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0nit S The uigestive anu iespiiatoiy systems

!"#$%"$& ()*%+)%*&(
Befining ielative clauses with !"#$"% '"( )*+$,(*- #- * ./*+0 !"#$" ),102$(- "1,31+(- 444
Foimation of aujectives fiom nouns: $#,$2/*5#1+ 6 $#,$2/*5,17 8 0#.(-5#1+ 6 0#.(-5#9(
Compaiatives: '"( *#, #+ 5"( */9(1/# "*- ! #$%#&' ()*(&*+'!+$)* ), )-.%&* *+0 /)0&' ()*(&*+'!+$)* ), (!'1)*
2$)-$2& +#!* 5"( :/110
Auveibs of place: '"( 0#*)",*.3 319(- 2)0*4 '"( ,#:- 319( 34

page S8
+" ,-+: paia obtei .("#-//: piocesai .-(0"(1: fan, executan
2-'34-(: tiaspoitai -5.-': expulsai (-'-$/-2: libeiauos

page S9
"($' #$43+): caviuaue bucal .6$(375: faiinxe .$//$,-: conuucto #$(()8#$((3-/9 tiaspoita
+6("$+: gaiganta 6"''":: oco ("hueco") "-/".6$,&/: esofago
;<=>> 37+-/+37-: intestino BELuAB0 >=?@A 37+-/+37-: intestino uR0S0
23,-/+34- +($#+: tiacto ou tubo uixestivo, ( sometimes tiact is a system, appaiatus is not useu like oui "apaiato
uixestivo", geneially speaking) '":-(: paite baixa $7&/: ano ,'$72: glnuula
/-#(-+-9 secietan .$7#(-$+3# B&3#-: xugo ou zume pancietico
$32: axuua ,$'' %'$22-(: vexiga ua bile ( "bilis") ou fel $..-7235: apnuice
(-#+&1: iecto $7&/: ano .$7#(-$/9 pancieas /+"1$#6: estomago
'34-(: figauo 23$.6($,19 uiafiagma "-/".6$,&/: esofago 1"&+6: boca
/$'34$() ,'$72/: glnuulas salivaies 7"/-9 naiiz

page 4u
-7C)1-: enzima 37/$'34$+3"7: mestuiai con saliva 1$/+3#$+3"79 masticacion
+"7,&-: lingua, msculo ua boca +$/+- %&2: boton gustativo &72-(,"8-/: levai a cabo
(-$#68-/9 chega /:$''"8:37,9 tiagaitiaganuo /+$(+8/9 comeza
$1)'$/-: enzima que iompe o amiuon en glciuos mis pequenos
.$// 2":7: baixai .$("+32D /&%1$723%&'$( $72 /&%'37,&$': S paies ue glnuulas salivaies:
paiotiuas, submaxilaies e sublinguais

page 41
,("&72 $72 #(&/6-2: moliua e uesmenuzaua +&(7-2 37+"9 tiansfoimaua
+--+6: iiieguli pluial of tooth -7$1-'9 esmalte +-$(9 uesgaiiai
,(372 $72 #(&/6: molei e aplastai 0$'' "&+9 caen (-.'$#-2: ieemplazauos
37#3/"(D #$737-D .(-1"'$( $72 1"'$(: incisivos, caninos, piemolaies e molaies
,("&72 &.: moi moliua e uesmenuzaua 0""2 %"'&/: bolo alimenticio

page 42
374"'&7+$(): actos involuntaiios, sen a inteivencion ua vontaue
.-(3/+$'/3/9 movementos ue avances no tubo uixestivo, giacias o msculo involuntaiio ua paieue( uisposto en
2 capas) /:$''":37,: tiaganuo %"'&/9 bolo alimenticio, piouuciuo o masticai
'-$28/: conuuce 374"'4-/9 compienue .&/69 empuxai
.$'$+-9 palauai /E&--C37,9 expiimienuo '$()759 laiinxe
1322'- -$(: oiuo meuio .(-4-7+8/: impiue /&00"#$+3"79 atiagantaise

