Competition work ~ sustai ned high-speed d rivi 11 ~.~ ~

r r· ..

r'i) v..-· II' . t.f _.

I ~ 'j

~ I

J, (l :. -l-(' f·' } I ,\~.., .. ~).; . .

1 r 7{)

1. • 50 1 + (j{)

lbsq in '1()

·24 2(i

I,l i '{i r

k,.~:/S(J em I · 4

1 .. 7

1 .. 8


l - '"") '7


l ~ 55

,() '1 ,1

_ ... .,

1 ·4 I ·7

.... """"11 I .

.... ,-


1 ~ 7()

l . X

ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Daily: Check oil level, rad ia tor, petrol, tyres anti I igh LS L Weekly: Check battery 311d tyre pressure.






._.-._.- A3


C6~··- 82---A9~·~

B I -

. __ . C6 --.-~- D2

- C3

... -- C5

---- AS


, I


' 1

. r· -


: 1



-_. -_. .._. - - -

- _. - - - - - .--

. I I :

I .1


I ' I

I . . j


-~ .

• ..&.._ ............

_., .,j ... - -_ ••



Running-ill period: A fter the first SOl) mi les (free service):

Change oil in: cngi 11e, gearbox and rear axle ..

Check ~\gJl' ness I 0 rcc omtnended t O}"(il-IC figures of: cylinder-head a nd manifo ld nuts, valve rocker-shaft. brackets, universal j0111t nuts, spring clips, bumper bolts and wheel 11 uts.

Check and adjust if necessary .. · valve rocker clearance, fan-belt tension, all water connect ions, S park plugs, (list ribu tor POi11tS~ working of automatic igni tion control, clutch pedal free ]110"\.:rCll1eJl t~ front wheel alignment, steeri ng connections, braking system, doors and Jocks, tyre J1reSSllfCS.

Check {INt.! top-up ~~f· necessary: brake anti clutch master cy linder, battery. Check hydraulic shock-absorbers for leaks.

A. Every 1000 miles:

A 1 to A5 Lubricate with grease-gun,

A 1 Propeller sha rt t.L11i versa 1 joi nts (2 11j pples), A2 Propeller shaft slidi flg joi n t (1 ni pple).

A3 Kingpins (4 n ipplcs).

A4 Steering tie-rods (.2 nipples). ,.45 Parking bra ke en I)Ic (1 n i tJrlc L

.(46 Gearbox: check oil level, tC1P-U 1) i f necessary.

A7 Rear axlc/ditlcrential : check oi l level, top-up j r necessary,

A8 Brake and clutch fluid reservoi r: check fluid level, top up i r necessary, A9 Carburettors: tOl"~UP dashpots and lubricate controls ..

Brakes: check pedal free play and make 'visual check or lines and 11lpCS. Shock-absorbers: check Ior leaks.

Wheels: check wheel nuts tor sccuritv.

B" Every 3000 miles:

As for 1 ()()() 1111 lcs. :.11": d i t ~ ~h.!(t d j ~,n :

JJ 1 I~~ nginc sump: dru i! 1 a rid rei i 11.

B 2 A ir-clca ncrs: \\. ash ClCLl1ClltS f n petrol a rHJ re-oi 1.

Door locks and safely catches .. hi ngcs, bonnet lock and operating mechanism: lubricate with eng] ne ()j L

Ign i tion distri bu tor: check a 11(! i f ncccssarv adjust con tact breaker points gap. Spark plugs: c I~:t n (111d reset elect rode gap.

CJ C 11 e r <:1 t o r : c ~ ~ c : k (.1 r i v c ~ h c. 't t e [1 S i o 11 ~

Brakes: check a 11(1 I f ncccssarv adjust (i f ('1 isc bra kcs arc fitted ~ chec k friction pads for wear) ..

\V11ceJs: change round diagonal I)' t o even-out wear.

As for 3()()() miles and ill add l tio II :

~ (~l Gearbox; d rain (\VhC11 hot) and [en I L

(~2 Rear axle .... d i tlcrcntial: drain (when hot) and ref ll. C3 Engine oil filter: clean housing and renew C1C111cnt.

C4 Front wheel bearings: repack 11Ul) caps with grease (do IUJI overfill) ..

C5 Ignition distri buter: rC!lII)VC rotor H11(i apply a few d rops of engine oil 0]1 screw thus exposed. One drop on breaker-arm pivot a 11(i a- few drops on automatic

20 MGA

advance mechanism through gap around Call) spindle. I .ightly smear cam profile w j t h grease or (J i L Check contact- bred kcr 11() i 111 s g~~ f" and check au.tomatic ign it ion contro L

C6 Shock absorbers (Iron t): check tluid 'eve L. top U ~') j f neccssu ry ~ Val ve roc kers: c nee k c Ie ~i ra nccs, ~ld j u.. t j!' 11eceSStt ry ~ Carburcttor and fuel- pump '(i lters: c lea 11 i11 pctro L

Rear road springs: check seat. bohs for security.

Door lu 11g~S and st ri kcr J11a rc screw s : check for sccu r i ~) -, Battery': check spec i.ic gru v 1 ty of elect ro lytc.

Front wheels: check align 111211 r.

n. I~:'lcr)l 12,000 miles:

As for 6000 111] les, n 11<.i i n add j t i o f 1 :

Dl Water r~lU111): lubricate sllaringf,Y' with t~reasc (remove plug).

D2 Genera f (If: 1 u bricate rca r bearing (current reC{)111 rncndn i i l) n: every 6()OO m lies). D 3 S tee r i 11g ra c k a n ~J J1 i n jon: 1 u b rica t c v~:' j t h () il- gun (I O s t r cd\ c S to ni J1 p le on rae k

}1 0 U S ~ 11 g a n d 2 s L r o k c's to pin i 011- S II aft 11 i P P l c }.

D4 Shoe k -(j bsorbcrs (rear): check 11 uid level. tC)r'!-t.q) i r ncccsxnry (rC1l10\'C from car).

Speedometer <111(i rev' cou n ter drive cables: lu Lr ica tc \\' i th grease (wi rhdra w ca b les from outer casj ngs).

Ca rbu rettors: remove suction chambers and pistons, clca 1"1'1 rcaSS(..:J11 ble ,11'1(1 top-up. Re1'l1{)\'C float chambers, empty sediment and relit.

Ignition: renew spa r k plugs.

S tee r i n g : c h ec 1~ 11 1 o v j 11 L~ ~) art s r(H' \-\' t..: a r.

Engine SUl11P: dra in II n ush () lit w. \ h 11 uslt j nj~, () ~: ,~~; 1 d ~-\"~11l L

Co 0 ' I· n g s y s te 11..... ~ (-~ r '1 ~ J 1 f 1 ~ S : - ,\. 1 t '~~ \ i ~ ~ • '-.. I ~ ~ ~

f ~ L, "" ~ ~ I ~ 1 L ,-I:, • I t" \" + 1. ',l _ i \.. ~ ,\.,!, J ~ ~

He ad 1 a ITl p s : c 11 c C k 1) C ;: n rJ ~; c It { 11 g ~ ~ id jus 1 i r n ~,>: c s :~: 1 r y .

E~ Every 24~OOO miles:

Engine su 1111J: remove su 111J1 a 11(i fresh ()1 L


]1 i c k - t.q 1 S t r ail h: r. 4..:- \. \'~ : t . r L~\. ~ ~ _~ ~ (: n 1 LJ 1 C a 11 d r e n 11 w i t h

Repair Data

Repairs are usually best performed h~y aut horized ([(\~jf'rs~ who possess the necessary experience and SPCCi~11 equipment .. These ih;l~'i have been compiled from the official workshop manuals f rul other manufacturers" information, which were supplied through the kind co-operation of the British Motor <. .orporation.


The cngi ne is hu d till un i t \\' j lh, cl 11 tch a nd gea rbox ~ Engine type: M'G l\ I 5()O: j 5 (j H

From car N{}~ () 1504: ] 5 ('J f) MGt\. 16()O: ] 6 G/\

M G ~~ 16t){) M k, I I: I (, (Ie

Removal ofthe engine (single unit):

- (1) Drain engine and gearbox, remove the upper a 11(1 lower radiator ,11()SeS and rCI110VC the radiator, ReJll0'/C the bonnet.




. :: .. :

. . . . ..

.,... t ~ \ . 'h, . $, .

. ..... .., , . "::-::1 :

............. ::. --x .::~;..~ ..

:;;/:' .;; .. \ .. ' '\ i:·· ·:v~!~~;+

': .. :. ,~.: .. ~ tt.~ .. ~~~:~~. :

. "!-., ,~~ -, ..

::{ ,,: ;';j;;"

:::. :.:;.::: ..


:' :::

. " . . ,.,


::'::' ::,


. . ::' .... :'



. .




.. ..

:.::'::' .:: :. .:;'

Fig. 17. Engine, 1\'lGA 1600 Mk u, under-bonnet view

(2) Suitably mark the rear universal joint flange and the pinion flange, and disconnect the propeller shaft. Mark the parking brake lever and the splined shaft,

unscrew the clamping bolt and remove the lever from the shaft.

(3) Remove the reinforcement bracket from the inside of the propeller-shaft tunnel.

Remove the seats, floor boards. toe-boards, and gearboX and propeller-shaft covers. Remove the remote-control housing frortl the gearboX extension. Disconnect the speedometer drive cable. Disconnect the hydraulic pipe from the

clutch actuating cylinder.



(4) Remove the carburettors,: disconnect the tachometer drive cable, and disconnect the exhaust pipe from the manifold and fr{)111 the bracket at the rear engine mounting plate,

(5) Unscrew the water temperature transmitter unit from the cylinder head and detach the conductor frO!11 the support clip, Disconnect the oil pressure gauge pipe from the union at the right-hand side of the cylinder block.

(6) Disconnect the wiring trom generator, coil~ distributor and starter motot.

Hang the engine in a suitable tackle and take the engine weight, Release the .. engine from the front engine SUPIJOrts and remove the rubber mountings .. Release the gearbox from the mounting on the chassis cross-member. Carefully hoist the engine from the car.

Reinstallation is done in the reverse order of removal.

Engine compression: Compression pressure with a warm engine a t crank ing speed with wide-open throttle should be 130 -,150 lb/sq in.

• • • ..... ~ .. I


.:': .,:,., T' : ", .. ';"'~".::; ::.'. ': .. ~~;~x.' •. ' ' : .::.':. ::.: ,:' ':.

.. .'. . ..... .. ..

" ..

. .


' ,

. .


'. ..

~ Fig .. 18. Cylinder-head, l\1CA 1600 I\·1k 1.[, bottom view

t~ylinder head: Cast-iron cylinder head, carrying the Ihten the cylinder-head nuts in the sequence given

" , ... ft lb: .

•• •• . II.

7 3 2 6

valve gear. Unscrew and below .. Tightening torque


1 o Front . .:,'

.. ..1

11 _. . 8




"'iI:. ~ ... ".~

The cY1\~er~head nuts Nos. 7, 3, 2 and () also secure the rocker-shaft supports.

Cylinder .. head gasket: The cylinder-head gasket is marked ·To~~. and 'Front' to

facilitate installation .. The copper side should face upwards, . ~; .. ~ ..

Cylinder block; Cast-iron cylinder block, integral with the upper hKir of the crankcase, No separate cylinder liners are used, but when the cylinder bores are unfit



even for the installation of O: 040 in oversize pistons, dry liners call be pressed in. Standard bore diameter, MGA 1500: 2.· 8~/5 in

MGA 1600: ? .. 968in

MGA 1600 Mk n. 3 ·()013 in

Cylinder liners: The cylinder 1110ck must be bored-out to the dimensions given under Specifications to provide the necessary interference lit. WIlen the liners are pressed into the block, the pressure must be released several times during the first i11Ch. "This will allow t11C liner [0 line-up properly. Cylinder liners must be installed with the chamfered end downwards, Press the liners in 1111til the tipper edge is flush wi th the cylinder-block mating face.

Specifications: J'yIGA 1500

Bore diameter in cylinder

block: 340165·-3~017in

Outer diameter of ] iner : 3 · () 185-- 3 · 0 1925 in

Il111er diameter of liner,

pressed ill and reamed: 24 8745-2 ~ 876 in

. .

Inlet and exhaust manifold: Separate inlet and exhaust' manifolds .: There is no

provision for pre ... hcati ng the mixture.


Engine sump: The removable engine sump is a steel pressing, having an uninter-. rupted.mating face.

. . ~ . ~" .

. Crankease ventilation: Posi t ivc crankcase ventilation by means of a pipe' .1;?~.tween.

thevalve rocker cover and the front air-cleaner It T11e air elliers the engine via' a pipe 011 the left-hand side of the cylinder block ..

Pistons: Solid-skirt~stOI1S of anodised aluminium alloy, The pistons' 'are equipped with three cOlnp}:ession rings anti 011e oil control ring, a11 fitted above the piston pin. Pistons .and connecting rods are removed upwards from the cy1inder block. TIle crown of each piston is marked 'Fro 11 t' 4

Oversize pistons are identified hy a number enclosed ill an ellipse, The' number on each piston denotes the actual bore size tel which it must be fitted.

Always stamp the size of each piston all the cylinder-block mating face, adjacent to the cylinder bore, whenever pistons differing in size from those removed are installed .. ' Piston diameter is measured at the bottom of the skirt, at right angles

to the piston pin. " "

Starting with engine No. 15 G B/U jH 384R4, new pistons with modified piston':' pins having a reduced internal diameter were installed. The later type piston is only interchangeable with the original (:15 a set. FrOl11 engine No. 15 GB/UjH 40824, pistons having compression ring grooves of reduced diameter were installed. These pistons arc also interchangeable as a set only.

