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Supplementary table for the financial crisis

See notes at the bottom of the table for definitions



Country: SPAIN Date: 30/09/2013

Part 1 : Net revenue/cost for general government (impact on government deficit)

Millions of national currency A REVENUE (a+b+c+d) a) Guarantee fees receivable b) Interest receivable c) Dividends receivable d) Other B EXPENDITURE (e+f+g+h) e) Interest payable (2) f) Capital injections recorded as deficit-increasing (capital transfer) g) Calls on guarantees h) Other C Net revenue/cost for general government (A-B) 1.295 910 385 0 0 39.655 489 39.139 0 27 -38.360

Part 2 : Outstanding amount of assets, actual liabilities


and contingent liabilities of general government

Outside general government Contingent liabilities 105093

General government Millions of national currency (3) D a) b) c) d) e) f) Closing balance sheet Loans Securities other than shares (4) Shares and other equity Liabilities and assets outside general government under guarantee (5) Securities issued under liquidity schemes (6) Special purpose entities (7) Assets (D=a+b+c) 9894 0 0 9894 Liabilities (D=a+b) 54169 0 54169

68399 0 36694

1. This table relates to activities undertaken to support financial institutions. It does not include wider economic stimulus packages. 2. Interest payable includes actual interest, where relevant, and imputed interest on financing (see explanatory note). 3. The appropriate valuation for all entries in part 2 is nominal value, except for ordinary quoted shares held as assets (which should be recorded at market value). In Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended, the nominal value is considered equivalent to the face value. The nominal valuation of certain instruments, notably deposits and various types of bonds, is further specified in chapter VIII.2 of the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. 4. By convention, for the liabilities entry under "general government" (which is the impact on Maastricht Debt from activities to support financial institutions), it is assumed that there is a direct impact on government debt from activities which imply a transfer of cash from government (e.g. transfer of cash relating to capital injections, loans granted, purchase of financial assets), except for the impact from direct borrowing. In addition, imputed financing costs should be included. 5. Guarantees covered are those granted by general government to non-general government units. It does not include guarantees on bank deposits, or guarantees on the liabilities of special purpose entities included below. It is only the value of active guarantees, not the announced ceilings for schemes. It also includes guarantees on assets, whereby government would incur a liability in case of a call. 6. Liquidity schemes included here are those where the government securities used are not recorded as government debt (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). By convention, they are recorded in part 2 as "contingent liabilities outside the general government", as for guarantees, though it should be noted that the exposure of government is likely to be limited. 7. Special purpose entities included here are those where government has a significant role, including a guarantee, but which are classified outside the general government sector (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). Their liabilities are recorded outside the general government sector (as contingent liabilities of general government). Traduccin al espaol 1. Este cuadro se refiere a las actividades realizadas para apoyar a las instituciones financieras. No incluye los paquetes de estmulo econmico ms amplio. 2. Intereses a pagar incluye inters real, en los casos pertinentes, e imputado intereses de financiamiento (vase la nota explicativa). 3. La valoracin adecuada de todas las entradas en la parte 2 es valor nominal, con la excepcin de las acciones cotizadas en activos (que deben ser registrados a su valor de mercado). En el Reglamento del Consejo 479/2009, en su forma enmendada, el valor nominal se considera equivalente al valor nominal. El valor nominal de ciertos instrumentos, en particular los depsitos y diversos tipos de bonos, se especifica en el captulo VIII 2 del SEC95 Manual en el dficit y la Deuda Pblica. 4. Por convenio, de las obligaciones de "gobierno general" (que es el impacto en el Tratado de Maastricht la deuda de las actividades a apoyar a las instituciones financieras), se supone que hay un impacto directo sobre la deuda pblica de las actividades que implican una transferencia de dinero del gobierno (por ejemplo, la transferencia de los fondos relativos a las inyecciones de capital, los prstamos concedidos, adquisicin de activos financieros), excepto para los efectos de endeudamiento directo. Adems, los costes financieros imputados deben ser incluidos. 5. Las garantas cubiertas son aquellos otorgados por las administraciones pblicas a las de las unidades de las administraciones pblicas. No se incluyen las garantas de los depsitos bancarios, o las garantas de los pasivos de entidades de propsito especial. Es slo el valor de las garantas, no la ha anunciado planes para techos. Tambin incluye garantas sobre activos, en el que el gobierno tendra una responsabilidad en caso de una llamada. 6. Liquidez los planes se incluyen aqu aquellos en que el gobierno los valores utilizados no se registra como deuda pblica (vase la decisin de Eurostat y gua que lo acompaa nota para los detalles). Por convencin, no se registran en la parte 2, "pasivos contingentes fuera del gobierno general", como el de garantas, a pesar de que no debe ser