page 44
.)'"(&/: piloio, oiificio ue saiua no estomago 4$'4-: vlvula
#$(23$: caiuias, oiificio ue entiaua no estomago #6)1-: quimo, bolo alimenticio no estomago
.-./379 pepsina, enzima estomacal que iompe as pioteinas 6)2("#6'"(3# $#32: ciuo cloihiuiico
%3'-: bile, piouuciua poo figauo e que facilita a uixestion uas giasas no uuoueno
-1&'/30):emulsionai, mestuia ue pequenas gotas ue giasa en auga
#(-/#-7+F/6$.-2: en foima ue meuia la 0'&32: fluiuo, liquiuo
$#+34$+-/: activa 1&#&/: mucus, polisaciiuo piotectoi uos epitelios
$#323#: ciuo, con pB < 7 ,$/+(3# B&3#-: zume ou xugo gstiico /1-'': ulii
/1$'' 37+-/+37-: intestin ouelgauo 3'-"#$-#$' 4$'4-: vlvula ileocecal, que sepaia os 2 intestinos
2&"2-7&1: uuoueno, en foima ue asa ue baston, o lugai piincipal ua uixestion, nel veiten: figauo e
vesicula biliai, e pncieas, xuntos e na ampolla ue vatei ( ampulla ue vatei)
B-B&7&1: xexuno ( "yeyuno" en castellano ), moi longo e piegauo
3'-&19 o final, xunto xa uo intestino gioso '34-(9 figauo +".F(3,6+: aiiiba ueieita (-223/6F
%(":7: ue coi entie o encainauo e o maiion .("#-//-/9 piocesos /+"(-29 almacenaua
-1&'/30)37,9 emulsionantes, que mestuian giasas e auga nunha suspension ( non unha veiuaueiia
mestuia, poi exemplo unha maionesa )

page 4S
,(-)3/6F :63+-: ue tonos giis claio ,'$72&'$(: glanuulai, que elaboia sustancias e as vota foia
&72-(7-$+6: uebaixo 37/&'37 $72 ,'&#$,"7: insulina e glucaxon $1"&7+9 cantiuaue
/-#(-+-/9 secieta, elaboia e vota foia +()./379 enzima que iompe as pioteinas en aa.
/"23&1 %3#$(%"7$+-: bicaibonato souico
7&+($'3/-/9 neutializa 23,-/+34- +($#+9 tubo ou tiacto uixestivo
37 $223+3"7 +"9 auemais ue #6)'-9 quilo, o liquiuo ua comiua xa uixeiiua no uuoueno

page 46
$%/"(.+3"79 absoicion, pioceso ue paso uos nutiientes sinxelos caia o sangue e a linfa
#$.3''$()9 capilaies, vasos moi finos qu estn en touolos teciuos, manuan os nutiientes s clulas e iecollen os
iefugallos /)1%3"+3#9 vivinuo xuntos nunha ielacion beneficiosa pai a touos
2-0$-#$+3"79 accion ue uefecai %'""2/+(-$19 toiiente ciiculatoiio sanguineo
$%/"(.+3"79 absoicion uos nutiientes no intestino e caia o sangue
43''3 $72 13#("43''3: piegues ua paieue intestinal e uas clulas epiteliais uo intestino uelgauo, aumentan a
supeificie ue absoicion moito paia que a absoicion ue nutiientes sexa mis ipiua
"7- 13''3"7 (In British English, a billion used to be equivalent to a million million (i.e.
1,000,000,000,000), while in American English it has always equated to a thousand million (i.e.
1,000,000,000). British English has now adopted the American figure, though, so that a billion equals a
thousand million in both varieties of English.: Oxford Dictionary)
large intestine:( intestino groso ): caecum: cego ; colon : colon ; and rectum : recto

page 48
cellular respiration: reaccins qumicas do metabolismo que liberan enerxa na clula
waste: lixo, producto de desfeita collected: recollido airways: conductos de ventilacin nasal
cavity: cavidade nasal pharynx: farinxe larynx: larinxe trachea: traquea
bronchi: bronquios bronchioles: bronquiolos lungs: pulmns exchanged:

page 49
moist: hmido reaches: chega passage: paso
nasal cavity: cavidade nasal nostrils: orificios nasais
warm up: quenta (suavemente) fleshy folds: pregues carnosos
mucosae: mucosa, pel fina e hmida moisten: humedece
shared: compartido moves down: mvese cara abaixo tonsils: amigdalas
epiglottis: epiglotis, membrana que se levanta respirar e que baixa para tapar a trquea tragar
rings: anelos vocal cords. cordas vocais trap: atrapa
pleurae: pleuras, membranas protectoras dos pulmns con lquido pelural no medio

Unit 3. the digestive and respiratory systems. You have to do the following questions in your
exercise book:
page 38: 1 page 42: 3 and 4 page 43: 5 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 15- page 45: 19
page 46: 20 and 21 page 47 : 23 - 26 - 27 - 29 page 50 : 32
page 51 : 33 - 36 - 39 - page 53 : 42 - 43 - 44 -

Read pages 38-46 in the book, and then label the following figures:
fig1: rectum - appendix - large itestine - colon - small intestine - cardia - salivary glands & mouth - liver - colon - oesophagus -
stomach samll intestine fig 2: incisors - canine - premolars - molars (twice) fig 4: epitheliar cells - veins - vessels - blood
capillary - lymphatic capillary . This fig 3 shows ____________________________ fig 4: starch - villi cells - glucose. The
fig 5 shows __________________________________