Pistons are available in standard size and in 0·010,0·020,0·030 and O·040in



Specifi cations t· ..

pjSt011 clearance at top of skirt: O"0035-0~004' ill Piston clearance at bottom of skirt: 04001 7--0· 0023 in

Piston rings: Three compression rings and one oil control ring arc fitted above the " piston pin .. The top .ring is plain, the other t\VO are tapered and should be installed with the side marked 'T' facing upwards,

~:: From engine No. 56S2 onwards a chromium-plated top compression ring was





Starting from engine N04 ]5 G'Bj,U/l-l 40824 the piston rings (.~re of increased radial thickness. The new compression rings must not be used ill pistons having the larger groove diameter. When .'iristaliing piston rings, make sure that the ring gaps are equally spaced around the piston circumference .. Piston rings are available ill standard size and in 04019, o· 020,.' O: 030 and 0 ~ 040 in oversize,

ktGA 1500

uc A .l60()

/'vl(i A '1600 }\1/( 11


. iinches) (ilft'i!es) (inches)

Hight of compression r i n gs : 0 · 0615-0 . ()(j" 5 0 · 061 5-0 · 0625 a · 061 5-0 · 0625

Thickness of comp ress i o n r ings : . O: 1 t 1'-()· 11 S

from engine N04 40824:

Fitted gap:

Clearance in groove:

Height of oil control ring:

Thickness of oil control ring: frOITI. engine No. 4·0824:

Fitted gap:

Clearance ill groove:

o 119--0 · 1 26 0·008-0·013 0·0015-0·0035 0.1552-041562 O·111 .. O~118

o · 119·-0 · 126 ()·008·~O~013

O ~ 0016---0· ()()36

o· 141 .. --{)· 1 48 () ~ ()09-0 · 014

() · ()() 1 5-() r ()() 35

o ~ 1552 0 ~ t 56"

o ~ 1 2 5 ~O ~ ] J 2

O · (){}9-() · O 14 O~OOI5 .. ·O~0035 o- '1552--0 ·1562

o ~ 1 J 5-() · 142 O· 1 2 5-~··O ~ 132

O · ()()9-0 · () l4 0 . 009 ··-0 . 0 14

o· ()() l ()-. () · 0036 0 · 0016-<) .. 0036' .

Piston pins (gudgeon pins): The hoi [O\V steel piston pi ns are clamped ill tile C011- necting ... rod small ends, Each piston pill should be a hand-push "fit through the piston; this cal1 be checked by holding tile connecting rod alld piston assembly in

.a horizontal position. TIle connecting rod should turf) the piston by its O\V11 weight. 'From engine No. 15 (iBjUjH 38484, a new piston pin, having ,1 reduced internal diameter, was fitted .. The later type piston pin is only interchangeable with the original as a set.

NOTE: When, during .dismantling or reassembly, the piston pill clamp bolt is loosened or tightened, it is essential to clamp the piston pill in a vice by means or the special clamping plugs which arc available for this purpose. In tile absence of these clamping plugs, a stee1 rod may l1C clamped in a vice and the hollow pin slid over it. On 1'10 account should the connecting rod be clamped ill a vice when the bolt is loosened or tightened. Such practice \\,,111 always re-sult in distorting' the connecting rod.


Outer diameter:

Fit in piston:

l"lGA 1500-MG 11 1600 /1r.J(j~A 1600 "A,lk II

O: 6869---0· 6871 in (). 7499--0 . '750 1 in

0·0001-0,,00035 in 0 .0001-0400026 in

Connecting rods: The connecting rods arc steel forgings of J-beam section, equipped with replaceable steel-backed bearing shells.

Connecting rods, bearing caps and shells should never be filed or scraped,

The connecting rods are numbered 1 to 4 from front to rear; the big-ends of the connecting rods are offset; tile wide side of Nos. 1 and 3 connecting rods face the rear; those of Nos. 2 and 4 connecting rods face the front.

When reinstalling the connecting-rod and piston assembly, take special note of the following: the number stamped on the connecting rod and bearing cap must correspond with the cylinder bore ill which the piston is to be i nstalled ; the bearing shell locating notches in cap and rod must be on the same side and the oil squirt hole must be towards the thrust side of the engine, i.e. must be facing away from the camshaft. Tighten the piston pin clamp boll t.o 25 ft lb.



Specifications ~.

Length, centre to cell tre :

Big-end bore diameter:

Connecting-rod end-float:

Big-end bearing clearance:

6 t 498~6 · 502 ill

2 ~ 0210-'2·~ 0215iri

o w 008-0 · 0 12 in". '._

" .

o· 000 1-0 ~ 001.6 in; ..

MG 1600-1600 ·.Mk II:· 0 ~ 00 ro-o- 002S·ill

. .


Connecting-rod big ... end bearings: 1'11in ... wall, .stecl-backed lead .. indium or lead-tin bearing shells for the MGA .J 500, and steel-backed lead-indium bearing shells for the MGA 1600 and 1600 Mk Il, The bearing caps and she11s should on no account

be filed or scra]Jed.· .

Bearing shells are availa ble in standard size and O· 01 O, 0 ~ 020, O: 030 and. 0 · 040 ill undersize. Tighten the big ... end bearing cap bolts to 35 ft lb ..

Crankshaft: Forged-steel crankshaft with integral balance weights, running in three main bearings, End-float is controlled by semi-circular thrust washers on both sides of the centre main bearing. The oil grooves ill these thrust washers must face outwards. From engine No. BP15GB/661 5 onwards, the oil-return

- .

thread was reduced in diameter. (Old, 2·139-2-1405in; 'new, 2~ 138"-2~1385int)

The clearance between the crest of the thread and the housing Sl10uId be O: 003- o 1006 ill.

Spec ificatiot IS ~r

Standard journal diarneter :

Minimum regrind diameter:

Crankpin diameter:

Mini1nU1TI regrind diameter:

Crankshaft end-float:

2 · O(}()j-2 · ()l) I ill "1 • 960 5 ~ 1 - 961 i 11

I · 8759-1. · 8764 in 1·8359~1·8364in O·OO'-O·003in

Main bearings: Replaceable thin-wall, steel ... backed, white metal bearing shells. The bearing caps must 11CV':':l' be filed or scraped, T11e horizontal joint faces of the rear main bearing cal) must be lightly smeared with jointing compound to ensure a perfect oil-seal when the cal) is bolted down. Tighten tile main bearing cap bolts to 70ft Ib4


Length of bearing caps:

Ax ia 1 clearance:

1 · 375 ill

() . O()()5-0· 002 i 11

Flywheel: The flywheel is bolted OIl to the crankshaft rear flange, The starter ring gear is shrunk 011 .. A new starter ring gear should be heated to 300-400f)C (575- 752°F) (light-blue surface colour) before it is placed on the flywheel. To facilitate tile reinstalJation or the flywheel, the crankshaft rear flange is stamped with a timing mark, which shou1d be in. Jine with the timing [nark on the flywheel. Tighten the flywheel bolts to 35-40 n lb.

Camshaft: The camshaft is situated ill the left-hand side of tile engine and runs in three bearings. Camshaft end .. float is taken by a thrust plate behind the camshaft sprocket.

Specificat iOIIS:

Diameter of front camshaft journal:

Diameter of centre camshaft journal:

Diameter of rear camshaft journal :

Camshaft end-float:

·1 ·78875-1-78925in 1 ~ 72875--1 · 72925 in 1·62275-1-62325in o· 003---0· 007in



. .

Camshaft bearings: The camshaft funs in three steel-backed, white metal bearing

bushes. To remove the bearing bushes, the use of a special extracting and refitting. tool is strongly recommended.

Specifications 6·

Inner diameter of front bearing, pressed in and reamed :

Inner diameter of centre bearing, pressed in and reamed:

Inner diameter of rear bearing, pressed in and reamed:

Radial clearance:

1 t 79{) j 11 1 · 730 ill

1 .. 6'4 in '¥

o ~ 00 1-0 · Ot)2 i 11

Camshaftdrlve: The camshaft is driven by means or a duplex roller chain.

From engine No" 259 onwards, the chain is kept at the right tension by means of spring-loaded, synthetic rubber tensioner, To free the tensioner from spring

• :0...,.

\. pressure, the bottom plug is removed and an -1- ill Allen wrench is inserted. Turn

the wrench in a clockwise direction, until the synthetic rubber slipper is free (between one half and one full turn). The tensioner is released for operation by turning the plunger in a clockwise direction, until the slipper 1110ves against the chain.

Never turn the wrench in an anti-clockwise direction or force the slipper head on to: the chain by external pressure.

:·W"b:en reinstalling the camshaft drive, make sure the sprockets are properly aligned. If necessary, align the sprockets by adjusting the number of shims behind - the crankshaft sprocket. The timing marks should be in line and towards each others- , .' . > ~ ..•.

: • I I' _

.' - ','''I'" ...... I.


< -

\ ... :. ~~~\

" ,,." I

"","" :. ..

.... : ... /

\ . ~~-

Fig. 19 .. Timing chain tensioner

1 Rubber pad

2 Sleeve with non .. return helical slot


Chain pi tch :

Number of links:

Number of teeth on crankshaft sprocket:

Number of teeth on camshaft sprocket:

3 Sleeve retractor 4 Stop pin

5 Pll1g

~in 52 2()


Valve timing: When checking valve-timing, adjust the valve rocker clearance to 0-060in; this is necessary to bring tile opening position of number Ol1e valve to TDC.

Inletvalve opens 16° BTDC Inlet valve closes 56° ABDC



Exhaust valve opens 51° BBDC Exhaust valve closes 21° ATDC

Valve clearance: The valve clearance should be adjusted when the engine is hot. Running valve clearance, 1500cc engine: O·OI7in; 1600cc engine: O~015in .. Valve

clearance for timing: O·060in_ .

Valves: Overhead valves, operated by means of· push-rods and rockers. The valve keepers are of the split cotter type. When replacing the valves, make sure that a new packing ring is correctly located at the bottom of the cotter groove.

Specifications MGA 1500~1600 .MGA_1600 Mk II

Valve head diameter, inlet: 1·5in 14r562~1~567in

exhaust: 1 9/32in 1 .. 343-1· 348in

Valve stern diameter, inlet and exhaust: O'342in O·342in

Valve lift, 1500cc engine: O·357in

1600cc engine: 0-350iJl O'350jn

Valve clearance in guide, inlet: O·OOI55---O-00255in.O·00155-O·00255in

exhaust: O-OOI05-O·00205inO~002~·003in

From engine NOt 4045~ exhaust: 0 ·002-0 ·003 in

Valve scats: The valve scats are integral with the cylinder head. If it should be necessary during an engine overhaul to install valve-seat inserts, the cylinder head must be machined to the dimensions given ill Fig. 10.


i I I !