7. Entidades de propsito especial se incluyen aqu los casos en que el gobierno tiene un papel importante, incluida una garanta, pero que se encuentren fuera de la clasificacin general Sector gubernamental (vase la decisin de Eurostat nota de orientacin y acompaamiento para los detalles). Los pasivos se registran fuera del sector de las administraciones pblicas (como pasivos contingentes del gobierno general). Country footnotes Countries may add footnotes to explain their national data. 1... 2..
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BFA,S.A. conversin preferentes BFA, S.A. suscripcin de capital CATALUNYA BANC conversin preferentes CATALUNYA BANC suscripcin de capital NCG conversin preferentes NCG suscripcin de capital BANCO DE VALENCIA TOTAL CAPITAL TRANSFERS 4.465 14.463 1.250 8.322 1.162 3.979 5.498 39.139

Supplementary table for the financial crisis

See notes at the bottom of the table for definitions



Country: SPAIN Date: 30/09/2013

Part 1 : Net revenue/cost for general government (impact on government deficit)

Millions of national currency A REVENUE (a+b+c+d) a) Guarantee fees receivable b) Interest receivable c) Dividends receivable d) Other B EXPENDITURE (e+f+g+h) e) Interest payable (2) f) Capital injections recorded as deficit-increasing (capital transfer) g) Calls on guarantees h) Other C Net revenue/cost for general government (A-B) 1.927 599 1.328 0 0 5.443 297 5.137 0 9 -3.516

Part 2 : Outstanding amount of assets, actual liabilities (4) and contingent liabilities of general government
Outside general government Contingent liabilities 64659

General government Millions of national currency (3) D a) b) c) d) e) f) Closing balance sheet Loans Securities other than shares (4) Shares and other equity Liabilities and assets outside general government under guarantee (5) Securities issued under liquidity schemes (6) Special purpose entities (7) Assets (D=a+b+c) 19269 3906 6000 9363 Liabilities (D=a+b) 24405 0 24405

64659 0 0

1. This table relates to activities undertaken to support financial institutions. It does not include wider economic stimulus packages. 2. Interest payable includes actual interest, where relevant, and imputed interest on financing (see explanatory note). 3. The appropriate valuation for all entries in part 2 is nominal value, except for ordinary quoted shares held as assets (which should be recorded at market value). In Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended, the nominal value is considered equivalent to the face value. The nominal valuation of certain instruments, notably deposits and various types of bonds, is further specified in chapter VIII.2 of the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. 4. By convention, for the liabilities entry under "general government" (which is the impact on Maastricht Debt from activities to support financial institutions), it is assumed that there is a direct impact on government debt from activities which imply a transfer of cash from government (e.g. transfer of cash relating to capital injections, loans granted, purchase of financial assets), except for the impact from direct borrowing. In addition, imputed financing costs should be included. 5. Guarantees covered are those granted by general government to non-general government units. It does not include guarantees on bank deposits, or guarantees on the liabilities of special purpose entities included below. It is only the value of active guarantees, not the announced ceilings for schemes. It also includes guarantees on assets, whereby government would incur a liability in case of a call. 6. Liquidity schemes included here are those where the government securities used are not recorded as government debt (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). By convention, they are recorded in part 2 as "contingent liabilities outside the general government", as for guarantees, though it should be noted that the exposure of government is likely to be limited. 7. Special purpose entities included here are those where government has a significant role, including a guarantee, but which are classified outside the general government sector (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). Their liabilities are recorded outside the general government sector (as contingent liabilities of general government). Country footnotes Countries may add footnotes to explain their national data. 1... 2..

Millions of national currency A REVENUE (a+b+c+d) a) Guarantee fees receivable b) Interest receivable c) Dividends receivable d) Other B EXPENDITURE (e+f+g+h) e) Interest payable (2) f) Capital injections recorded as deficit-increasing (capital transfer) g) Calls on guarantees h) Other C Net revenue/cost for general government (A-B)

1.317 512 805 0 0 545 148 0 0 397 772

Part 2 : Outstanding amount of assets, actual liabilities (4) and contingent liabilities of general government
Outside general government Contingent liabilities 59.506

General government Millions of national currency (3) D a) b) c) d) e) f) Closing balance sheet Loans Securities other than shares (4) Shares and other equity Liabilities and assets outside general government under guarantee (5) Securities issued under liquidity schemes (6) Special purpose entities (7) Assets (D=a+b+c) 25.918 0 17.221 8.697 Liabilities (D=a+b) 25.918 0 25.918