Match the phases of swallowing/ action types and numbers (fig 3):
chewing ____ involuntary ______
swallowing reflex ____ voluntary _______
transporting the bolus ____
esophageal phase _____ peristalsis ______

G": 2" :- 23,-/+ "&( 0""2H
Reau the following paiagiaphs uesciibing uigestion of a sanuwhich anu 2+0(,/#+( 5"( ,#."5 !1,0%

A ham sanuwhich contains $"1/(-5(,1/ ; -5*,$" (bieau), ./2$1-( ; <*5- (buttei) anu ),15(#+- ; !*5(,

,# )-& ./%)-. Fiist, we take the sanuwhich into the mouth wheie is #+.(-5(0; 0#.(-5(0 ; then we bite
off pieces of the sanuwhich with the :*$= <,1+5 teeth, anu chew them with oui back teeth. At the
same time, oui mouth becomes filleu with -*/#9*; :#/( piouuceu by S paiis of salivaiy glanus. Saliva
contains watei anu amylase, an enzyme that >1#+- ; :,(*=- 01!+ bieau staich into maltose ( a
uisachaiiue), anu also contains a bactiiizeu substance.
When we swallow, the foou is pusheu 01!+;2) oui thioat into oui gullet by the -!*//1!#+. ,(</(? ;
91/2+5*,7 anu peiistalsis, a gut wall involuntaiy contiaction.

,# )-& ()/."+-. The gastiic glanus piouuce the -*/#9* .*-5,#$ >2#$(, that contains an enzyme calleu
pepsin. Pepsin bieaks ham pioteins into smallei ./2$1-( )1/7)()5#0(- . Pepsin is active at aciu pB
only. uastiic glanus also piouuce laige amounts of hyuiochloiic aciu that 0($,(*-(; #+$,(*-(
stomach pB anu also kills foou +25,#(+5- .(,3- .
The foou spenus thiee oi foui houis in the -513*$" ;3125". Eveiy now anu again the stomach wall
chuins the foou up anu the iesult is a mushy aciu liquiu calleu @2#31 ; @2#/1 .
When quimo is ieauy ( pioteins uigesteu anu foou liquifieu) the $*,0#*- )7/1,#$ sphinctei (a iing of
muscle) opens anu foou goes into the $1/1+ ; 0210(+23, the fiist pait of the small intestine.

,# )-& 0#)&()0#&. Bespite its name the small intestine is the -"1,5(-5 ; /1+.(-5 pait of the gut anu may be
ovei six meties in length. Beie the uigestion of the ham, buttei (it has not staiteu yet), anu bieau aie
completeu, anu the soluble piouucts aie absoibeu into the bloou.
The small intestine ieceives fluius fiom thiee uiffeient places:

The liver piouuces the -*/#9* ; :#/(. The bile is stoieu in the gall blauuei anu aftei a meal, it is
ieleaseu bit by bit into the uuouenum. Bile helps emulsifying ),15(#+- ; <*5- .

The pancreas piouuces the )*+$,(*5#$ ; 1,*+.( juice, that flows uown into the uuouenum. It
contains thiee impoitant enzymes:
Amylase bieaks uown bieau staich (bieau) into *3#+1*$#0- ;./2$1-(, continuing the piocess which
has begun by saliva in the mouth cavity.
Trypsin bieaks uown <*5 ; ),15(#+ (ham) into polypeptiues, as pepsin uoes in the stomach
Lipase bieaks buttei uown into smallei molecules. This completes the uigestion of fat. The action of
lipase is maue easiei by the fact that the fat has alieauy been bioken up into uioplets by the @2#31 ;

Intestinal glands. These glanus aie situateu in the wall of the intestine itself. They piouuce similai
enzymes as the pancieas anu finish the uigestion. Intestinal juices aie alkaline, taking the pB 2) ;

The sanuwhich is now uigesteu anu uissolveu into :#. ; -3*// molecules: glucose, fatty acius anu
aminoacius, anu also watei, mineials anu vitamins, that aie aboibeu into the thousanus of fingei-like
piojections calleu 9#//# ; 9(/1 , that inciease the intestinal suiface a lot. Each villi is coveieu with tiny
'haiis' calleu miciovilli that 0($,(*-( ; #+$,(*-( the suiface aiea even moie. Within the villi theie aie
numeious bloou anu lymph $*)#//*,#(- ; )#//*,- foi taking up the absoibeu foou. ulucose anu
aminoacius go thiough towaius bloou, fatty acius go into the lymph, anu watei mineials anu vitamins
go to both.

1022 0# )-& 3/22/40#$ )"52&6

:6-(- 3+ #"1-/
:6-(- 3+ :"(I/ -7C)1- 0""2 $#+-2 "7 /&%/+$7#-/
salivaiy glanus amylase maltose
stomach wall polypeptiues
bile salts (not
fat uioplets
anu intestinal
small intestine amylase
fatty acius

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