: I

.1 I


~~~··y,,~C~~~ ~



: i


~- .. ----.--- ------- - J -----------"1.,.


i --------~L------~~·~,

Fig. 20. Valve seats, machining dimensions

A Maximum radius O·015ill .8 O·I86~O-188in

C It165-1-175in

D 1·268~1·288in

E 16437-1~438in

F 45°

G Maximum radius O-015in HO-186-0·188in

I 45°

J 1 t 302-1 · 322 ill K 1·487 -1· 507 ill L 1~530-1·531in

Valve springs: Double valve springs, Specificat ions:


Free length, inner spring: outer spring:

Fitted length, inner spring: outer spring:

MGA 1500-1600 1 31/32in

2 3/64in

1 7 JI6in 1 9/16in

.. ~

MGA 1600 Mk II 1 31/32in

2 1/32in



1 17/32in




Number of active coils, inner spring: outer spring:

Spring pressure, valve opened,

6-i- 4 ~-


+ •

rnner spring:

outer spring:

Spring pressure, valve closed,

inner spring: ]() 1t1 2S·· 3211)

outer spring: 60·S1b 77 -~.Ilb

Valve guides: Cast-i ron, removable valve guides, 1 f it is necessary to replace the valve guides, the old ones must be driven out towards the combustion chamber.

The new valve guides l11USt be pressed in from the top, the inlet valve guides having the largest chamfer at the top, 311d the exhaust valve guides having the counterborcd end towards the bottom. .

The valve guides must. protrude ~. ill above the machined surface of the valve spring seat.

5() lb

] ()S ] b

5() lb 1311h

S pee ifica t i011 S .:

Length, inlet: exhaust:

Outer diameter, inlet and exhaust:

MG 1600-1600 :l\1k JI:

Inner diameter, inlet and exhaust:

M(5 1600-1600 l\1k ] I:


I ~ ill

2 9/32in O·S635in

() . 5635-0· 5640 in O' 3438 ill

() ~ 344J5--()' 34475 in

Valve tappets: Valve tappets of the 'ba rrci' type. New tappets SJ1l)u1d he fitted by selective assem bly ; they must just fa] I down their bores 11)' 1 hci r own weigh t when lightly lubricated.

From engine No, 5504 onwards, the ball ends of the push-rods and the scats of .. the tappets are increased in spherical diameter. Push-rods and tappets are (J111y interchangca ble as a set.





.) . ·'9 J 1.:; () 3 i 1"1 13/i6ill

Valve rockers: The valve rockers arc assembled 0]1 a 110]10\\.' valve rocker shaft, which rests in four supports on the cylinder head. The outer nuts of the rockershaft supports also serve to retain the cylinder head. It is therefore essential to drain the cooling system and to unscrew all the cylinder-head nuts (engine cold) in the sequence given 011 page 22 before the valve-rocker assembly is removed, To facilitate the removal and reinstallation of the valve-rocker bushes, the lise of tool 18 G·226 is recommended. When new bushes are pressed in, tile split 111.Usl be just above the oil-hole ill the rocker, on the adjusting screw stele. Usc a O·093in drill to drill the oil-hole on the adjusting screw side and a O: 0785 in dri11 for the oilhole on the valve spring S.idC4 Plug the hole on the adjusting screw side.

ReaJTI the bush to O: 6·1 6---0· 620i11.


Bore of rocker arms:

Rocker ratio:

o 7485 ·0· 7489 in l ·426 : 1

Engine lubricatlon: Full-pressure lubrication, by means (If an oil pump of the eccentric rotor type, The oil enters the pump through a gauze screen; the oil is delivered via a pressure relief" valve on the rear left-hand side of the cylinder block



and a11 external pipe ()11 the right-hand side of the cylinder block to a full-flow oil lil tcr. From the oi I Iil tcr the oil is delivered to a 11 igh-pressure oi I gallery, from which the main bca r ings recei vc thci r Of I. TIle connccti rig-rod bca rings arc lubricared in the usual way; the SeC()11d and third connecting-rod bearings receive their oil fr{)111 the cen t re rna i 11 beari ng, a nd the first and fourth connect ing-rod beari ngs from the front a nd rear rna j n bcari ngs respect i vel)'.

Fr()111 the fro n t rna in bea ring ()iI is feci to the front camshaft heari ng. The transfer dril ling ill the cy] j ndcr bloc k feeds the oil ill the front C[lJl1S113 ft bearing to the timi 11g cha i n tensioncr ~ to lu brica tc t i nli ng chai nand sprockets, 1~ro111 the CC11tre ca msha Ct bearing, oi I is fed to a low-pressure l1i I gn llery (}11 the left-hand side of the engi nc. OiJ from t his gallery luhrica tcs the ojI-I)U 111.p d rive shaft, The rear earnsha ft bcari ng is I uhricated hy oi I from the rear I11U in bca ri ng. From the rear camshaft bearing oil under reduced pressure is fed to the rear rocker-shaft support and the hollow valve rocker shaft. The valve rockers are provided with t\\10 oil .. holes, one sq u i rt ho lc for t he va I vc s tern ti I) a nd the valve springs, and (}IlC for the pushrod ball cup. The oil llowi ng down from the cylinder 11C~t(i Iubricutes the push-rods and lappets. The connecting-rod big-ends arc drilled for additional cylinder-wall lu brication ~ the piston pillS arc lubrica led by splash ~

Oil pressure relief valve: /\ i I he rea r left -ha 11(1 side of the cy 1 indcr L110ck a nonadjustable oil pressure relief valve is installed.

!)p ecific (11 ion .. v.

·F ree length of spri ng : fitted length:

Fitted load:

Identification colour:

J ~,')"").

...:.. )/_...:.rn

] 6Ill

red spot

Oil pump: A11 eccent r ic rot(H·~t~t·pc oil pump is mounted in the left-hand side of the crankcase a nd is d ri Vel! by a ~-)h( -rt vc r! ira' ~ha It from the carnsha rio

() 11 1 ate r ell gin e s [1 n e \V 0 i I P II J 11 j.J a 11 d ( ) il s t r a H 1\.: r are j n s L .. tile d ~ the J 1 C w pun 1 p, strui ncr a nd cv 1 i ndcr block t (.1 oi l 11U.111P stud scan he used to replace t11C former


Oil pressure: The normal oil pressu re n t it \VilrJ11 engine should be between 3{) and 8()lb/='sq 111 for the 1600 and "1600 Mk II~ anti 15 to 50IlJ ....... SLl in for the 1500.

Oil filter: A fu ll-Ilow oi 1 fi J tcr is mounted 011 the righ t -hand side of the cyli nder block. The bY-1JdSS valve opens at a pressure difference of 13-17lL)/'sq in.

Starting with engine No. ]5 GH/lJ/l-[ ·26661 (~J 15 GH/U/ll 26700 and from N(). 26933 onwards, a l1C\V type oil filter is installed.

Specifications :

en pacity: MG A 15()():


·1 pi n t l p in t

Igni tion system: I gil it i 0 11 by nlCJJlS 0 r ba t t e ry a nd co i L Firing order 1-3-4-2.

Ignition timing: ~The contact .. breaker points shou l~J just start to open when the notch on the ·crankshaft pulley - is almost midway between the centre and righthand tooth (In the timing C()VCf, and No. 1 piston is almost at TDe on its C01l1-

·pre~sion stroke. This \vitl be 7() before TD(~. For the M.Cj. 160{) Mk II~ the llotch should be in line with the right-hand tooth (the longest tooth indicates TDC~ the centre tOOt11 5° BTDC~ the right-hand tooth 100 BTO(~)~ To time the distributor, proceed as follows:


- ._- - - .-. - --- ---- _. - - --.-+- ....



Turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the crankshaft pu11ey is almost midway between the centre and. right-hand tooth on the timing cover, and No. 1 piston is almost at TDC 011 its compression stroke. Check that the contact-braker gap is set to O·Ol4--0·016in .. Insert the distributor into its housing aud slowly rotate the rotor arm to engage the drive shaft. The vacuum control unit should be to the front and vertical. Secure the clamp plate to the distributor housing. Slacken the clamp plate bolt, take up any lost motion in the drive by turning the rotor clockwise as far as it will go, turn the distributor housing anticlockwise until the contact .. braker points are closed, and then turn the distributor clockwise until the breaker points just start to open again, Tighten the clamp bolt, The ignition is now timed to 7° BTDC .. A slight readjustment to the distributor may be necessary to suit the particular type of fuel ill use and the setting should be corrected after checking the timing as described above or during a road test. If necessary, the correction can be made by means of the vernier control on the

distributor housing. •

Distributor: Lucas DM 2; 011 later models Lucas DM 2 j)4 .. Contact breaker point gap: O·OI4-0·016in.

Breaker-arm tension: 2ll-24 OZ~

Distributor setting: 7° BrDC; MGA J600 Mk II: 100 BTDC. Direction of rotatio.n: anti-clockwise when viewed from above. Condenser ca paci ty: 0 L 2 microfarad.

Advance degrees, centrifugal: vacuum:

. Advance begins (engine rpm):

ends (engine rpm):

Spark plugs: Champion N5 (formerly designated NA8). Spark plug gap: () ~ 024-0· 026 in.

Ignition coil: Lucas HA 12~

Fucl system: The fuel tank is 1110l111ted between the chassis side-members at the rear of the car; the capacity is 10 Imp gallons (12 US gallons),

The fue1 is fed to the SU carburettors by means of an ST). electric fuel pump.

Carburettors: Twin SU H4 semi-downdraught carburettors.'. III .. ~.: ... '

. .-..

For description and adjustment details see separate section on SU carburettors.

A1C;-A 1600
i\1·Gt A 15 (}() i\1GA J 6()() l~·1k II
r 1/13 12 24
It) 10 20
300/550 300 400
1950 1900 1900 .. :..-.....



Needle, MGA 1500:

MGA 1600 Mk I, II:

Piston spring:

I · 5 in

GS (standard), CC (rich), 4 (weak) ~ 6 (standard), RO (rich), AD (weak)

o ·090ill



Fuelpump: The electric S U fuel pump is mounted on a bracket on the right .. hand : side ofthe fuel tank, accessible from under the car .. 111 Fig. 25 a partly exploded

~. rll .

t,!lew of the fuel pump is shown.

Spec ifications

Delivery: 10 Imp gallon/hour (12 U S gallon/hour).




l Outlet union 2 Delivery valve 3 Valve cage

4 Spring clip

5 Fibre washer

6 Suction valve spring 7 Suction valve

8 Inlet union

9 Diaphragm

]0 Armature guide rollers 11 Volute spring

1 2 Magnet coil


17 1


13 Outer rocker 14 11111er rocker

I 5 Spring blade with contacts 16 Earth terminal

17 Co nden sec

18 Cover

19 Terminal screw 20 Rocker hinge pill 21 Iron core

22 Push-rod

23 Steel armature 24 Filter

15 14


I 1


12 11




1 2



Fig. 21. SU fue1Ipump




Air-cleaners: Tw i 11 \r okcs oi l-wct ted a i r-c leaners, For scrv icc ) nst ruct i(111S sec page 164

Cooling system: Prcssu r ized wa ter cool i ng \vj th I)U till) a net fa 11 ~ ~l thermos! at is fitted in the wa tcr out let i 11 t 11C fro n t of the cy 1 j ndcr head.

When the t hcrmost a t is closed, t 11C water ci rcu lares v i~l a l.1Y-11' iSS pi I)C ~ Capaci ty: ·10 Imp pin ts, 12 U S 11i n ts.

TIle cooling SYStC111 is provided wi th t \V() (1 ra j ncock s, one on t he right-ha nd side of the cyl i ndcr block ~ nea r (he d istri hu t or, the other a 1 the rad ia tor base ~ As the cooling s)'StC-Il1 is prcssu rizcd, t]le tiller ca p muxt 11c rc moved before the cooling system ca 11 be d ra iJ1C(f.

Water pump: Water pump of the impeller type. l.J p~ 1() engine N (14 15 C.J l)/LJ /J 1 39365 to ·15 C, 1),/ l J.'/ 1·1 3940() and Irorn cngi nc N o. I 5 (.~ I ); LJ./ J·I 395 )6 ()11Vv'a rds, a new water pu 11111, which is i 11 tcrch angca blc w j t 11 l he former one, was f t ted r

!L f.--- ="'-

+-, u ,

~ - '-- I ,.

~~----..... ------ 't::



:;: ~

.... -



. ). .~


~ I·" PI. • I ..

The pu rnp shu ft: ,(.11" the old wa tel" pu mp was carried ()11 t wo ba 1] ... bcari ngs ~ these bearings could be replaced a 11(1 were serviced scna ra rely. TJ1e water pum J1 of the newer tYl'c has a ~)U 1111) shalt 'fl.' hich ~ is carr j lLli {) n ~t (1()U ble-row ba ll-bea ri ng ~ bearing and shaft arc 0]11y· serviced as a un i l.

III Fig .. 22 the wa tcr 11U 111~) of the newer type is shown.

Thermostat: The t hcrrnostu t i 5 set. t o open at 70~ 75~)C=. This set tiJlg ca Illl at l1C al tercd, bu t t hermosta ts \A.! it h al tcrna t! vc set t i rigs arc a vaila blc .


Frost protection: The coo I j ng system is. u nsuitablc for the use of ,1 n t i-frccze m i x-

tures with al1 alcohol base, owing to the high temperatures il uuined in the top radiator tank, Only anti-freeze mixtures of the cthvk-ucglyco! or glycerine type shou ld be employed. Usc 01"11y anti-freeze of a rcpu t ~ t hlc bra nd and mix it accordj ng to the mauufact u rers j nS(TLIC{ ions.


Clutch: Borg & Reck si ngle (I r~y-]~ la tee ~ II tc h, hvd ra u 1 ica fly opera ted. The c 1 u t.~h-



release bearing is a carbon ri ng ill a beari ng cup ~ when worn, the complete bcari 11g 111 U s t he renewed.

Specifira! i()IIS.~ Type:

() iuruetcr :

N umber of thrust spri 11gS ~ Colour :

From engine No. 16225 onwards :

Number of da111})Cr springs:


A h--·(~

8in 6

Release lever ratio:

black and yellow cream and J igh t green. ()

whi te \V' i t h f ight-grccn stri pes. 9 : I

Max imum permissible difference i n spri ng

pressure when assembled: l O ·-ISIl,

A djustmcnt .~ Since the clutch is hydraulically operated, clutch free-play should be measured at the master cylinder push-rod: There should be a clearance of 1/32 in when the ClUtCJl pedal is fully released.

NC)TE: .00 not rely ()J1 the frcc-pluy of the clutch pedal itself.

Master cylinder = ~I\, i Il-L}() rc i"ll;'1 st cr cy li nder ~ \VI1I..:.11 disc brakes arc fitted to all four \v hee]s, a scpara tc brake a 11(1 (:1 utch master cy l i nder arc 11S\!lt. Keep the flu id level at half ~1[1 inch below the bOttO]11 of the [iller neck by topping-up with Lockheed hydraulic brake fluid or another brake fluid conforming to SA E 70 RJ~ ·Ft1T an exploded view of the clutch master cylinder refer to page 53.

Gearbox: Four-speed gearbox with synchromesh Otl second, third and top gears. Top gear is a direct drive, third and SeeD11(1 gear arc obtained by constant-mesh pinions and first and reverse p:e~l r f-...y slid j ng s pu r gca rs .

. Removal and dismant Iing .

After removal from the car, tile gearbox IS disrn.uuled as ft)l1tl\\'S:

( ["> Dr.un the gearbox. remove the dipstick ~"l nd unscrew tile speedometer drive. D{) not withd ru v~/ the pinion from the bush, or the oil-seal wi II be damaged.

Remove the remote-control housing and the extension housing tOI) C()VCf ..

(2) Remove the interlock arm and plate from the extension housing, U nscrew the bolts securing the extension housing to the gearbox, pull the CXtCllSi()J1 housing rearward [111tl l u ru it to free the shi Iter/selector finger fr(1111 the shi fter dogs. Remove the ex tension housi ng.