59.506 0 0

1. This table relates to activities undertaken to support financial institutions. It does not include wider economic stimulus packages. 2. Interest payable includes actual interest, where relevant, and imputed interest on financing (see explanatory note). 3. The appropriate valuation for all entries in part 2 is nominal value, except for ordinary quoted shares held as assets (which should be recorded at market value). In Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended, the nominal value is considered equivalent to the face value. The nominal valuation of certain instruments, notably deposits and various types of bonds, is further specified in chapter VIII.2 of the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. 4. By convention, for the liabilities entry under "general government" (which is the impact on Maastricht Debt from activities to support financial institutions), it is assumed that there is a direct impact on government debt from activities which imply a transfer of cash from government (e.g. transfer of cash relating to capital injections, loans granted, purchase of financial assets), except for the impact from direct borrowing. In addition, imputed financing costs should be included. 5. Guarantees covered are those granted by general government to non-general government units. It does not include guarantees on bank deposits, or guarantees on the liabilities of special purpose entities included below. It is only the value of active guarantees, not the announced ceilings for schemes. It also includes guarantees on assets, whereby government would incur a liability in case of a call. 6. Liquidity schemes included here are those where the government securities used are not recorded as government debt (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). By convention, they are recorded in part 2 as "contingent liabilities outside the general government", as for guarantees, though it should be noted that the exposure of government is likely to be limited. 7. Special purpose entities included here are those where government has a significant role, including a guarantee, but which are classified outside the general government sector (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). Their liabilities are recorded outside the general government sector (as contingent liabilities of general government).

Millions of national currency A REVENUE (a+b+c+d) a) Guarantee fees receivable b) Interest receivable c) Dividends receivable d) Other B EXPENDITURE (e+f+g+h) e) Interest payable (2) f) Capital injections recorded as deficit-increasing (capital transfer) g) Calls on guarantees h) Other C Net revenue/cost for general government (A-B)

901 268 633 0 0 205 202 0 0 3 696

Part 2 : Outstanding amount of assets, actual liabilities (4) and contingent liabilities of general government
Outside general government Contingent liabilities 49.008

General government Millions of national currency (3) D a) b) c) d) e) f) Closing balance sheet Loans Securities other than shares (4) Shares and other equity Liabilities and assets outside general government under guarantee (5) Securities issued under liquidity schemes (6) Special purpose entities (7) Assets (D=a+b+c) 19.335 0 19.335 0 Liabilities (D=a+b) 19.335 0 19.335

49.008 0 0

1. This table relates to activities undertaken to support financial institutions. It does not include wider economic stimulus packages. 2. Interest payable includes actual interest, where relevant, and imputed interest on financing (see explanatory note). 3. The appropriate valuation for all entries in part 2 is nominal value, except for ordinary quoted shares held as assets (which should be recorded at market value). In Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended, the nominal value is considered equivalent to the face value. The nominal valuation of certain instruments, notably deposits and various types of bonds, is further specified in chapter VIII.2 of the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. 4. By convention, for the liabilities entry under "general government" (which is the impact on Maastricht Debt from activities to support financial institutions), it is assumed that there is a direct impact on government debt from activities which imply a transfer of cash from government (e.g. transfer of cash relating to capital injections, loans granted, purchase of financial assets), except for the impact from direct borrowing. In addition, imputed financing costs should be included. 5. Guarantees covered are those granted by general government to non-general government units. It does not include guarantees on bank deposits, or guarantees on the liabilities of special purpose entities included below. It is only the value of active guarantees, not the announced ceilings for schemes. It also includes guarantees on assets, whereby government would incur a liability in case of a call. 6. Liquidity schemes included here are those where the government securities used are not recorded as government debt (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). By convention, they are recorded in part 2 as "contingent liabilities outside the general government", as for guarantees, though it should be noted that the exposure of government is likely to be limited. 7. Special purpose entities included here are those where government has a significant role, including a guarantee, but which are classified outside the general government sector (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). Their liabilities are recorded outside the general government sector (as contingent liabilities of general government).

