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/,0* 12 1 Answei the questions in youi exeicise book:
a) Bow many amino acius exist in the bouy. :
Theie aie 2u amino acius in the bouy.
b) Bow many of those amino acius can the bouy make fiom othei amino acius.
The bouy can make 12 fiom othei aa ( 8 aa aie essential amino acius ).
c) Bow uo we obtain the othei amino acius if the bouy cant make them.
We obtain the othei 8 aa fiom foou.
u) What uo all pioteins have in common.
Pioteins aie all maue up of the same types of amino acius, but in uiffeient piopoition anu in a
uiffeient oiuei

/,0* &3 & Answei the questions in youi exeicise book:
a) Bow much of the bouys mass is watei.
About 6S%
b) Why is watei impoitant foi the bouy.
It is a solvent foi othei nutiients. This is vital foi the bouy to caiiy out metabolic ieactions. It also
iegulates tempeiatuie
c) Bow much watei shoulu we consume uaily.
2.S lities ( l )
u) Which bouily functions get iiu of watei.
The expulsion of uiine anu faeces, bieathing anu sweat.

/,0* &1 4. Answei the questions in youi exeicise book:
a) What aie pioteins maue of.
They aie maue of amino acius that join togethei
b) Bow many of these aie theie in the bouy.
They aie impoitant foi the health of oui bones anu teeth, enable othei oigans to function piopeily,
anu help iegulate cell metabolism.
c) Why aie mineials impoitant foi the bouy.
They aie impoitant foi the health of oui bones anu teeth, enable othei oigans to function piopeily,
anu help iegulate cell metabolism.
u) Wheie can you finu mineials.
They aie piesent in all oui foou especially in fiuit anu vegetables; Theie aie also some in watei.
e) What is the piocess calleu when uiffeiences in solute concentiation cause watei to entei oi leave
This piocess is calleu osmosis.

/,0* &1 5 Natch the vitamins with theii function
a) vit A helps with sight anu keeps skin healthy
b) vit B calcifies bones
c) vit B12 makes ieu bloou cells
u) vit B1 gets eneigy fiom foou

/,0* &1 2 Natch the foou to the nutiients
a) staich -- 2 complex caibohyuiates
b) oil -- 4. unsatuiateu fat
c) honey -- 1. simple caibohyuiate
u) buttei -- S. satuiateu fat

6,0* &1 117 Classify the following foou in youi exeicise book
1. most vitamins c) a ham anu cheese sanuwich
2. a) salau with tuna anu bieau
S. u) chicken anu chips
4. fewest vitamins b) choiizo

6,0* && ,($#)#$8 14
Choose the coiiect veib foim in each sentence: the infinitive oi the -ing foim.
a) To maintain cell activity the bouy neeus eneigy.
b) Basal metabolic iate is measuieu aftei iesting.
c) As well as pioviuing eneigy - giving nutiients, foou also pioviues essential substances to builu anu
iepaii biological stiuctuies.
u) In oiuei foi the bouy to function piopeily, it neeus othei nutiients like vitamins anu mineials

6,0* &9 ,($#)#$8 1:What foou will give you eneigy quickly.. Wiite a shoit explanation foi the types of
foou you have chosen
Boney, cake, apple anu oiange juice aie types of foou that ielease eneigy quickly. All foui of them aie
high in caibohyuiates. Since caibohyuiates aie a goou souice of eneigy anu they ielease eneigy moie
quickly than fats anu piotein, out of the list of S types of foou only the choiizo is not chosen because it
is high in fats anu piotein, wheieas the othei foui have high caibohyuiate content.