The dismantling and reassembly of the gearbox extension and the remotecontrol housing IS d -;;! raightforward operation which requires no special descrip tion .

. N(.·! r: D() not remove the sliding joint bush unless necessary as removal wif make it U I1n t for further usc.

(J) Remove the gearbox side-cover (111(1 the overshoot stop, Cut the locking wire and unscrew the three shifter-fork set-screws ..

(4) Unscrew the t\VO cap screws securing the shifter-shaft gu ide block to the gearbox and remove the guide block, shifter shafts and dowels.

(5) Wrap the gu I(h .. ~ block in <1 cloth to prevent the detent bulls from jumping out and withdraw the shifter-fork shafts, Remove the shifter forks from the gearbox ift the followi ng order : reverse, top/third, first/second.

(6)· Remove the clutch fork and t he clutch-release bearing. RCll10VC the main





&1 M
I I ©
='h. ' : II

- ~-~
~ ~
~-<~ IT)

r---.._~_., M


! ~ . i i



r ...
.,.. f'l
.. -
~ drive gear bearing cover, complete .with oil-seal, laking care not to Jose the shims between bearing cover ~111d bearing.

(7) Gently tap out the countcrshalt and lower the gear cluster to the bOtt()111 of the gearbox. Unscrew the reverse id lor-shaft set-bel t, d rive ou (' t11C shalt and remove tile reverse idler gear ..

(8) Withdraw the mainshaft assembly towards the rear and the main drive gear towards the front, Take care 11tJt to lose tile 18 needle rollers, Rcrnove the countershaft gear cluster and 1'.\VO thrust washers,

Tile mainshaft is dismantled as !O/IOlVS:

(,I) Remove the top-gear baulk ring, synchronizer huh (together with the synchronizer sleeve) and third-gear baulk ring. 'WhCJl the shifter sleeve is separated from the synchronizer hub, care must be taken not to lose the balls and springs. Depress the S111ali spring-loaded plunger in the front end of the mainshaft and

-' turn the splined ring so that' OIle or its splines covers the plunger,

(3) Slide the splincd ring, together with the third-gear idler pinion and its bush, off the mainshaft ; remove the plunger and the spri ng~ Slide the interlock ri 11g (;lnd the second-gear idler pi n i~')11, together with the, bca ri llg bush and bau I k ring, off the mainshaft,

(4) Remove the rear thrust washer and slide the second-gear synchronizer hub and the first-gear slid i ng 1)1 11 ion from the mainshaft. Ta k c care 110t to Jose the synchronizer ba lis and springs when the fi rst -gear slid i ng p inio 11 is separa ted from the hub.

Key to Fig. 23 1 Circlip

2 Main drive pinion bearing

3 Interlock plunger and spring 4 Main drive pinion

5 Mainshaft pi lot bcari ng


6 Mainshaft


7 TIl j r .... l/top gca r synch ro 11 izer sleeve g Top gear baulk ring

9 Third/top gear synchronizer hub J 0 Detent ball and spring

11 Mainshaft bearing housing l2 Third gear baulk ring

'13 Mainsha ft rear bearing

14 Fro J 1 t th rust wash cr

15 Third gear idler pinion

16 Third gear idler pinion bush ,I 7 III tcr lock ri 11g

18 Second gear idler pinion hush 19 Spacer bush with oil scroll


20 SeC()11d gear idler pinion

21 SCCOl1d gear baulk ring 22 Rear thrust washer

23 Second gear synchronizer hub 24 Speedometer worm wheel

25 First gear sliding pi 11 ion

26 Front thrust washer

27 Circlip


28 Needle bearing cag~ 29 Bearing needles

30 Spacer bush

.11 Rear thrust washer

33 Reverse gear idler shaft 34 Reverse i It lcr gear

35 Bearing bush

36 Countcrshaft gear cluster 37 C()Ullters~laft

38 i Iter f ngcr 39 Sclcctor/sh i ft cr shaft 40 Sclector/sh ifter lever 41 ClIP (t\A/O 11a lyres)

42 Trllnnlt)Jl

43 Th i rd .... 'top gear sI1 iftcr Iork 44 First/second gca r sh i Iter fork 45 Guide 1110ck

46 Detent halls and springs 47 Reverse gear shifter fork

48 First/second gear shifter fork shaft 4~) 1')1 ird.Iop gear sh i Iter fork shu It 5() Reverse shi [tcr dog

5] F irst/second sh i lter (log

52 Reverse gear shifter fork shaf .. 53 'Third/top shifter dog



, .

1- ......

< -

, \

;~J/ - -. : .

\.i ; lit

. -." ~. , :/1.

. ". . ~



I .

. . ~

. ~ J:..:~1 I .""i

.. ~ ~.-.~ .

. , ',)

-"'I ."'1



I i


. _ t~)


r-; ,-,



(5) Bend back the lock-washer and unscrew the nut securing the speedometer \V()[111 gear. Remove the lock-washer, speedometer worm wheel, spacer bush and Woodruff key. If necessary, the mainshaft ball-bearing can be pressed off a nd.or the cou ntcrsha It needle bcari ngs anti spacer hush ca 11 be pushed from the coun tershaft gear c I ustcr a Iter removal of a circlip .. T o reussem blc the needle bcari ngs, proceed as follows: ; nsta II a ci reI i () in t 11C i nnermost gr()(JVC of the gear cluster .. CIU111r' the countcrshaft vertically ill a vice (cut-away portion downwards) and assemble the inner roller bearing on its shaft against the vice jaws, Slide the gear cluster, with the large gear downwards, over the shaft and the bcari ng. Remove l he shaft frOJ11 the v icc and push the bcari ng agai nst the circlip .. lusta 11 a ci rclip, the end roller assembly and another ci rcl i p, I nsert the spacer lube i 111 o the o the r C 11 d 0 r the gear c 1 u s ter . I n st a 11 the C 11 d bea ri f1 g n 11 d a c i rcl i p. Remove the C()lL n tershalr ..

Carcfu lly clea 11 a nli i uspcct all pa rts a nd replace those (11<1 ( are damaged or worn.

Reassembly of t lie mainsliaft :

( l ) Slide the rear thrust washer, with the ground side towards the front, on to the 111ai usha ft. J Jcat the SC(;()11 d-gea r idler J)i nion hush (the longer of the t wo) in warm oil and pass it over the rna j nshaft, notches towurds tile front, a nd 111a ke sure the oil-hole in the bush c()rrCSp()11US with the bore in the mainshaft.

(' 'J') Ins t a II the sec 0 n d - g car ; d j C r pin It) .1 a n (I its IJ au] k r til g o n t 11 e 11e a r i n g bus 11.

The plai J1 s ide of the gear 111USt he towa rds t he [ron t r

. (3) Slide the interlock ring and tile third-gear id Icr pinion hush over the mainshaft.

Locate the notches of bot h bustles i [1 the in terloc k ri ng,


~·1 Hole i [l n1H i nsha 1"t B Plunger sJ"lri ng

c: P1ullgcr

I) l.ock ri ng





! I

Fig .. 25. Mainshafr, location of springloaded plunger

(4) Slide the third-gear ~(ll('r pinion, tl.u tucc first, on to the hearing 11l1Sh; install the spring-loaded plu ngcr 1 n [he hole i11 the 111a i nsha ft + Depress the I)l unger a nd pass the front thrust washer, the machined face towards t he gear, ()ver it .. Turr I the th rust \\ ... asher II n t i [ the r r U ngcr is released a ud J()C k s r L




(5) Assemble the synchron izer balls anti spri ngs to the thi rd/to p-gcar synchronizer hub atld pass over the synchronizer sleeve. Install the third/top-gear synchronizer hub assembly ~ together with tile two baulk rings, on the mainshuft. The plain side of the hub 111US1" face tile rear,

(6) Assem ble the synchron izcr balls and spri 11gS to the second gear synchronizer hub and PU.SS over the first-gear sl id i ng I-,i n ion r

(7) Install the second-gear s~y I1Ch ron izer h Ui1, the lirst-gea r slid j ng pinion and the baulk ring OJl the 111ai nshaft Press the rear mainshaft beari ng j n to its housing and press it 011 to the shaft+ Slide the spacer bush over the mainshaft and fit the speedometer worm wheel. Tighten the nut and bend over the lock washer,

Reassembly ()f the gearbox:

(1) I nsert a dummy shaft i ]110 the C()lJ ntersha ft gea r ~: lu ~ tcr, assemble the til rust washers and lower the complete gear cluster to the bottom of the gearbox ..

(2) Replace the main drive gear. making sure 111at the bearing is correctly located.

Stick the 18 bearing need les \\ ... ith grease in the pilot bearing bore.

(3) J nscrt the mainshalt into the gca rbox a r'HJ en tcr t 11(: spigot in the need le rollers of tile main (irJYC gear. Offer U JJ the gasket f ttcd bet ween the gearbox a nd the extension housi ng to posi 1 i 0]1 the dowel a nd bcari ng housi ng, PUSll the 111.(1 i nshaft r j gh t h Ol11e.

(4) Lift the countershaft gear cluster into mesh with the rnainshaft gears and the 111,li11 drive gear, insert the countcrshaft and line-up the cut-away portion in the fr o ] 1 tell d o r t 11 e· s h a f l ~: i t. h the r l) ca t j n g g r o 0 ve i 11 tile fr ( ) 11 1. co V(: r.

(5) Install the reverse idler gca r and shalt a nd secure the shaft with the set-bolt+ (6) I nstall the main drive gear t)C~trillg ct)\·cr, reinstalling the slumpack fOUI1d during (1 isma ntl ing l, i:~t,-lll l he c I u tc h lever and f( irk ~

(7) Place the shifter forks in t11C lollowi ng order j 1) l he. gearbox: 11[St/SCCOlld, tOl'/ third and reverse. Bolr the shifter-shaft guide block to the rear face of the gearbox, replace the dcten t springs ~111d ba11s and push the shi ftcr ... fork shafts through the guide block into their respective sh i Iter lorks. Tighten tll~ set- bolts, .

(X) Place t11~ shifter dogs 011 the rear ends of the shifter-fork shafts; tighten and wire the set-bolls.

(9) 1 f necessary', re place the- ex tension h( ~us lllg II rl-se.i L lit'~ ~ ~ d H~~ «xtcnsion housing to t11C gearbox, 111a k j ng SU rc t hu l l h~ sh i ftc r.sclcctor finger l:ngagc~ t 11C sh iftcr

dogs properly. ~

(10) Reinstall the interlock arm and plate and refit the top cover. Bolt the gearshift extension housing anti the gearbox side-cover to the gearbox.

Screw in the speedometer drive and fi]] the gearbox with the correct grade oi I.

Propeller shaft: Open propeller shaft wi th 1--1 ardy Spicer universal jOt nts. IJ p to engine type J 5 G-O 1 he front yoke of the front universal joint was a sliding tit over the gearbox mainshaft spli ncs, From engine type 15 GD onwards, a propeller shaft incorporati 11g a splined s lid ing join t at its front end was fitted. TIle rnai nshaft was Tl1{ iditicd accordingly.

N () 'I" I? : Prior to removi ng the propeller shaft, t]1C flange ()f t \1.;: rear universal joint a nd tile pillion drive fla 11gC 111Ust he marked ~ in C"U tic r t ha l t 11C shaft may be refitted in its original posit jon ~

S pee ificat i011 S."

lJI) to engine type 15 GD:

Length of propeller shaft between centres of joints:

Overall length:


3J ~ i11

~X J ~./.1.'" in

-v :

L til



From engine type 15 C·"I.) onwards:

Overa 11 length, fu lly extended:

Overall length, Iu lly compressed:

Length between cern res 0 r joi nts, fu Ily C.\. tended :

Diameter :

3 1 1 I .:: I () j 11 3} 1 in

3<.) 5 .... 16jn 2in

Rear axle/differential: Three-quarter floating rear .ixlc with hypoid pinion and crownwheel r

III Fig. 26 au CXIJI()dc(i view of the rear axle i~ shown,

Rear axle ra tio, M (- •. ~ 15()(} and 16()(): stu rid a rd ()Jlt ionu l

MG;\ 160() !\·1k. JI:

stand a r d o p 1 if) 11 :'11

I ()./'4 3 (4· 3 : 1) 9./4 I (4' 55 : 1) I o ~/ 4 1 ( 4 ~ I : 1) 3 . 9 o r 4, 55 : I

Remo 1'(11 0/· It hub :

(1) Jack-lip the car and remove the appropriate wheel. Remove the brake drum.

Take prcca u ti<'111S to ~l rove I 1 t rear axle oi I from lea king on t o the brake Ii n ings \Vl1e11 l he sha It IS wi thd raw 11.

(2) U I1Sc.rC\\.' the d ri ve-shaft rct.i in i Ilg screw a nd pul l the d r i \- (: sha It ()11 t wards,

(3) Bend hack the li f) of t he lock ~\\:{l S her and u I1S( rcw the bear! ng ret a i n j ng 11 ut.

Remove t 11C washer _ ()!1 1:1 t cr C~1 rs 1 he lC'ft - ha nd hull 11 U t has a left -ha nd t.h read. (4) Wi thdraw the h U b wi t h a su i 1 ,t b Ie ex tract or. The bea ri ng and grease-sea l \v i II COJ11C away with the huh. If 11eCCSSnT'Y.'<t the bca ri ng and grease-seal can l1C pressed out; the grease-sea 1 is f t ted w l t h i ts 1 i P towu rds tJ1C henri ng.

Reassem bly and rei nstalla t i ()]1 is d O]lC ill the reverse order (.If rernova L The ou tcr face of the beari 11g mus t protrude 0 ~ ()() 1·--.()· Or)4 i n beyond the ou tcr face or the hub to enSL([C that the bearing is gripped between the abutment shoulder in the hu b and the d rive flange ()f t he a x lc sha ft r La fer en rs arc cq U 1 ppcd \\.' i til a mod itied rear hub, with all ad d d i e,ll; d :.}j 1 ~'\. __ ~d ~ ·t he n~\\" h L! b may lJC fitted to earlier tYl1C

rear axles.

If t_he car is cqui P11ed \V it h Dunlo J1 (lise bru kcs ail rou n~j ~ t he rcrnova i I) [()CC(J u rc j s as fo 1 f t ~ \\ .) ~

{ l ) RC.lll()VC the appropriate wheel, take precautions t\ l prevent rear axle oil from leaking 011 to the brake disc and U11SCrC\V the 11Uls securing the hub extension

to the hub"

(2) Withdraw the l1U h cxtcnsio.: ~·I net axle sha ft, rC1l1()VC the \A.'eILh plug (l1"1(1 press

the hub extens.on Irorn the drivc-sha ft sp I i IlC~~

(3) Remove the bra ke call iper from the .1l1(Jl.I n 11 ng tla ngc,

I)() 110t lose the sh ims round beh till! the en 1l i per body bu t rei nst~lH them in their original pos i t j ( ) n .

(4) Bend back the lip (.)1' the lock-washer and unscrew the bearing rein incr 1111t (the left-hand hull nut has ~i left-hand thread). I{Clll()VC i he washer,

(5) Withdraw the 11Ul1 with a suitable extractor. The bcari ng and grease-seal will

COIne away with the hub.

Reassembly is d011e ill the. reverse order of removu 1 ~

Re mo va I an: 1 disman t 1 ing of t he diffe re III ial:

(1) Drain the rear axle. Disconnect the propeller shaft (mark the: Ilungcs to fucilitate reinstnll.uion) anti rCI11()VC the drive sh.uts as previously described.

(2) U 11SC.rCW· the nu t s sccu ri ng t he (I illcrcn t fa l carrier t o the axle housing and remove tile ca r r ier .

(3) Ensure that the d irlcrcnt iu I bcuri ng caps arc. marked: unscrew the bear j ng-cup 1111 ts and remove tlle d iffcrcn t ial housing.


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( 4) T a 11 o u t the c til I ere] 1 t j a I pill i o ] 1 S h. l tt ] (JC k p i II ( ~. ~~ in) f r () 111 t ]1 C c r o \V 11 \\: 11 C C ] sid e . a nd rcn1QVC the eli llerent ial sha ft. the l)i 11 it) ns, t h fL1St washers and s ide gears. '

(5) Remove the d iffcrcr t ia 1 bea ri ngs w i t h a su ita blc puller .. N ore t ha t the beari ngs arc marked ()11 OIlC side with tile word "Thru st'. Ta kc ca rc 11()t t () lose the shims Ii t ted between cac h bca ri ng a nd tile J i ifcrcnt ial hous i ng.

(6) Knock back t 11C ta bs of the lock-washers, LL riscrcw .. he crow n \v heel bolts aII(! gently tap 1.11e crownwhcel from the housing.