Supplementary table for the financial crisis

See notes at the bottom of the table for definitions



Country: SPAIN Date: 30/09/2013

Part 1 : Net revenue/cost for general government (impact on government deficit)

Millions of national currency A REVENUE (a+b+c+d) a) Guarantee fees receivable b) Interest receivable c) Dividends receivable d) Other B EXPENDITURE (e+f+g+h) e) Interest payable (2) f) Capital injections recorded as deficit-increasing (capital transfer) g) Calls on guarantees h) Other C Net revenue/cost for general government (A-B) 9 0 9 0 0 21 21 0 0 0 -12

Part 2 : Outstanding amount of assets, actual liabilities (4) and contingent liabilities of general government
Outside general government Contingent liabilities 0

General government Millions of national currency (3) D a) b) c) d) e) f) Closing balance sheet Loans Securities other than shares (4) Shares and other equity Liabilities and assets outside general government under guarantee (5) Securities issued under liquidity schemes (6) Special purpose entities (7) Assets (D=a+b+c) 9.337 0 9.337 0 Liabilities (D=a+b) 9.337 0 9.337

0 0 0

1. This table relates to activities undertaken to support financial institutions. It does not include wider economic stimulus packages. 2. Interest payable includes actual interest, where relevant, and imputed interest on financing (see explanatory note). 3. The appropriate valuation for all entries in part 2 is nominal value, except for ordinary quoted shares held as assets (which should be recorded at market value). In Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended, the nominal value is considered equivalent to the face value. The nominal valuation of certain instruments, notably deposits and various types of bonds, is further specified in chapter VIII.2 of the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. 4. By convention, for the liabilities entry under "general government" (which is the impact on Maastricht Debt from activities to support financial institutions), it is assumed that there is a direct impact on government debt from activities which imply a transfer of cash from government (e.g. transfer of cash relating to capital injections, loans granted, purchase of financial assets), except for the impact from direct borrowing. In addition, imputed financing costs should be included. 5. Guarantees covered are those granted by general government to non-general government units. It does not include guarantees on bank deposits, or guarantees on the liabilities of special purpose entities included below. It is only the value of active guarantees, not the announced ceilings for schemes. It also includes guarantees on assets, whereby government would incur a liability in case of a call. 6. Liquidity schemes included here are those where the government securities used are not recorded as government debt (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). By convention, they are recorded in part 2 as "contingent liabilities outside the general government", as for guarantees, though it should be noted that the exposure of government is likely to be limited. 7. Special purpose entities included here are those where government has a significant role, including a guarantee, but which are classified outside the general government sector (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). Their liabilities are recorded outside the general government sector (as contingent liabilities of general government).

Supplementary table for the financial crisis

See notes at the bottom of the table for definitions



Country: SPAIN Date: 30/09/2013

Part 1 : Net revenue/cost for general government (impact on government deficit)

Millions of national currency A REVENUE (a+b+c+d) a) Guarantee fees receivable b) Interest receivable c) Dividends receivable d) Other B EXPENDITURE (e+f+g+h) e) Interest payable (2) f) Capital injections recorded as deficit-increasing (capital transfer) g) Calls on guarantees h) Other C Net revenue/cost for general government (A-B) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Part 2 : Outstanding amount of assets, actual liabilities (4) and contingent liabilities of general government
Outside general government Contingent liabilities 0

General government Millions of national currency (3) D a) b) c) d) e) f) Closing balance sheet Loans Securities other than shares (4) Shares and other equity Liabilities and assets outside general government under guarantee (5) Securities issued under liquidity schemes (6) Special purpose entities (7) Assets (D=a+b+c) 0 0 0 0 Liabilities (D=a+b) 0 0 0

0 0 0

1. This table relates to activities undertaken to support financial institutions. It does not include wider economic stimulus packages. 2. Interest payable includes actual interest, where relevant, and imputed interest on financing (see explanatory note). 3. The appropriate valuation for all entries in part 2 is nominal value, except for ordinary quoted shares held as assets (which should be recorded at market value). In Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended, the nominal value is considered equivalent to the face value. The nominal valuation of certain instruments, notably deposits and various types of bonds, is further specified in chapter VIII.2 of the ESA95 Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. 4. By convention, for the liabilities entry under "general government" (which is the impact on Maastricht Debt from activities to support financial institutions), it is assumed that there is a direct impact on government debt from activities which imply a transfer of cash from government (e.g. transfer of cash relating to capital injections, loans granted, purchase of financial assets), except for the impact from direct borrowing. In addition, imputed financing costs should be included. 5. Guarantees covered are those granted by general government to non-general government units. It does not include guarantees on bank deposits, or guarantees on the liabilities of special purpose entities included below. It is only the value of active guarantees, not the announced ceilings for schemes. It also includes guarantees on assets, whereby government would incur a liability in case of a call. 6. Liquidity schemes included here are those where the government securities used are not recorded as government debt (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). By convention, they are recorded in part 2 as "contingent liabilities outside the general government", as for guarantees, though it should be noted that the exposure of government is likely to be limited. 7. Special purpose entities included here are those where government has a significant role, including a guarantee, but which are classified outside the general government sector (see the Eurostat Decision and accompanying guidance note for details). Their liabilities are recorded outside the general government sector (as contingent liabilities of general government).

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