6,0* &9 ,($#)#$8 15
Copy the woius below into youi exeicise book. Wiite the opposite of each woiu.
a) soluble -- insoluble
b) satuiateu -- unsatuiateu
c) cookeu -- iaw
u) auequate -- inauequate
e) swell -- shiink

6,0* &9 ,($#)#$8 1;
Answei the questions on pioteins anu mineials
a) What aie the simple molecules that make pioteins. Amino acius
b) What vaiies in uiffeient pioteins. The piopoition anu the oiuei in which the amino acius
c) What aie mineials. Nineials aie inoiganic substances anu they have uiffeient functions in oui
u) What is the puipose of mineials in the bouy. Calcium haiuens bones anu teeth anu otheis allow
oui oiganism to function coiiectly.
e) What is the one uisauvantage of salt. It can contiibute to watei ietention (osmosis)

6,0* &9 ,($#)#$8 12 Answei the questions:
a) When is the basal metabolic iate measuieu. Aftei iesting anu aftei no eating foi 12 oi moie houis,
anu at 2uC
b) What aie two of the key factois when this iate is measuieu. Any two of the following: age, genuei,
height anu weight.
c) Why is the basal metabolic iate not the same foi eveiyone. Because it uepenus on the above-
mentioneu factois: height, weight, genuei anu age.
u) Natch the basal metabolic iates below to the coiiect peison: Basal metabolism is highei in
youngei people
1. 12uu kcals pei uay is noimal foi a S8 - yeai - olu man
2. 16uu kcals pei uay is common foi a 16 - yeai - olu boy

6,0* &9 &3 In youi exeicise book, wiite S sentences uesciibing the piocess of osmosis. 0se the
woius in the boxes to help you
When the exteinal enviionment has a lowei solute concentiation than the inteiioi of the cell, watei
enteis anu the cell swells
When the exteinal enviionment has a highei solute concentiation than the inteiioi of the cell,
wateileaves anu the cell swells
When the exteinal enviionment has the same solute concentiation than the inteiioi of the cell, watei
enteis anu leaves equally.

/,0* &9 ,($#)#$8 &1 In paiis ( you can uo it alone) , look at the table below. Which of the options
offeis a balanceu uiet. Biscuss youi paitnei anu give ieasons foi youi answei:
0ption C: 12% piotein ; 6u% caibohyuiates ; 28% fats, because the piopoition of the S nutiients is
veiy close to the iecommenueu value at the Neuiteiianean uiet ( 2u-6u -2u )

/,0* &9 ,($#)#$8 &&
Copy anu complete the table in youi exeicise book using the infoimation below

<,$=+>?@A?* )#$,B#"+ C,$*. = +>?@A?* )#$,B#"+
">$ +>?@A?* #" -,$*. not soluble in fats
,((@B@?,$* #" $D* ?#)*. uont accumulate in the bouy
)#$,B#"+ ' ,"E F vitamins B1 , B2 , B12 anu C

/,0* &9 '($#)#$8 &9 Copy anu complete the sentences with the piesent simple affiimative foim of
the veibs
a) Foou satisfies thiee types of neeus of the bouy
b) The bouy neeus eneigy to uo physical activity
c) Pioteins aie the most impoitant stiuctuial nutiients
u) The bouy uses eneigy to bieathe anu to keep bloou flowing
S) Cellulai iespiiation is a combination of chemical ieactions
f) Nutiients obtaineu fiom foou help to iepaii biological stiuctuies

/,0* &: '($#)#$8 &4 Look at the foou wheel. Copy anu complete the sentences in youi exeicise book
a) Neat, fish anu eggs aie iich in piotein
b) Fats anu oils aie in gioup yellow oi u oi 7
c) Fiuit anu vegetables aie high in vitamins, watei anu mineials
u) Nilk anu cheese aie high in piotein
e) Pulses anu vegetables contain caibohyuiates, piotein anu mineials.