(7) R e1110ve tile pi n ion (1 rj V~ Ila nge a nd (1 ust cover an U gcn t ly tap the pinion rea rwa r d L "T~ he J1 i 111 o n rca r ben r j n g i 1111 cr race w i II co 1"11 e a w a y \ \/ it h the p j n ion .. (8) RCl110\ye the 1)[ n ion-shu ft 0 i I-sea [ a nd the pi n ion front bearing i 1111er race. If necessary, the hearing outer races can be withdrawn with a suitable puller.

(9) Slide the spacer bush and the shims off the pi 11 ion shaft. Now the pinion rear

beari ng ca 11 l')c \v it hdra \\'1"1.

Ca relully clean (-\ nd i 11SI)ect all parts ~l11(1 replace th(JSC t hat a rc d.uuaged or worn.

J?e(ISSell1IJ/J' {I1l(/ adjustment:

(1) Rei nstall tile pi n ion beari ng outer races, place a SJl i III of k nown th ick ness 0]1 the pi nion head and press on the rea r pi n ion bcu ri ng.

(2) Insta 11 t he ]:l i n ion 1]1 the carrier, f t t he pill ion Iro n t bearing a l1(1 tile d rive flange a nd t igh tell 1 he nut u nt i 1 a pre-loud of J () . ] ") in H-, is (.1 bta i ned. TIle oil. sea I~ the spacer bush anti pre-load shi ms arc {)111 it ted at th is stage.

(3) Zero a dial gauge t111 the machined step ~ U-' of the large gauge block (If rool 1 g G 191 B .. Remove the keel' disc from the magnet ic g(~ ugc block a rul position tJ1C magnet and the d ial gauger I"I11C base of the ga II ge 111ll st rest 011 the centre (If the (1 ifleren tia 1 bore. Obtai n the maximum de J)t II read i ng d 11(1 rna kc a note of the d iffcrcncc from the zero position r Repeat this check i 11 tile opposi te bearing bore and note the mean read inc .

..... .

( 4) The pin ion he act is i J, <: 1 ~ n ~~ ~"~ 1 ~ t 0 ~.. f n ~ Irk (. d \ V i t h a II 1 i 11 Us 11 g u re .

({I) I r the gauge readi ng is 1l1:IlU~"t lhL gauge rc~uJing must be added to the pi nionhead marking and the thickness of t]1C shims be reduced h)·: this amount .

. (/)) 1 r l ht:; gauge rend i !1 g is plus, but n urncrica lly 1ess t ha 11 the 111 n io n-hcad marki ng, the sh im thickness must be red uced 11)' the (j i ilcrcnce,

(c) If the gauge readi ng is plus, but nurncrica l1y grca t cr than the l)i 11 ion-head marking, the shim thickness 1111lSt be increased l1Y the difference ..

. Ke.r to F;g. ')6

1 Rear axle J1 ousing , Oil level plug

3 Breather

4 Gasket

5 Drive shaft, wire wheels

(1 Hub extension, wire wheels 7 Drive shaft

8 Gasket

9 Spacer

to Huh bearing l 1 on sea I

12 Oil seal (later l) p~s (J11Jy) 13 Hub

14 Wheel nut stud

] 5 Di ffcrcnt ial bcari Ilg ] 6 Ali justrncnt shim

17 Dillcrcn t ia l sh art lock 1)1 n l8 Ditlcrcn tia I hou s i ng

19 Thrust washer

2() Differential side gear


21 0 j Hercntia I pi nion sha n

" f) i ilcrcn tial J1 i 11 ion

·23 "rh rust washer

")4 Pi n ion rca r bear j ng ~ 5 I")j n ion

~6 Spacer

'7 I) j Ilcrcn t ia I ca rrier

') ~ Pi nio 11 front bc.i ri n g


l l} ( ) i l sea!

30 Dust cover 31 Drive fla 111!C




Examp!« of t(l)~· Gauge reading:

Pi n ion-head mark i 11g :

o . ()03 ill ·-0 · tl02 i 11

A 1110 U n t t o be s u b t rue 1 c ,-1 r r ( ) 11 1 l he s h in 1 t 11 i C k n e s s :

Example of (/J):

Pin ion-head mark inu:


Gauge reading:

0-004in . > 0 · 003 i 1"1

.AIIIOU nt to be su ht racted Irom the shim tJ1 ic k 11CSS : t~Y(II}1J.'lc ()j. (r).

Gauge reading:

Pi n io n-he.«.' mark ing:

f 0 + (){)6 j II o - ()03 i11

t\1110l111 t to he added l o the sh i l11 t hick ness; () - ()03 in

.I f tJ1C ga ugc read i ng is plus a nd II umerica I 1y cqu a I to the pi n ion-head rna rki ng, no correction is necessary. Th is a]S(1 11(11ds true \VI1Cn H11 unmarked pinion is fitted and the ga u ge read s zero,

(S) The actual mounting distance (pinion depth adjustment) of the pinion is 11·1 a rkcd on t he pill ion head ill a recta ngu la r bracket ~ I f the marking is a j i j ~ .: figure, the shim thick ness in LIst IJC reel uced hy an equa 1 a 1TI0 11l1t , I f the mur' ~ l;!g is a rni nus Iigu rc, the sh i III thick 11CSS must be i ncrcased by (in cqua 1 a 1110 U 11 t.

(6) Remove the IJi11i()n, j nstal 1 the correct 11 u mbcr of shims U ndcr the pinion head and assemble the bea ri ngs, the new spacer bush, prc-l oud SJ1 i ms, oil-seal and drive J1UllgC.

(7) Tighten the pi 11 i()11 n ut grad ually to 1401'1 ] b. Check the pre-load f req uent b: this should not exceed 15 ill lb, or the spacer bush will be distorted. If, Jl()\VeVCf, the pre-load is exceeded, the pinion must be removed and n new ~~acer hush insta I Jed. J r necessary, correct ion to t he pre-load is made by adding or rem. ~\ t ng sh ims between the spacer hush and the pi 11 i (111 Iron thea ri ng.

(g) Insta II a d i llerentia 1 bca ring on the smal 1 s u rlucc pta t c o r too I 18 G .191 B:. the inner race of tJ1C bearing over the recess and the side marked 'Thrust' trcing dow 11'vV a rd s.

(9) Place the magnetic gauge block 011 to the surface plate and zero the dial ()11 the machined step marked ~ B~ of tile small gauge block. Transfer the pointer to the plain surface or the bearing inner race and press the bearing firmly against t]1C balls. Make a 110te of tile dial reading. A positive reading denotes the thickness of the shi mpack to he subtracted [ro111 tile shims ~lt this s ide ; (1 ncg.; tivc reading indicates the thickness of the shirnpack to be added (variations from standard width of bearings, sec also 10 and 11). Repeat this operation with the other bearing,

(I 0) Refer to Fig, 27. Variat ions of the dimensions A ~l[1(1 IJ arc stamped Oll the differential carrier, near the bea ri ng bores. Variat i oris {) r the d i rnensions (,~ and D are stamped 011 the differential housing, The sh unpack on the left-hand side is established as follows: A . : .. B--- .. ("l 1 0 ~ 007 in

The shimpack on the.' right-ha nd side j s cu lcula ted us follows:

B--·-D I 0 'OO()in

The letters in the r~)rIl111l~1 arc to be su bstituted L,)' the {i i mcnsiona I vur ia t ions stamped 011 the carrier a 11(1 l11C housi ng,


• -- ... .1 •

, .

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I .

R .

--- ~----.."

~ ..--...: ....... ·j~·i ~

I :/1. : . ~:,

....... r" ••••• .: I




A Centre line of differential'unlt to bear-


ing shoulder ill carrier on left-hand


B Centre line of differential unit to bearing shoulder in carrier 011 righthand side

C Total width between bearing shoulders of differential housing

.D Crownwheel mating face to bearing shoulder 011 right-hand side of differential housing


Fig. 27. Differential adjustment

(11) Compose shimpacks as described under (I O) and add the corrections for the bearing height as established under (S;). If the back of the crownwheel is marked with a framed number, this must be taken into aCCOlLllt before assembling the shims and bearings to tile differential housing, If the framed number on the crownwheel is, c.g., minus 1, a shim of ()~()Ol in l11USt be transferred from the right-hand side to the left-hand side (crownwhccl side). If the number is plus 2, a sh impack of 0 ~ Of):! j n n1l1S t be transferred from the left ~ ha nd side to the righthand side. Press the differential bearings (thrust face outwards) and the shims (1n to the d iflerer: tia I housing.

(J 2) Assemble the side gears, the differential pinions, thrust washers, and the pinion shaft to the differential housing, insert the lockpin and peen over SOIne metal to secure the Iockpin in place.

(13) Bolt the crownwhcel 0 n to the d ifferential .housi ng (60 It lb), but do not yet bend over the lockplatcs.

Place the assembly in 'V'<blocks find check the crownwhecl run-out by means of a dia l gauge. T11e maximum permissible run-out is 0 ·002in. When the crownwheel runs true, the lock plates may be tu ppcd over ~

( 14) I nstall the dilferen tial housing, together with the differential bearings, if} the ca rricr , install the bcari ng ca ~)S ill their origi ua I position and tighten the bear ngcap nuts to 65 ft lb.

(15) Check gear backlash with a dial gauge .. The recommended backlash is etched 0[1 the crownwhccl, Backlash should be within 04 O()4---O· 007 in.

Backlash is adjusted by moving the crownwheel ill or out of .mesh by transferring shims from O]1e side to the other, Do not alterthe total number of shims, The transfer of a 0·002 i n shim from one side to the other resu1ts in a variation i]1 backlash of a bou ( 0 ~ 002 ill.

(16) Further reassembly is done in the reverse order of removal.



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Chassis: All-steel chassis, consisting of box-section side-members and tu bular and box section cross-members, are welded together .. TJ1C front SUSP~11sion mounting platform and the box sect jon scuttle structure stiffen the frame at tile front end, thus ensuring a unit with good torsional rigidity. For chassis frame dimensions refer to Figure 28.

Front suspension: Independent front suspension by Ine;;'111S or suspension arms of unequal length, coil springs anti hydraulic shock-absorbers of the piston type. All anti-roll bar is optional equipment,

Removal of (I suspension unit:

(1) Jack-up the front of the car and place stands under the chassis side-members.

Remove the appropriate front wheel.

(2) I118ta11 a jack under the coil spring seat and jack-up until the shock-absorber arm is just clear of the rebound rubber. Disconnect the brake hose,

(3) Slacken the trackrod nuts and screw the trackrod out of the steering ball-joints, using a wrench on the flats ill the rod ..

(4) Remove the split cotter-pills and unscrew the nuts securing t'rc t\VO outer fulcrum bolts. Tap out the fulcrum bolts and remove the front hub and steering swivel assembly. Take care not to lose tile thrust washers and rubber seals ..

(5) Release the jack from under the coil spring scat. Remove the coil spring and unscrew the four bolts securing the coil spring seat to the suspension arms.

(6) Remove the split cotter ... pins and unscrew the nuts from the ends of the inner fulcrum shaft, Remove the lower suspension arms, together with the rubber bushes.

(7) If necessary, the inner fulcrum shaft and hydraulic shock-absorber can I10W be removed.

(8) Unscrew the upper a[1(1 lower trunnions from the steering swivel pill .. The lefthand swivel pill 1l3S left -]18 11d threads. I t is 110t recommended to separate t'ie steering lever from the stub axle .. Carefully clean and inspect all parts and replace those that arc damaged or worn.

Reassembly :

(1) Reinstall the shock-absorber and the inner fulcrum shaft, When fitting the latter" the front outer bolt is installed with its nut uppermost ~ t'ie other bolts with their 11UtS down,

(2) Fit the rubber bushes (preferab1y dusted with French chalk) into the lower suspension a rrns, These bushes are a loose fit in tile SllSt)CnSI()11 arms but when the nuts are tightened, they will expand into their housings. It is therefore essential that they are installed with the suspension arm assembly in t~1C centre of its arc of normal movement.

[((!)) I() Fig: 28 1 21 in

2 19· 166 in 3 513.,,/16in 4 2 II.,/16in 5 3 19",/32in

L 1':

6- 4.0-1


7 36 15.,,/ 16 i11

8 2 21/'32 in

~ 9 8 7/'1 6 i ~1

10 II * ill

·1 1 74 ~ ill

I...,. QI"

~ 0"41n

13 94 ill

14 21 in

I 5 ? 2 ·1 1 ,l 3! i II 16 32in

17 37 ill

18 45~in


19 39 9 32 in

20 ·1 7 3,' ] 6 i n

21 25in

A r- ro nt ax 1c d~~ tU:11 1 i ne B Rear axle da turn line C C hassis da tUlTI line

D Diagonals eq ual within .~. iL1 E Diagonals equal within i· i11




r-.....-. ----.--



('\I: - •


,..., ----- .-

~ .. _--




('I"l- --


I i






(3) Check that the bushes protrude equally from the suspension arms, ho1d the suspension arms in a horizon tal position and tighten the castellated nuts.

(4) Bolt the coil spring seat to the SllSPC.T1SioJl arms with the heads of the bolts inside the spring scat .. Do not fully tighten up the spring seat bolts but leave them half a turn slack.

(5) Smear both ends of the coil spring with grease and install tile coil spring on its seat. Push the coil spring up over the locating plate ill the upper suspension arm,

(6) Jack-up the lower suspension arm 11l1tjI the arm is almost horizontal.

(7) Screw the upper and lower steering swivel trunnions on 10 the steering swive1 pill and .CJ1SUre that the bearing bushes can be inserted freely and are not fouling the threads of the swivel pin,

(8) Reinstall the swivel pin and front hub assembly, making sure the thrust washers and rubber seals arc fitted correctly .. Measure the end .. float between the outer faces of the trunnion and the thrust washers; this should be within 0·008- O· 013 in.

(9) Do not yet tighten the castellated nuts but leave them half a turn slack. Reconnect the brake hose. Screw the trackrod into the steering ball-joints, adjust and bleed the front brakes and refit the road wheel,

(10) Bounce the front end of the car up anti down several times to allow the suspension fulcrums to settle OOWI1. Tighten tile spring seat bolts, tighten the castellated nuts of the fulcrum bolts and install new split cotter-pins .. Check and adjust front wheel alignment,


Spring coil diameter; Diameter of wire:

Free height:

Ke)J to Fig, 29

1 Mounting plate 2 Rebound rubber

3 Castellated nut, outer fulcrum pin 4 Spring washer

5 Coil spring locating plate 6 Shock-absorber

7 Inner fulcrum shaft 8 Washer

9 Lower suspension arm, front half 1.0 Steering arm

11 Rubber bush

12 Coil spring

13 Spacer bush

14 Upper trunnion bush 15 Upper trunnion

1.6 Washer

1 7 Sea.l retai:ner 18 Seal

19 Swivel pin

Up to car No .. 15151 3 · 238 ill O·498in

9 ~ 28 in + -1~- in

20 Lower trunnion

21 Hub, wire wheels '22 Outer hu b bearing 23 Grease retainer

24 Brake drum

25 Rubber plug

26 ·Cel1tre lock nut 27 Lock plate

28 Stub axle

29 Spacer

30 Oil seal

31 Inner hub bearing 32 Spacer

33 Hub, disc wheels 34 Brake drum

35 Outer hub bearing 36 Grease cap

37 Plug

From car No. 15152 3· 28 in

O· 54 in

48 .


Number of free coils: 7 · 5

Static laden length: 6· 60 -r- 1/32 in

Static laden length at load of: 1 · 095 -+- 20 Ib

Maximum deflection: 4 in

Width of steering swivel trunnion, measured over

