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And the missing matter?

Is my opinion that these is any missing matter at all, but is possible that there are 0.5 to 1.5% radiant matter coming from the adjacent isospaces due to the high activities of this center, but before going any further on this subject let see same common sense concepts. The ill call ideal platonic world, ie. Tophus Uranus, this does not exist, as was original conceived by Platoon was no more than a Genesis of logic concepts that were not developed in those historical moments, becoming the sub bases of a physic structured that did not exist and had not conceptual plasticity for further development, hence the aforementioned misconception, even worse may be a pre existing mathematic world. The so called positivist world, this is nothing more than a mental state due to a cognitive process, so talking about mathematic positivist is aberrant, as mathematic are constitute of logic thought. The mathematic method gives great precision to other sciences ie physic, etc. due that the sciences, works whit equations and parameters which are reliable if the model is logic, then the results can be obtained we the desired accuracy hence some absurd theories as quantum mechanics can give acceptable results after a great deal of calculations. The so called Russell paradox it is aberrant, due that the referred Barber could be a women, and beardless homosexual, a teen without beard etc. It is a nonsense a generalization of a particular capacity giving a sense of absolute true, hence it contradict a main principle of identity A=A or A Ai. In other form a catalog that contains all the catalogs but not itself, for the some principal identity must contains itself. Now see some equations for example de Friedman equation.

( ) Which in combination with the fluid equation ( )

As we see both equations are of the mathematics continuum, but the energy and the matter is discontinuous, as it see its applications is not correct, even though with some tricks are applicable to cosmology. Say we cant consider coordinates with accelerations in co-moving space because the space does not expand or contract itself, all that exist as I was explain before in not more that the light variability and the concentration exposition. It is said if we pretends that the space expands, is the some case of the infamous ether which nature no one knew, because did not existed and in any can was not necessary. The so called dark matter or energy, where identity no one knows, where in reality it have not been computed huge amounts energy, etc.) The problem is with standard model that is a conceptual, formal and practical mistake. It is seen that the cosmological model is applicable to a dark matter is dark is an aberration, since all the spectrum is dark, with the exception of the visible, since to detect dark energy it is needed detector for this type of radiation, what is call dark energy and matter, is not more that energy and matter of fix drakian as it was said previously in this blog, and must be taken in account when calculating the mass of the universe. This matter emits x-rays, gamma and cosmic rays in the galactic plan is due the structure of the drakian spaces, also the pseudocuelideun space is cruse by great amounts of photons and neutrins. The x and gamma rays is radiation that is converted from the infrared, visible and ultraviolet light that gone into the previous mention structure. Interesting could be to study the incident and emitted energy of the drack spaces to see the evolution of the structures and theirs radius- reactors. Pretends that light from 3500 millions of years is arriving to hearth is a nonsense, since the visible, ultraviolet, x- rays etc. have form and bath the earth 10

forwards the gravitatory centers and the photonic

of matter and energy (ie photrins, drackian, matter and

times since the resonant

energy form the universe, and the so previous asseverations is incoherent.

Now it is use that at present times, time is not more than a metric to condition a development of social, economics, etc. inside a context of sidereal years. Ie. Solar year, sidereal year, but time itself depends of the entropy of the system. It can be referred to any system and varies with it, but this it unpractical and it can lead us to many referential years that creates great confusion, so then it has been adopted a fix

reference as Paris, Greenwich meridian times references. Now let consider x=x, x=y, y=z that implies x=z is an assertion between two or more logics ideas, which depends of the intrinsic nature of the statement, which are not compatible the multiple variable discontinuous space of variable metric with the continues spaces, unless it are converted to continuous spaces through m=xn, Avogadro number, the modular phase and frequency must remind fix, so giving a due m on which can be applies the law of mechanics, dynamics of Lagrange etc. Will let leave this matter, to avoid getting to extended. Let see the famous equation of Dirac that has nothing of beautiful, and the Einstein E=mc2, c*c the speed of light to the square, it contradict the first principle of relativity, due that the support mass have to move to that speed, the referred was not even coherent in his assumptions. Let see the famous eccuation of Dirac that has nothing of beautiful, and the Einstein E=mc2, c*c the speed of light to the square, it contradict the first principle of relativity, due that the supposed mass have to move to that speed, the refered was not even coherent in speed, his assumptions well it is not necessary to continued in this way, because the physic is riddled with error. Let see the micro wave background, it has topologic variations, because when the Universe was created, the residual fossil energy varies inside certain parameter due the impedance and timing of the resonant phasor giving variations of density and temperature producing isometrics on both hemisphere that are not compatible with the big bang theory. Now it is not possible to create a magnetic monopole, due that in the deduction of 0 appears two component of a magnetic flux.

What are they so call mediating force and fields? The matter, mediating force, fields, energy y etc. is no more that a synchronous resonance oscillations of the harmonics discontinuous oscillators that constitutes the above mention matter, and callings them synchronic to facilitates The dialog as it has been described in the previous pages of the blog. The gravitory synchronous resonance is given 3.30212461798x10-31gr and its frequency is 7.73010656617x1015 cm/s with a high impedance is the only once that has implicit, that mean that permeates the matter, and energy, the other forces, electromagnetic, synchronicniag, nuclear forte sincrocenforte do not show a explicit but defund of it throughout xn. Of a proton is consider it has E12x2 and E13 control the E12 inside the nucleolus due to the synchronic forte de los esvare resonant groups of xn, synchro resonant variable intrinsic energy which implies that the gluons do not glu anything at all, the synchronic keeps the xn inside certain parameter, which has angles and equivalents diameters due the synchronic. The electron 2E6 has is not punctual its svares and it associated forces gives and magnetic momentum (spin) with respect its centroid and its variable resonance gives a linear momentum variable respect the center of it orbital. It will be interesting to calculate the equivalent diameter, angles, faces, frequencies of the synchronies oscillators of the 2 E12 (1458 oscillator divided into to fields of 729) the portion that induces the spin and the ones that create the linear momentum of the so call fundamental particles let see the muon 200. The electron gives 291000 svares it do not exist any E4 combination that gives this value then the particle is inviable and should be a force resonance. The tauon 3500 the electron it gives 5103000 svares does not exist any combination with this value then it is inviable and will decay. The previus mention particles are inviable, which indicates that the laks of svares had been convertes into fotons due the impact, which indicates that the collinders accelerator are not a very good approach to the problem.

Another interesting point to observe is a phenomenon that apparently violates the 2 principle of thermodynamics, in which a receiver a temperature T, less than the medium T2 > T1 do work and rejects heat at higher temperature, this have been observed by humanity since 30000 BC say a gres vessel with water T1 less than the medium T2> T1 the water of the gres vessel lowers it temperature, without any dispositive, only the gres which do the work, this is equivalent to the famous devil of Maxwell, that guides the molecules of water to the other

side, cowing its temperature, and doing mechanical works over the water molecules, the medium it is at higher temperature than the water inside the vissel.

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