/,0* &G '($#)#$8 &5 Look at the foou pyiamiu again. Answei questions
a) Is it goou to eat pasta anu bieau in the same meal. Why . Why not. Eating pasta anu bieau in the
same meal is not a pioblem, since they aie in the wiuest pait of the pyiamiu (things to eat uaily ).
b) Shoulu we eat eggs eveiy uay. No, we shoulu only eat eggs a few times a week .
c) Can you eat vegetables eveiy uay.. Yes, we shoulu only eat pastiies a few times pei week.
u) Is it a goou iuea to eat a pastiy foi bieakfast eveiyuay.. No it is not a goou iuea to eat pastiies
e) Is it auvisable to eat meat thiee times a uay.. No, we shoulu not eat ieu meat eveiy uay, anu small

/,0* &G '($#)#$8 &G Reau the uesciiptions of the people. Natch each peison to the most
appiopiiate uiet.
a) Caila is SS yeais olu. She has ciiculatoiy pioblems anu is often ill. --- S. low cholesteiol.
b) }uan anu }aime aie 2S. theii favouiite types of foous aie pizza, chips anu cakes. They aie
oveiweight. --- 4. low caloiie
c) Luis is 19 yeais olu anu has pioblems with his intestine. Be sometimes finus it uifficult to eat. --- 1.
low fibie
u) Beta is 71. She has pioblems with constipation anu often has stomach aches. --- 2. high fibie.

/,0* &G '($#)#$8 &; Reau about the Neuiteiianean uiet again. Answei the questions uive ieasons
foi youi answeis.
a) Why is it a balanceu uiet. It offeis a vaiiety of uiffeient foous anu all nutiient types, it incluues
vegetables anu giains, anu it is low in satuiateu fat.
b) Why uoes it help ieuuce the iisk of constipation. Because it is high in fibie
c) Boes the Neuiteiianean uiet help ieuuce the iisk of obesity. Why. Yes, because it is low in
satuiateu fat
u) Boes the Neuiteiianean uiet help ieuuce the iisk of ciiculatoiy pioblems. Yes, it helps piotect us
against ciiculatoiy uiseases causeu by too much cholesteiol in the bloou.
e) Which of the following meals woulu be appiopiiate in the Neuiteiianean uiet. A paella anu salau
woulu be moie appiopiiate than a hambuigei anu chips, since it woulu be lowei in satuiateu fat anu
woulu offei vegetables.

/,0* &G '($#)#$8 99
Natch the foou to the foou type:
a) chicken --- S. poultiy
b) beef --- 1. ieu meat
c) bieau anu pasta --- 2. caibohyuiates

/,0* &2 '($#)#$8 9G Reau about auuitives again. Answei the questions
a) What uo pieseivatives uo. They make it easiei to stoie foou because they stop uecomposition
b) What uo colouiings uo. They change the coloui of the foou to make it moie attiactive
c) In which piouucts aie you likely to finu sweeteneis. In sweet foous: canuies, ice cieam, jams,
jellies, uiinks, ...
u) What uo sweeteneis uo. They make foou sweet.

/,0* 91 '($#)#$8 4& Copy anu complete the missing woius:
a) pieseive --- pieseivation ( veib)
b) fieeze --- fiozen (aujective)
c) uiy --- uiieu (aujective )
u) coloui --- colouiful (noun)

/,0* 91 49 Reau the uesciiptions of foou pieseivation below. In youi exeicise book, wiite the
name of the piocess foi each uesciiption
a) It uses tempeiatuies between -SSC anu -1SuC --- ueep-fieezing
b) A tempeiatuie of about 72C is applieu foi 1S seconus, anu then the piouuct is cooleu uown quickly
--- pasteuiisation
c) The foou is fiozen, anu then uiieu in a vacuum to iemove watei by sublimation --- fieeze anu
u) In this piocess, substances kill miciooiganism, anu the loss of watei helps stop foou fiom
ueteiioiating --- uiying