the thrust faces:

Inner diameter of fulcrum shaft bearing bushes:

Length of spacer tubes:

Clearance between trunnion and thrust washers: . Inner diameter of lower suspension arm bushes:

Length of lower suspension arm bushes:


6 · 60 -t 1/32 in 1 · 095 . + 20lb 4in

24327ill O·750in

2 .. 337in

O+008-Ot013in 04625 ill

04 924 -I ~ 0 t 005 in


Front wheel alignment: When checking front wheel alignment, the car should be

standing on an absolutely level flOO[4 The tyrcs S110l11d be inflated to the correct pressure, Move tIle car up and down a few times so it will settle to the normal driving· position and turn the wheels to the straight-ahead position.

Camber: 1° positive to ~ Q negative on full bump,

Caster angle: 4°.

King-pin inclination: 9-·10 lOon full bump. Toe-in: front wheels para11el.

The trackrods are adjustable in order to correct the toe-in ..

Caster and camber are accurately set during production and no adjustment should be necessary.

Rear suspension: Rear suspension by means of conventional semi-elliptic leaf springs and double-acting hydraulic shock-absorbers of the piston type.

The front eye and rear shackle of each spring are fitted with rubber bushes.

When fitting rear springs, do not tighten the spring eye-bolts or shackle nuts until the normal load is applied to the springs, so that the flexible rubber bushes are deflected to an equal extent in both directions during service.

Failure to take these precautions will inevitably lead to early deterioration of the spring bushes.


Number of leaves:

Width of leaves:

Thickness of leaves:

Working load; Free camber:



7 j32il1 4501b 3·60in

Wheel bearings and hubs: The front wheel hubs run on two non-adjustable ballbearings, pre-load being determined by collapsible spacer,

NOTE: If the front hub has been removed, the inner bearing, oil-seal and spacer washer must be removed from the stub axle and reinstalled ill the hub before the hub is assembled to the stub axle. If this order is not followed, the oil-seal cannot be installed correctly.

Each rear wheel hub runs on a double-row, non-adjustable ball-bearing, which is fitted to the outer end of the rear axle housing .. See also under Removal ofa hub

on page'f39~ -


Shock-absorbers: Hydraulic shock-absorbers of the piston type. The dampers are



set during production and no attempt should be made to dismantle them without the use of special tools. Shock-absorbers which do not function properly must be . replaced. Only Armstrong Super Thin shock-absorber fluid should be used for topping-up. If this fluid is not available, any mineral oil of a reputable brand conforming to SAE 20j20W can be used .. This alternative is not suitable for lowtemperature operation. The rear shock-absorbers must be removed for topping-up.

Steering gear: The steering gear is of the rack-and-pinion type; in Fig, 30 an exploded view is shown, '


(1) Jack-up the front of the car and place stands beneath the chassis side-members, Remove the wheels. Unscrew the castellated nuts and drive the trackrod ballpins from the steering levers.

(2) Remove the steering rack damper and secondary damper assembly. Remove . the lower pinion bearing, together with the shims' and lower thrust washer, taking precautions to catch the oil draining from the rack. Turn the steering wheel to full lock (left lock on right-hand drive cars, right leek 011 left-hand drive cars) and remove the clamp bolt and nut from the universal joint, on the pinion shaft side .. Withdraw the pinion ..

(3) Unscrew the bolts and 11UtS securing the steering-rack housing to the chassis frame, taking care not to lose the packing shims between the. rack and the frame brackets. Carefully manoeuvre the steering rack from the car.

(4) Bend back the lock-washer and unscrew the ball-joint assemblies .. Remove the dust ... boot clips and dust-boots. Install the rack housing in a vice with soft jaws and bend back the lock-washers securing the trackrod ball-housings. Unscrew the ball-housings, preferably with tool 180313. Remove the lock-washers and withdraw the steering rack from the housing .. Remove the pinion-shaft upper thrust washer, If necessary, the trackrod ball-housings may be dismantled. Take care not to interchange the shims and ball seats.

Reassembly and adjustment .. t

Reassembly is done in the reverse order of removal, but special attention must be

given to the following points:

(1) The centre tooth of the rack should be in front of the pinion shaft. .

(2) The trackrod ball-housing must be a tight sliding fit, without play .. If necessary, the ball-seats can be adjusted by varying the thickness of the shims between the ball-housings. ShilTIS are available in thicknesses of O: 003 and O: 005 in.

(3) Adjust the end-float of the pinion shaft to O: 002--0· 005 in by varying the . number of shims.

(4) When reinstalling the rack damper, the damper pad and cap must be screwed in position without the spring and shims, until it is just possible to rotate the pinion by drawing the rack through the housing by hand. Measure the c1earance between the plunger cap and the seating on the rack housing. Add to this figure an O: 002---0 · 005 in shim to 0 btain the correct thick ness of the shimpack to be installed beneath the damper cap. Shims of 0 I 003 in thickness are available. The secondary damper is installed without shims,

When reinstalling the steering gear in the car, care must be taken to align the pillion and steering column correctly. The centre line of the pinion shaft and the centre line of the steering column must pass through the centre of the universal joint. For this purpose the attachment holes in the support bracket at the lower end of

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the steering co1umn are slotted and packing shims are fitted between the steering rack and the frame brackets. Make sure that the cut-away portion in the pinion shaft is in line with the bolt hole before inserting the universal joint clamp-bolt.

Brakes: The MGA 1500 is equipped with Lockheed hydraulic drum brakes. ·The M.G.A. 1600 and 1600 Mk II are equipped with Lockheed disc brakes on the ~ front wheels and drum brakes at the rear. Dunlop disc brakes to all four wheels were available as optional equipment 011 later models.

Drum brakes: The front drum brakes are of the two-leading ... shoe type, operated by a separate brake cylinder for each brake shoe. Each rear brake has a single floating brake cylinder, operating one leading and one trailing shoe ..

Spec ifications:

·0[11111 diameter:

.Length of brake lining, front and rear; Width of brake lining. front and rear:

Total brake lining area:

Lining material:

10 j 11 9· 6ill

Brak e adjus 1 men t :

Front brakes ~

(1) Jack-up the car, Spill the wheel and apply the foot brake hard to centralise the brake shoes. Remove the nave plate from the appropriate wheel. RCll10VC the rubber plug fr01TI the adjuster hole.

(2) Turn the wheel until the adjuster hole comes opposite one of the adjusters.

Turn the adjuster in a clockwise direction, until the brake shoe is ill contact with the brake drum; then tUT11 back the adjuster one notch.

(3) Repeat these operations on the second adjuster and adjust the brake shoes of the opposite wheel in the same way.

Rear brakes:

(1) Place a block in front of (Jl1C of the front wheels and jack-up the rear of the car. Remove the nave plate and the rubber plug from the adjuster hole .. Spin the wheel and apply the foot brake hard to centralize the shoes ..

(') Turn the wheel until the adjuster hole comes opposite the adjuster, Turn the adjuster in a clockwise direction until the brake shoes are in contact with the brake drum; then turn back the just enough to free the drum,

(3) Repeat these operations on the brake shoes of the opposite wheel.

Ke)J to Fig. 30 1 Track rod

2 Ball housing, female 3 Adjustment shim

4 Track rod ball end

5 Ball scat

6 Ra.11 housing, male 7 Lock washer

8 Steering rack

9 Damper C8.p

, 10 Damper spring 11 Damper plunger

12 Pinion lower bearing 13 Adjustment shims

14 Lower th rust washer

15 Pi nion shaft wit h oil seal l6 Universal joint

f 7 Secondary damper cap .18 Damper spring

19 Damper pad

"'0 Washer

21 Packing shim 22 Washer

23 R 111g for dust boot 24 Dust boot

25 Clip for dust boot 26 BaH joint assembly



22 I




Fig. 31. Front and rear brake assembly, exploded view (drum type)

A Rear brake

B Front brake (only one cylinder shown)

1 Abutment block 2 Brake shoe

3 Brake backing plate

4}R · ·

5 etracting spring

6 Steady spring

7 Brake shoe

8 Adjuster

9 Adjuster mask 10 Plunger

11 Piston

12 Piston cup 13 Cup filler 14 Spring

15 Wheel cylinder

16 Parking brake lever fulcrum pin 17 Banjo connector

18 Parking brake lever 19 Dust boot

20 Piston with sea] 21 Brake shoe

22 Brake backing plate 23 Brake s110e

Brake master cylinder: The twin-bore master cylinder incorporates the brake and clutch master-cylinder piston assemblies. The fluid reservoir is built in unit with the master cylinders. The brake and clutch master ... cylinder assemblies are identical, with the exception of the valve assembly, which is only fitted to the brake master cylinder. See Fig. 32 for an exploded view. Kee p the fluid level half an inch below the filler-plug opening by topping-up with Lockheed hydraulic brake fluid Of, when not available, with any other brake Ilui d of a reputable brand, conforming to SAE 70 R3.

Lockheed disc brakes, MGA 1600 and 1600 Mk II: The Lockheed disc brakes are of the two-calliper type; the rear brakes are similar to those of the MGA ] 500 ..

Minimum permissible thickness of brake pads: -116 in.

Description of the Lockheed disc brakes: The brake calliper, which consists of two halves bolted together, is mounted rigidly to an adaptor plate on the stub axle.






.. \:.n_~

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7 a

15 ~6 17

Key to Fig, 32 1 Filler plug

2 Cover for reservoir

3 Master cylinder housing 4 Push-rod

5 Circlip

6 Dust boot 7 Circlip

8 Cylinder cover assembly 9 Secondary cup

A cylinder in each calliper half contains a piston (21) with piston seal (18), dust seal (19) and dust-seal retainer (20). The piston is located by a guide post (l2) over which are fitted a friction bush (11), which is a S11Ug fit over the post ~ and the sleeve (13), which is a sliding fit over the friction bush, but which is held firmly in the piston, The friction pads float in the calliper and they are held ill place by a retainer clip and pin ..

When the brakes arc applied, the fluid pressure generated in the master cylinder is fed via the brake hoses and Iines to the inner half of the brake calliper, and passes to the outer half via internal drillings .. In this wayan even pressure is exerted on both pistons, moving them inwards until the friction pads contact the brake disc.

When the brakes are applied for the first time after being assembled, the friction bush (11) and sleeve (13) move with the piston .over the guide-post (12) as far ~s piston travel will allow, piston travel being determined l1Y the c1earance between the friction pad and the brake disc. The piston seal is deflected when the piston moves outward, bllt regains its static position when the brakes are released (see the inserts in Fig. 37), thus moving the piston and sleeve back over the friction

10 Piston 11 Shim

12 Primary cup

t 3 Spring scat (washer) 14 Spring


16 Foot valve assembly (brake

17 master cylinder)





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bush to provide clearance at the friction pads, As the friction bush is a snug fit over the guide-post, it cannot be withdrawn by the action of the seal and it remains ill the position of 'brakes applied'. The difference ill length between the friction bush and the sleeve bore depth represents the normal amount of piston travel to obtain the necessary clearance between friction pads and brake disc in tile released position.

As the friction pads wear, the friction bush moves gradually outwards over the' guide-post, providing a constant clearance between the pistons and.the friction pads.

Dismantling and reassembly of brake calliper: ~ . ~ (1) Apply the parking brake and place a block in front of one of the rear wheels.

Jack up the front of the car and remove the wheel. - .

(2) Push ill the retainer clip and withdraw the pill, after which the friction pads can be removed. Remove the brake-hose support bracket and unscrew the bolts securing the brake cal1iper to the adaptor plate on the stub axle. Do not disconnect the brake hose if the calliper is to be dismantled,

(3) Suitably clamp one of the piStOI1S ill the calliper and gently apply the foot brake until the other piston can be gripped by hand, Take precuations to catch the brake fluid draining from the calliper.

(4) With the aid of a blunt tool, the piston seal can be removed 'froll1 its bore.

The dust-seal C<lO be removed by carefully prising the retainer from the cylinder. (5) Thoroughly dry a new piston seal and lubricate it with Lockheed disc brake lubricant before locating it in Its groove in the cylinder, making sure that it is correctly seated,

(6) Thoroughly clean the piston and cylinder, if necessary cleaning with Lockheed brake fluid or methylated spirit.

(7) Coat the piston with Lockheed disc brake lubricant, open the appropriate b1ccdcr screw and push the piston into the cylinder. The cut-away portion of the piston must be opposite the b1eeder screw,

(8) Press the piston fully h(lJTIC with the aiel of a clamp, taking care not to tilt the piston,

(9) Thoroughly dry the dust-seal and dust-seal retainer and lubricate them with Lockheed disc brake lubricant. Install the seal in the cylinder, offer up the retainer and press it fully home with a suitable clamp.

(10) Earlier types of callipers are equipped with a T-section dust-seal which fits inside the retainer, The later type of seal is interchangeable with the earlier type. (11") Place a suitable clamp over the piston and gently depress the brake pedal

until brake fluid flows from the bleeder screw. Retighten the bleeder screw. (J 2) Repeat the operations (3) to (9) for the piston ()n the opposite side.

NOT E: TIle two halves of the calliper should not be separated unless absoJuteJy necessary. If separation is necessary, the following points must be borne in mind:

KeJ' to Fig. 33

1 Retainer pin 2 Retainer clip

3 Brake calliper, outer half 4 Brake calliper, inner half 5 Brake calliper, outer half 6 Brake pad backing plate 7 F riction pad

8 Dust seal retainer

9 Brake ca1liper, inner half 10 Piston

11 F fiction bush 12 Guide post

13 Sleeve

14 Piston seal 15 Dust seal

16 Sleeve

17 Friction bush 18 Piston seal

19 .Dust seal

20 Seal rctai ner 21 Piston

22 Friction pad



, (']) New bolts, Iockplates and a fluid channel seal must be used .. The bolts are . - manufactured fr0111 high-tensile steel and only the correct replacement should be employed, Failure to do this could have serious results.

(2) Ensure that the calliper faces are C1CaJl and that the threaded bolt holes are thoroughly dry. Check that the new fluid channel seal is correctly located in the . recessed face before assembling the t\VO calliper halves.

(3) T.horoughly dry the bolts and tighten them to the correct torque: large bolts

65 ft lb, small bolts 10ft lb.

At car NOt 78144 (disc wheels) and car No. 78106 (wire wheels) improved friction pads were introduced. These pads are available in sets only and should be fitted to both left- and right-hand brakes. The later type pads can be distinguished by their red C{)]OUf.

Brake discs: The brake discs arc bolted to a flange on each front wheel hub. If a disc lias been separated from the hub, run-out should be checked with a dial gauge. Run-out should not exceed O: (}()3 in. The minimum thickness or the brake discs after regrinding is O: 340-0' 360 in. After regrinding, check that the faces are parallel

within 0·001 in and that the fUll-out does ]10t exceed O·003in.. '

. Minimum permissible thickness of brake pads: 'It- ill.

Bleeding Lockheed brakes: The brakes are bled in the usual way. The following sequence is recommended:

, ,



5 :




1 I


i I




1 Cylinder block 2 Friction pad

3 Retainer plate 4 Calliper

5 Friction pad

6 Retainer plate

7 Friction pad backing plate 8 Dust seal

9 Piston

Fig. 34. Disc brake, Dunlop type 10 Pis ton seal

J 1 Retainer plate 12 Cap

13 Spring washers ] 4 Cy linder block

15 Bridge pipe

J 6 Frier ion bush

17 Friction pad retainer plate



(l ) The rear wheel on the passenger's side. (2) The rear wheel on the driver's side.

(3) The outer bleed nipple on the brake calliper on tile passenger's side. (4) The inner bleed nipple on the brake calliper on the passenger's side+ (5) The outer bleed nipple on the brake calliper OIl the driver's side.

(6) The inner bJeed nipple on the brake calliper on the driver's side+

Dunlop disc brakes: Dunlop disc brakes \VCIC available as a factory-fitted optional extra. The brake system consists of four hydraulically-operated disc brakes of the calliper type and a mechanically-operated parking brake, mounted 011 top of the rear brake calliper.

As the principles of operation arc basically similar to those described for t}1C Lockheed disc brakes, no separate description will be given.

Minimum permissible thickness of brake pads: lin.

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Fig .. 35 .. Disc brake assembly, L-ockheed Removal and dismantling of '-I brake calliper:

(1) Jack-up the car and remove the appropriate wheel, RC010ve the plate securing the friction pads and withdraw the pads with a suitable wire J10ok.

(2) Disconnect and plug the brake hose. Remove the bridge pipe. Unscrew the bolts securing the cylinder blocks to the calliper and withdraw t.he cylinder blocks. (3) Gently prise the dust-seal from the groove in the cylinder block, connect the cylinder to a fluid supply and gently apply pressure to remove the piston from . the cylinder block.

(4) Unscrew the bolts securing the retainer plate to the piston, remove the retainer plate and the piston seal, Remove the frict.ion bush from the piston bore. Remove the dust-seal from the friction pad backing p1ate.



(5) Suitably support the backing plate and press the piston out, taking care not to damage it. Carefully clean and inspect all parts and replace 1110SC that are damaged or worn,

Reassembly .:

(1) Install a new dust-seal in the groove of the backing plate, suitably support . the piston and press the backing plate fully home 011 it ..

(2) Insert the friction bush into the bore of the piston, lightly lubricate the seal with brake fluid, install the seal and the plate, and peen over SOlne metal to . lockthe screws in place.

(3) Install the piston assembly 011 the guide-post and gently press the piSt011 assembly into the cylinder bore. Be careful not to damage the piston sea].

Further reassembly is done in the reverse order of removal. .

Measure the gap between each side of the calliper and the (lise. Correct if necessary by selecting shims to bring the difference to within O·OIOin.

Refacing the brake discs: The minimum thickness of the brake discs after refacing is O: 330-0 .. 340in+ After refacing, check that the faces are parallel to within O: 001 in, and that run-out does not exceed 0 t 003 in.

Minimum permissible thickness of the brake pads: lin.

Bleeding Dunlop brakes: Bleeding the brakes is done in the usual way. It is recom ... mended to start with the longest line (rear wheel on passenger's side) and to finish with the shortest line (front wheel 011 driver's side).

Brake master cylinder: The master cylinder is assembled ill unit with the brake fluid




1 Inner brake pad



2 Parking brake


3 l~oc·k nut

4 Trunnion

5 Fulcrum pin

6 Fulcrum pill seat 7 Spring

8 Spring retainer 9 Spring retainer


11 10 Adjuster

1 1 Outer brake pad












f I

J t



I ...... I

v. ,



12 Brake pads

Fig .. 36~ Parking brake, Dunlop type




reservoir. The brake fluid reservoir should be topped-up to half an inch below the bottom of the filler neck with Wakefield Crimson brake fluid Of, when 110t available, an alternative fluid conforming to specification SAE· 70 R3.

Parking brake: The mechanically-operated parking brake is mounted on top of each rear brake calliper. Sec Fig. 36 for a sectional view of the parking brake components,

It is possible to fe-line the parking brake. The worn lining call be removed after removal of the bifurcated rivets.

Adjustment of the purk1ng brake: .

(I) Jack-up the rear of the car, place blocks in front of the front wheels and remove

both rear wheels .. Check that the parking brake lever is ill the fully released position,

(2) S1acken the brass adjuster nut fitted to the relay leve-r; the relay lever is si tuated beside the front universal joint of the propeller shaft ..

(3) Tighten each adjuster bolt until the brake pads contact the brake disc. Screw up the brass adjuster nut on the relay lever until all slack is taken up,

(4) Unscrew each adjuster bolt approximately one ... third of a turn to provide the necessary clearance between tile pads and tile brake disc. Check that the brake discs rotate freely.

Wheels and tyrcs:

Pressed-steel disc wheels are standard equipment.

Centre-lock wire wheels are optional extra.

Some tyres are provided with balancing patches on the inside, these should not be removed, otherwise the balance of the tyre will be upset,

Maximum out-of-balance of wheel and tyre: 8-12in oz.

When reassembling a tyre, make sure the white spot near the bead of the tyre and the spot 011 the inner tube coincide. The white spots indicate the lightest point of the tyre and the heaviest point of the tube.


Electrical system: 12-vo]t, positive (.+) terminal connected to earth.

Wiring diagrams: See Figs. 37 and 38.

Battery: Two 6-volt series, connected batteries are located just in front of the rear axle ..

Battery type: Lucas SO 9 E

Lucas STGZ 9 E (dry charged, export only) Capacity: 58 Ah at 20-ho·ur rate.

sa of electrolyte: 1·270-1 ·285 at normal temperature 70cF (21~~C), fully charged. SG of electrolyte: 1· 11 o~ 1 · ] 30 at normal temperature 70°F (21 UC), discharged.

Add four points specific gravity for every 10°F (7· 5°C) above 70°F (21°C).

Subtract four points specific gravity for every' 1 O~F (7· 5(:C) below 70J·~.F (21°C).

Generator: Lucas 0" 39 ·PV2; Lucas C40/1 Oil MGA 1600, starting from engine No. 1.6 GA 6272.

Two-pole, two brush, shunt-wound.

Maximum output: 19A at 13·SV, at 1900-2150rpm. Field resistance: 6 ~ I Ohm.

Maximum undercutting depth of commutator insulation: 1/32 in. Minimum permissible length of brushes: 11/32 ill.

Brush spring tension: 15-25 oz.


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Fig. 37 a Wiring diagram, MGA (1500)



Starter motor: Lucas M35 G 1 ..

Num ber of brushes: 4, 4-polc series-parallel field. Brush spring tension: 15-25 oz.

Lock torque: 9t3ft lb with 370-390A at 7·7~7·3·V. Torque at 1 OOOrpnl: 4· 9 ft lb with 230~250A at 9· 3-8 · 9 V, Minimum permissible length of brushes: 5/16 in.

Do not undercut the commutator insulation.

Control box: Lucas RB ] 06/2.

Cut-out: cut-in voltage 12·7-13·3V.

Drop-off voltage: 8· 5-11·0V. Open circuit setting at lOne (50°F):

20°C (68°f-): 30°C (86°F): 40°C (104°F):

15 f 9-16· 5 V 15 · 6·~ 16· 2 V 15· 3-15· 9V 15 ·O~15 ·6V

Fuses: A fuse box containing two fuses and two spares is mounted on the scuttle, next to the regulator box.

Key to Fig. 37

B Battery f·IL. L Headlamp, left

CO ceu HL.R Hcadlamp, right

D Dimmer switch 1-[ L W Main beam warning light

DF Direction-indicator flasher HM .Heater motor

DI.LF Direction-indicator left front I IS Heater motor switch

DI.LR Direction-indicator left rear IN Instrument light

DI. RF Direction-indicator IS Ignition switch

right front IW Ignition/generator

Direction-indicator right rear warning light

Distributor Ll. Numberplate lamp

Direction-indicator relay L·S Light switch

Direction-indicator switch M Mal) light

Direction-indicator MS Map light switch

warning light R LjSTL.L Stop/tail lamp, left

FG Fuel gauge RR/STL.R Stop/tail lamp, right

FG U Fuel tank gauge unit RES Resistor

FS Headlamp flasher SL.L. Sidelamp, left

FO Fog lamp SL.R Sidelamp, right

FOS Fog lamp switch SM Starter motor

FP Fuel pump SSW Stoplamp switch

f'U Fuses STS Starter switch

GEN Generator VR Voltage regulator

H HOrtl WI Windscreen wiper

HE Horn button WIS Windscreen wiper switch

Key' to wire colours of Fig, 37

1 Blue 18 Green/red

2 Blue/red 19 Green/yellow

4 Blue/white 20 Green/blue

9 White 21 Green/white

14 White/purple 22 Green/purple

15 White/brown 23 Green/brown

17 Green


36 Brown/blue 38 Brown/green

40 Brown/black 41 Red

42 Red/yellow 44 Red/white 57 Black

62 Black/green

24 Green/black. 25 Yellow

29 Y cllow /green 33 BrO\Vl1









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Fig .. 38. "tiring diagram, MG~J\. 1600

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i J ~

FU ---'~}}>«(f


F'P /~ ~H ~n.

~~ - .. /


Flasher unit: Lucas flasher FL 3.

Rate of flashing: 60-120 flashes per minute. Windscreen-wiper: Lucas model DR 2~ Total current consumption: 2· 3-3 + 4A. ·Field current: o. 9A.

Horns: Twill wind-tone horns, model WT 618 .. Current consumption: 6-7 A each 110fl1.

Light bulbs:

Headlamps, horne and export, right ... hand drive:

Headlamps, Europe and 0 SA, left-hand drive:

Headlamps, Europe, except Frtl11CC:

Headlamps, France:

Sidelamp and stop/tail-lamp:

Number-plate illumination:

Pane1 lamps:

Key It) Fig. 38

B Battery

CO Coil

D D immer switch

DF Direction-indicator flasher

.DI.LF Direction-indicator, left front ·DT.LR Direction-indicator, left rear :DI.RF Direction-indicator

right front Direction-indicator, right rear Di stri butor

Direction-i nd icator relay Direction-indicator switch Direction-indicator warning

light Fllel gauge

Fuel tank gauge unit Headlamp flasher Fog lamp

Fog lamp switch Flle1 pump Fuses

Generator :HorIl

Horn button




Key to wire colours of Fig .. 38

1 Brown

2 Brown/blue 3 Brown/black


4 Brown/green

5 White

6 Blue/white

7 Green/white

8 Green/red

9 Green/brown 10 Green/black 11 Green/purple 12 Light green 13 Black

63 -

50/40 W, dip ]eft

50/40 W, dip right

45/40W, vertical "dip 45/40W, vertical dip (yellow)

6/21 W 6W j·2W

1·-1 L. L HL~R I-ILW .HM HS IN









Headlamp, left Headlamp, right

Mai11 beam warning light Heater motor

Heater motor switch Instrument light

Ignition switch

Igni tion/ generator

warning light

N umberplate lamp Light switch

Map light

Map light switch Stop/tal 1 lamp, 1cft Stop/tail lamp, right Resistor

Sidelamp, left Sidclamp, right Starter 1110tor Stoplamp switch Starter switch . Voltage regulator Windscreen wiper

W j ndscreen wiper switch

14 Re(1

15 Red .. /ycllow 16 Red/white 17 Vello\-v

18 Ycllo\v ....... green 19 ·BIlle

20 Green

21 Black/green 22 G rcen/blue


23 White/black 24 Grey-white 25 Blue/red




SU Carburettors

S V carburettors are of the variable-throat type; the fuel is metered by a tapered needle in the jet .. The needle is secured to the sleeve, which det.ines the amount of throat opening; the position of the sleeve and needle are determined by the vacuum piston (the upper part of the sleeve), according to thethrottlevalve opening.

In Figs. Band C a schematic view of the construction is shown, '