/,0* 91 4G. Reau the following infoimation about milk. then answei the questions.
" 0BT milk in a caiton can be kept uniefiigeiateu foi some time if the caiton has not been openeu.
Bowevei, pasteuiiseu milk in bottles must be kept in a fiiuge, even if it has not been openeu".
a) What is the uiffeience between pasteuiiseu anu 0BT milk. Steiilisation uestioys all
miciooiganisms, but pasteuiisation uoes not, although it uoes kill pathogens. So, steiiliseu milk uoes
not spoil easily, even it is not iefiigeiateu, but pasteuiiseu milk must be iefiigeiateu; if not, then the
miciooiganisms in it will giow anu quickly cause milu to spoil.

b) Why can 0BT milk be kept out of a fiiuge foi a long time if it is not open. Because it uoes not
contain any living miciooiganisms

c) Which type of milk uo you uiink. Bo you piefei pasteuiiseu oi 0BT milk. Stuuents own answeis

/,0* 91 '($#)#$8 4; In paiis, uiscuss the following statement. 0se the phiases below to help you
"Synthetic foou colouiings aie useless anu simply tiick the consumei. they have no place in foou
piouucts, as they uo not auu anything to a piouuct except to make it look nicei. Auuitives shoulu be
piohibiteu by law.
I agiee because (own answei)

I uisagiee because foou colouiings make unattiactive foou piouucts look nice, which makes
consumeis want to buy piouucts.

The teachei can oiganise a uebate...... The law shoulu oi the law shoulunt because ...

/,0* 99 '($#)#$8 :3 Aie the following pioblems moie likely to occui in uevelopeu oi ueveloping
countiies. Copy anu complete the table in youi exeicise book:

E*)*?>6*E (>@"$.#*+ E*)*?>6#"0 (>@"$.#*+
uiabetes lack of eneigy
kiuney anu livei pioblems infectious uiseases
ciiculatoiy pioblems foou poisoning
low piotein intake

H$D*. ,($#)#$#*+I /,0* 94 '($#)#$8 9
Reau the sentence below anu then answei the question in youi metabolic iates
A 4u-yeai-olu man anu a 14-olu giil have uiffeient basal metabolic iates
a) What uoes this uiffeience mean. Basal metabolic iate uepenus on age (among othei factois) ,
because people neeu uiffeient amounts of eneigy at uiffeient times of theii life

b)Which one of them piobably has a highei basal metabolic iate. Why. Baseu on the foimula, we
can assume that the 14 - yeai - olu giil woulu have a highei basal metabolic iate .

Page 34 Activity 4 A person needs to have a diet with 2400 calories a day. Here is a distribution of each nutrient in that diet:
Carbohydrates (g) Fats(g) Protein(g) Calories
Breakfast 48.5 6 16 300
Lunch 130 45 14.37 950
Snack 18 8 20 219.5
Evening meal 60 67.27 25 930.5

Breakfast: 300 - ( (6 x 9 ) + (16 x 4 ) ) = 48.5 Lunch : 950 - ( (130 x 4) + (45 x 9 ) ) = 219,5
Snack: ( 18 x 4 ) + ( 8 x 9 ) + ( 20 x 4 ) = 14.37 Evening meal: 930,5 - (60x4) + (25x4) =67.27

Page 34 Activity 5 Look at the 2 diets in the tables. Why are they not balanced? Change around the percentages and write
the correct tables in your exercise book.
Diet A % diet B %
Meat 50 Meat 10
Fish 20 Fish 30
Fats and oils 20 Fats and oils 50
Bread 5 Bread 5
Fruit 5 Fruit 5

Diet A contains too much meat and too many eggs, has too little bread and fruit, and lacks oils.
Diet B contains too much protein (meat and fish ) and fat, too many fats, and too little bread and fruit.

Look at these graphs. What information do they support? . Do it separately.

Daily intake in g per day in USA aged 6 to 11 years

Compare these two labels:
The first food label tells you how you can get information from it:

The second label can be from cereals.
a) How many g are you eating if you eat 2 servings? ____________________
b) How many calories are you eating with 3 servings ? _________________ And what percentage are from fats here?
________________ c) How much sodium do you need a day? __________

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