Normally, the piston, the sleeve and the needle are in the bottom position when the throttleis closed, but for the sake of clarity these parts are S!10Wll in a raised position, The piston is a free fit in the vacuum chamber, with a very small clearance. A guide spindle is centrally located in the piston; this spindle is free to move up and down in the guide bore of the vacuum chamber, thus ensuring correct alignment of the piston and vacuum chamber at all times, When the ,engine is not running, the piston and needle assembly falls to the bottom position-by .its own weight and rests on the bridge in' the throat, (Some S U carburettors are also equipped with a soft assist spring on top of the vacuum piston .. ) With engine funning, the sleeve forms a restriction to the air-stream; thus a partial vacuum is created .. This pressure drop alsocreates a partial vacuum in the vacuum chamber above the piston, causing the P!sto:p, the sleeve and the needle to rise a certain amount. The raised needle determines the amount of fue~merging from the jet; thus the correct air/fuel mixture is automatically establish '.~-When starting a cold engine, the mixture may be enriched by pulling down th~ jet; the mouth of the jet will 110W be in line with the thinner portion of the needle, thus supplying a richer mixture. The jet is mounted in the jet retainer by means of two spring-Ioaded gland joints, thus ensuring a fuel-tight seal. In' Fig, D <:\11 exploded view of the jet assembly is shown.

Fitting jet needles and centring the jets: Two varieties of jet needles arc .i11 use, one with straight-cut shoulder, the other with rounded shoulder, as shown in Fig. A. When fitting the needle, the portion of the needle which is marked with the dotted line must be flush with the vacuum piston sleeve. When assembling the carburettor, it is imperative to make sure that the jet and needle are correctly centred. This is done by screwing the adjusting nut all the way up; then lift the piston and needle assembly and listen for it to fall with all audible 'click'. If no 'click' is heard, the needle is fouling the jet, which will have to be recentred .. This is done by loosening and retightening the jet retainer. Recheck whether the piston will now fall with an audible 'click'; if necessary, repeat loosening and retightening the jet retainer until

the jet is centred correctly. r!:"

Float setting: When tile float need1c is seated, a 7/16in round bar should be all easy sliding fit between the arched fork of the float hinge arm and the edge of the

, float chamber cover. If adjustment is necessary, careful1y bend the' hinged lever fork; do not bend the straight portion of the hinge lever,


Make sure that the vacuum chambers and pistons of both carburcttors are clean,

the needles properly fitted and the jets correctly centred. Check the dampers for correct oil 'level and top-up if necessary, then proceed as follows:

(1) Remove the air-cleaners and slacken the clamping screw on the throttle connector rod to enable the throttles to be set independently, Ensure that the idle adjustment screws are holding the throttles partly open and that the jet adjust-



ment nuts are not screwed all the way up (an average setting to start with is obtained by turning the idle adjustment screws down 011e full turn from the fullyclosed position and the jet adjusting nuts one and a half turns down from the top .. most position) ..

. .

(2) Make sure the jet seats against the adjusting nut; if necessary readjust or dis-

connect the choke cable. On cars with linkage between choke lever and throttle (fast idle) unscrew the fast idle setting screw untiJ it is well clear of the lifter. (3) Warm-up theengine and adjust the throttles equally until an idling speed of approximately 500rpm is obtained,

(4) Listen to the hiss of air at each carburettor air intake in turn (the use of a piece of tubing of about Lg~in diameter, one end held to the ear and the other end in front of the air intake, will make it easier to compare the sound of both carburettors) .

{5) Adjust both idle screws until the hiss -is equal 011 both units and the idling

speed is approximately 500 rpm. ~

(6) Now turn off the ignition and with downward pressure or. the rear throttle arm, tighten the throttle connector-rod clamping screw.

(7) Start the engine, While the engine is idling at approximately 500rpm, check the mixture cf each carburettor in turn by lifting the piston by means of the piston lifter pin.

(8) If, when the piston is lifted, the engine speed increases, the mixture is too rich and the jet adjusting nut must be screwed up one-sixth of a turn .. If the speed decreases, the mixture is too lean and the nut should be screwed down onesixth of a turn.

(9) Continue adjusting each carburcttor until, when the piston is lifted, there is no increase, or a very slight increase followed by decrease in speed. The mixture is then correct and the engine should run regularly.

(10) Reconnect and adjust choke cable .. Adjust the fast idle adjustment screw on the connecting linkage between choke lever and throttle until the screw is just clear of the lifter ; the clearance at this point should be about J ,/64 in (see Fig, C). (11) Refit the air-cleaner. Recheck idle speed and mixture.

Fig. A. SU carburettor, jet needles



... ~1


, ." I ~

, _.-----"""l1lI


S. .-"-~




, 4-..···· ~----4---------.,1If....III

2'~-- .. L



I I l



su CARa~,U_gTirORS·

... .... ..





Fig. B. SU carburettor, schematic view (typical)

Key to Figs. B, C and D 1 Tl1rottle valve 2 Idling speed adjustment 3 Vacuum piston and sleeve 3a Vacuum passage 4 Vacuum chamber 5 Jet 6 Jet needle 7 Needle clamping screw 8 Vacuum piston assist spring (not on

all SU carburettors)

9 Float needle va1ve 10 Float 11 Float arm 12 'Hollow float chamber attachment

bolt t 3 Upper jet guide with joint washer 14 Lower jet guide with joint washer 15 Jet retainer 16 Spring

17 Gland packing joint washer and

thrust washers ] 8 A dj 11 S ti 11 g n 1J t

19 Jet rctai ner join l

20 Joint retainer with bevelled bore 21 Jet (5 in schematic drawing)

22 Lock spring for 18

23 Jet lever

24 Jet lever link

25 Jet lever retracting spring 26 Damper valve stern

'7 Connection for vacu um pipe to

ignition distributor 28 Bridge

29 Float chamber cover bolt

30 Fuel strainer retaining spring 31 :Fucl strainer

32 Float actuating pin 33 Fuel line connector 34 Fuel line


35 2

T _ 1111


(" .


i I


Fig. C~ SU earburettor, fast idle mechanism

Key 10 Fig. C

1 Th rottle valve

2 Idling speed adjustment 23 Jet lever

35 Fast idle screw 36 Fast idle cam 37 Fast idle rod





... J

Fig. D. SU carburet tor , jet assembly, exploded view





..... ---22


- ..... l1li

:~ "




r I




ENGINE FAULT FINDING CHART" Engi~e ""ill not start

A. Starter does" not crank engine Battery run down

Battery posts and terminals loose or corroded




- B.
"' ..

Faulty, starter switch or solenoid, if fitted; broken battery cable

~ or loose connection


. ,

Starter motor defective

Starter drive stuck (starter will run, but does not crank engine)


Starter drive pinion jammed with

starter ring gear

Recharge; replace if defective

Clean and tighten. If badly corroded, soak with water to facilitate removal and avoid damage to the battery posts

Check wires and cables; check solenoid and switch, replace if· defective

Repair or replace

Clean and if necessary repair or replace

Free by rotating squared end of starter spindle witb a spanner


. "


Starter cranks engine slowly Battery 1 .ly run down

Loose or G"'rroded connections

Faulty starter switch or solenoid; partly broken cable or loose connection

Starter motor defective

Recharge ,; replace if defective Clean and tighten

Check wires and cables;

check solenoid and switch, replace if necessary

Repair or replace

I" !




I -

c. Starter cranks engine, but engine will not start

Trouble in ignition system:

No spark at plugs:

Moisture on spark plugs, ignition distributor, coil and wires (this trouble often occurs after parking overnight in foggy or rainy weather)

Spark. plugs flooded, due to" excessive use of choke

Clean and dry. A void recurrence by coating wires, distributor rotor, cap, coil and spark plug insulators with molsture-proojlacquer

Start engine 1.)11 full throttle, If this

does not help, clean plugs. With plugs removed, turn over the crankshaft a few times to blow the accumulated fuel from the cylinders


Spark plugs oiled up

Spark plug insulator cracked Spark plug gap too wide or too close


No spark at distributor:

Loose, broken or shorted lowtension lead between coil and/or inside distributor

ill· 69

Clean; if necessary replace Replace

Reset gUI)

Check and tighten; also check internal leads in distributor. These leads sometimes break inside their insulation, and the break is not always visible. Pull

. ~

carefully on one end; a broken lead

~v ill sire tc 11


Cracked rotor or distributor cap Replace


Contact breaker points dirty, worn Clean and Q((jIJSt; ~/~ necessary replace

or maladjusted

Carbon brush in distributor cap Free; if necessary replace

not making contact


Faulty condenser ·1 Replace


No spark at coil:

High tension lead loose or broken Broken or loose IOW .. tension leads or faulty ignition switch


Check wiring; repair or r. »lacc; check switch, replace if defective

D .. Starter cranks engine, but engine will not start

Trouble in fuel system:

No petrol in carburettor:

Empty fuel tank

Obstructed or damaged fuel pipe Air leak in petrol line

Fuel filter clogged

Fill-up, If necessary, check and repair or replace fuel gauge

Clean; if necessary repair or replace Check and repair or replace. Pay special

I attention to flexible fuel line (if fitted). I]

flexible fuel line is POt(JIJS, a temporary 'get-you-home' repair can often be "lade by securely wrapping the line with friction tape or rubbing with hard soap

Clean and refit witlt new gasket .. Always carry II spare gasket and a glass filter bowl, if so equipped


Fuel pump defective

Petrol in carburettor:

Jets clogged

Float needle stuck Carburettor flooded

Choke control faulty

Air leak at inlet manifold or carburettor base

Water or dirt in carburettor


Repair or replace. 1[ electric pump does not function, lightly tap pump housing until ticking resumes

Clean; blowout with air (never lise wire to clean jets)

Clean or replace

Clean float needle valve; if necessary replace. If this trouble persists, check

fuel pump pressure

Repair or replace

Check nuts and bolts for tightness; if necessary replace gaskets

Clean. If this trouble persists, check rubber hose in fuel tank filler neck: for damage or looseness, causing water to enter tank


NOTE: If ignition system and carburettor are ill order, yet the engine will not start, check timing

Engine starts but does not run properly

E. Engine misfires Ignition trouble:

Spark plug or coil leads loose or damaged

Incorrect spark plug gap Cracked spark plug insulator Spark plug oiled IIp

Cracked distributor cap Loose connection in primary circuit

Distributor otherwise faulty Trouble in fuel 'system

Tighten; replace if necessary


I Replace faulty spark plug

I Clean, if necessary replace with spark

pllig ()f correct type .. If trouble persists, check for mechanical trouble


Check and repair. Also check, and if necessary replace, ignition switch. In rare cases the ammeter has been found to IJe the cause of this trouble, due to

faulty internal connection

See C See D


Mechanical trouble:

Incorrect valve clearance 'Valve sticking

Valve spring broken

Worn piston, piston rings and cylinder or burnt valve; cylinderhead gasket blown

" ~f"

" ~


Try to free by pouring a gum solvent of

~ "

good quality into carburettor 'air intake;

if not successful, dismantle and repair

Replace .. Usually the. valve concerned will have to be ground

Test compression: if too low, dismantle for repairs

F ~ Engine" starts and stops

Trouble in ignition or fuel system:

Obstructed exhaust system

See C anti D

Check and repair or rep/ace

G~ Engine runs on wide throttle only Idle jet clogged or mixture improperly adjusted

Valve sticking or burnt; valve spring broken: other mechanical trouble

Clean idle jet andlor idle air bleed; Q djt IS/

Check and repair. Pay special attention to heat riser, if S(J equipped, since a burnt heat riser tube will cause exhaust gas to enter intake manifold. This will sometimes cause backfiring in carburettor

H ~ Lack of power

Ignition too far retarded or other ignition trouble

Obstructed exhaust system

Trouble in fuel system Loss of compression

Dragging brakes

Check and correct (See C)

Defiled exhaust pipe andlor muffler Dislocated baffle plate ormuffler Replace

Check and correct (See"" D)

Test compression ," iffound I() he too IOlV, check valve clearance. If valve clearance is properly adjusted and compression is still low, check for other mechanical trouble, such as burnt valves andlor worn pistons, rings anti cylinders

Check and correct. Essentially this is not an engine trouble


I. Engine runs roughly Ignition timing incorrect

Lean or rich mixture



Check and correct. Pay attention to possiblystuck .advance mechanism, because the fixed advance may be correctly .at!jus·tFd. yet the timing while

.. running wlll:i?e incorrect if the· automatic . advance is stuck

. .


+ Check carburettor and fuel system,

t (See D) " "1" •.

- -

. Improperly adjusted valve- clearance.. Check and c~,~rect

.. I .\ .. :;..

01" ~.:," • I


• t

.;J. Engine knocks

, il :.


Ignition too far advanced to

Excessive carbon deposit

Loose bearings or pistons or other . mechanical cause

Check and correct, . Attend to possibly stuck advance mechanism, (See I)


Check and repair

..... ~.......----------------..:.....--------------~-

K·~ Eng~ overheats

. Cooling system:

Lack of water

Fan belt loose or broken Radiator clogged by insects Cooling system clogged -internally


.~~- -:

. . -~~T·· .


... • '1- .. .

Thermostat stuck or faulty Ignition improperly timed

Lean or rich mixture

... .

Excessive carbon deposit

Obstructed exhaust system Cylinder-head gasket of the incorrect type


" l Top-up and check for ~.r"

. '

Check and adjust or replace


Clean with a cooling system cleaner 0..( a reputable make and fluslt a/It according 10 maker's instructions. Inspect radiator hoses and replace if

in bad condition

Check and replace if necessary ~ .. ~~,~:.

.. .

- ..

I .

Check and correct. Attend to possibJy

stuck at/vance mechanism


Check fuel system; (Sec D) Decarbonize

Check and repair or replace Replace

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